
Redstockings Abortion Speakout, March 21, 1969, New York City

This is the audio from the original Redstockings abortion speakout at the Washington ...
from archive.org

This is the audio from the original Redstockings abortion speakout at the Washington Square Methodist Church in Greenwich Village, New York City, March 21, 1969. Women, defying law and custom, for the first time tell publicly and testify anonymously about their then-criminal abortions. "We are the ones that have had the abortions... This is why we're here tonight, to make things come home... We are the only experts." -- A woman testifying in 1969.

Read about this speakout in a Village Voice article by Susan Brownmiller on a Redstockings blog, and find more history on abortion speakouts and actions in the "Abortion Speakout Archives for Action Packet" in the Redstockings online library.

Website: redstockings.org
Facebook: facebook.com/redstockings

(C) 1969, 1992, 2018 Redstockings, Inc.

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