
The Blackburn Files

Comedy drama about a northern detective agency
from s3.amazonaws.com, archive.org

first aired in 89 and 93, it was a popular series and often mentioned for its pleasant story lines.

  1. A Case of Making Good (6.8Mb)
  2. A Case of Parma Violets (6.6Mb)
  3. A Cruel Case of War (25.3Mb)
  4. A Case of Plagiarism (26.2Mb)
  5. A Case of Haddock and Plaice (6.2Mb)
  6. A Case of Frinks and Moores (6.1Mb)
  7. A Case of Hearts and Flowers (6.4Mb)
  8. A Case of a Golden Smile (6.3Mb)
  9. A Case of Whistle and Run (6.5Mb)
  10. Case of Winners and Losers (3.4Mb)
  11. A Case of Hard Times (0Mb)
  12. A Case of Drowning Sorrows (4.5Mb)
  13. A Case of Happy Endings (3.9Mb)

MP3 files hosted by s3.amazonaws.com, archive.org.