Active Time Babble archive
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Active Time Babble was 1UP's podcast companion to their RPG blog The Grind. Every fortnight, Kat Bailey, Jeremy Parish, and various guests discuss all manner of role-playing games: console, PC, classic, MMO, pen-and-paper, and more!
Kat really ran this podcast through three stages.
Stage 1 - The Grind Test Episode
This was a single episode on July 16, 2009 that tested the format. This was a one-off companion to the Grind Blog.
Stage 2 - Active Time Babble - Episodes I-XXXIII
This was when Kat worked full time for This started as a companion to the Grind Blog.
Stage 3 - Active Time Babble - Episodes XXX!V-XLII
Kat comes back as a contributor and finishes off the podcast with Jeremy Parish, Bob Mackey, and a selection of other guests.
- Retronauts One-Off The Grind (Pilot Test Episode): 07/16/2009 (22.1Mb)
- Active Time Babble: Post-TGS Wrap-Up | 10/15/2009 (44Mb)
- Active Time Babble II: Nostalgia and Demon's Souls | 10/29/2009 (42.1Mb)
- Active Time Babble III: Star Trek Online and Dragon Age | 11/12/2009 (33.7Mb)
- Active Time Babble IV: World of Warcraft and Dragon Age | 12/10/2009 (46.6Mb)
- Active Time Babble V: Etrian Odyssey | 12/17/2009 (44.8Mb)
- Active Time Babble VI: Avernum | 12/31/2009 (19.3Mb)
- Active Time Babble VII: Final Fantasy XIII | 01/14/2010 (56.3Mb)
- Active Time Babble VIII: Mass Effect 2 | 01/28/2010 (45.2Mb)
- Active Time Babble IX: Trek Online & Rougelikes | 02/11/2010 (51.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble X: Final Fantasy XIII | 02/25/2010 (57.8Mb)
- Active Time Babble XI: Pokemon & Dragon Age | 03/18/2010 (42.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble XII: Resonance of Fate | 03/25/2010 (35.7Mb)
- Active Time Babble XIII: Yakuza 3 & Infinite Space | 04/08/2010 (34.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble XIV: Etrian Odyssey III & 3D Dot Game Heroes | 05/07/2010 (37.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble XV: Ys & Threads of Fate | 05/21/2010 (39.2Mb)
- Active Time Babble XVI: Alpha Protocol & Fallout New Vegas | 06/03/2010 (29.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble E3 2010 Special | 06/17/2010 (71.8Mb)
- Active Time Babble XVII: The State of JRPGs | 07/01/2010 (109.5Mb)
- Active Time Babble XVIII: Persona 3 Portable & DeathSpank | 07/15/2010 (80Mb)
- Active Time Babble XX: The Fall RPG Preview | 08/12/2010 (77.9Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXI: Ys Seven & Tactical RPGs | 08/26/2010 (98.7Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXII | 09/09/2010 (76.8Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXIII: TGS Wrap-up and Pokemon Black | 10/07/2010 (33.9Mb)
- ATB XXIV: The State of Western RPGs | 10/21/2010 (49.1Mb)
- ATB XXV: Fable III & Fallout New Vegas | 11/08/2010 (55.9Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXVI: Radiant Historia, DC Universe and Costume Quest | 11/18/2010 (71.8Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXVII: Elder Scrolls V & World of WarCraft: Cataclysm | 12/16/2010 (57.7Mb)
- Active Time Babble: XXVIII | 12/27/2010 (100.7Mb)
- Active Time Babble XIX: Dragon Quest IX | 07/29/2010 (80.5Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXIX: Kindom Hearts & The 2011 Preview (56.9Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXX: Radiant Historia & DC Universe Online (71.1Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXI: Tactics Ogre & Dragon Age II (57.3Mb)
- ATB XXXII: BioWare's Mike Laidlaw, Valkyria Chronicles 3 and Dragon Quest VI (50.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXIII: Deux Ex, Dragon Age II & MMORPGs (115.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXIV: Dogmatic Demons (62.7Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXV: Let's Talk About Kanji (73.9Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXVI: A Fair and Balanced Discussion of Kingdom Hearts (61.3Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXVII: An Early Look at Dragon Quest X (32.4Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXVIII: Journey to the West (71.5Mb)
- Active Time Babble XXXIX: Gotta Catch More RPGs (72.1Mb)
- Active Time Babble XL: Looking Back on An Underrated RPG Console (32.6Mb)
- Active Time Battle XLI: Farewell to 2012 (73.3Mb)
- Active Time Battle - The Final (91.5Mb)
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