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Harold Pinter's writing career spanned over 50 years and produced 29 original stage plays, 27 screenplays, many dramatic sketches, radio and TV plays, poetry, one novel, short fiction, essays, speeches, and letters. In 2005 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature and, in the same year, the Wilfred Owen Award for Poetry and the Franz Kafka Award (Prague). In 2006 he was awarded the Europe Theatre Prize and, in 2007, the highest French honor, the Legion d'honneur. He died in December 2008.
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List of MP3s: A Night Out_ A New Play for Radio.mp3: 1960-03-24 A Night Out: A New Play for Radio The Caretaker.mp3: 1969-09-29 The Caretaker The Birthday Party.mp3: 1970-02-02 The Birthday Party A Slight Ache (starring Pinter) _ Last to Go (1964).mp3: 2000-10-13 A Slight Ache (starring Pinter) | Last to Go (1964) Landscape (1968) _ Family Voices (1981).mp3: 2005-06-19 Landscape (1968) | Family Voices (1981) The Homecoming (Michael Gambon).mp3: 2007-12-09 The Homecoming (Michael Gambon) Landscape _ The Examination (Michael Gambon).mp3: 2008-05-08 Landscape | The Examination (Michael Gambon) The Caretaker (David Warner).mp3: 2010-11-27 The Caretaker (David Warner) Betrayal (Olivia Colman, Andrew Scott).mp3: 2012-07-14 Betrayal (Olivia Colman, Andrew Scott) Old Times (Olivia Williams).mp3: 2014-xx-xx Old Times (Olivia Williams) The Dreaming Child (BBC Unmade Movies).mp3: 2015-05-07 The Dreaming Child (BBC Unmade Movies) A Kind of Alaska _ Ashes to Ashes (Harriet Walter0.mp3: 2015-xx-xx A Kind of Alaska | Ashes to Ashes (Harriet Walter0
(This should be a list of full URLs of MP3s, one per line. If you want to specify a title that's different from the raw filename, put a colon after the filename, followed by the title, eg. David Mitchell
. The display title will be prefixed with the title of the podcast, eg. "Bat Segundo: David Mitchell", so you don't need to repeat the name of the podcast in each title.)