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Monsieur Pamplemousse Investigates - Culinary Detective Pamplemousse is a retired policeman living in Paris, now making a living as an inspector for "Le Guide", a Michelin-like restaurant directory. His long-suffering wife is Doucette, and his constant companion Pommes Frites is a bloodhound. These three episodes of Michael Bond's detective story are dramatised by Alick Rowe and star Gorden Kaye and Shirley Dixon. 1 Black Tuesday Michael Bond's French detective investigates dirty tricks at restaurant directory Le Guide. With Gorden Kaye. 2 Grey Wednesday Whose thumbprint is on the chocolate, and where is Madame Grant? 3 The Final Print-Out The trail leads the detective and his trusty hound to P?re Lachaise Cemetery before a final watery showdown. Director: John Tydeman A Mentorn Radio production first heard on BBC Radio 4 in 1995. ============== The eccentric flatfoot/gourmand and Pommes Frites, his clever dog, team up to sniff out clues when a not-so-merry prankster sabotages Le Guide , "France's oldest and most respected food guide." The fictional food bible's staff finds itself in a stew when a false obituary of the director appears in the local paper on the very day the final manuscript - the first edition produced by computer, with influential new restaurant ratings - is to be unveiled at a company celebration. There the director faints dead away when he finds the manuscript completely botched, riddled with missratings and erroneous reviews. Jovial food maven Aristide Pamplemousse, an Inspector Clousseau-meets-Hercule Poirot type, smells something foul when the company's accountant - the sole employee other than the director with access to the computer password - cannot be found. ------- Monsieur Pamplemousse, inspector of food and detective extraordinaire, is ever grateful for the companionship of his friend and helper, Pommes Frites, a bloodhound with a finely-tuned nose. British writer Bond, also the creator of the Paddington Bear children's series, smartly sidesteps cliches about computer crime, instead devising an old-fashioned puzzle with immensely pleasurable characters and pervasive comic zest.
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List of MP3s: Monsieur Pamplemousse Investigates - 1 of 3 - Black Tuesday.mp3: Black Tuesday Monsieur Pamplemousse Investigates - 2 of 3 - Grey Wednesday.mp3: Grey Wednesday Monsieur Pamplemousse Investigates - 3 of 3 - The Final Print-Out.mp3: The Final Print-Out
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