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In Transit [Pilot] A pilot made for BBC Radio 4 about the Idiot Bastard Band (Adrian Edmondson, Phill Jupitus, Rowland Rivron and Neil Innes) about their exploits on tour in The German Van. For various reasons a commissioned series was indefinitely postponed. Recorded at RADA Studios October 2013 Innes Own World Famed for 'The Rutles' and 'The Bonzo Dog Band', Neil Innes ruminates wryly on the nature of civilisation. Neil Innes: Dip My Brain In Joy Diane Morgan celebrates the music and comedy legend of The Bonzo Dog Band and The Rutles. Occasionally known as the 7th Python and regularly found with a duck on his head. Neil Innes [BBC Scotland Comedy Caf? Neil talks about forming a uniquely named band with Ade Edmondson and Phill Jupitus and plays a little ditty on his ukulele. Innes Book Of Records Innes Book Of Records : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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List of MP3s: Innes Dip My Brain In Joy !.mp3: S01E01 Neil Innes Dip My Brain In Joy Innes Dip My Brain In Joy 2.mp3: S01E02 Neil Innes Dip My Brain In Joy Innes Dip My Brain In Joy 3.mp3: S01E03 Neil Innes Dip My Brain In Joy Innes [BBC Scotland Comedy Café.mp3: Neil Innes [BBC Scotland Comedy Café In Transit [Pilot] 1.mp3: S01E00 In Transit [Pilot] Innes Own World 1.mp3: S01E01 Innes Own World Innes Own World 1.mp3: S01E02 Innes Own World Innes Own World 1.mp3: S01E03 Innes Own World Innes Own World 1.mp3: S01E04 Innes Own World
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