To subscribe to a personalised Good Grief archive podcast, starting today with
goodgrief_001 goodgrief_002 goodgrief_003 GoodGrief_004 GoodGrief_005 GoodGrief_006 goodgrief_007 GoodGrief_008 goodgrief_009 GoodGrief_010 GoodGrief_011 GoodGrief_012 GoodGrief_013 GoodGrief_014 GoodGrief_015(edit).output GoodGrief_016 GoodGrief_018 GoodGrief_019(edit).output GoodGrief_1012_edit.output GoodGrief_1106_edit.output and with a new episode
every four weeks
every three weeks
every two weeks
every ten days
every seven days
every six days
every five days
every four days
every three days
every two days
every day
all episodes at once
, use the following URL:
To subscribe to a personalised Good Grief archive podcast, starting today with
goodgrief_001 and with a new episode every seven days, use the following URL:
(For a different start date, just change the YYMMDD date in the URL; for a different number of days between episodes, change the number
at the end.)
The complete collection of's Good Grief: self-described as a "sophomoric, crass and occasionally illuminating podcast". It was succeeded in November 2009 by The Oddcast.
goodgrief_001 (28Mb)
goodgrief_002 (32.6Mb)
goodgrief_003 (31.8Mb)
GoodGrief_004 (45.9Mb)
GoodGrief_005 (28.4Mb)
GoodGrief_006 (27Mb)
goodgrief_007 (23Mb)
GoodGrief_008 (26.9Mb)
goodgrief_009 (69Mb)
GoodGrief_010 (37.3Mb)
GoodGrief_011 (26.9Mb)
GoodGrief_012 (22.5Mb)
GoodGrief_013 (21.6Mb)
GoodGrief_014 (26.5Mb)
GoodGrief_015(edit).output (33.5Mb)
GoodGrief_016 (33.5Mb)
GoodGrief_018 (28.3Mb)
GoodGrief_019(edit).output (24.4Mb)
GoodGrief_1012_edit.output (24.5Mb)
GoodGrief_1106_edit.output (28Mb)
MP3 files hosted by .