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A comedy series by writers Joel Morris and Jason Hazeley, of the Ladybird Books for Grown Ups, Charlie Brooker's Wipe, That Mitchell and Webb Look and A Touch of Cloth. Matthew Holness stars as Knut Ångström, a brooding, alcoholic, maverick Swedish detective from the tough streets of Oslo, in a Scandinavian detective yarn adapted from the bestselling Ångström trilogy by Martin English (writing as Bjorgen Swedenssonsson). Following the death of his wife, Ångström is posted to the Njalsland peninsula where he becomes embroiled in a labyrinthine murder (or possibly not-murder) case which bears an eerie similarity to the Askeladden killings - a case from his distant past. Cast: Matthew Holness, Nadia Kamil, Simon Kane, Kevin Eldon, Anna Crilly, David Reed, Freya Parker. Production Co-ordinator: Tamara Shilham Produced by Lyndsay Fenner
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List of MP3s: The Man Who Wasn't Dead.mp3: The Man Who Wasn't Dead The Two Faces of Benny from Abba.mp3: The Two Faces of Benny from Abba Into the Mad Mind of Madness.mp3: Into the Mad Mind of Madness The Hunter is the Hunted and the Hunter
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. The display title will be prefixed with the title of the podcast, eg. "Bat Segundo: David Mitchell", so you don't need to repeat the name of the podcast in each title.)