
The Rest of the Story

1970s radio series of little-known factual stories
from archive.org

The Rest of the Story was a Monday-through-Friday radio program originally hosted by Paul Harvey. Beginning as a part of his newscasts during the Second World War and then premiering as its own series on the ABC Radio Networks on May 10, 1976, The Rest of the Story consisted of stories presented as little-known or forgotten facts on a variety of subjects with some key element of the story (usually the name of some well-known person) held back until the end. The broadcasts always concluded with a variation on the tag line, "And now you know...the rest of the story." On the majority of radio stations, it often served as a mid-afternoon drive counterpart to Harvey's noontime News and Comment.

From its inception, the scripts for the series had been drafted and the broadcasts produced by Harvey's son Paul Harvey Jr., who in later years of his father's career also acted as a substitute host. Some of the radio stories were published in book form as The Rest of the Story and More of The Rest of the Story. (On the back cover of More of The Rest of the Story, the book is said to contain "True mysteries from history".) After the elder Harvey's death on February 28, 2009, ABC radio host Doug Limerick was chosen as the show's new host. The Rest of the Story was canceled after three weeks with Limerick as host.

  1. Aaron Burr (divorce case) (0.8Mb)
  2. Abandoned Blind Racoon (inspires family compassion) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  3. Abandoned Blind Racoon (inspires family compassion) (0.9Mb)
  4. Abbe Pierre (Down and out priest who founded Emmaus) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  5. Abdominal Surgery (first 1809) (0.8Mb)
  6. Abebe Bikila (Ethiopian runner won 1960 Olympics marathon barefoot) (1986) (0.9Mb)
  7. Abigail Fillmore (made improvements to White House) (0.9Mb)
  8. Abner Doubleday (fired first Union shot in Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  9. Abortion (legal in US 19th century) (0.9Mb)
  10. Abortions Prevented (saved lives of da Vinci & Hitler) (0.9Mb)
  11. Abraham Lincoln (Assassination attempt while horse riding at night) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  12. Abraham Lincoln (Corrupt Convention) (1Mb)
  13. Abraham Lincoln (Emancipation Proclamation speech) (0.8Mb)
  14. Abraham Lincoln (Grew beard on advice from 11 year old girl) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  15. Abraham Lincoln (Grew beard on advice from 11 year old girl) (Version 2) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  16. Abraham Lincoln (Inventor & Boats) (0.9Mb)
  17. Abraham Lincoln (John Wilkes Booth acted in Ford's Theater) (0.8Mb)
  18. Abraham Lincoln (Kidnapped after death) (0.9Mb)
  19. Abraham Lincoln (Law books in old 50 cent barrel) (0.9Mb)
  20. Abraham Lincoln (Lewis Payne, Secretary of State assassinated) (0.9Mb)
  21. Abraham Lincoln (Madness in the air) (0.9Mb)
  22. Abraham Lincoln (Never slept in bedroom) (0.9Mb)
  23. Abraham Lincoln (No photograph at Gettysburg Address) (0.9Mb)
  24. Abraham Lincoln (Pro Slavery & Long Nine) (NO BEGINNING) (0.9Mb)
  25. Abraham Lincoln (Racist) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  26. Abraham Lincoln (Seance at the White House) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  27. Abraham Lincoln (Seance at the White House) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  28. Abraham Lincoln (White House Ghost) (0.9Mb)
  29. Abraham Lincoln (animal activist) (0.9Mb)
  30. Abraham Lincoln (as a bartender, sued) (0.9Mb)
  31. Abraham Lincoln (assassination plot) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  32. Abraham Lincoln (assassination plot) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  33. Abraham Lincoln (bad bodyguard) (0.9Mb)
  34. Abraham Lincoln (battered husband in White House) (0.8Mb)
  35. Abraham Lincoln (defends slave owner farmer) (0.9Mb)
  36. Abraham Lincoln (despondent and depressed) (0.9Mb)
  37. Abraham Lincoln (friend Stephen Douglas) (0.9Mb)
  38. Abraham Lincoln (guarded his body after his death) (0.9Mb)
  39. Abraham Lincoln (had smallpox at Gettysburg Address) (0.9Mb)
  40. Abraham Lincoln (hanging 38 Indians) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  41. Abraham Lincoln (his grandfather, captured by Indians) (0.8Mb)
  42. Abraham Lincoln (lawyer & dark moon) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  43. Abraham Lincoln (lawyer & dark moon) (0.9Mb)
  44. Abraham Lincoln (mother died due to poisoned milk) (0.9Mb)
  45. Abraham Lincoln (phrase copying) (0.9Mb)
  46. Abraham Lincoln (posed for statue) (0.9Mb)
  47. Abraham Lincoln (son stuffed papers in wall, found 1987) (0.8Mb)
  48. Abraham Lincoln (stepmother saving goodbye) (0.8Mb)
  49. Abraham Lincoln (three brat sons) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  50. Abraham Lincoln (wife was boss) (0.9Mb)
  51. Abraham Lincoln (woman military advisor) (0.9Mb)
  52. Abraham Lincoln (wrestling) (0.9Mb)
  53. Abraham Lincoln (writing of Emancipation Proclamation) (0.9Mb)
  54. Abused Girl (now head of mental hospital) (0.9Mb)
  55. Admiral Richard Byrd (Never Left Nest) (0.9Mb)
  56. Adolf Hitler (Alan Cranston's English Translation of Mein Kampf) (0.9Mb)
  57. Adolf Hitler (Bad translation) (0.9Mb)
  58. Adolf Hitler (British war book) (0.9Mb)
  59. Adolf Hitler (Deception by fake documents) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  60. Adolf Hitler (anti-Jew ideas from Richard Wagner) (0.9Mb)
  61. Adolf Hitler (father a mixed up mess) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  62. Adolf Hitler (father a mixed up mess) (0.8Mb)
  63. Adolf Hitler (friend prevented suicide) (0.9Mb)
  64. Adolf Hitler (his cousin looked like him) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  65. Adolf Hitler (painting sold in 1988 auction Louisville, KY) (0.9Mb)
  66. Adolf Hitler (the bum by choice) (0.9Mb)
  67. Adolphe Sax (Inventor of Saxaphone) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  68. Adolphe Sax (Inventor of Saxaphone) (0.9Mb)
  69. Adrian Nicholas (used Leonardo DaVinci's parachute design from 1485) (0.9Mb)
  70. Adriana Caselotti (Voice and singer for Snow White) (0.9Mb)
  71. Aesop's Fables (never existed) (0.9Mb)
  72. Afraid to fly (parachuted to safety) (1.8Mb)
  73. African Girl (10,000 years old in Brazil, human migration) (0.9Mb)
  74. Agatha Christie (Tried to frame husband) (0.6Mb)
  75. Agatha Christie (nurse found sick girl had thalium poisoning) (0.9Mb)
  76. Agatha Christie (slow little girl) (0.9Mb)
  77. Air Force Guard Dog (died in Desert Shield 1990) (0.9Mb)
  78. Air Mail Experiment (shot by missile 1959) (0.9Mb)
  79. Airplane (invented in Michigan 1898) (0.8Mb)
  80. Aisin Gioro Puyi (last Chinese emperor and later gardner) (0.9Mb)
  81. Ajo Copper Mine (A. J. Shotwell phony copper mines actually productive) (0.9Mb)
  82. Al Camp (female football coach) (0.9Mb)
  83. Al Capone (his gun after death) (0.9Mb)
  84. Al Capone (philanthropist during Great Depression) (0.9Mb)
  85. Al Jolsen (Fight with Walter Winchell) (0.8Mb)
  86. Al Jolsen (school mates with Babe Ruth & Bo Jangles) (0.8Mb)
  87. Al Jolson (Had To Whistle, lost voice) (0.9Mb)
  88. Alan Alda (Polio at age 7) (0.9Mb)
  89. Alan Turing (WWII code cracker, homosexual and suicide) (0.9Mb)
  90. Alaska (two Russian ships attempted to find Gammaland 1741) (0.9Mb)
  91. Alaskan Street Gang (shoveled snow for people) (0.9Mb)
  92. Alaskan Trapper (dog saved life) (0.9Mb)
  93. Albert Einstein (Refrigerator) (0.7Mb)
  94. Albert Einstein (brain saved after death) (0.9Mb)
  95. Albert Einstein (deemed to be retarded) (0.9Mb)
  96. Albert Einstein (fan of Mozart) (0.9Mb)
  97. Albert Einstein (his son Edward) (0.8Mb)
  98. Albert Einstein (illegitimate child) (0.8Mb)
  99. Albert Einstein (wedding & lost key) (0.8Mb)
  100. Albert Payson Terhune (dog story writer) (0.6Mb)
  101. Albert Schweitzer (sex symbol) (0.9Mb)
  102. Albrecht Durer (Bob Hope painting) (0.9Mb)
  103. Alcatraz (4 prisoners escaped in 1903) (0.9Mb)
  104. Alcatraz (Pacific Paradise) (0.7Mb)
  105. Alcatraz (The slammer) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  106. Alcatraz (tourist attraction) (0.8Mb)
  107. Alcohol (Use as a fuel) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  108. Alcohol Fuel For Cars (invented by Henry Ford) (0.9Mb)
  109. Alden Partridge (West Point in shambles) (0.8Mb)
  110. Alex Haley (ghost wrote love letters while in Coast Guard) (0.9Mb)
  111. Alexander Bain (fax machine 1843) (0.9Mb)
  112. Alexander Bell (tried selling Telephone to Western Union) (0.8Mb)
  113. Alexander Graham Bell (Hated Phones) (0.9Mb)
  114. Alexander Graham Bell (Hydrofoil Boats) (0.9Mb)
  115. Alexander Graham Bell (family moved from Scotland to Canada) (0.8Mb)
  116. Alexander Graham Bell (founding member National Geographic Society) (1Mb)
  117. Alexander Graham Bell (invented Iron Lung) (0.9Mb)
  118. Alexander Graham Bell (mother & wife deaf) (0.9Mb)
  119. Alexander Hamilton (Saved and later killed by Aaron Burr) (0.9Mb)
  120. Alexander Hamilton (could not manage his own money) (0.9Mb)
  121. Alexander The Great (first underwater divers) (0.9Mb)
  122. Alexandra of Denmark (Queen Julia, Nurse and Stiff Leg) (0.9Mb)
  123. Alfie Moore (emergency hockey goalie for Stanley Cup) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  124. Alfred Hitchcock (School Days, surprise ending) (0.9Mb)
  125. Alfred Hitchcock (home alone, scared for life) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  126. Alfred Hitchcock (naughty boy in jail) (0.9Mb)
  127. Alfred Nobel (His lover Sofie) (0.7Mb)
  128. Alfred Nobel (dynamite as safe version of Nitroglycerin) (0.9Mb)
  129. Alfred Nobel (established the Nobel Prize in his will) (0.9Mb)
  130. Alice Evans (avocated for milk to be pasturized in 1917) (0.9Mb)
  131. Alice Heine (Princess from US helped to civilize Monaco 1889) (0.9Mb)
  132. Alice Marble (tennis star, Clark Gable inspired her) (0.9Mb)
  133. Alka Seltzer (invented as flu remedy) (0.9Mb)
  134. All Is Quiet in Jail (animal testing protest) (0.9Mb)
  135. All Shook Up (song written by Otis Blackwell on a dare) (0.9Mb)
  136. Allan Lockheed (Lockeed Aircraft founder) (0.9Mb)
  137. Almost the end of royalty (England) (0.9Mb)
  138. Aloha Oe (Hawaiian Love Song by Liliuokalani) (0.8Mb)
  139. Alonzo Clemons (Retarded sculptor) (0.9Mb)
  140. Alonzo Haney (16 year old designed a better Windshield Wiper Blade) (0.9Mb)
  141. Alta Truex (Seventy-Eight Year Old Runner) (0.9Mb)
  142. Altlantic Ocean conquered (fingers froze to oars 1883) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  143. Alvin Karpis and Charles Manson (0.8Mb)
  144. Alvin York (Conscientious objector later decorated soldier WWI) (0.8Mb)
  145. Amargosa Opera House (came to life in desert) (0.9Mb)
  146. Ambrose Burnside (Sideburns) (0.8Mb)
  147. Amelia Earhart (one theory about airplane crash) (0.9Mb)
  148. Amelia Earheart (clothes designer) (0.9Mb)
  149. Amelia Earheart (her father & Gypsom Mine) (0.8Mb)
  150. American Flag (Designed by Francis Hopkinson) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  151. American Flag (Used as a scarecrow WWII) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  152. American Idol (Rejected by every network) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  153. American Indians (Last Citizens 1924) (0.9Mb)
  154. Amerika with a K (Under the Red Flag) (0.9Mb)
  155. Ancient Childproof Lid (Created by the Mayans 1500 years ago) (0.6Mb)
  156. Ancient Civilization (Cahokia, in Illinois near St. Louis) (0.9Mb)
  157. Ancient Forests (All over the United States) (NOISY) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  158. Ancient Greek Art (History) (0.9Mb)
  159. Andorra (Little Country) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  160. Andorra (Little Country) (0.9Mb)
  161. Andre Latour (French Detective) (1.7Mb)
  162. Andrea Doria (Italian admiral came out of retirement) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  163. Andres Segovia (Spanish classical guitarist) (0.9Mb)
  164. Andrew Carnegie (at age 16) (0.9Mb)
  165. Andrew Carnegie (hated money) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  166. Andrew Carnegie (hated money) (0.9Mb)
  167. Andrew Durnford (black man, slave holder) (0.9Mb)
  168. Andrew Jackson (Assassination attempt) (0.8Mb)
  169. Andrew Jackson (Evil Eye) (0.9Mb)
  170. Andrew Jackson (His Mother) (0.7Mb)
  171. Andrew Jackson (Last Battle in 1812 war) (0.9Mb)
  172. Andrew Jackson (Lead poison from gun shot) (0.9Mb)
  173. Andrew Jackson (failed assasination 1835) (0.8Mb)
  174. Andrew Jackson (his funeral & his parrot) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  175. Andrew Jackson (his funeral & his parrot) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  176. Andrew Jackson (inaguration & brawl) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  177. Andrew Jackson (wife died) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  178. Andrew Jackson (wife died) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  179. Andrew Johnson (Indentured Servant) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  180. Andrew Johnson (Indentured Servant) (0.9Mb)
  181. Andrew Johnson (almost impeached) (0.9Mb)
  182. Andrew Johnson (taught to write by wife 1826) (0.8Mb)
  183. Andy Warhol (cartoons for weather forecast) (0.9Mb)
  184. Andy Warhol (shy modest quiet man) (0.9Mb)
  185. Angel of death (air pollution London Fog 1952) (0.9Mb)
  186. Angelo Spagnolo (Worst Avid Golfer) (0.7Mb)
  187. Animal Care Sanctuary (Shelter for homeless dogs and cats) (0.9Mb)
  188. Animal Magnetism (hypnotism & mesmerised) (0.9Mb)
  189. Ann Bolen (always wore gloves to cover disfigured hand) (0.9Mb)
  190. Anna Ella Carroll (Advisor to Abraham Lincoln) (version 1) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  191. Anna Ella Carroll (Advisor to Abraham Lincoln) (version 2) (0.7Mb)
  192. Anna May Jarvis (invented Mother's Day) (0.9Mb)
  193. Anna Sewell (Black Beauty author) (0.9Mb)
  194. Annabelle's (London nightclub party crashed by royal ladies) (0.9Mb)
  195. Anne Sullivan (teacher for Helen Keller) (0.9Mb)
  196. Annie Oakley (Servant Girl) (0.9Mb)
  197. Annie Oakley (used special bullets for circus 1887) (0.9Mb)
  198. Anthony Gotto (Thirteen year old juggler) (0.9Mb)
  199. Anthony Quinn (wanted to be architect with Frank Lloyd Wright) (0.8Mb)
  200. Ants (herder of insects) (0.8Mb)
  201. Arabia (Steamboat sunk in Missouri River) (0.8Mb)
  202. Archaeoraptor (dinosaur and bird fossil hoax 1999) (0.9Mb)
  203. Archeological Excavation (Mark Twain's Family House) (0.9Mb)
  204. Archibald Belaney (Grey Owl, trapper later conservationist) (0.9Mb)
  205. Archibald Willard (Spirit of '76 painting) (0.9Mb)
  206. Archimedes (invented death ray 2000 years ago) (0.9Mb)
  207. Arizona (accidently bombed in 1929) (0.8Mb)
  208. Arizona Biltmore (Fire and rebuilding of landmark) (0.7Mb)
  209. Arlington Cemetary (Robert E. Lee's plantation) (0.9Mb)
  210. Armand Hammer (Studied to be doctor) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  211. Armand Hammer (studied to be a doctor, only used it once at age 74) (0.9Mb)
  212. Arnold Palmer (bet on game to pay for engagement ring 1954) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  213. Arnold Palmer (bet on game to pay for engagement ring 1954) (0.9Mb)
  214. Arnold Schwarzenegger (nicknamed Cinderella) (0.9Mb)
  215. Around the world in 80 days (book based upon real person) (0.9Mb)
  216. Art Buckwald (joined Marines at age 16 WW2) (0.9Mb)
  217. Art Buckwald (only saw his mother in dreams) (0.9Mb)
  218. Art Carney (in WW2, answered prayers) (0.9Mb)
  219. Art Linkletter (a hobo) (0.9Mb)
  220. Arthur Conan Doyle (Doctor Failure) (0.7Mb)
  221. Arthur Conan Doyle (Introduced skis to Switzerland) (0.9Mb)
  222. Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes author introduced skis to Switzerland) (1.9Mb)
  223. Arthur Conan Doyle (Spiritualism) (0.9Mb)
  224. Arthur Godfrey (Radio personality) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  225. Arthur Malet (Peter Pan to Hook) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  226. Arthur Murray (Dance studios) (0.7Mb)
  227. Arthur Rubinstein (Suicide attempt and later career) (0.9Mb)
  228. Artificial insemination (first 1793, not a doctor) (0.9Mb)
  229. Arturo Toscanini (conductor was a cello player) (0.9Mb)
  230. Asa Tenney (Handyman taught Laura Bridgman sign language) (0.9Mb)
  231. Aspirin (Pain relief discovered as willow tree bark) (0.9Mb)
  232. Atilla The Hun (Died of nosebleed on wedding night) (HQ) (1.6Mb)
  233. Atlantic Crossing (by rowboat 1896) (0.9Mb)
  234. Atocha shipwreck (Seeds 365 years old) (0.9Mb)
  235. Audie Murphy (WW2 most decorated vet killed civilian) (0.9Mb)
  236. Audrey Hepburn (at 15 in WW2 - Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  237. Audrey Hepburn (at 15 in WW2 - Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  238. Australia aboriginal language (all but forgotten) (0.8Mb)
  239. Australian Aborigine (Lost In Funeral Home 109 years) (0.9Mb)
  240. Ava Gardner (Picture In Window) (0.9Mb)
  241. BVD underwear (named for underwear salesmen) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  242. Babe Didrikson (only woman on 1932 Olympic team) (0.8Mb)
  243. Babe Ruth (Back To The Minors & First Home Run) (0.9Mb)
  244. Babe Ruth (Break Up Collection) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  245. Babe Ruth (Movies and $25 Thousand Check) (NOISY) (0.8Mb)
  246. Babe Ruth (Quit Baseball) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  247. Babe Ruth (abused child at age 6) (0.9Mb)
  248. Babe Ruth (cancer drug guniea pig) (0.8Mb)
  249. Baby Ruth Candy (Air Drops over Florida & Enola Gay) (0.8Mb)
  250. Baby Ruth Candy (Air drops over Pittsburgh 1924) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  251. Bald Eagle Buddy (scared of animals) (0.9Mb)
  252. Balmoral castle (Queen Victoria purchased it with miser's money) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  253. Band Aid (invented for accident prone wife) (0.8Mb)
  254. Banker (Now Bank Robber) (0.9Mb)
  255. Barbara Grossberg (Delmar Gardens and Holocoust) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  256. Barbara Streisand (her way) (0.9Mb)
  257. Barbara Streisand (not wanted in Las Vegas) (0.9Mb)
  258. Barbara Walters (as kid & older sister Jacqueline) (0.8Mb)
  259. Barber of Saville (cheered & jeered) (0.9Mb)
  260. Barber of Seville (based upon works of others) (0.9Mb)
  261. Barbie (American icon) (0.9Mb)
  262. Barbie Dolls (depicted as teenagers) (0.8Mb)
  263. Barbra Streisand (Lion Bar in Greenwich Village) (Part 1) (0.9Mb)
  264. Barbra Streisand (Lion Bar in Greenwich Village) (Part 2) (0.9Mb)
  265. Barbra Streisand (Plain and boring) (0.7Mb)
  266. Barefoot Kid Gets Free Shoes (love of strangers) (0.9Mb)
  267. Barilla (Secret pasta factory) (0.9Mb)
  268. Barney Dinosaur (originally a teddy bear) (0.8Mb)
  269. Barthelemy Thimonnier (Sewing Machine) (0.9Mb)
  270. Baseball (Origins of American sport in England) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  271. Baseball (a sin) (0.9Mb)
  272. Baseball (first $5 salary game) (0.9Mb)
  273. Baseball (first game 1845) (0.9Mb)
  274. Baseball (history) (0.8Mb)
  275. Baseball Statistics (1989) (0.9Mb)
  276. Basketball (Creation of an American Sport) (0.9Mb)
  277. Bastile Jail (a luxury hotel) (0.8Mb)
  278. Bat Masterson (Sports writer)(JR) (0.7Mb)
  279. Bath School massacre (Violent attacks about increased taxes 1927) (0.8Mb)
  280. Battle of Brooklyn (Biggest loss of Revolutionary War) (0.8Mb)
  281. Battle of Brooklyn (forgotten battle of Revolutionary war) (0.9Mb)
  282. Battle of Gettysburg (battle over shoes) (0.9Mb)
  283. Battle of Minden (roses sent to British consolate in Chicago) (No beginning) (0.9Mb)
  284. Bausch & Lomb (founding) (0.9Mb)
  285. Beatles (Decca Records turned them down) (0.6Mb)
  286. Beatles haircut (came from German friend) (0.8Mb)
  287. Beau Brummell (history) (0.8Mb)
  288. Beer flood (London 1814) (0.9Mb)
  289. Ben Franklin (5 year old watched Boston Burn) (0.8Mb)
  290. Ben Franklin (Bow & Arrow) (0.9Mb)
  291. Ben Franklin (Church steeple) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  292. Ben Franklin (Daylight Saving Time) (0.9Mb)
  293. Ben Franklin (School Dropout) (0.9Mb)
  294. Ben Franklin (Silence Dogood) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  295. Ben Franklin (Uncle Ben) (0.7Mb)
  296. Ben Franklin (armonica) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  297. Ben Franklin (armonica) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  298. Ben Franklin (electrocuted meat to tenderize) (0.9Mb)
  299. Ben Franklin (lightning experiment and Russian professor) (0.9Mb)
  300. Ben Hogan (golfer - car accident) (0.9Mb)
  301. Ben Montgomery (Former slave buys Jeffeson Davis' plantation) (0.9Mb)
  302. Benedict Arnold (Dark Eagle) (0.9Mb)
  303. Benedict Arnold (his mother) (0.8Mb)
  304. Benito Mussolini (draft dodger) (0.9Mb)
  305. Benito Mussolini (provided marbled for US Supreme Court 1929) (0.8Mb)
  306. Benjamin Grierson (Civil War cavalry kicked by pony as kid) (0.9Mb)
  307. Benjamin Harrison (White House a mess & electricity) (0.9Mb)
  308. Benjamin Latrobe (Architect and yellow fever) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  309. Benjamin Spock (competed on Yale rowing team and Olympics) (0.8Mb)
  310. Benjamin Spock (did not get along with step-daughter) (0.9Mb)
  311. Benjamin Spock (his son Mike) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  312. Berkeley Pit Lake (Acid Lake) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  313. Bernie Baruch (Home Run Shorty) (0.7Mb)
  314. Bert Lucarelli (Boy Scout and Oboe) (0.9Mb)
  315. Bette Davis & Howard Hughes (affair & blackmail) (0.9Mb)
  316. Bette Davis (Almost aborted) (0.7Mb)
  317. Bette Davis (rejected for drama school 1927) (0.8Mb)
  318. Bette Davis (the letter) (0.8Mb)
  319. Bette Nesmith Graham (Liquid Paper) (0.8Mb)
  320. Betty Crocker (composite sketch) (0.9Mb)
  321. Betty Galvano lightning (lightning hits woman 1994, no pain now) (0.8Mb)
  322. Betty Grable (back to the camera) (0.8Mb)
  323. Beverly Hills (Dry Gulch) (0.9Mb)
  324. Bicycle Bank Robber (Bifocal Bandit) (0.9Mb)
  325. Bill Clinton (caught in a rip tide 1968) (0.9Mb)
  326. Bill Cosby (Orange Crate Xmas Tree) (0.8Mb)
  327. Bill Cosby (school dropout) (0.9Mb)
  328. Bill Gates (Harvard dropout) (0.8Mb)
  329. Bill Gates (school library assistant) (0.8Mb)
  330. Bill Hellier (Track star stroke at age 17) (0.9Mb)
  331. Bill Russell (Charlie's kid brother) (0.8Mb)
  332. Bill Ship (monster and accident prone) (0.9Mb)
  333. Bill Smith (World Series of Poker) (0.9Mb)
  334. Bill Tilden (tennis great once failed actor) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  335. Bill and Holley Rising (Two brothers with PHDs pumping gas) (0.9Mb)
  336. Billy Graham & Stuart Hamblen (It's No Secret) (0.9Mb)
  337. Billy Graham (as a teenager hated church) (0.8Mb)
  338. Billy Joel (Suicidal & psychiatric hospital) (version 2) (0.7Mb)
  339. Billy Joel (suicidal & psychiatric hospital) (version 1) (1Mb)
  340. Billy The Kid (Good Side) (0.9Mb)
  341. Billy The Kid (as a teenager) (0.9Mb)
  342. Billy Tipton (he was a she) (0.9Mb)
  343. Bing Crosby (Lost at talent show) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  344. Bing Crosby (White Christmas) (0.9Mb)
  345. Bing Crosby (gang fight at age 10) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  346. Bing Crosby (lazy in law school) (0.9Mb)
  347. Bing Crosby (named from comics) (0.9Mb)
  348. Bingo (Edwin Lowe & Carl Leffler) (0.8Mb)
  349. Birds Nest Soup (Thailand) (0.6Mb)
  350. Birth of Chicago 1833 (voter fraud) (0.9Mb)
  351. Bisquick (invented by railroad cook) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  352. Bjorn Borg (His father and tennis raquet) (0.7Mb)
  353. Black Pool (Items found in lake under Roller Coaster) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  354. Blind Companion (Sheep and blind pony) (0.7Mb)
  355. Blind dog (saves girl in water 1996) (0.9Mb)
  356. Blue Cross (first case 1930) (0.9Mb)
  357. Bo Jackson (almost killed boy at age 12) (0.8Mb)
  358. Bob Dole (his life saved WW2) (0.8Mb)
  359. Bob Dylan (Wanted to go to West Point) (0.7Mb)
  360. Bob Feller (his mother got hit with a baseball) (0.9Mb)
  361. Bob Griese (Did not want to wear glasses) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  362. Bob Hoover (stunt aviator hated to fly) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  363. Bob Hope (Alaska Flight) (0.9Mb)
  364. Bob Hope (Hopelessly) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  365. Bob Hope (Prize Fighter) (0.8Mb)
  366. Bob Hope (name change) (0.9Mb)
  367. Bob Love (Sutterer, NBA star and Nordstrom) (0.9Mb)
  368. Bob May (Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) (HQ) (1.9Mb)
  369. Bob McLaughlin (Police Officer that helped with birth of future police officer) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  370. Bobby Leach (went over Niagara Falls in barrel) (NO ENDING) (0.8Mb)
  371. Bobby Pearce (Australian rower and ducks) (0.9Mb)
  372. Bodie, California (monument for James Garfield) (0.8Mb)
  373. Boll Weevil (forced farmers to change crops and statue) (0.9Mb)
  374. Bolshoi Ballet (orphan children) (0.9Mb)
  375. Bombing Iraqi nuclear reactor (Israeli Air Force) (0.9Mb)
  376. Bombing of Tarnov, NE (Accdidental test bombing WWII) (0.9Mb)
  377. Bosnia (Start of WW1) (0.9Mb)
  378. Boston Massacre (John Adams was lawyer) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  379. Bottle In Ocean (left by 7 year old who later died in motorcycle crash) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  380. Bottle in Ocean ($6 million will) (0.8Mb)
  381. Bottle in Ocean 1784 Japan (found 1935) (0.9Mb)
  382. Bowerbird (unique courtship) (0.9Mb)
  383. Boxing match by computer (Ali vs. Marciano 1971) (0.9Mb)
  384. Boy Scouts of America (originated in England) (0.9Mb)
  385. Brahms Lullaby (Love song) (0.7Mb)
  386. Braille (started as coded messages) (0.9Mb)
  387. Brain Surgery (10,000 BC ancient Peru) (0.8Mb)
  388. Bram Stroker (Censorship) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  389. Bram Stroker (Dracula author and failed marriage) (0.9Mb)
  390. Bridal Shower (generosity of others) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  391. Bridal Showers (Origin of the tradition) (0.9Mb)
  392. Bride Was Naked (as she entered the world) (0.8Mb)
  393. Bridge In Middle of Nowhere (outer space) (0.9Mb)
  394. Bridget Diver (Michigan calvary woman Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  395. British Open (originally for golf professionals) (0.9Mb)
  396. Broken Clock on the Mantle (saved family from fire) (1986) (0.9Mb)
  397. Bronte Sisters (wrote as Bell Brothers) (0.9Mb)
  398. Brooke Knapp (aviator, hated to fly) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  399. Brooke Shields (her grandfather) (0.9Mb)
  400. Brooklyn Bridge (on site engineer was John Augustus Roebling's wife Emily) (0.9Mb)
  401. Brooklyn Dodgers (named after people who dodged trolleys) (0.8Mb)
  402. Brooklyn Dodgers (trolley cars) (NOISY) (0.8Mb)
  403. Bruce Devlin (His father inspired him to become a golfer) (0.7Mb)
  404. Bruce Jenner (almost had a water skiing career) (0.9Mb)
  405. Bubble Gum Mystery (acidic saliva caused tooth and lung problems) (0.9Mb)
  406. Bubonic Plague (Ring around the Rosies) (low volume) (0.8Mb)
  407. Buckingham Palace (originally was a mulberry garden) (0.9Mb)
  408. Buckingham Palace (remodeled house no one liked) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  409. Buckingham Palace (young boy snuck in) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  410. Buckminster Fuller (Failure and recovery) (0.7Mb)
  411. Buddy Ebsen (Original Tin Man in Wizard of Oz) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  412. Buffalo Bill (German Spies at show) (0.9Mb)
  413. Buffalo Bill (Guide for Prince Albert) (0.9Mb)
  414. Buffalo Bill's Tree spared in forest fire (Yellowstone park 1988) (0.9Mb)
  415. Bulova Wrist Watch (watch lost in WWII, found in 2007) (0.6Mb)
  416. Bum waits 5 one-half years (dog waited for owner) (0.9Mb)
  417. Burglars in air ducts (Orlando, FL Sears 1995) (0.8Mb)
  418. Burt Lancaster (walking on hands) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  419. Burt Lancaster (walking on hands) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  420. Burt Reynolds (contestant on The Dating Game) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  421. Burt Reynolds (stunt man and football) (0.9Mb)
  422. Bushman (Gorilla, died in Chicago 1951) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  423. Buster Douglas (inspired woman to face surgery) (0.9Mb)
  424. Butch Cassidy (may have written his own autobiography) (0.8Mb)
  425. Butch O'Hare (his father Artful Eddie) (0.9Mb)
  426. Buttons on sleeves (kept soldiers from using sleeves as handkerchief) (0.9Mb)
  427. Byron Nelson (modified golf drivers so wife could buy a new dress) (0.9Mb)
  428. Caesarean section (first documented one in Switzerland 1500s) (0.9Mb)
  429. Calamity Jane (Angel of Mercy) (0.8Mb)
  430. Calamity Kathy (Disasters followed her) (0.9Mb)
  431. Calculator Contest (Lost to an abacus) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  432. Calico Cat (saved owner in fire) (0.9Mb)
  433. Calvin Coolidge (racoon president) (0.9Mb)
  434. Calvin Coolidge (robbed) (0.9Mb)
  435. Calvin Coolidge (shaved with hat on) (0.9Mb)
  436. Calvin Graham (Served in WWII at age twelve) (0.8Mb)
  437. Calvin Meineke (Violin Maker and doctor) (0.8Mb)
  438. Calvin Peete (Broken arm) (0.7Mb)
  439. Camels (Rough gang murder) (0.9Mb)
  440. Canada Geese & Black Lake (General Motors) (0.9Mb)
  441. Cannons on Spanish ships (used platinum) (0.9Mb)
  442. Canonero II (Horse with deformed leg, won 1971 Preakness) (0.9Mb)
  443. Canyon Diablo shootout (famous picture of dead man 1905) (0.9Mb)
  444. Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (moved in 1999) (0.9Mb)
  445. Capitol Corpses (Fleas at West Virginia Capitol Building) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  446. Captain Cook & Captain Bligh (walking stick from St. Valentin's Massacre) (0.8Mb)
  447. Captain Kidd (Pirate hunter to pirate) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  448. Captain Kidd (Pirate hunter to pirate) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  449. Captain Kidd (may not have been a pirate) (0.9Mb)
  450. Captain Kidd (sailors mooning another boat) (1Mb)
  451. Car Accident (first accident, Kansas City 1901) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  452. Car Accident (first accident, Kansas City 1901) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  453. Car Trip across USA (backwards 1930) (0.8Mb)
  454. Cargo barge prototype (sunk in Chicago river 1942 when nobody wanted it) (0.9Mb)
  455. Carl Andre (Pile of bricks as art) (0.9Mb)
  456. Carl Elliott (innovation behind student loans) (0.9Mb)
  457. Carl Sandburg (flunked out of West Point became poet) (0.9Mb)
  458. Carl Switzer (How Alfalfa from Our Gang died) (0.9Mb)
  459. Carlock, IL (separate cemetaries for Democrats and Republicans) (0.9Mb)
  460. Carly Simon (stutterer took up singing) (0.9Mb)
  461. Carol (elephant, artist) (1986) (0.9Mb)
  462. Carol Burnett (at age 10) (LOW VOLUME) (0.9Mb)
  463. Caroline Caskey (DNA Testing and Identigene) (0.9Mb)
  464. Caroline Cossey (Bond Girl Sex Change) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  465. Caroline Cossey (Bond Girl Sex Change) (0.9Mb)
  466. Carrie Jacobs-Bond (I Love You Truly) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  467. Carrie Jacobs-Bond (I Love You Truly) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  468. Carrie Nation (anti-booze) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  469. Carrie Nation (anti-booze) (Version 2) (0.6Mb)
  470. Carrier Pigeon (Saved American troops in World War I) (0.9Mb)
  471. Carrier Pigeon (Used in World War II to call off bombing) (0.9Mb)
  472. Cary Grant (mother had mental breakdown) (0.9Mb)
  473. Cary Grant (no public appearances late in life) (0.9Mb)
  474. Cary Grant (shoe skating accident lost tooth) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  475. Cary Grant (stilt walker) (0.8Mb)
  476. Casey Jones (his saga) (0.9Mb)
  477. Casey Stengel (left hand dentist) (0.8Mb)
  478. Cassius Clay (19th century emancipationist) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  479. Cassius Clay (Being Born) (0.7Mb)
  480. Cassius Clay (Broke Mom's Tooth) (0.7Mb)
  481. Cassius Clay (stolen bicycle) (0.8Mb)
  482. Cat & Kittens Rescued from dump (family continues to rescue) (0.9Mb)
  483. Cat Named Wednesday (alerted owner of fire) (0.9Mb)
  484. Catalina de Erauso (Spanish war hero and nun) (Part 1) (0.9Mb)
  485. Catalina de Erauso (Spanish war hero and nun) (Part 2) (0.9Mb)
  486. Cataract Surgery (plexiglass) (0.8Mb)
  487. Caterpillar (call of the wild) (0.8Mb)
  488. Cedar Park (cemetary in Chicago) (0.9Mb)
  489. Cesar Ritz (goat herder later waiter became hotel giant) (0.9Mb)
  490. Chang and Eng Bunker (Siamese Twins Farmers Married) (0.9Mb)
  491. Chanukah (origins) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  492. Charles Atlas (boybuilding) (0.9Mb)
  493. Charles Becker (made the best counterfeit money) (1992) (0.8Mb)
  494. Charles Blondin (crossed Niagara Falls on tightrope) (0.9Mb)
  495. Charles Burton (Invented Baby Carriage, not popular in US) (0.8Mb)
  496. Charles Byrne (Irish giant stalked for his bones) (0.9Mb)
  497. Charles Darwin (dropped out of medical school) (0.7Mb)
  498. Charles Darwin (funded missionaries for Tierra del Fuego) (0.8Mb)
  499. Charles Darwin (his grandfather came up wth theory of evolution) (0.9Mb)
  500. Charles Dawes (Melody in A Major and Vice President) (0.9Mb)
  501. Charles Dickens (Newspaper Writer) (0.7Mb)
  502. Charles Dickens (Staplehurst train wreck) (0.9Mb)
  503. Charles Dickens (Unfinished Mystery) (0.7Mb)
  504. Charles Dickens (mistress and affair) (0.9Mb)
  505. Charles Dickens (promoted use of treadmills) (0.9Mb)
  506. Charles Dickens (would be actor became writer) (0.9Mb)
  507. Charles Dodgson (Alice In Wonderland) (1.7Mb)
  508. Charles Drew (Hematology) (0.9Mb)
  509. Charles Fisk (worked on atom bomb, later an organ maker) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  510. Charles Goodyear ($200,000 in debt and in jail) (0.9Mb)
  511. Charles Goodyear (developed method for rubber for everything but tires) (0.8Mb)
  512. Charles Hires (Hires Root Beer) (0.9Mb)
  513. Charles Lee (Outwitted by himself) (0.7Mb)
  514. Charles Lightoller (Titanic officer story) (0.9Mb)
  515. Charles Lightoller (former Titanic first mate helped with Dunkirk evacuation) (0.9Mb)
  516. Charles Lindbergh (Al Capone volunteered to help solve kidnapping) (0.9Mb)
  517. Charles Lindbergh (Conservationist) (0.9Mb)
  518. Charles Lindbergh (WW2 bomber pilot) (0.9Mb)
  519. Charles Lindbergh (daredevil) (0.9Mb)
  520. Charles Lindbergh (did not shoot man in gun sight) (0.9Mb)
  521. Charles Lindbergh (disaster inspired trans-Atlantic flight) (0.9Mb)
  522. Charles Lindbergh (his grandfather and name change) (0.9Mb)
  523. Charles Lindbergh (his mother) (0.8Mb)
  524. Charles Lindbergh (nightmares, afraid of high places) (0.9Mb)
  525. Charles Lindbergh (threw dummy from plane) (0.9Mb)
  526. Charles Lindburgh (Love of machines) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  527. Charles Manson (ran away from Boys Town) (noisy) (0.9Mb)
  528. Charles Parnell (Fear of the color green) (0.9Mb)
  529. Charles Parnell (superstitious of the color green) (0.9Mb)
  530. Charles Peale (Saddle maker turned artist) (0.9Mb)
  531. Charles Richard Drew (Blood Plasma, black man) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  532. Charles Richard Drew (Blood Plasma, black man) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  533. Charles Schultz (depressed and hands shook as he drew) (0.9Mb)
  534. Charles Schultz (how he became an artist and Division 5) (0.8Mb)
  535. Charles Schultz (little red haired girl was real) (0.9Mb)
  536. Charles Schultz (poor student and loser) (0.9Mb)
  537. Charles Steinmetz (German immigrant became great inventor) (0.9Mb)
  538. Charles Walgreen (Near death experience) (0.8Mb)
  539. Charles Webb (The Graduate movie) (0.9Mb)
  540. Charles XIV John (Swedish king was adopted) (0.9Mb)
  541. Charles Zibleman (swam Hudson River Albany to NYC with no legs 1937) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  542. Charles Zibleman (swam Hudson River Albany to NYC with no legs 1937) (0.9Mb)
  543. Charlie Boswell (Blind Golfer) (0.9Mb)
  544. Charlie Brown (real life person inspiration for the comic strip) (0.9Mb)
  545. Charlie Chaplain (body kidnapped after death) (0.9Mb)
  546. Charlie Chaplain (visit to Japan and assassination attempt) (0.9Mb)
  547. Charlie Hires (Fullers Earth and root beer) (NO ENDING) (0.9Mb)
  548. Charlie Kimmel (Violin With One String) (0.9Mb)
  549. Charlie Sotich (miniature kites) (0.9Mb)
  550. Chef Boyardee (made field rations in World War II) (0.9Mb)
  551. Cher (Her mother) (0.7Mb)
  552. Chess game (by mail between Cambridge and an insane asylum 1883) (0.9Mb)
  553. Chester Arthur (corrupt customs officer but clean president) (0.9Mb)
  554. Chester Arthur (held expensive parties before he died) (0.9Mb)
  555. Chester Arthur (lawyer fought for civil rights 1854) (0.9Mb)
  556. Chester Arthur (personal documents burned just before he died) (0.9Mb)
  557. Chester Arthur (would have died of Bright's Disease) (0.9Mb)
  558. Cheyenne Woods (10 year old golfer and related to Tiger) (0.8Mb)
  559. Chicago (Great Fire of 1871 - aftermath and mayhem) (0.7Mb)
  560. Chicago (Great fire of 1871) (0.7Mb)
  561. Chicago (Place of the skunk) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  562. Chicago (founded by Haitian man) (0.9Mb)
  563. Chicago Bears (how they got started as company team) (0.9Mb)
  564. Chicago Fire (12 horses and 8 wagons were saved) (0.8Mb)
  565. Chicago Fire (first fire, tired fire fighters) (0.9Mb)
  566. Chicago Fire (was 2 fires back to back) (0.9Mb)
  567. Chicago Theater Fire 1903 (safety laws implemented afterwards) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  568. Chicago golf course (designed for one person) (0.9Mb)
  569. Child Proof Bottle (1500 years ago from Mayan ruins) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  570. Child Proof Cap (Nitro pills too hard to open) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  571. Children Raised By Wolves (India 1920) (0.9Mb)
  572. Chimps & Modern Man (more intelligent than we thought) (0.9Mb)
  573. Chinese May West (Dragon Lady) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  574. Chinese tomb (guarded by terracotta figurines) (0.9Mb)
  575. Ching Shih (Chinese Woman Pirate) (0.9Mb)
  576. Choco Loco Monster (1969) (0.9Mb)
  577. Chop Suey (American Origin, made from leftovers) (Nov 2001) (0.9Mb)
  578. Christian Science (faith healing) (0.9Mb)
  579. Christmas Card (first, controversial) (0.9Mb)
  580. Christmas Carols (singing a sin in England 1647) (0.9Mb)
  581. Christmas Eve Escape (POW camp tunnel 1944) (0.9Mb)
  582. Christmas Illegal (England and Colonies 1652) (0.9Mb)
  583. Christmas Tree (German custom brought to England) (0.9Mb)
  584. Christmas Tree Lights (75 years old) (0.8Mb)
  585. Christmas Truce (WW1 1914) (0.9Mb)
  586. Christopher Columbus (Carribean Christmas) (0.6Mb)
  587. Christopher Columbus (Jewish boy had dreams) (0.9Mb)
  588. Christopher Columbus (Man in chains accused of being a pirate) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  589. Christopher Columbus (Predicted hurricane) (0.6Mb)
  590. Christopher Columbus (able to predict hurricanes by his bones) (0.8Mb)
  591. Christopher Columbus (his crew brought back Syphillis to Europe) (0.8Mb)
  592. Christopher Columbus (kept two sets of books) (0.9Mb)
  593. Christopher Columbus (marooned in Jamaica and Lunar Eclipse) (0.9Mb)
  594. Christopher Columbus (monks inspired him) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  595. Christopher Columbus (shipwrecked on Christmas in Carribean) (0.8Mb)
  596. Christopher Columbus (voyages inspired by Irish Monk) (0.8Mb)
  597. Christopher Kraft (NASA engineer helped astronauts to moon) (0.9Mb)
  598. Christopher Nolan (Irish poet, genius, impairment) (0.9Mb)
  599. Christy Brown (Writer and cerebral palsy) (0.7Mb)
  600. Chuck Norris (was bullied as a kid) (0.8Mb)
  601. Chuck Ross (Submitted published book to book publishers) (0.7Mb)
  602. Church Smallest In The World (in Georgia always open) (0.9Mb)
  603. Church of the Bent Cross (helicopter accident Goeppingen Germany) (0.9Mb)
  604. Cicero (First use of shorthand) (0.9Mb)
  605. Cigarette Ads (In medical journals) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  606. Cigarette ads (in 1950) (0.9Mb)
  607. Cinderella (the real story) (0.9Mb)
  608. City of Ys (Never existed) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  609. Civil Air Patrols (sank German sub off NJ coast WW2) (0.9Mb)
  610. Civil War Colonel (crossed lines asks enemy for advice) (0.9Mb)
  611. Civil War Confederate POWs (defend western front) (0.9Mb)
  612. Civil War Confederate Unknown Soldier (Battle of Ox Hill) (0.9Mb)
  613. Civil War southerners avoided the draft (fought for the north) (0.9Mb)
  614. Clara Crowell (first female sheriff in Nevada) (0.9Mb)
  615. Clarence Birdseye (Invented flash freezing of food) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  616. Clark Gable (It Happened One Night) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  617. Clark Gable (wanted to die in war) (0.8Mb)
  618. Claude Monet (Sun Rising) (0.9Mb)
  619. Claude Monet (hobby gardner became painter) (0.9Mb)
  620. Claude Shannon (Ultimate Machine) (0.9Mb)
  621. Clay Campell (Stray timber wolf) (JR) (1.7Mb)
  622. Clayton Jacques (Handicapped Super Athlete) (0.9Mb)
  623. Cleveland Amory (animal activist & BB Gun Story) (0.9Mb)
  624. Cliff Reeves (Blind Car Painter 18 years old) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  625. Clint Eastwood (Crash landing) (Version 1) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  626. Clint Eastwood (Crash landing) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  627. Cobra Sports Car (painted red with fingernail polish) (0.9Mb)
  628. Coca Cola Machine (Ran Up Telephone Bill) (0.8Mb)
  629. Cocktail (rooster feathers) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  630. Coco Chanel (Proposed peace plan World War I) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  631. Code Talkers (Navajo) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  632. Code Talkers (Navajo) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  633. Coded Messages (from the Bible) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  634. Coffee (Animals discovered it first) (0.9Mb)
  635. Coffee (Prohibition in Sweden) (0.6Mb)
  636. Coffee (history of coffee, magical fruit tree) (0.9Mb)
  637. Coincidence Finds Father (saved from house fire) (0.9Mb)
  638. Cole Porter (Christmas cards from Grandma Moses) (1Mb)
  639. Cole Porter (Did not want to be lawyer) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  640. Cole Porter (pretended to join French Foreign Legion) (0.8Mb)
  641. Cole Porter (wrote risque lyrics 1930) (0.9Mb)
  642. Coleman (marketed first lamp & stove) (0.9Mb)
  643. Colin Powell (wrote love letters in Vietnam, what they didn't say) (0.9Mb)
  644. College of hard knocks (founded colleges but didn't graduate from one) (0.8Mb)
  645. Colonge (created to help against Black Death in 7 years war) (0.9Mb)
  646. Concert in dark (New England String Ensemble 1994) (0.9Mb)
  647. Concrete (invention first used in Rome) (0.9Mb)
  648. Confucius (Not Popular In China) (0.8Mb)
  649. Congressional Medal of Honor (1.7Mb)
  650. Conrad Cantzen (Broadway Bum and shoe fund) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  651. Conrad Hilton (how Hilton hotels got started) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  652. Conrad Hubert and Joshua Lionel Cowen (Eveready batteries and Lionel trains) (0.9Mb)
  653. Constitution Formed (difficult process) (0.9Mb)
  654. Conway Twitty (his first hit, took name from map) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  655. Conway Twitty (his first hit, took name from map) (0.9Mb)
  656. Coober Pedy (people living in old opal mines in South Australia) (0.9Mb)
  657. Cook Book (first one written in ancient Rome) (0.9Mb)
  658. Cop delivers future cop (in 1967) (0.9Mb)
  659. Coral Court Motel (No Tell Motel Route 66) (0.8Mb)
  660. Corn Field Shapes in England (drought exposed ancient Roman town) (0.9Mb)
  661. Cornelius Vanderbilt (The Commodore, could not read or write) (0.9Mb)
  662. Country That Eats Rodents & Insects (allowed by US FDA) (0.9Mb)
  663. Cowboy Kennedys (Joseph and John Kennedy as teenagers) (0.9Mb)
  664. Cracker Jacks (creator's grandson's image on each box) (0.9Mb)
  665. Cranberry (history as the crane berry) (0.9Mb)
  666. Crash Avoided (Emergency Landing) (0.7Mb)
  667. Crepe Suzette (created by accident) (0.9Mb)
  668. Croquet (originally considered to be evil) (0.8Mb)
  669. Cruciverbalists (Crossword Puzzles) (0.9Mb)
  670. Crush, Texas (controlled train crash killed bystanders) (0.9Mb)
  671. Crystal Palace (London England bullt 1867 demolished 1941) (0.9Mb)
  672. Cullinan Diamond (sent via parcel post 1905) (0.9Mb)
  673. Curly Howard (actor also ballroom dancer, depressed after bald) (0.9Mb)
  674. Currier and Ives (first illustrated extra, later Christmas Cards) (0.9Mb)
  675. Curtis Jones (his parrot) (0.9Mb)
  676. Cy Young (best and worst pitcher in baseball) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  677. Cynthia Ann Parker (Indian girl wasn't Indian) (0.9Mb)
  678. Cyrano de Bergerac (Science Fiction Writer) (0.7Mb)
  679. Cyrano de Bergerac (comedic book predicted space exploration) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  680. D-Day Battle World War II (practice battle failed invasion Apr 1944) (0.9Mb)
  681. Daisy Day (had encephalitis in coma from 1926 to 1943) (0.9Mb)
  682. Dallas Boushey (Janitor Now Professor) (0.9Mb)
  683. Dalton, Georgia (home to bedspreads and carpets) (0.9Mb)
  684. Dan Blocker (Hoss Cartright) (0.9Mb)
  685. Dan Emmett (northerner who wrote Dixie) (0.9Mb)
  686. Dan Pastorini (Body armor)(JR) (0.7Mb)
  687. Daniel Boone (at age 82 traveled west) (0.9Mb)
  688. Daniel Boone (daughter kidnapped) (0.8Mb)
  689. Daniel Butterfield (Taps) (0.9Mb)
  690. Daniel Defoe (Robinson Carusoe and the Pillory) (1Mb)
  691. Daniel Fowler (invented special drinking straw while in prision) (0.9Mb)
  692. Daniel Hale Williams (first successful open heart surgery, black doctor, 1893) (0.9Mb)
  693. Daniel Webster (Farm Boy became orator) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  694. Danny Thomas (wanted fur coat for wife) (0.9Mb)
  695. Dante's Inferno (Great Love for Beatrice) (0.9Mb)
  696. Dave Brubeck (cowboy later jazz musician) (0.9Mb)
  697. Dave Millar (Marlboro Man, hated horses) (0.9Mb)
  698. Davey Crocket (named for his grandfather) (0.9Mb)
  699. David Brenner (comedian and parents death) (0.7Mb)
  700. David Copperfield (wanted the batmobile since he was a kid) (0.9Mb)
  701. David Dunbar Buick (his death) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  702. David Dunbar Buick (improved the porcelain bath tub) (0.9Mb)
  703. David Farragut (12 year old Navy captain) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  704. David Lean (Quaker kid, housekeeper and movies) (0.9Mb)
  705. David Marshall Williams (invented M1 gun) (0.8Mb)
  706. David McConnell (Founded Avon) (0.9Mb)
  707. David Muir (tracheostomy valve inventor) (0.9Mb)
  708. David Rice Atchison (President For One Day) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  709. David Sarnoff (Received messages from Titanic) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  710. David Williams (M1 Rifle and WW2) (0.9Mb)
  711. Davy Crockett (The real story) (0.6Mb)
  712. Dayton Hyde (Wild Mustangs) (0.9Mb)
  713. Death on the commode (prisoner electrocuted) (0.9Mb)
  714. Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  715. Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  716. Debbie Reynolds (tomboy and beauty contest) (0.9Mb)
  717. Debra Winger (accident and out of body experience) (0.9Mb)
  718. Delphine LaLaurie (Tortured slaves in attic) (0.8Mb)
  719. Demodex (small creatures on your body) (0.8Mb)
  720. Denis Watson (Allergic golfer) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  721. Dennis Walters (paralyzed golfer and golf tricks) (0.9Mb)
  722. Dennis Wychocki (Armless football kicker) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  723. Dennis the Meance (real life son of Hank Ketcham) (0.9Mb)
  724. Dentistry (Over The Years) (1Mb)
  725. Desmond Doss (conscientious objector received Medal of Honor) (0.8Mb)
  726. Diana Ross (as a kid) (0.9Mb)
  727. Diana Spencer (The first one) (0.7Mb)
  728. Dick Randall (animal trapper now conservationist) (0.9Mb)
  729. Dick Williams (Tennis star, Titanic survivor) (0.9Mb)
  730. Dietz Edzard (painted his wife) (0.9Mb)
  731. Dinah Shore (Became a Democrat) (0.7Mb)
  732. Dinah Shore (Childhood and Polio) (0.9Mb)
  733. Dinosaur bird dug up (Spain 1996) (0.8Mb)
  734. Disney World (Operation Compass East) (0.6Mb)
  735. Dodenau Flag (American flag made from scraps in Germany WW2) (0.8Mb)
  736. Dog (brings home deer) (0.8Mb)
  737. Dog Dies In Sleep (ghost visits camps) (0.9Mb)
  738. Dog cured of cancer (experimental drugs) (0.9Mb)
  739. Dog that waited in fire (guided blind woman down stairs) (0.9Mb)
  740. Dog's Last Supper (before they are euthanized) (0.9Mb)
  741. Doggie Spa (Los Angeles, CA) (0.9Mb)
  742. Dogs on World War II Subs (served as mascots) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  743. Dolly Madison (Fill in First Lady for Thomas Jefferson) (0.9Mb)
  744. Dolly Madison (former slave helped her) (0.8Mb)
  745. Dolly the Dolphin (formerly served with US Navy) (0.9Mb)
  746. Dolly the parrot (witnessed house robbery) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  747. Dolphin (Saved life of boy in Cocos Islands) (0.7Mb)
  748. Dolphins on beach (woman saved them from dying) (0.9Mb)
  749. Dom Perignon (Origins of Champange) (0.9Mb)
  750. Don Budge (Protocol mistake and Queen Mary) (0.9Mb)
  751. Don Gardner (All I Want for Christmas song origin) (0.8Mb)
  752. Don King (gun slinger) (0.9Mb)
  753. Don Rodewald (paraplegic aviator sets record 1984) (0.9Mb)
  754. Don't Worry Be Happy (created by Meher Baba 1925) (0.9Mb)
  755. Donald Cram (almost won the Nobel Prize) (0.9Mb)
  756. Doris Day (Dancer, then singer) (0.7Mb)
  757. Dorothy Parker (excuse my dust) (0.9Mb)
  758. Dorsey (Dog who delivered the mail) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  759. Douglas Bader (Legless RAF Pilot) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  760. Douglas Bader (Legless RAF Pilot) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  761. Douglas Corrigan (Wrong Way) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  762. Douglas MacArthur (Veracruz expedition 1914) (0.9Mb)
  763. Douglas MacArthur (defended Billy Mitchell in court-martial) (0.8Mb)
  764. Douglas McArthur (vomited on White House steps) (0.9Mb)
  765. Dow Chemical Company (loan saved company 1889) (0.9Mb)
  766. Dox the Dog (best detective in Italy) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  767. Dr. Pepper (how it was started) (0.9Mb)
  768. Dresden, Germany (Bombing in WWII) (0.8Mb)
  769. Drowning child (saved by mom in wheelchair) (0.9Mb)
  770. Drug Abuse (University of Pennsylvania 1910) (0.9Mb)
  771. Drug Deal (Accidently gave out details to Police) (0.9Mb)
  772. Drug abuse (in the 1800s) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  773. Druid Hill (Stone circle in Massachusetts) (0.9Mb)
  774. Dudley Herschbach (Nobel prize for chemistry but hated it originally) (0.9Mb)
  775. Dudley Moore (Club foot) (0.7Mb)
  776. Duke Ellington (real name Ed Kennedy, received Medal of Freedom) (0.9Mb)
  777. Dummy Hoy (baseball player deaf-mute) (1Mb)
  778. Dwight Eisenhower (WW1 Convoy led to modern Interstates) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  779. Dwight Eisenhower (almost died from blood poisoning as kid 1905) (0.8Mb)
  780. Dwight Eisenhower (asked King George to prevent Churchill from seeing D-Day) (0.8Mb)
  781. Dwight Eisenhower (halts WWIII) (0.9Mb)
  782. Dwight Eisenhower (his brother Arthur and Harry Truman) (0.9Mb)
  783. Dwight Eisenhower (lost in St. Louis at night at age 15) (0.9Mb)
  784. Dwight Eisenhower (master chef and tailor) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  785. Dwight Eisenhower (stopped synthetic oil project 1953) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  786. Dwight Eisenhower (student pilot and bag of sand) (0.9Mb)
  787. Dwight Eisenhower (the pest and future wife Mary) (0.8Mb)
  788. Dying mothers (prevented by doctors washing hands) (0.8Mb)
  789. EPA Building contaminated (sick building syndrome) (0.9Mb)
  790. Eagle Flies to Ireland (lost over Atlantic ocean) (0.8Mb)
  791. Earl of Massereene (stayed in debtors prison 20 years) (0.8Mb)
  792. Early Lawyers (Did not attend law school) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  793. Earthquake of 1811 (near St. Louis, MO USA) (0.9Mb)
  794. Ed Boehm (farmer later sculptor) (0.9Mb)
  795. Ed Doc Roberts (early computer maker employed Bill Gates) (0.8Mb)
  796. Ed Gein (farmer who murdered women inspired Psycho movie) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  797. Ed Pulaski (saved fireman from fire in Rocky Mountains 1910) (0.8Mb)
  798. Ed Schieffelin (Tombstone) (0.7Mb)
  799. Ed Shifflett (Survived by a wooden leg) (0.9Mb)
  800. Ed The Ripper (big hands tore telephone books) (0.9Mb)
  801. Ed Weston (Speed Walking) (0.7Mb)
  802. Eddie Albert (saved soldiers in WW2) (0.9Mb)
  803. Eddie Rickenbacker (job hunting, made cars) (0.9Mb)
  804. Eddie Rickenbacker (nine lives) (0.9Mb)
  805. Eddie Rickenbacker (survived at sea by seagulls) (0.9Mb)
  806. Eddystone Lighthouse (first made of concrete) (0.9Mb)
  807. Edgar Allan Poe (foresaw cannibalism 50 years earlier) (0.9Mb)
  808. Edgar Allan Poe (hot air balloon hoax 1844) (0.8Mb)
  809. Edgar Allen Poe (80 dollar debt) (0.9Mb)
  810. Edgar Allen Poe (Poe Toaster, leaves three roses) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  811. Edgar Allen Poe (Poe Toaster, leaves three roses) (0.9Mb)
  812. Edgar Allen Poe (West Point, court-martialed) (0.8Mb)
  813. Edgar Allen Poe (after death and no tombstone) (0.9Mb)
  814. Edgar Allen Poe (after death) (1.7Mb)
  815. Edgar Bergen (received wrong book, became ventriloquist instead) (0.8Mb)
  816. Edgar Bergen (story behind Charlie McCarthy) (0.8Mb)
  817. Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan creator, life history) (0.9Mb)
  818. Edgar Yip Harburg (Song Writer) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  819. Edith Stein (first a Jew then a Catholic Nun and concentration camp) (0.9Mb)
  820. Edith Wilson (first woman president 1919) (Version 1) (NOISY) (0.8Mb)
  821. Edith Wilson (first woman president 1919) (Version 2) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  822. Edmonton Grads (Best Basketball Team, all women) (0.9Mb)
  823. Edmund Allenby (Battle of Michmash WW1) (0.9Mb)
  824. Edmund Ruffin (was at first and last Civil War battles) (0.9Mb)
  825. Edouard Manet (Cabin Boy and Cheese Painting) (0.9Mb)
  826. Eduardo San Juan (Lunar Rover inventor) (0.9Mb)
  827. Edvard Munch (The Scream and Krakatoa) (NO BEGINNING) (0.9Mb)
  828. Edward Bancroft (Double Agent in Revolutionary War) (0.9Mb)
  829. Edward Everett (another Gettysburg Address) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  830. Edward Everett (another Gettysburg Address) (0.8Mb)
  831. Edward Hyde (always dressed in drag) (0.9Mb)
  832. Edward Leedskalnin (Coral Castle Homestead, FL) (0.7Mb)
  833. Edward Marco (Blind mechanic) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  834. Edward Mueller (made counterfeit One Dollar bills discovered in fire) (0.9Mb)
  835. Edward Stratemeyer (wrote childrens novels) (0.9Mb)
  836. Edward Tyler (Medical doctor who also wrote for Groucho Marx) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  837. Edward Williams (predicted Princess Diana's death) (0.9Mb)
  838. Edwin Booth (Ford Theater Collapse) (0.9Mb)
  839. Edwin Booth (John's brother saved Robert Todd Lincoln) (0.9Mb)
  840. Edwin Porter (Great Train Robbery) (0.9Mb)
  841. Egyptian Cinderella (Dorica or Rhodopis) (0.7Mb)
  842. Egyptian Obelisk (142 foot tall but never erected due to flaw) (0.8Mb)
  843. Eiffel Tower (wasn't wanted) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  844. Eiffel Tower (wasn't wanted) (version 2) (0.8Mb)
  845. El Morzillo (black horse owned by Cortes worshiped as a god) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  846. Eleanor Holm (kicked off Olympic team because she drank champange) (0.8Mb)
  847. Eleanor Roosevelt (Died from tuberculosis) (Version 1) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  848. Eleanor Roosevelt (Shirley Temple hit her with slingshot) (0.9Mb)
  849. Eleanor Roosevelt (could not shoot a gun) (0.8Mb)
  850. Eleanor Roosevelt (died of tuberculosis) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  851. Eleanor Roosevelt (died of tuberculosis) (version 2) (0.8Mb)
  852. Eleanor Roosevelt (hit by car 1960 age 75) (0.8Mb)
  853. Eleanor Roosevelt (rescued from shipwreck at age 2 1887) (0.9Mb)
  854. Eleanor Roosevelt (visited Rock Creek Cemetery regularly) (0.9Mb)
  855. Eli Whitney (was to be a tutor, invented the Cotton Gin) (version 1) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  856. Eli Whitney (was to be a tutor, invented the Cotton Gin) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  857. Elias Martin (painting of first iron bridge 1781) (0.9Mb)
  858. Elijah Pierce (Wood carvings) (0.7Mb)
  859. Elisha Gray (really invented the telephone) (0.9Mb)
  860. Elizabeth Arden (No Nurse) (0.9Mb)
  861. Elizabeth Browning (dognap inspired poetry) (0.9Mb)
  862. Elizabeth Browning (poetry for charity, started at age 5) (0.9Mb)
  863. Elizabeth Kenny (Australian nurse who developed treatment for Polio 1910) (0.9Mb)
  864. Elizabeth Kenny (nurse dedicated life to Polio) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  865. Elizabeth Taylor (Her husband Mike Todd) (0.7Mb)
  866. Elizabeth Taylor (Montgomery Clift and car accident) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  867. Elizabeth Taylor (Mother-in-law to someone with AIDS) (0.9Mb)
  868. Elizabeth Taylor (as a baby) (0.9Mb)
  869. Ellen G. White (Accident and writer) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  870. Ellie Keeling (Tennis playing mother) (0.9Mb)
  871. Elliot Ness (Disgraced and proper burial) (0.7Mb)
  872. Elliot Roosevelt (interviewed Joseph Stalin, knew English) (0.9Mb)
  873. Ellison Onizuka (Challenger astronaut, issue with street name change) (0.9Mb)
  874. Elvis Presley (Blue Moon Boys failed Grand Ole Opry) (0.8Mb)
  875. Elvis Presley (Singing In School 1945) (0.8Mb)
  876. Elvis Presley (birthday tantrum 9 years old and guitar) (0.8Mb)
  877. Elvis Presley (could not dance at prom 1953) (0.8Mb)
  878. Elvis Presley (first time on stage) (0.9Mb)
  879. Elvis Presley (movie usher later became movie actor) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  880. Elvis Presley (poor boy and guitar) (HQ) (2.2Mb)
  881. Elvis Presley (super narc and Richard Nixon) (0.9Mb)
  882. Elvis Presley (truck driver and record for mother) (0.9Mb)
  883. Ely Samuel Parker (Indian in Civil War) (0.7Mb)
  884. Ely Samuel Parker (indian in US Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  885. Emerson Moser (Crayola crayon maker color blind) (0.9Mb)
  886. Emily Dickenson (woman in white) (0.9Mb)
  887. Emily Morgan (Yellow Rose of Texas) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  888. Emily Morgan (Yellow Rose of Texas) (Version 2) (1Mb)
  889. Emirau (abandoned Coke bottles from WW2) (0.8Mb)
  890. Emperor of Russia (Ivan VI in jail age 6) (0.9Mb)
  891. Empty tomb under US Capitol (meant for George Washington) (2005) (0.9Mb)
  892. Enola Gay (mother's name scribbled on plane) (0.9Mb)
  893. Enrico Caruso (escaped after San Francisco earthquake 1906) (0.8Mb)
  894. Enrico Fermi (Escaped Italy to work on Atomic Bomb in US WW2) (0.9Mb)
  895. Enrico Fermi (Stink bomb to Atomic bomb) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  896. Enrico Fermi (Stink bomb to Atomic bomb) (0.9Mb)
  897. Epicurus (Greek philosopher and self denial) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  898. Epilepsy (pet dogs used to warn owners of seisures) (0.9Mb)
  899. Eric Liddell (Did not complete for the Olympics on Sunday) (0.7Mb)
  900. Eric the Red (Iceland to Greenland) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  901. Erle Stanley Gardner (Double Jeopardy) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  902. Erle Stanley Gardner (Shattered nerves and earthquake) (0.7Mb)
  903. Ernest Hemingway (his book influenced the Castro revolution) (0.8Mb)
  904. Ernest Hemingway (his father) (0.9Mb)
  905. Ernest Hemingway (loved his cats) (0.9Mb)
  906. Ernest Hemingway (twins weren't twins) (0.9Mb)
  907. Ernest Thayer and William Hearst (Casey at the Bat) (0.8Mb)
  908. Ernie Nevers (Player Coach and Chicago Cardinals) (0.9Mb)
  909. Errol Flynn (spied for Nazis) (0.9Mb)
  910. Erwin Rommel (Homeade Glider before Nazi General) (0.8Mb)
  911. Escape Artist (Gorilla) (no beginning) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  912. Escaped Wolf (acted like little puppy) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  913. Eskimo story (summer that never came 1783) (0.9Mb)
  914. Esther Howland (Valentine's Day Cards) (0.9Mb)
  915. Ethanol as fuel for cars (patents donated by Joseph Pugh) (0.9Mb)
  916. Etienne de Silhouette (Stingy French finance minister) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  917. Eugene Bullard (Black WWI pilot, Stowaway on German boat 1904) (0.9Mb)
  918. Eugene O'Neil (kicked out of college became playright) (0.8Mb)
  919. Eugene Shoemaker (moon craters) (0.9Mb)
  920. Evalyn McLean (Hope Diamond) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  921. Evelyn Glennie (Deaf Percussionist) (0.7Mb)
  922. Evelyn Glennie (deaf percussionist Scotland) (0.9Mb)
  923. Evergreen Travel (for blind people) (0.9Mb)
  924. Evita Peron (dead 19 years came to dinner) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  925. Extracting gold and other metals (from old circuit boards) (0.9Mb)
  926. F-19 Stealth Bomber (invisible to Radar) (1.8Mb)
  927. Fairy Lynd (Microbiologist with only high school degree) (0.9Mb)
  928. Fake Army (Fooled the Germans in WW2) (Part 1) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  929. Fake Army (Fooled the Germans in WW2) (Part 2) (0.9Mb)
  930. Fake Kingdom in Arizona (American claimed to be Spanish Monarch) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  931. Fake Kingdom in Arizona (American claimed to be Spanish Monarch) (0.8Mb)
  932. Falcon Crest (orphaned dogs) (1.7Mb)
  933. Falkland Islands (Paradise Lost) (0.7Mb)
  934. Fall of Roman Empire (Lead poisoning) (Part 1) (0.8Mb)
  935. Fall of Roman Empire (Lead poisoning) (Part 2) (0.9Mb)
  936. Father Knows Best (Cast members and troubles) (0.9Mb)
  937. Father and Son (Encouraged each other to be lawyers) (0.7Mb)
  938. Father finds daughter (many years after she was adopted) (0.9Mb)
  939. Father's Day (honoring Bill Smart) (0.9Mb)
  940. Federal Express (Origin) (0.7Mb)
  941. Felix Firehouse dog (Chicago hero loved to death) (JR) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  942. Felix Mendelssohn (redisovered Bach song) (0.9Mb)
  943. Ferris Wheel (265 foot monstrosity) (0.9Mb)
  944. Ferris Wheel (first one built 1893) (0.9Mb)
  945. Fidel Castro (Saved priest's live at age 16) (0.7Mb)
  946. Fidel Castro (at age 13 requested $10 from FDR) (0.9Mb)
  947. Fidel Castro (tried out with Washington Senators baseball team) (0.9Mb)
  948. Finders Keepers (if you catch a baseball you can keep it 1922) (0.9Mb)
  949. Fingerprint (first 1892 Argentina) (0.9Mb)
  950. Fingerprint (first use in America 1903) (0.8Mb)
  951. Fireman To Be (letter lost in the mail) (NO BEGINNING OR ENDING) (0.6Mb)
  952. Firestone, Ford, Edison (camping trips) (0.8Mb)
  953. First Eleven Presidents (Before George Washington) (0.6Mb)
  954. First Eleven Presidents (during Articles of the Confederation) (0.9Mb)
  955. First High Heels (for short French queen) (0.8Mb)
  956. First Korean War (Indians) (0.9Mb)
  957. First Photograph (Only one person) (1.7Mb)
  958. First Strike in USA (Polish glassmen at Jamestown 1608) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  959. First Strike in USA (Polish glassmen at Jamestown 1615) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  960. First Trans-Pacific Flight (1931 with removable landing gear) (0.9Mb)
  961. Flight 232 air crash 1989 (divine intervention) (0.9Mb)
  962. Floating Church (flood moved church Swan Quarter, NC) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  963. Florence Nightingale (hypochondriac) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  964. Florence Seibert (handicapped medical researcher) (0.9Mb)
  965. Florenz Ziegfeld (Outshot Annie Oakley at Buffalo Bill show) (0.9Mb)
  966. Floyd Collins (Cave Wars) (0.9Mb)
  967. Floyd Collins (Dead Caveman Kidnapped) (0.9Mb)
  968. Floyd Starr (original Boys Town in Michigan) (1Mb)
  969. Fluoride (Fred McKay's malady) (0.9Mb)
  970. Flyswatter (invented to combat typhoid fever) (0.9Mb)
  971. Foley Square (originally was a lake in Manhattan) (0.8Mb)
  972. Food Tasting (Purina pet foods) (0.9Mb)
  973. Football (Start of huddle) (0.9Mb)
  974. Football (forward pass first) (0.9Mb)
  975. Football (kicking a skull) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  976. Football (most lopsided game) (0.9Mb)
  977. Football Huddle (origin) (0.9Mb)
  978. Football War (Honduras and El Salvador dispute over soccer game 1969) (0.8Mb)
  979. Footware War (Gettysburg) (0.8Mb)
  980. Forbidden Island (Hawaiian Island) (0.9Mb)
  981. Ford Model T (Antique SUV) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  982. Ford was a Cadillac (and Cadillac was a Ford) (0.9Mb)
  983. Forged books at Wren Library (J button hook 1934) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  984. Forged books at Wren Library (J button hook 1934) (0.9Mb)
  985. Former banker (now bank robber) (0.9Mb)
  986. Fort Sheridan (Bought for $10 now worth $200 Million) (0.9Mb)
  987. Fort Sumpter (Student was over teacher) (0.9Mb)
  988. Fort Sumpter (first Civil War battle no one killed) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  989. Fox (Survival Story) (0.8Mb)
  990. Frances Cabrini (Wanted to be a nun) (0.9Mb)
  991. Frances Willard (bicycle named Gladys) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  992. Francis Andre (Faith healer and silver dollars) (0.8Mb)
  993. Francis Bacon (Chicken Stuffed With Snow as science experiment) (0.9Mb)
  994. Francis Bellamy (Pledge of Allegiance) (0.9Mb)
  995. Francis Burdett (Blind Man Builds house at 65 years old) (1994) (0.9Mb)
  996. Francis Ford Coppola (Tucker car) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  997. Francis Hopkinson (not paid for design of US flag due to government Red Tape) (0.9Mb)
  998. Francis Pharcellus Church (Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus) (0.9Mb)
  999. Francis Possenti (St. Gabriel and shootout 1859) (0.8Mb)
  1000. Francis Scott Key (Lines on egg shells) (0.8Mb)
  1001. Francis Scott Key (lawyer and poetry) (0.9Mb)
  1002. Franco Zeffirelli (illegitimate against abortion) (0.9Mb)
  1003. Frank Buck (Naturalist) (0.7Mb)
  1004. Frank Buck (almost a criminal) (0.9Mb)
  1005. Frank Hinkey (Yale football star suffered from tuberculosis) (1986) (0.9Mb)
  1006. Frank Hinkey (football player dying of tuberculosis) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1007. Frank Lary (Imposter used his name) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  1008. Frank Lloyd Wright (father of skyscrapers) (0.9Mb)
  1009. Frank Lloyd Wright (house fire and secrets) (0.8Mb)
  1010. Frank Lloyd Wright (mother encouraged him into architecture) (0.9Mb)
  1011. Frank Sinatra (13 one-half pound baby and stillborn) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1012. Frank Sinatra (13 one-half pound baby and stillborn) (0.9Mb)
  1013. Frank Sinatra (Scarface) (0.6Mb)
  1014. Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Irving Berlin and Noel Coward (all related) (0.9Mb)
  1015. Frank Woolworth (Failures then success) (0.7Mb)
  1016. Franklin Pierce (First Night In White House alone) (0.9Mb)
  1017. Franklin Pierce (his wife Jane and train crash on way to White House) (0.9Mb)
  1018. Franklin Pierce (his wife) (0.9Mb)
  1019. Franklin Pierce (in school) (0.9Mb)
  1020. Franklin Roosevelt (Polio) (0.9Mb)
  1021. Franklin Roosevelt (Related to 10 presidents) (0.9Mb)
  1022. Franklin Roosevelt (Super Race) (0.9Mb)
  1023. Franklin Roosevelt (best friends with Herbert Hoover) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  1024. Franklin Roosevelt (his grandfather) (0.9Mb)
  1025. Franz List (attracted teenagers in 1840) (0.8Mb)
  1026. Franz List (gun powder accident at age 7) (0.8Mb)
  1027. Franz Mesmer (mesmerized and animal magnetism) (0.9Mb)
  1028. Frasier the lion (new lease on life and Father of the Year 1971) (0.9Mb)
  1029. Fred Astaire (as a 6 year old and sister) (0.9Mb)
  1030. Fred Astaire (songwriter and singer) (0.8Mb)
  1031. Fred Astaire and George Gershwin (Song Plugging) (0.8Mb)
  1032. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (Embracable You) (0.8Mb)
  1033. Fred Duesenberg (car designer) (0.9Mb)
  1034. Fred Forsyth (Staged coup for a book) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1035. Fred Rogers (his childhood and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood) (0.9Mb)
  1036. Fred Tudor (ice man to the world) (0.9Mb)
  1037. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi (Statue of Liberty) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1038. Frederic Church (Painting Icebergs at Rose Hill sold for $2.5 Million) (0.9Mb)
  1039. Frederic Tudor (ice man to the world) (0.9Mb)
  1040. Frederick Douglas (Slave and Grandma) (0.9Mb)
  1041. Frederick William I (recruited soldiers) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1042. Frederick, Maryland (Bribed Confederates not to attack) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1043. French race horse won (without leaving stable) (0.9Mb)
  1044. Friedrich Hecker (almost lynched minster during Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  1045. Friedrich von Steuben (Not a real Persian General) (1988) (1Mb)
  1046. Frisbee (invention) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  1047. Frisbee (invention) (0.8Mb)
  1048. Fritz Kreisler (violinist) (0.9Mb)
  1049. Front Mirror on school bus (invention) (0.9Mb)
  1050. Front Porch (invented by slaves) (0.9Mb)
  1051. Fuel barge prototype (sunk in Chicago river 1942 when nobody wanted it) (1.7Mb)
  1052. Fur Coat Story and Kittens (invention of fake fur) (0.9Mb)
  1053. Gaddafi's Torch (an American bought explosives) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1054. Gadsby Novel (did not use letter E) (0.9Mb)
  1055. Gail Borden (evaporated milk) (0.8Mb)
  1056. Gallo Wine (struggling grain farmer) (0.9Mb)
  1057. Gammaland (discovery of Alaska) (0.9Mb)
  1058. Garfield the Cat (origin) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  1059. Garrett Morgan (Gas mask inventor a black man) (0.9Mb)
  1060. Garth Brooks (Wanted to be songwriter) (0.9Mb)
  1061. Gary Cooper (Failed baby photographer) (0.6Mb)
  1062. Gary Cooper (Grace Kelly and High Noon) (0.9Mb)
  1063. Gary Cooper (Model T accident) (0.9Mb)
  1064. Gary Player (Enthusiastic fan and hand shake) (0.9Mb)
  1065. Gas Crisis (Predicted in 1923) (0.7Mb)
  1066. Geese (warning system used since Roman times) (0.9Mb)
  1067. Geisha Girls Japan (some are men) (0.9Mb)
  1068. Gene Aspley (Delinquent to Eagle Scout) (0.9Mb)
  1069. Gene Roddenberry (Childhood and science fiction) (0.9Mb)
  1070. Gene Roddenberry (his father predicted the future) (0.8Mb)
  1071. Gene Sarazen (invented the Sand Wedge) (0.9Mb)
  1072. General Slocum (Paddle Wheel Boat Fire NY Harbor 1904) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  1073. General Walton Walker (Admirer of General Patton both died in car crashes) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1074. George Abbott (the musical Frankenstein) (0.9Mb)
  1075. George Bernard Shaw (bad novelist) (0.9Mb)
  1076. George Bernard Shaw (vegetarian) (0.8Mb)
  1077. George Burns and Jack Benny (jewelry smuggling) (0.9Mb)
  1078. George Bush & Bill Clinton (distantly related) (0.9Mb)
  1079. George Bush (Baseball) (0.9Mb)
  1080. George Bush (WW2 pilot crash and rescue) (0.9Mb)
  1081. George Bush and Bill Clinton (related from King Henry & Simon de Montfort) (0.9Mb)
  1082. George Bush, (Fair and stray elephant) (0.9Mb)
  1083. George Carey (Archbishop of Canterbury) (0.9Mb)
  1084. George Cooper (Sweet Genevieve origin) (0.7Mb)
  1085. George Custer (Almost kicked out of West Point) (0.7Mb)
  1086. George Custer (Courted future wife) (0.6Mb)
  1087. George Custer (black calvary) (0.9Mb)
  1088. George Custer (essay on Indians) (0.9Mb)
  1089. George Custer (his brother Tom more hated) (0.9Mb)
  1090. George Custer (his other wife) (0.9Mb)
  1091. George Custer (life insurance) (1994) (0.8Mb)
  1092. George Custer (no buffalo hunter - version 1) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  1093. George Custer (no buffalo hunter - version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1094. George Eyser (Olympics gymnast wooden leg 1904) (0.9Mb)
  1095. George Foreman (criminal at age 15) (0.8Mb)
  1096. George Frideric Handel (conductor) (0.8Mb)
  1097. George Frideric Handel (duel with conductor) (0.8Mb)
  1098. George H. Sutton (Billiards champion no hands) (0.8Mb)
  1099. George Harrison (failed electrician) (0.8Mb)
  1100. George Lucas (Car accident) (0.7Mb)
  1101. George Mason (Bill of Rights, later on postage stamp 1981) (0.8Mb)
  1102. George Patton (1912 olympics) (0.9Mb)
  1103. George Patton (Battle of Bermuda Bridge) (0.9Mb)
  1104. George Patton (Deja vu) (0.7Mb)
  1105. George Patton (Olympics and Opium) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1106. George Patton (his mother) (0.9Mb)
  1107. George Patton (paid for supplies from Sears and Roebuck) (0.9Mb)
  1108. George Pullman (Raising Chicago and railroad cars) (0.9Mb)
  1109. George W. Bush (Other president's children) (0.9Mb)
  1110. George Wallace (prize fighter) (0.8Mb)
  1111. George Washington (Forbidden Vice) (0.6Mb)
  1112. George Washington (Martha's first husband) (0.8Mb)
  1113. George Washington (Mister lucky) (0.9Mb)
  1114. George Washington (Philadelphia fever) (HQ) (2.5Mb)
  1115. George Washington (Topless Statue) (0.7Mb)
  1116. George Washington (almost a British navy man) (0.9Mb)
  1117. George Washington (almost killed by Patrick Ferguson) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  1118. George Washington (almost killed by Patrick Ferguson) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  1119. George Washington (an ostrich murdered at the zoo) (0.9Mb)
  1120. George Washington (assassination attempt) (0.9Mb)
  1121. George Washington (cannons to Boston) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1122. George Washington (cherry tree story made up by pastor) (0.8Mb)
  1123. George Washington (crop rotation) (0.9Mb)
  1124. George Washington (crops he farmed) (0.8Mb)
  1125. George Washington (crossing the Delaware) (0.9Mb)
  1126. George Washington (did not write farewell address) (0.9Mb)
  1127. George Washington (drinks for votes) (0.9Mb)
  1128. George Washington (expense account) (0.8Mb)
  1129. George Washington (false teeth and portrait) (0.8Mb)
  1130. George Washington (farmer broke) (0.9Mb)
  1131. George Washington (farmer dies) (0.9Mb)
  1132. George Washington (first coins minted) (0.8Mb)
  1133. George Washington (first president to see balloon flight) (0.9Mb)
  1134. George Washington (fisherman) (0.9Mb)
  1135. George Washington (great granddad shipwreck) (0.9Mb)
  1136. George Washington (his mother was a tory) (0.8Mb)
  1137. George Washington (jackass matchmaker) (0.9Mb)
  1138. George Washington (looking for rich wife) (0.9Mb)
  1139. George Washington (picked on by media) (0.9Mb)
  1140. George Washington (secret love) (0.8Mb)
  1141. George Washington (small pox warfare) (0.8Mb)
  1142. George Washington (statue with bare chest 1843) (0.9Mb)
  1143. George Washington (takes a dog as POW) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1144. George Washington (wrote book on ettiquette at age 15) (0.9Mb)
  1145. George Washington Bush (discriminated settler) (0.9Mb)
  1146. George Washington Carver (slave baby kidnapped) (0.9Mb)
  1147. George Washington Whistler (Railroad engineer for the Russians) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1148. George Washington Whistler (Railroad engineer for the Russians) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1149. George Washington Whistler (artist's father) (0.9Mb)
  1150. George Westinghouse (AC current) (0.9Mb)
  1151. George Westinghouse (invented air brakes for trains) (0.9Mb)
  1152. George de Mestral (Invention of Velcro) (0.9Mb)
  1153. Georges Bizet (First a pianist) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1154. Georgia Tom Dorsey (Precious Lord, Take My Hand) (0.9Mb)
  1155. Gerald Ford (Met his birth father) (0.7Mb)
  1156. Gerald Ford (at 17 and birth father) (0.9Mb)
  1157. Gerald Ford (father abusive) (0.9Mb)
  1158. Gerald Ford (male model) (0.9Mb)
  1159. Gerald Ford (onboard Navy ship in typhoon WW2) (0.9Mb)
  1160. Gerald Ford (red flannel) (0.9Mb)
  1161. German Terrorists in US during WW2 (Captured before they could cause harm) (0.9Mb)
  1162. German boat sunk WW2 (7700 refugees lost) (0.9Mb)
  1163. Germans Captured (Father and Son) (0.7Mb)
  1164. Geromino Motor company (bulding burned destroyed company 1920) (0.9Mb)
  1165. Gertude Hatch (hen was foster mom to puppies) (0.9Mb)
  1166. Ghost Fleet (Wooden ships near Mallows Bay, MD) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  1167. Ghost Rider and Camel (dead person strapped on back) (0.9Mb)
  1168. Ghost Ships (old wooden ships sunk in Mallows Bay, MD) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  1169. Ghosts (In the White House) (0.8Mb)
  1170. Ghosts in house 200 Years (new owners wanted refund) (0.9Mb)
  1171. Giacomo Casanova (extravagant living) (NO ENDING) (0.8Mb)
  1172. Giant waves of destruction (rouge waves destroyed ships) (0.9Mb)
  1173. Gideon Bible (in every hotel room) (0.9Mb)
  1174. Gift For Aunt (survived plane crash) (0.9Mb)
  1175. Gilette razor (first disposable razor blade) (0.8Mb)
  1176. Gin (originally medicine 1700s) (0.9Mb)
  1177. Gina Lollobrigida and Franco Zeffirelli (0.9Mb)
  1178. Ginger Rogers (Kidnapped as a young girl) (0.6Mb)
  1179. Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire (first meeting) (0.8Mb)
  1180. Girls Football (First in Texas 1939) (0.6Mb)
  1181. Giuseppe Verdi (Denied entry into music school) (0.7Mb)
  1182. Giuseppe Verdi (too old for music school) (0.9Mb)
  1183. Glacier des Bois (Bishop called in to exorcise it) (0.7Mb)
  1184. Glass Surgical Tools (Aztec 2000 years old) (0.8Mb)
  1185. Glen Cunningham (deadly fire inspired him to be runner) (0.9Mb)
  1186. Glenn Cunningham (Olympic runner, almost had legs amputated) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  1187. Glenn Miller (may have been shot down by Friendly Fire WW2 English Channel) (0.9Mb)
  1188. Gloria Steinem (Bunny Club Story) (0.9Mb)
  1189. Glue (invented by Neanderthals) (0.8Mb)
  1190. Gold key stolen (found and returned 38 years later) (0.9Mb)
  1191. Golda Meir (School textbooks) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1192. Golda Meir (runaway kid) (0.9Mb)
  1193. Golden Retriever dog (nurse for boy) (0.9Mb)
  1194. Golf (women started it in the US) (0.9Mb)
  1195. Golf Cherry Hills Country Club (triple-bogeyed 1938 US Open) (0.9Mb)
  1196. Golf Course in Zambia (most dangerous golf course in world) (0.9Mb)
  1197. Golf Tee Invention (1st version) (1995) (0.8Mb)
  1198. Golf Tee Invention (2nd version) (0.9Mb)
  1199. Golf course in Ireland (follow the goats) (0.9Mb)
  1200. Golf in Scotland (against the law 1456) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  1201. Golf over the years (400 years ago) (no begin or end) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  1202. Golfer struck by lightning at 16 (won 2001 US Open) (0.9Mb)
  1203. Golfing presidents (FDR was the only serious golfer) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1204. Gone With the Wind (first showing in Riverside, CA) (0.9Mb)
  1205. Goodbye (considered offensive 1700s) (0.9Mb)
  1206. Gordon Parks (Down on his luck and switchblade) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  1207. Gracchi brothers (Roman senators assassinated) (0.9Mb)
  1208. Grace Kelly (Hated cars) (0.7Mb)
  1209. Grace Kelly (bookworm) (0.9Mb)
  1210. Grace Kelly (robbery coverup) (0.9Mb)
  1211. Grand Old Opry (Devil's Box) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1212. Grand Old Opry (Devil's Box) (0.9Mb)
  1213. Grandfather's Clock (named after song) (0.9Mb)
  1214. Grandma Moses (took up painting at age 76) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1215. Grandma Moses (took up painting at age 76) (0.9Mb)
  1216. Grant Wood (his dentist used in American Gothic) (0.9Mb)
  1217. Grapes of Wrath (controversy) (0.8Mb)
  1218. Grapes of Wrath (story behind book) (0.8Mb)
  1219. Grapevine Road and Eight Mile House (surveyed by grapevine) (0.9Mb)
  1220. Grauman's Chinese Theatre (Practice of handprints in cement) (0.7Mb)
  1221. Graves End and Brooklyn (Religous Freedom) (0.9Mb)
  1222. Great Eastern (Jinxed ship) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1223. Great Molasses Flood of Boston 1919 (0.9Mb)
  1224. Great Real Estate Deal (Manhattan Island) (0.9Mb)
  1225. Great Wall of China Hoax (led to Boxer Rebellion 1899) (0.9Mb)
  1226. Greek Fables (Ball of string was a Clue) (0.9Mb)
  1227. Gretchen's Wheelchair (wheelchair for dog) (0.9Mb)
  1228. Grigori Rasputin (Healed hemophiliac boy) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1229. Grimm's Fairy Tales (recorded old stories) (0.8Mb)
  1230. Gringo (term originated in Mexican war 1846) (0.9Mb)
  1231. Grizzzly Adams (cobbler became hermit) (0.9Mb)
  1232. Grover Cleveland (Cancer Operation) (0.9Mb)
  1233. Grover Cleveland (Draft dodger) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1234. Grover Cleveland (Draft dodger) (Version 2) (1Mb)
  1235. Grover Cleveland (Marriage to Frances) (0.9Mb)
  1236. Grover Cleveland (Sheriff of Buffalo, NY) (0.9Mb)
  1237. Grover Cleveland (corrupt convention) (0.9Mb)
  1238. Grover Cleveland (met FDR at age 5) (0.9Mb)
  1239. Grover Cleveland (secret cancer surgery 1893) (0.9Mb)
  1240. Grover Cleveland Alexander (Baseball player epilepsy not drunk) (0.9Mb)
  1241. Grover Cleveland Alexander (Old Pete was not drunk) (0.9Mb)
  1242. Guardian Angel (dog saved drowning woman on Halloween) (0.9Mb)
  1243. Guillotine (how it became popular) (0.9Mb)
  1244. Guiness Book of World Records (founded by twin brothers) (0.9Mb)
  1245. Gulf War Syndrome (Preventable by washing hands) (0.9Mb)
  1246. Gullah (African tribe in South Carolina) (0.9Mb)
  1247. Gustave Whitehead (first airplane 1901) (0.9Mb)
  1248. Gutzon Borglum (Mount Rushmore not first project) (0.9Mb)
  1249. HMS Resolute (Wood later used for White House desk 1850) (0.8Mb)
  1250. Haddon Sundblom (created modern image of Santa Claus for Coca Cola) (0.8Mb)
  1251. Hamukkah (I am the Light of the World) (0.9Mb)
  1252. Handicapped Presidents and Politicians (0.9Mb)
  1253. Hank Aaron (First Home Run) (0.7Mb)
  1254. Hank Williams (duet with Hank Jr. with modern technology) (0.9Mb)
  1255. Hanna Reitsch (German test pilot) (0.7Mb)
  1256. Hans Christian Andersen (Fear of everything) (0.9Mb)
  1257. Hans Christian Andersen (Ugly duckling and royalty) (0.8Mb)
  1258. Hans Christian Andersen (singer became writer at 21) (0.9Mb)
  1259. Hanson Gregory (believed to invent the modern donught) (0.8Mb)
  1260. Hanson Gregory (credited as the inventor of the doughnut) (0.8Mb)
  1261. Happy Hooligan (former prince of Austria and Civil War vet) (0.9Mb)
  1262. Harland Sanders (couldn't be successful at anything until he started KFC) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1263. Harlem (once an elite community) (0.9Mb)
  1264. Harley Morris (old man drag racing) (0.9Mb)
  1265. Harold Arlen (Over the Rainbow and Wizard of Oz) (0.8Mb)
  1266. Harold Macmillan (Prime Minister of England, quit due to prostrate issues) (0.9Mb)
  1267. Harold Robbins (Author) (0.7Mb)
  1268. Harrison Dillard (Olympic sprinter, not hurdler) (0.9Mb)
  1269. Harrison Ford (former carpenter to the stars) (noisy) (0.8Mb)
  1270. Harry Houdini (Unlocked Safe) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1271. Harry Houdini (introduced Australia to the airplane) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1272. Harry Houdini (introduced Australia to the airplane) (Version 2) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1273. Harry Platt (five year old with TB later orthopaedic surgeon) (0.9Mb)
  1274. Harry Truman (Almost dropped atomic bomb on Moscow) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1275. Harry Truman (Buzzing the White House) (0.9Mb)
  1276. Harry Truman (Captain of World War I Battery D) (0.9Mb)
  1277. Harry Truman (Courtship of future wife Bess) (0.9Mb)
  1278. Harry Truman (Did not want to be Vice President) (0.9Mb)
  1279. Harry Truman (Diptheria at 9 yeard old) (0.8Mb)
  1280. Harry Truman (Tried to be tough kid) (0.9Mb)
  1281. Harry Truman (car stuck in same ditch twice) (0.9Mb)
  1282. Harry Truman (his mother and farm foreclosure) (1Mb)
  1283. Harry Truman (his mother and the Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  1284. Harry Truman (poor eyesight) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  1285. Harry Truman (poor eyesight) (0.9Mb)
  1286. Harry Truman (worked at drug store as 12 year old) (0.9Mb)
  1287. Hart Island (Plague Cemetary) (0.9Mb)
  1288. Harvey Haddix (pitched perfect game and lost) (no beginning) (0.9Mb)
  1289. Harvey Wilcox (founded Hollywood) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  1290. Haskell Free Library and Opera House (Trial on US and Canada border) (0.9Mb)
  1291. Hatteras Jack (Dolphin guided ships) (0.9Mb)
  1292. Hawaii (Annexation) (0.7Mb)
  1293. Hawaii (horses and cowboys) (0.9Mb)
  1294. Hawaii Overthown 1893 (former monarchy) (0.9Mb)
  1295. Haym Salomon (Jews in Revolutionary War) (0.9Mb)
  1296. Heart Monitoring Equipment (Salesman found out he had heart trouble) (1993) (0.8Mb)
  1297. Hector Berlioz (Symphonie Fantastique) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1298. Hector Charles Bywater (The Great Pacific War) (0.7Mb)
  1299. Heinrich Himmler (Final Solution 1933) (0.9Mb)
  1300. Helen Hayes (heckled her own movie) (0.9Mb)
  1301. Helen Keller (Charles Dickens inspired her mother) (0.9Mb)
  1302. Helen Keller (lost and found special watch) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  1303. Helen Keller (lost and found special watch) (0.9Mb)
  1304. Helen Mitchell (Melba Toast) (version 2) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1305. Helen Mitchell (Melba Toast) (0.9Mb)
  1306. Helen Potter (Peter Rabbit) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1307. Helen Potter (Peter Rabbit) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1308. Helen Potter (her life inspired her to write Peter Rabbit) (0.9Mb)
  1309. Helen Stevens (Olympic runner accusted of being a man) (0.9Mb)
  1310. Helena Rubenstein (attempted robbery) (0.9Mb)
  1311. Helga Estby (Mother and Daughter Walked Coast to Coast 1896) (0.9Mb)
  1312. Helga Estby (first woman cross country walk 1896) (0.9Mb)
  1313. Hemp (grown by farmers in World War II now outlawed) (0.8Mb)
  1314. Henri Latour (French Detective) (0.9Mb)
  1315. Henrietta (monkey companion for quadraplegic) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1316. Henry Bergh (founded ASPCA) (0.9Mb)
  1317. Henry Brown (Slave shipped in wood box to freedom) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1318. Henry Brown (Slave shipped in wood box to freedom) (0.9Mb)
  1319. Henry Clemens (Mark Twain's younger brother) (0.9Mb)
  1320. Henry Comstock (the Comstock Load Story) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  1321. Henry David Thoreau (Forest fire) (0.9Mb)
  1322. Henry David Thoreau (house on Walden Pond) (0.9Mb)
  1323. Henry David Thoreau (pencil maker) (0.9Mb)
  1324. Henry Dunant (Founded Red Cross) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1325. Henry Dunant (Founded Red Cross) (version 2) (1Mb)
  1326. Henry Fonda (college dropout and theatre) (0.9Mb)
  1327. Henry Ford (First Fords are now Cadillacs) (0.8Mb)
  1328. Henry Ford (first garage door and quadracycle) (1st version) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1329. Henry Ford (first garage door and quadracycle) (2nd version) (0.8Mb)
  1330. Henry Ford (influenced and honored by Hitler) (0.9Mb)
  1331. Henry Ford (mamas boy and farm tractor) (0.9Mb)
  1332. Henry Ford (soybeans) (0.9Mb)
  1333. Henry Ford (sued newspaper) (0.8Mb)
  1334. Henry Ford (terrible driver) (NOISY) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1335. Henry Ford (watches) (0.9Mb)
  1336. Henry Giessenbier (8th grade dropout, founded the Jaycees) (0.9Mb)
  1337. Henry Hooker (Turkey drive) (0.9Mb)
  1338. Henry Lawton (two Gerominoes) (0.8Mb)
  1339. Henry Plummer (Sheriff and outlaw at same time) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  1340. Henry Stanley (Expedition to find Dr. Livingstone) (0.9Mb)
  1341. Henry Steinway (Childhood, lost family and pianos) (0.8Mb)
  1342. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (wife burned and died) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1343. Herb Brooks (1980 Olympics team coach cut from 1960 team) (0.9Mb)
  1344. Herbert Hoover (FDR blamed depression on him) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1345. Herbert Hoover (Osage Indians) (0.9Mb)
  1346. Herbert Hoover (Watergate that wasn't 1930) (0.9Mb)
  1347. Herbert Hoover (formed Stanford football team) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1348. Herbert Hoover (helped Hitchhiker) (0.8Mb)
  1349. Herbert and Dorothy Vogel (art collection in tiny apartment) (0.9Mb)
  1350. Hermin Nelville (story of Billy Budd) (1Mb)
  1351. Hero of Alexandria (Inventions from toys) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1352. Hero of Alexandria (Inventions from toys) (0.8Mb)
  1353. Heroin (first cough medicine) (1994) (0.8Mb)
  1354. Hetty Green (miser and crippled son) (0.9Mb)
  1355. High Tech Golf Clubs (Ping golf clubs declared illegal) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1356. Hillary Clinton (Goldwater Girl) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1357. Hillary Clinton (once a Republican) (0.9Mb)
  1358. Himalayas (Started as islands at the equator) (0.7Mb)
  1359. Hippocrates (The Doctor was a quack) (0.9Mb)
  1360. Hiram Calder (first woman voter, pretended to be a man) (0.9Mb)
  1361. History of Underwater Exploration (Jules Verne and Robert Fulton) (0.9Mb)
  1362. Ho Chi Minh (Helped us in WW2) (0.9Mb)
  1363. Hoagy Carmichael (bootleger almost caught) (0.9Mb)
  1364. Hoagy Carmichael (no lawyer and songwriter) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  1365. Hoagy Charmichael (Stardust) (0.7Mb)
  1366. Hobson's Choice (horses and rotation) (0.9Mb)
  1367. Holland (tulip bulbs and inflation) (0.9Mb)
  1368. Hollywood (MGM and full length films) (0.8Mb)
  1369. Honeymooners (TV show based upon Jackie Gleason's parents) (0.9Mb)
  1370. Hooked on white powder (garlic) (0.9Mb)
  1371. Hoover Vacuum Cleaner (origns) (0.9Mb)
  1372. Hop Along Cassidy (all fiction) (1989) (0.8Mb)
  1373. Horatio Alger (Rags to Riches to Rags) (0.9Mb)
  1374. Horatio Nelson (Battle of Copenhagen and Blind Eye) (0.7Mb)
  1375. Horatio Nelson (Chronically sick) (0.7Mb)
  1376. Horatio Spafford (It is well with my soul) (0.9Mb)
  1377. Horse (finds way home in snow storm) (0.9Mb)
  1378. Horse Race (Subsititue horse won) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1379. Horse Race (Subsititue horse won) (0.9Mb)
  1380. Horse almost died (saved by spoiled buttermilk and later ran Kentucky Derby) (0.8Mb)
  1381. Horseshoes (new technology developed by dentists) (1987) (1Mb)
  1382. Hostages in Algeria (taken 1785 and US Navy) (0.9Mb)
  1383. Hot Dog (origin of term) (0.9Mb)
  1384. Housatonic (Sunk by sub during Civil War) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1385. How Idaho and Colorado were named (fake Indian name) (0.9Mb)
  1386. Howard Hughes (germophobic fromhis parents) (0.8Mb)
  1387. Hubble Telescope (origin of its name) (0.8Mb)
  1388. Huckleberry Finn book (banned at school named for Mark Twain) (0.9Mb)
  1389. Hudson Bay (mutiny) (0.9Mb)
  1390. Hugh Hefner (origins of Playboy) (0.9Mb)
  1391. Hugh Lofting (created Dr. Doolittle talked to the animals) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1392. Hugo Black (liberal judge and member of KKK) (0.9Mb)
  1393. Humphrey Bogart (Chess hustler) (0.7Mb)
  1394. Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper and Mary (left Hollywood and returned) (0.9Mb)
  1395. Huntsville (shot up and fake Indian raid) (0.9Mb)
  1396. Hutchinson Family Quartet (Sang against Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  1397. Hydrogen bomb (accidently dropped and kills cow) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1398. I Love Lucy (almost cancelled) (0.8Mb)
  1399. Ian Fleming (author of Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang and James Bond) (0.8Mb)
  1400. Ian Flemming (James Bond and Casino Royale) (0.9Mb)
  1401. Ice Age (1250 to 1850) (0.9Mb)
  1402. Ice Age (In modern times) (0.6Mb)
  1403. Ice Cream (history) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1404. Ice Cream Sundae (Made without soda to get around laws) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1405. Ice Hotel in Sweden (built each year) (0.8Mb)
  1406. Ice Man (5000 years old found in Alps) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  1407. Ice Palace (Russia 1739) (0.9Mb)
  1408. Iceberg that hit Titanic (came from Greenland 3000 years ago) (0.9Mb)
  1409. Iceberg that sunk the Titanic (story as told by the iceberg) (4.5Mb)
  1410. Ida Lewis (Lime Rock Lighthouse keeper RI) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1411. Iditerod (race against time 1925) (0.9Mb)
  1412. Ignacy Jan Paderewski (Polish pianist and politician goes home 1992) (0.9Mb)
  1413. Ignacy Jan Paderewski (struggling pianist) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1414. Ignacy Paderewski (Pianist had to try harder) (0.9Mb)
  1415. Illegal to be married by minister (pilgrims 17th century) (0.9Mb)
  1416. In God We Trust (on US currency 1955) (0.9Mb)
  1417. Inca City (found 1999) (0.9Mb)
  1418. Inca Indians Temple (found in lake August 2000) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  1419. Independence Hall 1783 (unpaid solders and move to Washington, DC) (0.9Mb)
  1420. Indian Chief (White Man Forked Tongue) (0.9Mb)
  1421. Indian and Spainard In Space (former enemies) (0.9Mb)
  1422. Indians Not American Indians (actually Russian) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1423. Indians built bridges, tall buildings in NYC (not scared of heights) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1424. Ingmar Bergman (movie director as young boy) (0.9Mb)
  1425. Inspector Drew (dog detective South Carolina) (0.9Mb)
  1426. Invisible hand (Scientists discovered 1998) (0.9Mb)
  1427. Ireland (Invaded by the Vikings) (0.9Mb)
  1428. Irene Curie (Marie Curie's daughter also died of radiation) (0.8Mb)
  1429. Irish Potato Famine (fungus rot came from USA) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1430. Irving Berlin (Always, gift to wife) (0.9Mb)
  1431. Irving Berlin (Easter Parade) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1432. Irving Berlin (Easter Parade) (0.9Mb)
  1433. Irving Berlin (God Bless America) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1434. Irving Berlin (God Bless America) (0.9Mb)
  1435. Irving Berlin (White Christmas and 330 Cherry Street) (0.9Mb)
  1436. Isaac Singer (Male chauvinist and inventor) (0.9Mb)
  1437. Issac Newton (Black Plague and gravity) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1438. Issac Newton (Theologian) (1st version) (0.9Mb)
  1439. Issac Newton (Theologian) (2nd version) (0.9Mb)
  1440. It's Friday (once a sign of bad luck) (0.9Mb)
  1441. It's a Wonderful Life (flop and copyright expired became hit) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1442. Ithord Gray (Marksmanship challenge) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1443. Ivan The Terrible (Started out as a good king) (HQ) (1.2Mb)
  1444. Ivory Snow Girl and Baby logo (real life model) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1445. Ivory Snow Girl and Baby logo (real life model) (0.9Mb)
  1446. Ivory Soap (discovered by accident, first used in Civil War) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1447. Ivory Soap (discovered by accident, first used in Civil War) (0.8Mb)
  1448. Ivory Soap (how it was named) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1449. Ivory Soap (how it was named) (0.9Mb)
  1450. Ivy Nicholson (Glamour Girl to Bag Lady) (0.9Mb)
  1451. J. D. Salinger (Seymour Glass and Valley Forge Military Academy) (0.8Mb)
  1452. J. Edgar Hoover (popover recipe) (0.9Mb)
  1453. J. Paul Barnett (concussionist) (0.9Mb)
  1454. Jack Benny (Blind Date and heckler) (0.9Mb)
  1455. Jack Benny (Scratches on his face) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1456. Jack Benny (Scratches on his face) (0.9Mb)
  1457. Jack Benny (almost toured with the Marx Brothers) (0.9Mb)
  1458. Jack Daniel (Whisky smuggler) (0.7Mb)
  1459. Jack Dempsy (mugged in taxi NYC) (0.8Mb)
  1460. Jack Hillers (Boatman turned photographer, Grand Canyon) (1993) (0.8Mb)
  1461. Jack Kevorkian (ghastly artist) (0.8Mb)
  1462. Jack Kilby (integrated circuit) (0.9Mb)
  1463. Jack Lemmon (his mother Millie) (0.9Mb)
  1464. Jack McGurn (Al Capone's Machine Gun Man, Golfer) (0.8Mb)
  1465. Jack Nickalus (tagged along with father golf age 10) (0.9Mb)
  1466. Jack Nicklaus (fainting father) (0.9Mb)
  1467. Jack Nicklaus (story from his caddy in 1998) (0.9Mb)
  1468. Jack Reich (disabled Artist) (0.9Mb)
  1469. Jack the Ripper (Prince Eddy Albert Victor) (0.7Mb)
  1470. Jackie Cole (death wishes, coma and awake) (0.9Mb)
  1471. Jackie Mitchell (17 year old girl struck out Babe Ruth 1931 version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1472. Jackie Mitchell (first female pitcher at 17 1931 version 1) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1473. Jackie Mitchell (first female pitcher at 17 1931 version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1474. Jackie Mitchell (girl baseball player struck out Yankees) (0.9Mb)
  1475. Jacob Schick (Invented electric razor)_C32_a7 (0.8Mb)
  1476. Jacque Cousteau (car accident and swimming) (0.9Mb)
  1477. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (necklace given away in box of chocolates) (0.9Mb)
  1478. Jacques Cousteau (summer camp as a kid) (0.9Mb)
  1479. Jacques d'Amboise (Hells Kitchen to Ballerina) (0.9Mb)
  1480. Jacques d'Amboise (Tough Guy Turns to Ballet) (0.9Mb)
  1481. James Abbott Whistler (Arms smuggler later artist) (0.9Mb)
  1482. James Arness (War injury) (0.7Mb)
  1483. James Audubon (Lazy shopkeeper) (0.7Mb)
  1484. James Barrie (Lost Boys and Peter Pan) (0.9Mb)
  1485. James Barry (Female Surgeon General) (0.9Mb)
  1486. James Barry (Inspector General was female) (0.9Mb)
  1487. James Bartley (Swollowed whole by whale) (No beginning) (0.9Mb)
  1488. James Brendan Connolly (Olympics sweet victory and bake sale) (0.9Mb)
  1489. James Cagney (Broke Tooth) (0.9Mb)
  1490. James Cagney (Chorus Girl) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1491. James Cagney (Chorus Girl) (Version 2) (0.7Mb)
  1492. James Cagney (Imitated pimp) (0.9Mb)
  1493. James Cash Penney (started over at age 56) (0.9Mb)
  1494. James Dean (died in car crash) (Part 1) (0.9Mb)
  1495. James Dean (died in car crash) (Part 2) (0.9Mb)
  1496. James Dean (nearsighted) (0.9Mb)
  1497. James Earl Jones (stutterer as kid) (0.9Mb)
  1498. James Garfield (Alexander Graham Bell tried to find Bullet) (0.9Mb)
  1499. James Garfield (Assassinated and medical malpractice) (0.9Mb)
  1500. James Garfield (On Ohio canal) (0.9Mb)
  1501. James Island (memory of animals over 200 years) (0.9Mb)
  1502. James Kelly (Subway worker who smelled for problems) (0.9Mb)
  1503. James Lawrence (Don't Give Up The Ship) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1504. James Lawrence (Don't Give Up The Ship) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  1505. James Madison (White house burned War of 1812) (0.9Mb)
  1506. James Pierpont (Jingle Bells songwriter) (0.8Mb)
  1507. James Polk (Gallstones removed at age 17) (1994) (0.8Mb)
  1508. James Smithson (illegitimate, provided funding for Smithsonian) (0.9Mb)
  1509. James Watt (mathmatical instruments) (0.9Mb)
  1510. James Whistler (Interior Decorator) (0.9Mb)
  1511. James Whistler (his father George) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1512. James Whistler (his mother and brother) (0.9Mb)
  1513. James Whistler Painting (Blue Girl and Maggie) (0.9Mb)
  1514. Jamestown (Starving time and Story of Two Tribes) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  1515. Jane Doss (Purchased what is now downtown Atlanta) (0.7Mb)
  1516. Jane Fonda (ancestor was also activist) (0.9Mb)
  1517. Japamese Submarine Captain (bombed American oilfield for personal revenge) (0.9Mb)
  1518. Japan Saves Two Rocks (vanishing island) (no ending) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  1519. Japanese Diplomat (saved thousands of Jews in WWII Germany) (0.9Mb)
  1520. Japanese Ship captured (End of WW2 no shots fired) (0.8Mb)
  1521. Japanese Submarine (Sunk before start of Pearl Harbor attack) (0.8Mb)
  1522. Japanese Surrender WW2 (Translation errors brought on atomic bomb attacks) (0.9Mb)
  1523. Japanese ship (captured on day Hiroshima was bombed) (0.9Mb)
  1524. Japenese Bomb Kills 5 In US WW2 1945 (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1525. Japenese Bomb Kills 5 In US WW2 1945 (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1526. Jaws movie (Bruce, the stand in shark robot) (0.9Mb)
  1527. Jay Gould (helped form Metropolitan Opera) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1528. Jay Leno (got revenge for his father) (0.9Mb)
  1529. Jay Leno (homeless comedian) (0.8Mb)
  1530. Jay's Potato Chips (Al Capone wanted potato chips) (0.9Mb)
  1531. Jean Batiste (Suicide a Crime) (0.9Mb)
  1532. Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (French magician in Africa) (0.9Mb)
  1533. Jean Nicolet (Looked for short cut to China, discovered Green Bay, WI) (0.9Mb)
  1534. Jean de Sperati (Stamp forger) (0.8Mb)
  1535. Jeb Clayton (Blind Mechanic In Texas) (0.9Mb)
  1536. Jefferson Davis (former slave bought his old plantation) (0.9Mb)
  1537. Jefferson Davis (wife died of malaria after three months) (0.9Mb)
  1538. Jeffery Orth (Once a war protester now a supporter) (0.6Mb)
  1539. Jello (total flop for first 50 years) (0.9Mb)
  1540. Jens Nygaard (Bum before becoming conductor at Lincoln Center) (0.9Mb)
  1541. Jeremy Bentham (Still attends board meetings after death) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1542. Jeremy Pinchot (young Republican raised in a commune) (0.9Mb)
  1543. Jerome Hines (Kicked Out Glee Club) (0.9Mb)
  1544. Jerome Kern (accidently ordered too many pianos) (0.8Mb)
  1545. Jerry Fallwell (his father and uncle) (0.8Mb)
  1546. Jerry Fallwell (the weak twin) (0.8Mb)
  1547. Jerry Kramer (NFL championship game 1967 and accidents) (0.8Mb)
  1548. Jerry Kramer (accident prone and Green Bay Packers) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1549. Jerry Lewis (Almost committed suicide) (0.6Mb)
  1550. Jerry Trailer (Cerebal palsy) (0.9Mb)
  1551. Jersey Joe Walcott (came out of retirement to win) (0.9Mb)
  1552. Jesse Hiatt (Red Delicious Apples) (0.9Mb)
  1553. Jesse James (Crime did not pay) (0.7Mb)
  1554. Jesse James (helped poor widow) (0.9Mb)
  1555. Jesse James (his brother Frank and $2 million still buried) (0.9Mb)
  1556. Jesse Owens (donated oak tree to Ohio State University) (0.9Mb)
  1557. Jesse Owens (injured back playing golf) (0.9Mb)
  1558. Jesse Owens (operation, endurance of pain) (0.9Mb)
  1559. Jesse Owens (race against horse) (0.8Mb)
  1560. Jesus Christ (modern description of his death) (0.8Mb)
  1561. Jesus Christ (shroud and old coins in eyes) (0.9Mb)
  1562. Jewish Museum in Prauge (founded by Hitler) (0.9Mb)
  1563. Jewish Song (words added to ancient song) (0.9Mb)
  1564. Jim Bakker (first performance was in nursing home) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  1565. Jim Bakker (grandfather influenced him to be a huckster) (0.9Mb)
  1566. Jim Bowie (Bowie knife) (0.9Mb)
  1567. Jim Carrey (Tried not to be like his father) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  1568. Jim Elliott (Scrawny kid bicycle racer) (0.9Mb)
  1569. Jim Harrison (Wolf) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  1570. Jim Otis (wanted to be struck by lightning) (0.9Mb)
  1571. Jim Patridge (Black Belt Expert No Legs) (0.9Mb)
  1572. Jim Patridge (Legless Vietnam vet saves drowning baby) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1573. Jim Thorpe (stripped of gold medals, died broke) (0.9Mb)
  1574. Jim Trent (obsession with number 27) (0.9Mb)
  1575. Jim and Tammy Bakker (opening of Hampton Coliseum) (0.9Mb)
  1576. Jimmy Doolittle (1931 Indinapolis 500, nonstop with diesel engine) (0.9Mb)
  1577. Jimmy Doolittle (Tokyo bombing) (0.9Mb)
  1578. Jimmy Durante (Good Night Mrs. Calibash) (0.9Mb)
  1579. Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda (accordian playing Times Square 1930s) (0.9Mb)
  1580. Jimmy Trent (Number 27) (0.9Mb)
  1581. Jo Ann Smith (first female cattlemen's association president, blabber mouth) (0.9Mb)
  1582. Joan Lunden (father died in plane crash) (0.8Mb)
  1583. Joan Miro (Harlequin’s Carnival) (0.9Mb)
  1584. Joan Rivers (Blind date) (0.9Mb)
  1585. Joan Rivers (Prostitute story) (0.9Mb)
  1586. Jockey Raplph Neves (Dead & Alive) (0.8Mb)
  1587. Jody Foster (played Becky Thatcher in 1973 Tom Sawyer movie) (0.9Mb)
  1588. Joe DiMaggio (marriage to Dorothy Arnold) (0.9Mb)
  1589. Joe DiMaggio (no fisherman) (0.9Mb)
  1590. Joe Hazelwood (Exxon Valdez Oil Spill) (0.9Mb)
  1591. Joe Hazelwood (Nature boy and Exxon Valdez) (1Mb)
  1592. Joe Kittinger (Vietnam POW & Balloonist) (0.9Mb)
  1593. Joe Lewis (class sissy) (0.9Mb)
  1594. Joe Lewis (fast eyes) (0.9Mb)
  1595. Joe Lewis (fought for equal rights for blacks) (0.9Mb)
  1596. Joe Namath (Too small to play sports) (0.7Mb)
  1597. Joe Siebert (out of prison into another) (0.9Mb)
  1598. Joe Simpson (Twice-Hanged, Headless Hooch) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1599. Joel Roberts Poinsett (Poinsettia) (0.9Mb)
  1600. Johann Bottger (Porcelain) (0.9Mb)
  1601. Johann Friedrich Oberlin (founded kindergarten) (0.9Mb)
  1602. Johann Rall (Prussian colonel hired gun for England died in Trenton) (0.9Mb)
  1603. Johann Sebastian Bach (church organist and jail bird) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1604. Johann Strauss (Father forbid son to learn music) (0.9Mb)
  1605. Johann and Joseph Strauss (brothers, Joseph took over for Johann) (0.9Mb)
  1606. Johannes Brahms (Playing Piano in Brothels) (0.8Mb)
  1607. John Adams (defended soldiers in Boston Massacre) (0.9Mb)
  1608. John Adams (took three month vacation while president) (0.9Mb)
  1609. John Andre (British General robbed, saved Revolutionary war) (0.9Mb)
  1610. John Audobon (forced to eat his birds) (0.9Mb)
  1611. John Audubon (Conservationist once killed animals) (0.9Mb)
  1612. John Bunyan (The Pilgrim's Progress) (0.9Mb)
  1613. John Calvin (Swiss Watches) (0.9Mb)
  1614. John Clem (Civil War soldier age 13, Damn Little Yankee) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1615. John Colter (Explored where Yellowstone National Park is located) (0.8Mb)
  1616. John Cook (discovered the Kangaroo) (0.9Mb)
  1617. John D. Rockefeller (Grand Teton National Park) (0.9Mb)
  1618. John D. Rockefeller (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1619. John D. Rockefeller (father a cheat and con artist) (0.9Mb)
  1620. John Deere (blacksmith and improved plow) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1621. John Dillinger (bad luck with women) (NOISY) (PARTS MISSING) (0.9Mb)
  1622. John Dillinger (botched plastic surgery) (0.9Mb)
  1623. John Dillinger (heart broken) (0.8Mb)
  1624. John Dunlop (first pneumatic tire) (0.7Mb)
  1625. John Duns Scotus (first dunce, not dumb) (1st version) (0.9Mb)
  1626. John Duns Scotus (first dunce, not dumb) (2nd version) (0.9Mb)
  1627. John F. Kennedy (Scrimshaw) (0.9Mb)
  1628. John F. Kennedy (author not politician (0.9Mb)
  1629. John F. Kennedy (his grandfather - newspaper boy) (0.9Mb)
  1630. John F. Kennedy (sickly kid) (0.9Mb)
  1631. John Gambling (radio host on WOR) (1990) (0.8Mb)
  1632. John Gates (Barbed Wire salesman, product nobody wanted) (0.9Mb)
  1633. John Glenn (on Name That Tune) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  1634. John Gorrie (Inventor of Referigeration) (0.9Mb)
  1635. John Greenleaf Whittier (Farmboy poet) (0.7Mb)
  1636. John Harrison (Both father and son to US Presidents) (0.8Mb)
  1637. John Harrison (both son and father of presidents) (0.8Mb)
  1638. John Harvard (founded Harvard University) (0.9Mb)
  1639. John Heisman (football coach) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1640. John Henry (Doc Holiday) (0.8Mb)
  1641. John Hertz (Yellow Cab and rental cars) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1642. John Hertz (Yellow Cab and rental cars) (0.9Mb)
  1643. John Hopps (Pacemaker inventor needed one) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1644. John Houseman (how the 1929 stock market crash changed his career) (0.9Mb)
  1645. John Huddleston (found diamonds on his farm in Arkansas 1906) (1998) (0.8Mb)
  1646. John Joseph Merlin (Invented Roller Skates) (0.9Mb)
  1647. John Keats (Pharmacist then poet) (0.6Mb)
  1648. John Kellogg (first sex book 1879 Plain Facts) (0.9Mb)
  1649. John L Sullivan (Defended younger brother) (0.6Mb)
  1650. John L. Sullivan (Beat By Woman) (0.9Mb)
  1651. John L. Sullivan (Woman knocked him out in boxing match) (0.9Mb)
  1652. John L. Sullivan (boxer turned actor) (0.9Mb)
  1653. John L. Sullivan (his kid brother and boxing) (0.8Mb)
  1654. John Lennon (his aunt Mimi and guitar) (0.8Mb)
  1655. John Lloyd Wright (Frank's son, Lincoln Logs) (0.9Mb)
  1656. John Major (dropout and on welfare later Prime Minister) (0.9Mb)
  1657. John Miller (blind and news carrier of the year) (0.9Mb)
  1658. John Milton (Paradise Lost) (0.9Mb)
  1659. John Newton (sailor to minister, Amazing Grace) (0.9Mb)
  1660. John Paul Jones (Hopkins retreat) (0.9Mb)
  1661. John Paul Jones (also fought for the Russian navy) (0.8Mb)
  1662. John Philip Sousa (Washington Post March) (0.9Mb)
  1663. John Quincy Adams (Served in Congress after being president) (0.7Mb)
  1664. John Quincy Adams (at age 63) (0.9Mb)
  1665. John Quincy Adams (cuff links and his son) (0.9Mb)
  1666. John Quincy Adams (skinny dipping while President) (0.8Mb)
  1667. John Renie (stone puzzle tombstone) (0.9Mb)
  1668. John Robbins (didn't want to run family business) (0.9Mb)
  1669. John Rock (Test Tube Babies and the Pill) (1Mb)
  1670. John Spilsbury (Jigsaw Puzzle inventor) (0.9Mb)
  1671. John Stafford Smith (Wrote music for Star Spangled Banner) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  1672. John Travolta (Last of six children) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1673. John Tyler (Johnny Reb) (0.9Mb)
  1674. John Tyler (secret wedding) (0.9Mb)
  1675. John Vaughan (seed company CEO no gardner) (0.9Mb)
  1676. John Wayne (birthday party sniper) (0.8Mb)
  1677. John Wayne (sissy in school and Big Duke) (0.9Mb)
  1678. John Wayne (skinny kid & dog) (0.9Mb)
  1679. John Wesley (Lived in haunted house) (0.7Mb)
  1680. John Wesley (Saved from house fire as child) (1.8Mb)
  1681. John Wilder (Surrendered troops) (0.7Mb)
  1682. John Wilkes Booth (attempted murder 1861) (0.9Mb)
  1683. John Wilkes Booth (his brother) (0.9Mb)
  1684. John Wilkes Booth (his escape after assassination) (0.9Mb)
  1685. John Wilkes Booth (his father also an actor) (0.8Mb)
  1686. Johnny Appleseed (Bride's death inspired him to plant apple seeds) (0.8Mb)
  1687. Johnny Appleseed (land baron) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1688. Johnny Appleseed (preacher) (0.9Mb)
  1689. Johnny Carson (first TV show a flop 1955) (0.9Mb)
  1690. Johnny Carson (last minute fill-in for Red Skelton) (0.8Mb)
  1691. Johnny Carson (tinsel town) (0.8Mb)
  1692. Johnny Gruelle (Created Raggedy Ann in honor of his daughter) (0.9Mb)
  1693. Johnny Mathis (Athlete before singer) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1694. Johnny Miller (1973 US Open winner) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1695. Johnny Miller (Too many golf clubs) (0.9Mb)
  1696. Johnny Unitas (His mother and Scrub Woman) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1697. Johnny Unitas (Too Small John) (0.9Mb)
  1698. Jon Erikson (English Channel swimmer father and son) (0.9Mb)
  1699. Jonas Hanway (Philantropist and umbrella) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1700. Jonas Hanway (Philantropist and umbrella) (Version 2) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  1701. Jonathan Swift (wrote Gulliver's Travels) (0.9Mb)
  1702. Jose De La Mora (Wrestler with no legs) (0.8Mb)
  1703. Josef Breuer (influenced Sigmund Freud) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1704. Josefina Guerrero (Italian spy) (0.9Mb)
  1705. Josefina Guerrero (WW2 spy and Leprosy) (0.9Mb)
  1706. Joseph Cinque (Slave became slave trader) (0.9Mb)
  1707. Joseph Stalin (his childhood) (0.9Mb)
  1708. Joseph-Maurice Ravel (French composer, his last years) (0.9Mb)
  1709. Josephine Cochrane (invented dishwasher 1886) (HQ) (1.4Mb)
  1710. Joshua Abraham Norton (Emperor Norton of San Francisco) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1711. Joshua Chamberlain (civil war injury, 50 years to die) (0.9Mb)
  1712. Joshua Tatum (gold plated nickels 1883) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  1713. Joshua Tatum (gold plated nickels 1883) (Version 2) (0.6Mb)
  1714. Josiah Henson (The real Uncle Tom) (0.9Mb)
  1715. Joyce Brothers (in school) (0.8Mb)
  1716. Joyce Brothers age 12 (joke on camp counselor that backfired) (0.9Mb)
  1717. Joyce Hall (boy with girl name, founder of Hallmark cards) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  1718. Judas (Did not mean for Jesus to die) (0.9Mb)
  1719. Judge and Public Defender (are husband and wife) (0.9Mb)
  1720. Judy Collins (attempted suicide and bottle of aspirin) (0.8Mb)
  1721. Judy Garland (almost not born)_D73_b1 (0.9Mb)
  1722. Jules Leotard (Trapeze artist and outfit) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1723. Jules Vern (dreamer shot by nephew) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  1724. Jules' Undersea Lodge (hotel under ocean) (0.9Mb)
  1725. Julia Child (learned to cook at age 34) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1726. Julia Child (learned to cook at age 34) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1727. Julian Mitchell (Helped produce Ziegfeld Follies even though he was deaf) (0.9Mb)
  1728. Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady) (0.7Mb)
  1729. Julie Andrews (as 8 year old) (0.9Mb)
  1730. Julie Andrews (childrens books) (0.9Mb)
  1731. Julio Iglesias (Car accident) (0.7Mb)
  1732. Julio Iglesias (His father) (0.9Mb)
  1733. Julius Caesar (Julian calendar) (0.9Mb)
  1734. Julius Caesar (bad lawyer) (0.8Mb)
  1735. Julius Caesar (kidnapped by pirates) (0.9Mb)
  1736. Jurassic Park (making) (0.9Mb)
  1737. KDKA Radio (first scheduled broadcast and transmitter moves) (0.9Mb)
  1738. Kamikaze American Bats (World War II) (0.9Mb)
  1739. Karankawa Indians (wiped out due to stupdity) (0.8Mb)
  1740. Karen Prendergast (Blind aviator) (0.9Mb)
  1741. Karl Benz (his family's car trip in Germany 1888) (0.9Mb)
  1742. Karl Kroyer (Raised the Al Kuwait with ping pong balls) (0.7Mb)
  1743. Karl Marx and Fred Engles (communism authors) (0.9Mb)
  1744. Karsten Solheim (inventor and Ping golf club designer) (0.9Mb)
  1745. Kartchner Caverns (Secret Cave Under Farm) (0.9Mb)
  1746. Kate Smith (her life) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1747. Katharine Hepburn (Devotion to Spencer Tracy) (0.9Mb)
  1748. Katharine Lee Bates (America The Beautiful) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1749. Katherine Hepburn (Easter at age 10 and brother's suicide) (0.9Mb)
  1750. Katherine Hepburn (as a tomboy) (0.9Mb)
  1751. Katherine Hepburn (her father and syphilis) (0.9Mb)
  1752. Katherine Hepburn (her mother) (0.9Mb)
  1753. Katherine Hepburn (nude on dorm roof) (0.8Mb)
  1754. Kathy Costello (Hard way to be doctor) (0.9Mb)
  1755. Ken Beer (best oldest tennis player) (0.9Mb)
  1756. Ken Parks (Sleepwalker and tire iron murder) (0.9Mb)
  1757. Ken Venturi (freak golf shot 1956 Masters) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  1758. Kentucky Bourbon (first in Virginia) (0.8Mb)
  1759. Kentucky Derby (how it was named) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1760. Ketchup (originally marketed as a medicine) (0.8Mb)
  1761. Key West (union fort during Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  1762. Kidney Dialysis (machine made for an infant) (0.7Mb)
  1763. Kids predicted outcome of 2000 presidential election (0.8Mb)
  1764. Kilt (Banned in Scotland in 1746) (0.8Mb)
  1765. Kim Wickes (blind singer adopted from Korea) (0.8Mb)
  1766. Kincsem (Ugliest horse and winning horse) (0.9Mb)
  1767. King Charles IX of France (April Fool's Day) (0.9Mb)
  1768. King Coel (king of England and nursery rhyme) (0.9Mb)
  1769. King Frederick of Prussia (addiction to coffee and beer) (0.8Mb)
  1770. King George II (Messiah 1743) (0.9Mb)
  1771. King George IV (fired from job for fixing horse races) (0.9Mb)
  1772. King James (views on smoking) (0.9Mb)
  1773. King Louis XIV (High heels) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1774. King Louis XIV (map of Paris found at junk shop) (0.9Mb)
  1775. King Ludwig II of Bavaria (developed Fantasy Land with Wagner) (0.9Mb)
  1776. King Richard III (shamed by Shakespere) (0.9Mb)
  1777. King Wenceslas (Christian king was murdered) (0.6Mb)
  1778. Kingsford Charcoal (lumber factory now charcoal plant) (0.9Mb)
  1779. Kite Flying (wayward kite and girl almost drowned) (0.9Mb)
  1780. Kite Flying (with a 7000 pound lift, may have been used to build pyramids) (0.9Mb)
  1781. Kitty Litter (an alternative to sawdust) (0.9Mb)
  1782. Kleenex (originally made for gas masks in WWI) (0.9Mb)
  1783. Knute Rockne (Razel Dazel forward pass football) (0.9Mb)
  1784. Knute Rockne (as a student) (NOISY) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  1785. Knute Rockne (his father) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1786. Knute Rockne (his father) (0.9Mb)
  1787. Kosher Cat (0.9Mb)
  1788. Kristi Yamaguchi (Club foot) (0.8Mb)
  1789. Ky Laffoon (Indian Golfer) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  1790. L. Frank Baum (His childhood and Wizard of Oz) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1791. L. Frank Baum (Old Fur Coat and Wizard of Oz) (0.9Mb)
  1792. L. Frank Baum (Wizard of Oz and book advance) (0.9Mb)
  1793. La Choy origin (American Chinese food) (0.8Mb)
  1794. Lady Bird Johnson (When she met Lyndon Johnson) (0.7Mb)
  1795. Lady Hamilton (Was originally a mistress) (0.8Mb)
  1796. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Smallpox) (0.9Mb)
  1797. Lafayette Versus Carlisle Track Meet (challengers beat best team) (0.9Mb)
  1798. Lagosuchus (very small dinosaur) (0.9Mb)
  1799. Lake Missoula (ice age scabland and Mars) (0.8Mb)
  1800. Lake Peigneur, Louisiana (disappeared and came back 1980) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1801. Lake Peigneur, Louisiana (disappeared and came back 1980) (0.9Mb)
  1802. Lake Toplitz (Money from WWII found in lake 1984) (0.9Mb)
  1803. Lake Zurich Golf Club (Golf course saved by 3 dead men 1912) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  1804. Lakeway High School (Science team and fired teachers) (0.8Mb)
  1805. Lane Bryant (how it started) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1806. Lane Bryant (how it started) (version 2) (0.6Mb)
  1807. Languages (1445 in world and Rosetta project) (0.9Mb)
  1808. Larry King (Boom Boom) (0.9Mb)
  1809. Larry Zachary (Car Accident and recovery) (0.9Mb)
  1810. Las Claritas, Venezuela (Gold under village) (0.9Mb)
  1811. Lassie (motorcycle chaser) (0.9Mb)
  1812. Last Shot in WW2 (14 days after atomic bomb) (0.9Mb)
  1813. Last Stage Coach Robbery (led by woman 1898) (0.9Mb)
  1814. Last emperor of China (at age 3 later botnist) (0.9Mb)
  1815. Laughing Gas (first use and later anesthesia 1844) (0.9Mb)
  1816. Laughter (Prescribed since Biblical times) (0.7Mb)
  1817. Laughter is the best medicine (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1818. Lauren Chapin (Father Knows Best Kathy and drugs) (NO START OR END) (0.9Mb)
  1819. Laurence Olivier (Preacher Father) (0.9Mb)
  1820. Lawn Jockey Statues (painted black in honor of groomsman for George Washington) (0.9Mb)
  1821. Lawrence Hummel (Janitor Leaves Fortune to Bethany College) (0.9Mb)
  1822. Lawrence Washington (George's half brother) (0.9Mb)
  1823. Lawrence Welk (Diane and Lennon Sisters) (0.9Mb)
  1824. Lawrence Welk (farm boy) (0.9Mb)
  1825. Lawyers in Colonies in 1620 (hated) (0.9Mb)
  1826. Lead Poisoning (Why Roaman Empire Collapsed) (PART 2) (0.9Mb)
  1827. Leaning Tower of Pisa (construction problems) (0.8Mb)
  1828. Lech walesa (sister drove car, eluded police) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1829. Lee Harvey Oswald (wanted to kill Nixon too) (0.8Mb)
  1830. Lee de Forest (Invented radio tube) (0.9Mb)
  1831. Leeches (saved boy's finger) (0.8Mb)
  1832. Leo Durocher (billiards then baseball) (0.9Mb)
  1833. Leo the Lion (MGM lion and plane crash) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  1834. Leonard Bernstein (Aunt Clara's piano) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1835. Leonard Bernstein (Two pills not taken Assistant Conductor) (0.9Mb)
  1836. Leonard Bernstein (sick kid learned to play piano) (0.9Mb)
  1837. Leonard Smith (Spy Tree) (0.7Mb)
  1838. Les Boatwright (San Francisco 49ers ultimate fan) (0.9Mb)
  1839. Leslie Howard (shell shock then actor) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1840. Levi Strauss (stolen fabric and denim) (0.8Mb)
  1841. Lewis Powell (attempted murder of William Seward) (1994) (0.9Mb)
  1842. Lexan (polycarbonate plastic invented by Daniel Fox at General Electric) (0.9Mb)
  1843. Liberace (almost died from dry cleaning) (1994) (0.9Mb)
  1844. Liberace (infection and arm in hot water) (0.9Mb)
  1845. Liberty Bell (old building and scrap metal) (0.9Mb)
  1846. Liberty Films (It's A Wonderful Life) (0.8Mb)
  1847. Lie Detector First (donkey tail method more accurate) (0.9Mb)
  1848. Life 250 million years old in salt (Carlsbad, NM 1998) (0.9Mb)
  1849. Life Belt and Mom's Inspection Number (WW2) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  1850. Life Savers First (after dinner mint) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1851. Life Savers First (after dinner mint) (0.9Mb)
  1852. Life Saving Payback (Saved each other's lives) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1853. Life Saving Rat (saved owner from fire) (0.9Mb)
  1854. Light bulb (from 1901 still lit) (0.8Mb)
  1855. Lily Venizelos (Lilly of the Loggerhead Turtles) (0.9Mb)
  1856. Lily Venizelos (Saved Loggerhead turtles) (0.9Mb)
  1857. Limees (English Sailors and Scurvy) (0.9Mb)
  1858. Little Church Around The Corner (Actors church 1870) (0.8Mb)
  1859. Little Orphan Annie (originally Otto) (0.9Mb)
  1860. Little Richard (Father killed) (0.7Mb)
  1861. Lizzie Borden (falsely accused of murder) (0.7Mb)
  1862. Lizzie Borden (gentle person) (0.9Mb)
  1863. Lloyd Wood (Saved infected leg by riding bicycle to Mayo Clinic) (0.9Mb)
  1864. Log Burning on Christmas day (2001) (0.9Mb)
  1865. Log Cabin Origin (1638 in Delaware by Swedes) (0.9Mb)
  1866. London Bridge (Built in Roman times) (0.7Mb)
  1867. Lone Eagle (Bald eagle flew to Ireland in 1987) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  1868. Lord Byron (Greek Hero) (0.9Mb)
  1869. Lord Nelson (Chronically Seasick) (0.9Mb)
  1870. Loreta Velazquez (Woman fought as man during Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  1871. Loretta Lynn (First time singing) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1872. Loretta Lynn (Illiterate) (0.9Mb)
  1873. Loretto Chapel (mysterious staircase) (0.9Mb)
  1874. Los Adaes (first capital of Texas actually in Louisiana) (0.9Mb)
  1875. Lost Ring Found (lost in lake and husband found it) (0.9Mb)
  1876. Lost Squadron (WW2 Planes rescued from Greenland) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  1877. Lost Squadron (WW2 Planes rescued from Greenland) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1878. Lottery (first by Quakers, financed Revoluationary War) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  1879. Lou Brock (went into baseball for the money) (0.9Mb)
  1880. Lou Costello (Boxing) (0.7Mb)
  1881. Lou Geherig (Chicken Heart Baseball) (0.9Mb)
  1882. Lou Gehrig (Buster and replacement player) (1993) (0.8Mb)
  1883. Lou Holtz (Down and out achiever) (0.9Mb)
  1884. Louis Armstrong (First time singing) (0.7Mb)
  1885. Louis Camuti (Vet makes house calls, allergic to cats) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  1886. Louis L'Amour (Fiction Writer and Real Life) (0.8Mb)
  1887. Louis Pasteur (First Vaccination was by accident) (0.9Mb)
  1888. Louis Pasteur (slow learner and artist) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1889. Louis Pasteur (slow learner and artist) (0.8Mb)
  1890. Louisa Mae Alcott (wrote risque books before writing Little Women) (0.9Mb)
  1891. Louisa May Alcott (tomboy) (0.9Mb)
  1892. Lozen (female Apache warrior and chief) (0.9Mb)
  1893. Luciano Pavoratti (teacher, insurance salesman, singer) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1894. Luciano Pavoratti (teacher, insurance salesman, singer) (0.9Mb)
  1895. Lucille Ball (Accident Prone) (0.9Mb)
  1896. Lucille Ball (Brother's birthday party and shooting) (0.9Mb)
  1897. Lucille Ball (came down with arthritis and serum) (0.9Mb)
  1898. Lucille Ball (chained as a 9 year old) (0.9Mb)
  1899. Lucille Ball (did not get part) (0.9Mb)
  1900. Lucille Ball (girl in the back) (0.9Mb)
  1901. Lucille Ball (last autograph 1989) (0.9Mb)
  1902. Luckest Man In World (saved from Titanic but died later) (0.9Mb)
  1903. Lucy Brewer (First female Marine) (0.9Mb)
  1904. Ludwig & Isabelle Rudolph (Count & Countess Suicide) (0.9Mb)
  1905. Ludwig van Beethoven (No one believed who he was) (0.8Mb)
  1906. Ludwig van Beethoven (lead poisoning and suffering) (0.9Mb)
  1907. Lydia Pinkham (Vegetable compound and women) (0.9Mb)
  1908. Lyman Blackwell (Invented smoke detector and Dresden bombing) (0.8Mb)
  1909. Lyndon Johnson (Sam's boy) (0.8Mb)
  1910. Lyndon Johnson (Student loan) (0.7Mb)
  1911. Lyndon Johnson (Thomas Jefferson's Bird) (0.8Mb)
  1912. Lyndon Johnson (WW2 airplane adventure) (1994) (0.8Mb)
  1913. Lynn Adams (racquet locked in arthritic hand) (0.9Mb)
  1914. Lynn Adams (raquetball player and Arthritis) (part 1) (0.9Mb)
  1915. Lynn Adams (raquetball player and Arthritis) (part 2) (0.9Mb)
  1916. Ma Barker and Alvin Karpis (0.9Mb)
  1917. Madam C. J. Walker (black woman entrepreneur) (0.9Mb)
  1918. Mahatma Gandhi (First Case) (1988) (1Mb)
  1919. Mahatma Gandhi (Lawyer) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  1920. Mahlon Loomis (Wireless Telegraphy) (0.7Mb)
  1921. Malcolm Baldrige (commerce secretary was also cowboy) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1922. Man Who Never Was (Provided decoy for WW2 attack on Sicily) (0.9Mb)
  1923. Man of War (Beloved racehorse that died) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1924. Man won't die for life insurance (scheme did not work) (0.9Mb)
  1925. Manfred von Richthofen (The Red Baron, Slow Learner) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1926. Manhattan (con man wanted it to be sawed in half) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1927. Manhattan (con man wanted it to be sawed in half) (0.9Mb)
  1928. Manhattan Purchase (local Indians did not own it) (0.8Mb)
  1929. Manuel Noriega (Double Agent) (0.9Mb)
  1930. Marathon (Greek messenger) (0.9Mb)
  1931. Maravillas (Spanish ship sunk in Bermuda Triangle) (0.9Mb)
  1932. Marco Polo (adventures of his father and uncle) (0.8Mb)
  1933. Marconi (inventor of wireless) (0.8Mb)
  1934. Marcus Didius Julianus (bought Roman Empire at auction) (0.9Mb)
  1935. Margaret Brent (First woman lawyer) (HQ) (5.1Mb)
  1936. Margaret Hamilton (Wizard of Oz scared her son) (0.8Mb)
  1937. Margaret Mitchell (Gone With The Wind Author and broken ankle - Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1938. Margaret Mitchell (Gone With The Wind Author and broken ankle - Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  1939. Margaret Mitchell (Gone With The Wind author and Jonesboro, GA) (0.9Mb)
  1940. Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind author at 10 years old) (0.9Mb)
  1941. Margaret Sanger (founded Planned Parenthood) (0.9Mb)
  1942. Margarine (development and banned in many places) (0.8Mb)
  1943. Marie Antoinette (False Accusations) (0.9Mb)
  1944. Marie Laveau (Queen of Voodoo) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1945. Marie Laveau (almost stopped hanging July 1852) (0.9Mb)
  1946. Mario Andretti (Uncle Bruno and motorcycle) (0.7Mb)
  1947. Mario Lanza (at Army base in Texas) (0.9Mb)
  1948. Mark Alarie (Van for brother) (0.9Mb)
  1949. Mark McGwire (Wanted to be pitcher) (HQ) (0.8Mb)
  1950. Mark Twain (Wife was his editor) (0.7Mb)
  1951. Marlene Dietrich (First a violinist) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1952. Marriage (Illegal by church 1647) (0.9Mb)
  1953. Marriage (The Best Man and Honeymoon origins) (0.9Mb)
  1954. Marshall Plummer (Killer Henry was one in the same) 1864 (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1955. Martin Luther (became a monk) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1956. Martin Luther (became a monk) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  1957. Martin Luther King Jr. (at 6 and dream) (0.8Mb)
  1958. Marty Venker (Secret Service agent turned punk rocker) (0.9Mb)
  1959. Mary (dead 90 years and waiting for fiancee) (0.9Mb)
  1960. Mary Ann Brown Patten (saved ship) (0.9Mb)
  1961. Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science and faith healing) (0.8Mb)
  1962. Mary Doyle (Model for Rosie the Riveter was really a telephone operator) (0.9Mb)
  1963. Mary Had A Little Lamb (girl behind story) (0.9Mb)
  1964. Mary Hays (took over cannon when husband collapsed) (0.9Mb)
  1965. Mary Katherine Goddard (Baltimore Postmaster 1775) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  1966. Mary Mallon (Typhoid Mary) (0.8Mb)
  1967. Mary Martin (Bing Crosby and singing) (0.9Mb)
  1968. Mary Rodas (Toy Tycoon) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1969. Mary Rodas (Toy Tycoon) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  1970. Mary Shelley (Frankenstein creator) (0.9Mb)
  1971. Mary Surratt (First woman executed in USA) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  1972. Mary Todd Lincoln (notch in fence) (0.8Mb)
  1973. Mary Tyler Moore (brother dying of cancer) (0.9Mb)
  1974. Mary Walker (Cvil War doctor and cross dresser) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  1975. Mary, Queen of Scots (Woman golfer and start of caddy) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  1976. Mason Dixon Line (survey of MD and PA) (JR) (LOW VOLUME) (0.7Mb)
  1977. Mason Dixon Line (survey of MD and PA) (0.9Mb)
  1978. Mason Weems (Made up story about cherry tree) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1979. Mata Hari (How she came to be) (0.7Mb)
  1980. Matanikau river beach massacre WW2 (another Custer) (0.9Mb)
  1981. Mathias Rust (German teenager pilot who flew to Moscow 1987) (0.8Mb)
  1982. Mathieu Boya (destroyed air force with a single golf shot) (0.9Mb)
  1983. Matthew Biondi (Olympic swimmer practiced with dolphins 1988) (0.9Mb)
  1984. Matthew Henson (black man who really discovered the North Pole) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  1985. Matthew Henson (black man who really discovered the North Pole) (Version 2) (0.7Mb)
  1986. Mau Se Tung (Women's Lib) (0.9Mb)
  1987. Maurice Chauvet (pharmacist during WWI) (0.9Mb)
  1988. Maury Gaddy (Blind football player) (0.9Mb)
  1989. Max Baer (Boxing champion) (0.7Mb)
  1990. Max Conrad (pilot whacked in propellor) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1991. Maxim's (Paris restaurant history) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  1992. Maya Angalu (Bill Clinton innaguration poetry) (0.9Mb)
  1993. Mayberry USA (Mt. Airy and Andy Griffith) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  1994. Mayflower (fun folks and no beer) (0.9Mb)
  1995. Mayflower (the voyage) (0.9Mb)
  1996. Mayflower (timbers now a barn in England) (0.9Mb)
  1997. Mayflower (two little boys and explosion) (0.9Mb)
  1998. McLean House (was looted after civil war ended) (0.9Mb)
  1999. Mean Street (14th Street Washington DC) (0.9Mb)
  2000. Mel Blanc (car accident) (0.9Mb)
  2001. Melvin Perry (sketched Jesus on prison wall) (version 1) (0.8Mb)
  2002. Melvin Perry (sketched Jesus on prison wall) (version 2) (0.8Mb)
  2003. Menachem Begin (hid in ceiling) (0.9Mb)
  2004. Mercades car (named after daughter) (JR) (low volume) (0.6Mb)
  2005. Mercades car (named after daughter) (0.9Mb)
  2006. Merele Haggerd (once in jail) (0.9Mb)
  2007. Meriwether Lewis Clark, Jr. (Churchill Downs 1899) (0.9Mb)
  2008. Merv Griffin and Tallulah Bankhead ($100 bills) (0.9Mb)
  2009. Mia Farrow (polio as a kid) (0.8Mb)
  2010. Michael Jackson's miracle (encourage sick kid to get well) (0.9Mb)
  2011. Michael Jordan (not good enough) (0.9Mb)
  2012. Michael Landon (and his mother at 18) (0.9Mb)
  2013. Michael Landon (javelin throwing) (0.8Mb)
  2014. Michael Naranjo (blind sculptor & Vietnam vet) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  2015. Michelangelo (and competitor Raphael) (0.9Mb)
  2016. Michelangelo (disfigured) (0.9Mb)
  2017. Michelangelo (last judgement) (0.9Mb)
  2018. Michelangelo (poet first) (0.9Mb)
  2019. Michelangelo (statue of King David) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  2020. Michelangelo (the forger and statue) (0.8Mb)
  2021. Michigan (nobody wanted it) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2022. Mick Jagger (Bit off part of tongue) (0.7Mb)
  2023. Mickey Finn (origin) (0.8Mb)
  2024. Mickey Mantle (Almost gave up baseball) (0.6Mb)
  2025. Mickey Mantle (childhood disease) (0.9Mb)
  2026. Mickey Mouse & Willy (silent movies) (0.9Mb)
  2027. Mickey Rooney (all washed up at age 5) (0.9Mb)
  2028. Mickey Spillane (Children's Books) (0.7Mb)
  2029. Mike Bergie (heart transplant, football kicker) (0.9Mb)
  2030. Mike Bowling (invented Pound Puppies) (0.8Mb)
  2031. Mike Lockhart (one man basketball team) (1Mb)
  2032. Mike Tyson (fairy boy then robber and boxer) (0.9Mb)
  2033. Mill Road Golf Course (designed for Albert Lasker) (0.9Mb)
  2034. Millard Fillmore (hated the White House) (0.9Mb)
  2035. Milo of Croton (Strong man) (0.9Mb)
  2036. Milton Berle (first acting job at age 4) (0.9Mb)
  2037. Milton Bradley (lithographer and board games) (0.9Mb)
  2038. Milton Caniff (Terry and the Pirates) (0.9Mb)
  2039. Milton Hershey (caramels to chocolate) (0.8Mb)
  2040. Milton Hershey (push cart) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2041. Minnie (the singing mouse) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2042. Minnie Pearl (Strained voice) (0.7Mb)
  2043. Minnie Pearl (old woman was inspiration) (0.9Mb)
  2044. Miranda rights (origin) (0.9Mb)
  2045. Miss America (first 1921) (0.9Mb)
  2046. Miss America (first one was married 1919) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2047. Miss America (first one was married 1919) (0.9Mb)
  2048. Missing School Sweater (found 28 years later) (0.9Mb)
  2049. Missouri Sam (Meter Reader and Indiana Jones) (0.9Mb)
  2050. Moby Dick (Real life sea monster) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2051. Moby Dick (really existed, insipred book) (0.8Mb)
  2052. Moe Berg (super spy and baseball) (0.9Mb)
  2053. Moe Norman (best golfer) (0.9Mb)
  2054. Moen Faucet (how it was invented) (0.8Mb)
  2055. Molly Corbin (first female vet pensioner) (0.9Mb)
  2056. Mona Lisa (painting stolen 1913) (0.9Mb)
  2057. Mona Lisa (second original painting possible) (0.9Mb)
  2058. Monaco (Transformation) (0.6Mb)
  2059. Monkey talker (abandonded at age 2 for four years) (plus news) (1.1Mb)
  2060. Monopoly First (depression and Atlantic City) (0.9Mb)
  2061. Monticello (was in ruins late 1800s) (0.9Mb)
  2062. Moon Landing (auto pilot failed) (0.9Mb)
  2063. Mordecai Brown (Three Finger Brown - Baseball pitcher) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2064. Morgan Fairchild (ugly duckling) (0.9Mb)
  2065. Mortimer Adler (could not dive or swim) (0.9Mb)
  2066. Most lopsided football game (Two high schools in KS 256-0) (0.9Mb)
  2067. Most perfect game of Golf (Byron Nelson and others) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  2068. Mother Goose (satire of British royalty) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2069. Mother Lifts Car Off Girl (pinned under car) (0.8Mb)
  2070. Mother Teresa (her mother) (0.9Mb)
  2071. Mother Teresa (why she became a nun) (0.9Mb)
  2072. Mothers Dying In Child Birth (could have been prevented by washing hands) (0.8Mb)
  2073. Motion Picture (horse flying) (0.9Mb)
  2074. Mount McKinley (sourdough expedition 1910) (0.9Mb)
  2075. Mount Pelee (erupted 1902 and one person lived) (0.8Mb)
  2076. Mountain Men, war & Indians (Code Talkers) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  2077. Movie Posters (Found in walls of home) (0.8Mb)
  2078. Mrs. Nash (Custer's Calvary laundress was a man) (0.9Mb)
  2079. Mt. McKinley (first ascent and 14 foot flagpole) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2080. Mulligan (golf mid 1930s) (0.8Mb)
  2081. Murder She Wrote (real life amateur sleuth) (0.9Mb)
  2082. Murder for nothing (icd cold blood and $40) (0.9Mb)
  2083. Murine (origin) (0.9Mb)
  2084. Musicians Could Not Read Music (Bing Crosby, Irving Berlin, Noel Coward) (0.8Mb)
  2085. Mutiny on the Bounty (mission was to get breadfruit) (1Mb)
  2086. Mutley Alba (ski and scuba diving dog) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2087. My Fair Lady (history of the musical) (0.9Mb)
  2088. My Fair Lady (history of the play) (0.9Mb)
  2089. Mystery Hiker in Alaska (100 day hike found dead) (0.9Mb)
  2090. Naked Came the Stranger (racy book with 25 authors) (0.9Mb)
  2091. Napoleon (his sister 19th Century Scandal) (0.9Mb)
  2092. Napoleon Bonaparte (Necklace for his wife winds up in USA) (0.9Mb)
  2093. Napoleon Bonaparte (Sale of Louisana Territory and bath tub) (HQ) (2.3Mb)
  2094. Napoleon Bonaparte (Unpublished novel writer not known) (0.9Mb)
  2095. Napoleon Bonaparte (fake chess playing machine 1800) (0.9Mb)
  2096. Napoleon Bonaparte (his sister Pauline) (0.9Mb)
  2097. Napoleon Bonaparte (problems with hemorrhoids) (0.8Mb)
  2098. Napoleon Bonaparte (suicidal and depressed at age 25) (0.9Mb)
  2099. Napoleon the Cat (predicted the weather) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2100. Nashville (Country music) (0.7Mb)
  2101. Nathan the Police Dog (Titusville, FL 1985) (Part 1) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2102. Nathan the Police Dog (Titusville, FL 1985) (Part 2) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2103. Nathanial Hawthorne (his wife Sophia) (0.9Mb)
  2104. Nathaniel Hawthorne (Lost job and became a writer) (0.8Mb)
  2105. Nathaniel Hawthorne (Scarlet Letter based upon his great-great grandfather) (0.9Mb)
  2106. Nathaniel Hawthorne (broken foot at age 9) (0.8Mb)
  2107. Navy Brutality (Dolphin) (0.9Mb)
  2108. Naya Nuki (Sacagawea and Quest for Freedom) (0.9Mb)
  2109. Nazih Rizk (Blind Photographer) (0.9Mb)
  2110. Neckties (Magic armour) (0.9Mb)
  2111. Ned the Ghost Crewman (trouble maker for boat) (0.9Mb)
  2112. Needle Phobia (whole family) (0.9Mb)
  2113. Neiman Marcus (former sales promoters) (0.9Mb)
  2114. Nelson Rockefeller (Left handed and Dyslexia) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2115. Nero (singer not fiddler) (0.8Mb)
  2116. Nero (was not in Rome when it burned) (0.8Mb)
  2117. Neskowin Valley School (Text bookless school) (0.9Mb)
  2118. New Amsterdam (Wall Street and Stockade fence 1650) (0.9Mb)
  2119. New Bolton Center (hospital for horses) (0.9Mb)
  2120. New England (was originally in San Francisco 1579) (1992) (0.8Mb)
  2121. New England Hurricane of 1938 (one family survived) (0.9Mb)
  2122. New Hampshire (Last state to accept US Dollar) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2123. New Hampshire (Last state to accept US Dollar) (0.9Mb)
  2124. New York City (Collect Pond) (0.6Mb)
  2125. New York City (almost burned down 1863) (1989) (0.8Mb)
  2126. New York City (street gangs 1829) (0.9Mb)
  2127. New York Stock Exchange (Origin and Sidewalk sale) (0.9Mb)
  2128. Newspaper editor (afraid to fly and airplane crash) (0.9Mb)
  2129. Niagara Falls (Boy 7 years old went over falls and lived 1960) (0.9Mb)
  2130. Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge (first cable was flown by kite) (0.8Mb)
  2131. Niccolo Machiavelli (Ruthless leader and book) (0.6Mb)
  2132. Nicholas Trist (Banished from Washington, DC) (0.9Mb)
  2133. Nick Carter (dog detective) (0.8Mb)
  2134. Nick Lowery (most accurate football kicker 1994) (0.8Mb)
  2135. Nike Sneakers (invention) (0.9Mb)
  2136. Nipper (RCA Dog, His Master's Voice) (0.8Mb)
  2137. Noah Webster (Almost didn't finish dictionary) (0.9Mb)
  2138. Noah Webster (Bible Editor) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2139. Noah's Ark (May have been found in Iran) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2140. Noah's Ark (found 1994) (0.9Mb)
  2141. Noel Coward (mother was influence) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2142. Nolan Ryan (Cowboy baseball) (0.8Mb)
  2143. Nolan Smith (Competed in pentathlon with broken bones) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2144. Norman Mailer (book author stabbed wife and lived) (0.9Mb)
  2145. Norman Rockwell (his childhood) (0.9Mb)
  2146. Norman Rockwell (his grandfather) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2147. Norman Rockwell (his grandfather) (0.9Mb)
  2148. Norman Schwarzkopf (saved soldier during Vietnam war) (0.9Mb)
  2149. Norman Selby (The Real McCoy) (0.9Mb)
  2150. Norman Vincent Peale (did not like his name) (1Mb)
  2151. Norman Vincent Peale (preacher and wife Ruth) (0.9Mb)
  2152. North Carolina (Frankland and Land of the Free 1788) (0.9Mb)
  2153. Northwest Passage (frozen ghost ship) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2154. Notre Dame Football (First pass was an impossible play) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2155. Nugent Slaughter (The Jazz Singer, first talking Movie) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2156. Nutrasweet (accidently discovered looking for ulcer cure) (0.9Mb)
  2157. O Homo (Streaker Tombstone, AZ 1891) (0.9Mb)
  2158. O'Hare airport (problems with deer) (0.9Mb)
  2159. O. Henry (William Porter, hated to write) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2160. O. J. Simpson (Second Place) (0.9Mb)
  2161. Oatmeal (originally animal food) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  2162. Octave Chanute (influenced Wright Brothers) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2163. Odd Kids (Albert Einstein & Adolf Hitler) (0.9Mb)
  2164. Odd pricing (started with penny newspaper) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  2165. Odd pricing (started with penny newspaper) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2166. Odyssey TV program (1950s program and renewed interest in Salem witch trials) (0.9Mb)
  2167. Oh Henry candy bar (how it got its name) (0.9Mb)
  2168. Oh Promise Me (added to Robin Hood opera) (1.8Mb)
  2169. Ohio (not officially part of the US until 1953) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2170. Ohio (not officially part of the US until 1953) (0.9Mb)
  2171. Ohio River Bridge (Built on mud) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2172. Oil (Foreign dependence and waste not new) (0.9Mb)
  2173. Oklahoma musical (filmed in Arizona) (0.8Mb)
  2174. Ol' Rip the Horned Toad (Entombed 31 Years) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2175. Old Cabin bottle & E.G. Booz) (0.8Mb)
  2176. Old Farmer's Almanac (predicted snow in July) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2177. Old Farmer's Almanac (predicted snow in July) (0.9Mb)
  2178. Ole Evinrude (invented outboard motor) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  2179. Ole Kirk Christiansen (Lego toys) (0.8Mb)
  2180. Oliver North (Shredded paper and Iran-Contra) (0.8Mb)
  2181. Oliver North (fighter and Jim Webb) (0.9Mb)
  2182. Oliver Wendel Holmes Sr. (Childhood fever, doctor and author) (0.9Mb)
  2183. Olympics (First Greek Olympics 776 BC) (0.8Mb)
  2184. Olympics (first in USA 1904) (0.9Mb)
  2185. Olynthus, Greece (Solar city 2400 Years ago) (0.9Mb)
  2186. Operation Babylon (Israel bombed Iraqi nuclear plant) (0.9Mb)
  2187. Operation Tiger (Failed practice run for D-Day) (noisy) (0.9Mb)
  2188. Ophelia Harwood (One of first women mayors in USA) (0.9Mb)
  2189. Oprah Winfrey (Bad girl made good) (0.9Mb)
  2190. Oprah Winfrey (Failed TV News Reporter) (0.7Mb)
  2191. Orangutan (Clyde from Any Which Way You Can and Cruel Death) (0.9Mb)
  2192. Orangutan (escapee from San Diego Zoo) (0.9Mb)
  2193. Orel Hershiser (Lenny almost quit baseball) (0.8Mb)
  2194. Orient Express (Train Robbery and Boris III of Bulgaria) (0.9Mb)
  2195. Original Odd Couple (Charles Bronson and Jack Klugman) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2196. Orignal Light on Christmas Tree String (mind over matter) (full HQ) (1.2Mb)
  2197. Orignal Light on Christmas Tree String (mind over matter) (0.9Mb)
  2198. Orson Wells (child genius) (0.9Mb)
  2199. Orville Wright (piloted plane where first man killed with plane) (0.9Mb)
  2200. Osage Indians (Devil's Den and Marvel Cave) (part 1) (0.9Mb)
  2201. Osage Indians (Devil's Den and Marvel Cave) (part 2) (0.9Mb)
  2202. Oscar Hammerstein (Broadway flopmeister) (0.9Mb)
  2203. Oscar Hammerstein (Broken Promise) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2204. Oscar Mayer (Weiner mobile) (0.9Mb)
  2205. Oscar Wilde (prison and alias) (0.9Mb)
  2206. Oseola McCarty (Wash woman gave $150,000 for scholarships) (0.8Mb)
  2207. Othmar Ammann (Bridge designer retired 60 worked until 86) (0.9Mb)
  2208. Otis Elevator (first safety elevator, debuted at World's Fair 1854) (0.9Mb)
  2209. Otto Witte (circus performer and fake King of Albania 1913) (0.9Mb)
  2210. Owl (helped four hikers to safety) (0.9Mb)
  2211. Ox Cart Postal Service (faster than US Post Office) (0.9Mb)
  2212. Oxford dictionary helper (insane, in jail) (0.8Mb)
  2213. P. T. Barnum (Ivy Island) (0.9Mb)
  2214. P. T. Barnum (Jerome Clock Company) (0.9Mb)
  2215. P. T. Barnum (Shopkeeper and religious controversy) (0.9Mb)
  2216. P.T. Barnum (Five Bricks) (0.6Mb)
  2217. Pablo Picaso (Piegon no dove for peace) (0.9Mb)
  2218. Pablo Picasso (Art Museum) (0.9Mb)
  2219. Pablo Picasso (Still born and cigar smoke) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  2220. Pablo Picasso (Was Maruice's only gradndson) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2221. Pablo Picasso (king of the rag pickers) (0.9Mb)
  2222. Pablo Picasso (poor at 22, burned paintings to keep warm) (0.9Mb)
  2223. Pacemaker (installed in a dog) (0.9Mb)
  2224. Paddington Bear (Teddy bear named for Paddington station) (0.9Mb)
  2225. Palisades, Nevada (High crime, all fake) (0.9Mb)
  2226. Pancho Villa (His life) (0.6Mb)
  2227. Paper (created due to a linen shortage) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2228. Paper Towels (developed from defective toilet paper) (0.9Mb)
  2229. Parachute Jump (first from military plane 1912) (0.9Mb)
  2230. Pat Summerall (Malformed foot and football) (0.9Mb)
  2231. Patent for Wheel (done on a bet) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2232. Patrick Brante (Irish poet) (0.9Mb)
  2233. Patrick Bronte (Daughters made up stories about their father) (0.9Mb)
  2234. Patrick Bronte (Story Teller of County Down) (0.9Mb)
  2235. Patrick Ferguson (British sharp shooter almost killed George Washington) (0.9Mb)
  2236. Patrick Henry (kept wife in cellar) (0.8Mb)
  2237. Paul Galvin (founded Motorola with a battery eliminator) (0.9Mb)
  2238. Paul Gauguin (Tahiti artist) (0.9Mb)
  2239. Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee and New Faces) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  2240. Paul McCartney (Bit part in play) (0.6Mb)
  2241. Paul McCartney (His mothers's passing) (0.7Mb)
  2242. Paul Newman (Arrested on Long Island 1956) (0.9Mb)
  2243. Paul Newman (Replacement for James Dean) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2244. Paul Newman (Replacement for James Dean) (0.9Mb)
  2245. Paul Revere (Dentist and False Teeth) (0.8Mb)
  2246. Paul Revere (His daughter's ride) (0.9Mb)
  2247. Paul Revere (His father was a Huguenot refugee) (0.9Mb)
  2248. Paul Wittgenstein (One Armed Pianist) (0.7Mb)
  2249. Payne Stewart (his father and cancer) (0.9Mb)
  2250. Peanut Butter (to prevent protein deficiency) (0.9Mb)
  2251. Pearl Harbor (America show Japanese how to attack) (0.8Mb)
  2252. Pearl Harbor (Americans shot Japanese sub first) (0.9Mb)
  2253. Pearl Harbor (One month before attack) (0.8Mb)
  2254. Pearl S. Buck (in China) (0.9Mb)
  2255. Penaia Ganilau (Fiji Islands chief's funeral 1993) (0.8Mb)
  2256. Pennsylvania (Named for William Penn's father) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2257. Pennsylvania (Named for William Penn's father) (0.8Mb)
  2258. People (Ice age people were civilized) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2259. Pepperidge Farm Bread (origin) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  2260. Percy Spencer (microwave oven) (0.9Mb)
  2261. Peregrine Brownlow (keepsake ariel bomb) (0.9Mb)
  2262. Pet squirrel (companion to woman with cancer) (0.8Mb)
  2263. Pete Fountain (Sick as a child) (0.7Mb)
  2264. Pete Gray (Baseball player played with handicap) (0.9Mb)
  2265. Pete Maravich (basketball player with heart defect died age 40) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2266. Pete Maravich (basketball player with heart defect died age 40) (0.9Mb)
  2267. Peter Han (starving Chinese child to GM exec) (0.9Mb)
  2268. Peter III of Russia (crowned 34 years after death 1796) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  2269. Peter Jennings (Dropout) (0.9Mb)
  2270. Peter Roget (Thesaurus) (0.9Mb)
  2271. Peter Tchaikovsky (1812 Overature, concussionist) (0.8Mb)
  2272. Peter Tchaikovsky (pen pals) (0.9Mb)
  2273. Peter The Great (formed superior army at age 10) (0.9Mb)
  2274. Peyote indians (Smoke Signals Too Slow) (0.9Mb)
  2275. Phantom Soldier in Vietnam War (sent substitute) (NO START) (0.9Mb)
  2276. Phil and Tony Esposito (Two bothers on opposite hockey teams) (0.8Mb)
  2277. Philip Anderson (Shocking Gambler and Blackjack) (0.9Mb)
  2278. Philip Spencer (hanged for failed mutiny) (0.8Mb)
  2279. Philippe I (Grandfather of Europe) (0.9Mb)
  2280. Philo Farnsworth (Father of television) (0.9Mb)
  2281. Pied Piper of Hamelin (Lured children away) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  2282. Pierre Etchebaster (Court Tennis star retired at age 60) (0.8Mb)
  2283. Pierre Hetzel (provided advice for Jules Verne's books) (0.7Mb)
  2284. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Saved Lives) (0.9Mb)
  2285. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (his last years) (0.9Mb)
  2286. Pigeons (used by Germans in WWII for reconnaissance) (0.9Mb)
  2287. Pilgrims (First communists) (0.9Mb)
  2288. Pilgrims (Originated in Holland) (0.9Mb)
  2289. Pillar of Salt (may have been caused by earthquakes) (0.9Mb)
  2290. Pine Tree (oldest living thing 4862 years old cut down 1964) (0.9Mb)
  2291. Pitbull Dog (rescued people during 1994 California floods) (0.8Mb)
  2292. Placebo Effect (Works for surgery as well) (0.7Mb)
  2293. Platinum (used in Spanish cannons) (0.9Mb)
  2294. Platinum (worthless now precious metal) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  2295. Pluto (Discovery of planet in 1902) (0.8Mb)
  2296. Pluto (planet discovered by deduction Percival Lowell) (0.9Mb)
  2297. Plymouth Colony (naughty people, not pure Puritans) (0.9Mb)
  2298. Pocahantas (Known as Lady Rebecca in England) (0.8Mb)
  2299. Podunk (former Indian tribe in Connecticut) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2300. Polish Strikers (Jamestown 1608 strike) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2301. Polish Strikers (Jamestown 1608 strike) (Version 2) (0.7Mb)
  2302. Pony Express (Persia 2500 years ago) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  2303. Pony Express (Persia) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2304. Poon Lim (Survived shipwreck 133 days) (Part 1) (0.9Mb)
  2305. Pop Warner (unconventional coach) (Part 1) (0.8Mb)
  2306. Pop Warner (unconventional coach) (Part 2) (0.8Mb)
  2307. Pope Celestine V (Kidnapped 600 Years After Death) (0.9Mb)
  2308. Pope Joan (Female Pope 855 AD) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2309. Pope John Paul I (Lost mother's money) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2310. Pope John Paul II (his youth and why he decided to be a priest) (1.8Mb)
  2311. Pope John XII (His life) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2312. Popeye (Origin in comics) (0.7Mb)
  2313. Popeye (Real people who inspired comic strip) (0.9Mb)
  2314. Popeye (Spinach) (0.7Mb)
  2315. Popham Colony (first colony in Maine, same time as Jamestown) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2316. Pornographic tape (Arizona High School Football) (0.8Mb)
  2317. Potato (Almost banned for eating) (0.8Mb)
  2318. Potato (Buried treasure in France) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  2319. Potato (Buried treasure in France) (0.9Mb)
  2320. Potato Chip (made for Cornelius Vanderbilt) (0.9Mb)
  2321. Presidents Marry Widows (Wilson, Madison, Washington) (0.8Mb)
  2322. Prince Charles (Car ride in snow) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  2323. Prince Charles (First to attend school, did poorly) (0.9Mb)
  2324. Prince Charles (His Great Great Grandparents) (0.9Mb)
  2325. Prince Henry of Prussia (offer was made for him to be King of USA) (0.9Mb)
  2326. Prince Philip (His childhood and escape from Greece) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  2327. Prince Philip (His childhood and escape from Greece) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2328. Prince Ranier of Monaco (His sister Antoinette) (0.9Mb)
  2329. Princes in the Tower of London (suspected killed by Richard III) (0.8Mb)
  2330. Princess Caroline (prohibited from attending her own coronation) (0.9Mb)
  2331. Princess Diana (Dutchess) (0.9Mb)
  2332. Princess Diana (Her car stolen) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  2333. Princess Diana (as a young woman) (0.9Mb)
  2334. Princess Diana's car (car stolen, from car's point of view) (0.9Mb)
  2335. Princess Ileana of Romania (Exile as Mother Alexandra in Pennsylvania) (0.9Mb)
  2336. Priscilla the Life Saving Pig (saved kid from drowning) (0.9Mb)
  2337. Prison Bridge Club (Missouri) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  2338. Prison Plastic Surgery (Texas, no longer allowed) (0.9Mb)
  2339. Proctor and Gamble (Brothers in law became partners) (0.9Mb)
  2340. Puritans (Not so pure 300 years ago) (0.8Mb)
  2341. Purple Heart Battalion (Japanese-American soldiers WW2) (0.9Mb)
  2342. Queen Ann (Inspired the invention of the typewriter) (0.8Mb)
  2343. Queen Elizabeth (Auto mechanic) (0.9Mb)
  2344. Queen Elizabeth (Prince Philip and row boat) (0.7Mb)
  2345. Queen Mary (Troopship accidently sank escort ship) (0.9Mb)
  2346. Queen Victoria (Abused as child by John Conroy) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2347. Queen Victoria (Eddie Jones breaking into house) (NO BEGINNING) (0.9Mb)
  2348. Queen Victoria (Pictures of corpses) (0.9Mb)
  2349. R.J. Reynolds Jr. (Death due to smoking) (0.8Mb)
  2350. Raclawice Panorama (Polish painting of uprising 1894) (0.8Mb)
  2351. Raggedy Ann (doll created for daughter) (0.9Mb)
  2352. Railroad Inventors (women) (0.8Mb)
  2353. Rain Forest tree (Possible cure for AIDS) (0.9Mb)
  2354. Ralph Guldahl (could not play golf after writing book) (0.9Mb)
  2355. Ralph Helfer (almost died changed how animals are trained) (0.9Mb)
  2356. Ralph Nader (His Mother Rebel Rose) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  2357. Ralph Neves (Jockey dead then alive) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  2358. Ralph Teetor (blind inventor) (0.9Mb)
  2359. Ralph Tucker (Snail Club of America) (0.9Mb)
  2360. Randall Buchanan (Teenage private investigator) (No Beginning) (0.9Mb)
  2361. Rasmus Sornes (Astronomical clockmaker) (0.7Mb)
  2362. Rats as pets (British) (0.9Mb)
  2363. Ray Bateman (Fourteen year old with Colon Cancer) (0.9Mb)
  2364. Ray Floyd and Lee Travino (Golf Match) (0.9Mb)
  2365. Ray Holmes (saved Buckingham Palace in Battle of Britain) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2366. Ray Kroc (Discovered Amos and Andy players) (0.9Mb)
  2367. Ray Kroc (McDonalds) (0.9Mb)
  2368. Ray Kroc (disovered Amos & Andy, later founded McDonalds) (0.9Mb)
  2369. Ray Milland (Sharp Shooter to Movie Star) (0.9Mb)
  2370. Rear View Mirror (First used Indianapolis 500) (0.9Mb)
  2371. Recovering Golf Balls (Inspired by Paul Harvey story) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2372. Red Admiral butterfly (0.6Mb)
  2373. Red Blaze (Blind rodeo horse) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2374. Red Grange (Football player, almost lost leg) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2375. Red Skelton (Ed Wynn inspired his career) (0.9Mb)
  2376. Red Skelton (Plane crash) (0.9Mb)
  2377. Refund Checks (tightwad stars) (0.9Mb)
  2378. Reggie Jackson (Well spoken) (0.7Mb)
  2379. Reginald De Koven (Oh Promise Me origin) (0.8Mb)
  2380. Regis Philbin (Haunted house) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2381. Reindeer (Antlers) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2382. Reinhard Heydrich (Final Solution and Blackmail) (0.9Mb)
  2383. Rembrandt (His Life) (noisy) (0.9Mb)
  2384. Rene Laennec (Stethoscope) (0.9Mb)
  2385. Repton School (Famous students and abuse) (0.9Mb)
  2386. Republican Convention 1920 (Smoke Filled Room) (0.9Mb)
  2387. Retief Goosen (Golfer struck by lightning, later 2001 US Open winner) (0.9Mb)
  2388. Revolutionary War (Others who helped us fight) (0.9Mb)
  2389. Rex Harrison (Flubbed lines) (0.9Mb)
  2390. Rhode Island (Not an island and fight) (0.9Mb)
  2391. Ribs Reproducing (Only bone that can do that) (0.9Mb)
  2392. Richard Bach (Jonathan Livingston Seagull) (0.9Mb)
  2393. Richard Daley (Started as a personal secretary) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2394. Richard Daley (Was Republican first) (0.9Mb)
  2395. Richard Feynman (Unstable Scientist) (0.6Mb)
  2396. Richard Feynman (mentally deficient and A-bomb) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  2397. Richard Gatling (Gattling Machine Gun) (0.8Mb)
  2398. Richard Hart (Two Gun Hart and Al Capone's brother) (0.9Mb)
  2399. Richard Hornberger (Real life MASH Hawkeye) (0.7Mb)
  2400. Richard Nixon (Answered newspaper ad 1945) (0.9Mb)
  2401. Richard Nixon (Brush with death) (0.6Mb)
  2402. Richard Nixon (Card Shark WWII) (0.9Mb)
  2403. Richard Nixon (Courtship of his wife Pat) (0.9Mb)
  2404. Richard Nixon (Fireball and College Years) (0.8Mb)
  2405. Richard Nixon (His great grandmother and Friendly Persuasion) (0.9Mb)
  2406. Richard Nixon (Love Affair with future wife Pat) (1993) (0.9Mb)
  2407. Richard Nixon (Nick's Hamburger Stand) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2408. Richard Nixon (his grandmother) (0.9Mb)
  2409. Richard Nixon (his grandparents and Friendly Persuasion) (0.9Mb)
  2410. Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart (Blue Moon origin) (0.8Mb)
  2411. Richard Simmons (Lost weight) (0.7Mb)
  2412. Richard Wagner (Here Comes The Bride) (0.9Mb)
  2413. Richard Wagner (Pet dog knows good music) (0.9Mb)
  2414. Rick Hansen (Canadian who traveled the world in a wheelchair) (0.9Mb)
  2415. Rick Saphire (magician and down syndrome fan) (0.9Mb)
  2416. Ring Around the Rosie (Black Death and Nursery Rhyme) (NOISY) (0.8Mb)
  2417. Roanoke Island (lost colony, driest year on record) (0.8Mb)
  2418. Robbers in Orlando, FL Sears Store (lost in duct work) (0.9Mb)
  2419. Robert Baden-Powell (Boer War and Boy Scouts) (0.9Mb)
  2420. Robert Dellinger (wrote TV shows, learned to write in prison) (0.8Mb)
  2421. Robert E. Lee (Animal Lover) (0.9Mb)
  2422. Robert E. Lee (Did not want to lead Union army) (1994) (0.8Mb)
  2423. Robert E. Lee (His father Lighthorse Harry) (0.9Mb)
  2424. Robert E. Lee (Troubles after Civil War) (1Mb)
  2425. Robert E. Lee (Yankee Lover after Civil War) (0.8Mb)
  2426. Robert E. Lee's father (Light Horse Harry) (0.8Mb)
  2427. Robert Edwards (Treasure Island) (0.9Mb)
  2428. Robert Fulton (Artist) (0.6Mb)
  2429. Robert Goddard (Rockets) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2430. Robert Goddard (Rockets) (Version 2) (0.7Mb)
  2431. Robert Keayne (Sin to sell for profit Boston 1639) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2432. Robert Kennedy (Son and undertow) (0.9Mb)
  2433. Robert L. Ripley (Story on Taps and his death) (0.9Mb)
  2434. Robert L. Ripley (playboy) (0.9Mb)
  2435. Robert Louis Stevenson (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) (0.7Mb)
  2436. Robert Massie (son with hemophilia and book) (0.9Mb)
  2437. Robert Morris (Debtor's prision and visit from George Washington) (0.9Mb)
  2438. Robert Morris (His father, predicted his death) (0.7Mb)
  2439. Robert Oppenheimer (Mineral Hound) (0.9Mb)
  2440. Robert Peel (Britian's Bobbies) (0.9Mb)
  2441. Robert Redford (Starving Artist) (0.9Mb)
  2442. Robert Reed & Gene Hackman (Brady Bunch) (0.8Mb)
  2443. Robert Ripley (Believe it Not) (0.8Mb)
  2444. Robert Schuller (Book called Giant) (0.9Mb)
  2445. Robert Schumann (His wife Clara Wieck) (0.9Mb)
  2446. Robert Schumann (Mental illness) (0.9Mb)
  2447. Robert Southey (Goldilocks author) (0.9Mb)
  2448. Robert Todd Lincoln (Committed mother Mary) (0.9Mb)
  2449. Robert Todd Lincoln (Presidents died, jinxed) (0.9Mb)
  2450. Robert Todd Lincoln (Wanted to fight in Civil War) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2451. Rocky Bleier (End zone catch in Super Bowl 13) (0.9Mb)
  2452. Rocky Marciano (First played baseball and football) (0.9Mb)
  2453. Rocky Marciano (Uncle taught him how to fight) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2454. Rocky Marciano (Wanted to be baseball player) (version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2455. Rocky Marciano (Wanted to be baseball player) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2456. Rocky Mountain Training Center (fat farm for dogs) (0.9Mb)
  2457. Rodeo Ropes (made in Texas) (0.7Mb)
  2458. Rodgers and Hammerstein (First meeting) (0.9Mb)
  2459. Rodney Brown (Misdiagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis) (0.9Mb)
  2460. Rodney Dangerfield (First a paint salesman) (0.9Mb)
  2461. Roger Johnson (Stolen bicycle and bombs stuck) (Part 1) (0.8Mb)
  2462. Roger Johnson (Stolen bicycle and bombs stuck) (Part 2) (0.9Mb)
  2463. Roger Smith (One job available at GM) (0.9Mb)
  2464. Roger Williams (Grave and apple tree) (0.7Mb)
  2465. Roger Williams (Kicked out of school for playing pop music) (0.9Mb)
  2466. Roger Williams (Was first a prize fighter) (0.8Mb)
  2467. Rolls Royce Locks (Advanced locks based upon Egyptian locks) (0.9Mb)
  2468. Rome Burning (Caused by arson) (0.9Mb)
  2469. Ron Howard (Became an actor at age 3) (0.9Mb)
  2470. Ron Toomer (Roller coaster designer) (0.9Mb)
  2471. Ronald Coleman (Soldier in WWI and later actor) (0.9Mb)
  2472. Ronald Reagan (Autograph) (0.9Mb)
  2473. Ronald Reagan (Cafe Coronary) (0.9Mb)
  2474. Ronald Reagan (Fought labor union) (0.9Mb)
  2475. Ronald Reagan (Harold Bell Wright and Baptism) (Version 1) (0.8Mb)
  2476. Ronald Reagan (Harold Bell Wright and Baptism) (Version 2) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2477. Ronald Reagan (His father) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2478. Ronald Reagan (Lifeguard) (version 1)(NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2479. Ronald Reagan (Lifeguard) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2480. Ronald Reagan (Near sighted and calvary) (noisy) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  2481. Ronald Reagan (Son in pool) (0.9Mb)
  2482. Ronald Reagan (Wheaties and screen test) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2483. Ronnie Millsap (Blind singer and childhood) (0.8Mb)
  2484. Ronnie West (armless football kicker and swimmer) (0.9Mb)
  2485. Rose Gorelick (Furniture tycoon 95 year old woman) (0.9Mb)
  2486. Rose O'Neill (Kewpie Doll) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2487. Rose O'Neill (Known for Kewpie Doll and monster paintings) (0.9Mb)
  2488. Rosie Black (Softball pitcher) (0.9Mb)
  2489. Ross Perot (His mother helped hobos) (NO BEGINNING) (0.9Mb)
  2490. Rotary Club (Founded in 1905) (0.9Mb)
  2491. Rowland Macy (first Macy's parade 1854) (NOISY) (0.8Mb)
  2492. Rowland Macy (six failures before success) (0.9Mb)
  2493. Roy Acuff (Sun stroke and baseball) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2494. Roy Chapman Andrews (Indiana Jones in real life) (0.9Mb)
  2495. Roy Horn (Quicksand and dog, developed love for animals) (0.8Mb)
  2496. Roy Rogers (Birthplace later Riverfront Stadium) (0.8Mb)
  2497. Roy Sullivan (Lightning strikes man 7 times) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  2498. Royal Grennwich Observatory (Spider saves telescope) (0.9Mb)
  2499. Rudolph Ganz (Comeback Concert) (0.9Mb)
  2500. Rudolph Ganz (Concert on Piano Roll died 13 years earlier) (0.9Mb)
  2501. Rudolph Valentino (Fist Fight 1925) (0.9Mb)
  2502. Rudolph Valentino (Wedding Night and failed marriage) (0.9Mb)
  2503. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Gene Autry almost turned it down) (0.9Mb)
  2504. Rudyard Kipling (His childhood) (0.8Mb)
  2505. Rudyard Kipling (Saves elephant) (0.9Mb)
  2506. Rudyard Kipling (prevented elephant from being killed) (1994) (0.9Mb)
  2507. Rupert the Parrot (saved family from fire) (1.8Mb)
  2508. Russell Green (Oldest glider pilot) (0.7Mb)
  2509. Russell Ogg (blind photographer and hummingbirds) (0.8Mb)
  2510. Ruth Graham (Problem Son Frank) (0.9Mb)
  2511. Rutherford B. Hayes (First President to use the Telephone) (0.9Mb)
  2512. Ryan Lloyd (Basketball Hero) (0.7Mb)
  2513. SS Eastland (Turned over tied to dock) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2514. SS Eastland (Turned over tied to dock) (0.9Mb)
  2515. Sacagawea and Naya Nuki (helped Lewis and Clark) (0.9Mb)
  2516. Saddam Hussein (The Godfather) (0.9Mb)
  2517. Saddle Maker (For paralyzed boy) (0.9Mb)
  2518. Sahara Desert (Once a paradise) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2519. Sahara Desert (Water under the surface) (0.6Mb)
  2520. Salmon Chase (financed Civil War with paper money 1863) (0.9Mb)
  2521. Salt Brine Wells (Ruined by petroleum) (0.7Mb)
  2522. Salt mines (Under Detroit) (0.9Mb)
  2523. Salton Sea (Created by accident) (0.7Mb)
  2524. Sam Clemens (Courtship of wife Olivia) (0.8Mb)
  2525. Sam Clemens (Dirty Book) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  2526. Sam Clemens (Discovered and lost gold) (0.8Mb)
  2527. Sam Clemens (Disliked people) (0.9Mb)
  2528. Sam Clemens (Early user of a typewriter) (0.8Mb)
  2529. Sam Clemens (Invested in failed inventions) (0.9Mb)
  2530. Sam Clemens (Made early version of Trivial Pursuit) (0.9Mb)
  2531. Sam Clemens (Mark Twain and riverboat pilot) (0.8Mb)
  2532. Sam Clemens (Mother's lost love) (0.8Mb)
  2533. Sam Clemens (back yard dig of Mark Twain's house) (0.9Mb)
  2534. Sam Clemens (his death) (0.9Mb)
  2535. Sam Clemens (his wife) (0.9Mb)
  2536. Sam Houston (Failed marriage) (0.9Mb)
  2537. Sam Houston (His life) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2538. Sam Phillips (Sun Records) (0.7Mb)
  2539. Sam Sneed (Turned down offer from friend) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  2540. Sam Wilson (Uncle Sam) (0.9Mb)
  2541. Samuel Adams (Failed businessman) (0.9Mb)
  2542. Samuel Beckett (Suzanne saved his life) (0.8Mb)
  2543. Samuel Colt (expelled from school) (0.8Mb)
  2544. Samuel Morse (Wife died alone and telegraph) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2545. Samuel Mudd (Prisoner and yellow fever) (0.9Mb)
  2546. San Juan Island (Pig War) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2547. Sandra Day O'Connor (Wanted to be a lawyer) (0.7Mb)
  2548. Sandy (Dog used in Little Orphan Annie was on death row) (1.8Mb)
  2549. Sandy Kofax (Tommy Lasorta was cut to make room) (0.9Mb)
  2550. Sanka (first decaffinated coffee discovered by accident) (0.9Mb)
  2551. Santa Ana (Chewing gum) (0.7Mb)
  2552. Santa Claus, Indiana (how it got its name) (1.7Mb)
  2553. Sarah Bernhardt (Saved Mary Todd Lincoln's life) (0.9Mb)
  2554. Sarah Edmonds (White woman was black man spy in Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  2555. Sarah Edmonds (Woman fought in Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  2556. Sarah Hale (Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving) (0.8Mb)
  2557. Sarah Hale (Her accomplishments) (0.9Mb)
  2558. Sargent Bates (March to Washington after Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  2559. Save the Churaptura (bats) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2560. Scarecrow History (Dionysus and Greek Mythology) (0.9Mb)
  2561. School of Hard Knocks (created colleges but never attended college) (0.9Mb)
  2562. Scott Hamilton (Sick as kid) (0.8Mb)
  2563. Screen Test (some movie stars failed) (0.9Mb)
  2564. Screen Tests (Famous stars who flunked) (0.9Mb)
  2565. Sea Biscuit (Race horse with crooked knee) (0.9Mb)
  2566. Sea Venture (shipwrecked in Bermuda 1609) (0.9Mb)
  2567. Seagulls attacked people (same place where The Birds was written) (0.9Mb)
  2568. Sean Connery (Coffin Polisher) (0.8Mb)
  2569. Sean Connery (Thugs in Dance Hall) (0.9Mb)
  2570. Sears and Roebuck (How it was started) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2571. Secret recipe for Chocolate (International espionage) (0.9Mb)
  2572. Sedona, Arizona (Origin) (0.9Mb)
  2573. Senate Restaurant (Bugs found 1975) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2574. Sentry Dog (Vietnam War hero 1966) (0.8Mb)
  2575. Sequoyah (aka George Gist made Cherokee alphabet) (0.9Mb)
  2576. Sergei Rachmaninoff (alcoholic and recovery) (0.9Mb)
  2577. Shawn Graves (Missing muscles and football) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  2578. Shell Oil (Named for conch shells) (0.8Mb)
  2579. Sherman Billingsley (Bootlegger never drank) (0.9Mb)
  2580. Shirley Temple (Child Actors and Black Box) (0.9Mb)
  2581. Shirley Temple (Her Father) (0.8Mb)
  2582. Shirley Temple (the casting couch, laughed) (0.9Mb)
  2583. Shirley Temple's birth (father's tonsils removed) (0.9Mb)
  2584. Shot golf ball through open window (disqualified shot) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  2585. Sidney Poitier (Dishwasher then actor) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2586. Siegfried Fischbacher (as 8 year old boy) (0.8Mb)
  2587. Sigmund Freud (Dr. Feelgood and cocaine) (0.9Mb)
  2588. Sigmund Freud (His death) (0.9Mb)
  2589. Signers of the Declaration of Independence (paid the price) (0.9Mb)
  2590. Silent Night (Broken organ necessitated a new song) (1Mb)
  2591. Sincere (Without wax) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2592. Singapore (Lion City) (0.8Mb)
  2593. Singing Fish (mating calls 2004) (0.9Mb)
  2594. Sir Benjamin Hall (Big Ben clock bell) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  2595. Sir Walter Raleigh (Prison and botched suicide 1603) (1994) (0.8Mb)
  2596. Sir Walter Scott (Polio as a child) (MUFFLED AUDIO) (0.9Mb)
  2597. Siri (Thai Elephant, artist) (0.9Mb)
  2598. Slaves In White House (James Polk and Zachary Taylor) (0.9Mb)
  2599. SleepTight Infant Soother (for Colic Babies) (0.9Mb)
  2600. Sleepy Tom (Blind race horse) (0.9Mb)
  2601. Smokey Bear (Origin) (1987) (0.8Mb)
  2602. Smth and Dale (Vaudeville partnership) (0.7Mb)
  2603. Snell Johnson (bronze football scultures) (0.9Mb)
  2604. Solomon Shereshevsky (Remembered Everything) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2605. Sonja Henie (Autograph saved home) (0.7Mb)
  2606. Sonny Liston (Prison to boxing) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2607. Sonny and Cher (First performance) (0.8Mb)
  2608. South Africa (End of apartheid 1989) (0.9Mb)
  2609. Southern Unionists (Fought for the North - Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  2610. Soviet Union (Their Constitution) (0.9Mb)
  2611. Soybeans (Introduction to the United States) (0.9Mb)
  2612. Space Shuttle Transport (at Cape Canaveral) (0.9Mb)
  2613. Spencer Lewis (Blind black diabetic doctor) (0.9Mb)
  2614. Spider Web (Stronger than Kevlar) (0.6Mb)
  2615. Squanto (His life, enslavement and Pilgrims) (0.9Mb)
  2616. Squirrel Informant (Foiled a robbery) (0.6Mb)
  2617. St. Joseph Statues (Buried upside down 1991) (NO START) (0.8Mb)
  2618. St. Nicholas (Bearer of gifts) (0.8Mb)
  2619. St. Patrick (Once a slave) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2620. St. Patrick (Once a slave) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2621. St. Paul. MN (originally named Pig's Eye) (0.9Mb)
  2622. St. Valentine (Performed marriages) (0.8Mb)
  2623. St. Valentine Story (Year 270 AD) (0.9Mb)
  2624. Stacey Hillman (Bullet proof vests for police dogs) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2625. Stan Laurel (Charlie Chaplin gave him his break) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2626. Stan Laurel (Romances) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2627. Stan Laurel (Romances) (0.9Mb)
  2628. Stan Musial (Stan the Man, Dead Arm, Baseball) (NO ENDING) (0.9Mb)
  2629. Statue of Liberty (tools left by original building construction used in renovation) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2630. Stephen Douglas (Railroad through Chicago) (0.9Mb)
  2631. Stephen Foster (Bum and death) (0.9Mb)
  2632. Stephen Hopkins (Right hand and Declaration of Independence) (0.9Mb)
  2633. Stephen King (English Teacher) (whole story) (1.1Mb)
  2634. Stephen Sondheim (Inspired by Oscar Hammerstein as a child) (0.9Mb)
  2635. Stephen Van Rensselaer (cast tie breaker vote for John Quincy Adams) (0.9Mb)
  2636. Stephens Island wren (bird ran like a mouse) (0.8Mb)
  2637. Steve Backus (youngest lawyer and loosing tooth) (0.9Mb)
  2638. Steve Gandy (Golfer with no hands) (0.9Mb)
  2639. Steve Melton (Weightlifter 60 years old) (0.9Mb)
  2640. Steve Soffer (Stunt pilot, accident left him paralyzed) (0.9Mb)
  2641. Steve Whitman (Pilot with only one eye) (0.9Mb)
  2642. Steven Wishire (Autistic artist) (0.8Mb)
  2643. Stonewall Jackson (Tom Fool) (NOISY) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2644. Stradivarius Violin Not Really Stolen (50 years later) (0.9Mb)
  2645. Sucker Day (Non existant circus, Wetumka, OK) (0.9Mb)
  2646. Sugar Ray Robinson (Boxer) (0.9Mb)
  2647. Sultana (Riverboat, largest maritime disaster) (HQ) (1.8Mb)
  2648. Sunken Treasure (Spanish Carribean) (0.8Mb)
  2649. Super Bowl Mistake (Wrong play executed 1989) (0.9Mb)
  2650. Super Fight (Rocky Marciano vs. Mohammed Ali, winner chosen by computer) (0.9Mb)
  2651. Susan B. Anthony (First woman to vote) (0.8Mb)
  2652. Susan Butcher (women in Iditarod race) (0.9Mb)
  2653. Susan Gross (One woman school faculty) (0.7Mb)
  2654. Susan Lucci (All My Children) (0.8Mb)
  2655. Sybaris vs Croton (Music distracted horses in battle) (0.7Mb)
  2656. Sylvester Graham (Graham Cracker) (1st version) (0.9Mb)
  2657. Sylvester Graham (Graham Cracker) (2nd version) (0.8Mb)
  2658. Sylvester Stalone (Charity ward and severed nerve) (0.9Mb)
  2659. T. S. Eliot (Writer and charity by friends) (0.9Mb)
  2660. Take Me Out to the Ball Game (origin) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2661. Tallulah Bankhead (Tried out to be sports announcer 1946) (0.9Mb)
  2662. Tammy Wynette (Saved Burt Reynolds' Life) (0.8Mb)
  2663. Taxi Cabs (Transported French troops in WWI) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2664. Ted Bundy (worked for crisis hotline) (0.9Mb)
  2665. Ted Horn (Speeding ticket led to a racing career) (0.7Mb)
  2666. Ted Koppel (Mr. Mom) (0.9Mb)
  2667. Ted Turner (Tried to apease his father) (0.6Mb)
  2668. Ted Williams (excellent eyesight) (0.9Mb)
  2669. Teddy Roosesvelt (Teddy Bear) (HQ) (1.7Mb)
  2670. Teddy Roosevelt (Asthma as a kid) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2671. Teddy Roosevelt (Asthma as a kid) (0.9Mb)
  2672. Teddy Roosevelt (Blind in left eye) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2673. Teddy Roosevelt (Blind in left eye) (0.9Mb)
  2674. Teddy Roosevelt (Four Eyes) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2675. Teddy Roosevelt (Four Eyes) (0.8Mb)
  2676. Teddy Roosevelt (His father and Civil War) (0.8Mb)
  2677. Teddy Roosevelt (His wife Alice and love letters) (0.8Mb)
  2678. Teddy Roosevelt (Last Try WW1) (0.9Mb)
  2679. Teddy Roosevelt (Newspapers and crime wave) (0.9Mb)
  2680. Teddy Roosevelt (No Christmas Tree) (0.9Mb)
  2681. Teddy Roosevelt (Rough Riders) (0.8Mb)
  2682. Teddy Roosevelt (Saved Football) (0.9Mb)
  2683. Teddy Roosevelt (Sheriff and stolen rowboat) (0.9Mb)
  2684. Teddy Roosevelt (wife and mother died same day) (0.9Mb)
  2685. Telly Savalas (Life story) (0.9Mb)
  2686. Ten Commandments (Problems while filming) (0.9Mb)
  2687. Tennessee Williams (Smokey play) (0.9Mb)
  2688. Tennis (Introduction to USA 1874) (0.8Mb)
  2689. Terry Morris (homeless boy made good) (0.9Mb)
  2690. Texas Guinan (Lowelll Thomas' Sunday school teacher) (0.9Mb)
  2691. Thaddeus Lowe (Weatherman and Civil War spy) (0.9Mb)
  2692. Thaddeus Stevens (dead four days & nominated) (0.9Mb)
  2693. Thailand (Then and now) (0.9Mb)
  2694. Thanksgiving (Dutch origins) (0.6Mb)
  2695. The $3 Bill (Santa Claus) (0.9Mb)
  2696. The Alamo (was one a liquor store ) (0.9Mb)
  2697. The Art of War (required reading for US Marines 1991 Gulf War) (0.9Mb)
  2698. The Challenger (Flag recovered from explosion) (0.9Mb)
  2699. The Conqueror (five actors died of cancer) (0.8Mb)
  2700. The Homestead (resort hotel was internment camp for Japanese diplomats) (0.8Mb)
  2701. The Invasion of America (book published 15 months before Pearl Harbor) (1.6Mb)
  2702. The Kiss (racy movie 1896) (0.9Mb)
  2703. The Masters (Amen Corner) (1995) (0.9Mb)
  2704. The Red Ghost (camel with skeleton on back) (0.8Mb)
  2705. The Ten Commandments (1923 movie set found) (0.9Mb)
  2706. Theodor Geisel (Book rejected 27 times before published) (0.6Mb)
  2707. Theodor Geisel (Butter Battle book) (NOISY) (0.6Mb)
  2708. Theophilus Carter (Crystal Palace, London) (0.9Mb)
  2709. Thomas Edison (Courtship and Morse Code) (0.8Mb)
  2710. Thomas Edison (Failed inventions) (NO BEGINNING) (0.9Mb)
  2711. Thomas Edison (His father Sam and exile from Canada) (0.9Mb)
  2712. Thomas Edison (Home schooled by mother) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2713. Thomas Edison (Invented telephone answering machine) (0.7Mb)
  2714. Thomas Edison (Invented vacuum tube by accident) (0.7Mb)
  2715. Thomas Edison (Lazy telegrapher) (0.9Mb)
  2716. Thomas Edison (Light bulb and patent) (0.9Mb)
  2717. Thomas Edison (News butcher and ran own newspaper) (0.9Mb)
  2718. Thomas Edison (No formal schooling) (0.8Mb)
  2719. Thomas Edison (Rescued 3 Year Old from railroad tracks) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2720. Thomas Edison (Rescued 3 Year Old from railroad tracks) (Version 2) (0.8Mb)
  2721. Thomas Edison (Tried to talk to the dead) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2722. Thomas Edison (Why the light bulb was invented) (0.8Mb)
  2723. Thomas Edison (born with large head, always in trouble) (0.9Mb)
  2724. Thomas Jefferson (Covert operations) (0.9Mb)
  2725. Thomas Jefferson (Failed inventions and Lottery) (0.9Mb)
  2726. Thomas Jefferson (Inauguration and boarding house) (0.9Mb)
  2727. Thomas Jefferson (Monticello) (0.9Mb)
  2728. Thomas Jefferson (Rivanna River) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  2729. Thomas Jefferson (Spaghetti Machine) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  2730. Thomas Jefferson (Spaghetti Machine) (0.8Mb)
  2731. Thomas Jefferson (The lawyer and merchant) (0.9Mb)
  2732. Thomas Jefferson (Too Much Freedom) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2733. Thomas Jefferson (Too Much Freedom) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2734. Thomas Jefferson (White House Design and Mr. A.Z.) (0.9Mb)
  2735. Thomas Jefferson (scandals) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2736. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton (Sex scandals) (0.9Mb)
  2737. Thomas Keneally (Schindler's List) (0.9Mb)
  2738. Thomas Lipton (marketer and Lipton Tea) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2739. Thomas Lipton (marketer and Lipton Tea) (0.9Mb)
  2740. Thomas Malory (wrote about King Arthur while in prison) (0.9Mb)
  2741. Thomas Moore (poet wrote song for his wife Bessy) (1Mb)
  2742. Thomas Orde-Lees (Elephant Island and Shipwreck) (0.8Mb)
  2743. Thomas Sanders (football or nothing) (0.9Mb)
  2744. Thomas Watson (Failed at everything before working at IBM) (0.7Mb)
  2745. Thor Heyerdahl (Kon-Tiki captain could not swim as kid) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2746. Three Kids (Reunited In jail) (0.9Mb)
  2747. Three brothers (Now three sisters) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2748. Three cheers for Jones Junior High (battle hymn for Iwo Jima) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2749. Three cheers for Jones Junior High (battle hymn for Iwo Jima) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2750. Tidal Wave (Japan 1896) (0.8Mb)
  2751. Tiffany's New York (Draft riots) (0.9Mb)
  2752. Tiger Woods (His father Woody) (0.9Mb)
  2753. Tim Allen (Cocaine dealer and comedy club) (0.8Mb)
  2754. Time To Change Diaper (Invention of Velcro diaper) (0.9Mb)
  2755. Time magazine (Founding) (0.8Mb)
  2756. Timothy Dexter (businessman by luck) (0.8Mb)
  2757. Tinkers to Evers to Chance (Double Play baseball poem) (0.9Mb)
  2758. Tiny Toon Adventures (episode written by 8th grade girls 1991) (0.8Mb)
  2759. Titanic (Bad omens) (0.9Mb)
  2760. Titanic (Coal Fire 1912) (0.9Mb)
  2761. Titanic Family (Headed to Winnipeg) (0.9Mb)
  2762. Titanic Passenger (Sold ticket, died of old age 1999) (0.8Mb)
  2763. Titanic victims (Kidnapped children and father) (0.9Mb)
  2764. Tokyo Rose (Trapped in Japan) (0.9Mb)
  2765. Tom Cat (Homeless) (0.9Mb)
  2766. Tom Dempsey (one hand football kicker) (0.9Mb)
  2767. Tom Dewey (1944 Election and national security) (0.8Mb)
  2768. Tom DiMaggio (Big brother turned down job) (0.9Mb)
  2769. Tom Landry (WWII Pilot and Cowboys coach) (0.9Mb)
  2770. Tom McGuire (Pictionary) (0.9Mb)
  2771. Tom Selleck (Handyman) (0.9Mb)
  2772. Tom Watson (Sand wedge) (0.9Mb)
  2773. Tomato (Love apple) (0.8Mb)
  2774. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Honor Guard) (0.9Mb)
  2775. Tommy Lasorda (Snubbed an autograph) (0.9Mb)
  2776. Tony La Russa (Animal activist baseball manager) (0.9Mb)
  2777. Tony Melendez (Armless guitar player and Pope John Paul II in 1987) (0.9Mb)
  2778. Toupee (First forbidden) (0.9Mb)
  2779. Transgender operation (0.9Mb)
  2780. Tread Wheel (Then and now) (0.8Mb)
  2781. Tree planted by family (cushions airplane in accident) (0.9Mb)
  2782. Trends in Drug Use (1910) (1Mb)
  2783. Trevor Ferrell (Helped homeless people) (0.9Mb)
  2784. Trip to France (In a rowboat) (0.9Mb)
  2785. Tristan da Cunha (Remote island)_ (0.9Mb)
  2786. Truck falls off jack (Son lifts truck to save father) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2787. Truman Capote (Childhood) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  2788. Tsunami (Japan 1896) (0.9Mb)
  2789. Tuareg People (Tribe delayed migration to watch TV) (0.9Mb)
  2790. Tunguska event (Siberia comet hit) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2791. Tuxedo (Introduction to the US) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2792. Twiglet Bank (only kids can bank there, Miami FL) (0.9Mb)
  2793. Twin Secretaries (Two sisters working half time) (0.9Mb)
  2794. Two Dollar Timex (Saved World) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2795. Two Guys Named Jim (Twins separated at birth and parallel lives) (0.9Mb)
  2796. Ty Cobb (His accomplishments) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2797. US Capital Haunted (JR) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2798. US Capitol (Found unsafe February 2000) (0.9Mb)
  2799. US Constitution (based upon Iroquoi constitution) (0.9Mb)
  2800. US Mainland Bombed (Japanese Aircraft and Subs WW2) (0.9Mb)
  2801. US Navy (started in 1797 to rescue hostages from Algeria) (0.9Mb)
  2802. US Navy POW story (WWII no blood shed, same day as atomic bombing) (0.9Mb)
  2803. US Planned Invasion of Canada (and vice versa) (0.9Mb)
  2804. US Quarter design (1916 considered too risque) (0.9Mb)
  2805. Ulysses S. Grant (Born loser) (0.9Mb)
  2806. Ulysses S. Grant (Borrowed money from Simon Buckner) (0.9Mb)
  2807. Ulysses S. Grant (Could Not Stand Blood) (0.9Mb)
  2808. Ulysses S. Grant (Custer tried to ruin him) (0.8Mb)
  2809. Ulysses S. Grant (Gentle man) (0.7Mb)
  2810. Ulysses S. Grant (His wife was crosseyed) (0.9Mb)
  2811. Ulysses S. Grant (Horse and carriage) (0.9Mb)
  2812. Ulysses S. Grant (Neighbor Bart Baley West Point Dropout) (0.8Mb)
  2813. Ulysses S. Grant (Played Desdemona in Othello) (0.9Mb)
  2814. Ulysses S. Grant (West Point) (0.9Mb)
  2815. Ulysses S. Grant (Writing Memoirs) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2816. Ulysses S. Grant (Writing Memoirs) (Version 2) (0.7Mb)
  2817. Un-Civil War Cost (Dollar amount and human casualties) (0.9Mb)
  2818. United States Capital (tomb orignally designed for George Washington) (0.9Mb)
  2819. United States Constitution (based upon Iroquoi Indians) (0.9Mb)
  2820. United States Constitution (how it was formed) (0.9Mb)
  2821. Upton Sinclair (Joke writer) (0.7Mb)
  2822. Valentine Shaped Trees and Designs (Peru and New Caledonia) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2823. Van Buren sisters (Cross country motorcycle ride 1916) (0.9Mb)
  2824. Van Cliburn (His mother) (1st version) (0.9Mb)
  2825. Van Cliburn (His mother, died 1994) (2nd version) (0.9Mb)
  2826. Variety Charity (origin) (0.7Mb)
  2827. Vera McGinnis (Woman Rodeo Rider's Ordeal) (0.9Mb)
  2828. Verrazano Narrows Bridge (Description) (JR) (0.6Mb)
  2829. Vespasian (Rome's First Balanced Budget and Pay Toilets) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2830. Vespasian (pay toilets) (0.9Mb)
  2831. Victor Kiam (wore Cross Your Heart bra in TV ad) (0.9Mb)
  2832. Viki (Highly intelligent chimpanzee) (0.7Mb)
  2833. Vincent van Gogh (His life story and accomplishments) (0.9Mb)
  2834. Vincent van Gogh (Insane asylum and wheat field painting) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2835. Vincent van Gogh (Preacher to artist) (NOISY) (0.9Mb)
  2836. Vincent van Gogh (Starry Night) (0.9Mb)
  2837. Vincent van Gogh (Vanishing Colors) (0.9Mb)
  2838. Vincent van Gogh (Why he cut off his ear) (0.9Mb)
  2839. Vladimir Lenin (Brother hanged) (0.7Mb)
  2840. Vladimir Lenin (childhood) (0.8Mb)
  2841. Vogel Art Collection (Located in tiny apartment) (1987) (0.9Mb)
  2842. Volkswagen (Ford Motor Wasn't Interested 1948) (0.9Mb)
  2843. Volkswagen (People's car) (0.8Mb)
  2844. Voltaire (scheme to rig French lottery) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2845. Voltaire (scheme to rig French lottery) (version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2846. W. C. Fields (Fake drownings) (0.9Mb)
  2847. Waitresses Save Cop (0.9Mb)
  2848. Waldorf–Astoria (Origin) (0.9Mb)
  2849. Wallace Carothers (inventor of Nylon, committed suicide) (0.9Mb)
  2850. Wally Cox (Marlon Brando was his best friend) (0.9Mb)
  2851. Walt Disney (At age 14 and whippings) (0.9Mb)
  2852. Walt Disney (Disneyland) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2853. Walt Disney (Fantasia was a flop) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  2854. Walt Disney (Lilly and uncashed checks) (0.9Mb)
  2855. Walt Disney (Mortimer Mouse) (0.8Mb)
  2856. Walt Disney (Owl) (0.9Mb)
  2857. Walt Disney (Passion for toy trains) (0.8Mb)
  2858. Walt Disney (Post Office) (0.9Mb)
  2859. Walt Whitman (Health conscious) (0.7Mb)
  2860. Walt Whitman (Helped Civil War soldiers) (0.8Mb)
  2861. Walt Whitman (Obscene firing) (0.9Mb)
  2862. Walter Camp (father of football, almost a doctor) (0.9Mb)
  2863. Walter Cronkite (Started out as a sportscaster) (0.7Mb)
  2864. Walter Hagen (Golf Pro) (0.9Mb)
  2865. Walter Reed (Could not grow a beard) (0.9Mb)
  2866. Waltons (The real story behind the family) (0.8Mb)
  2867. Waltz (dancing to the waltz a sin over 150 years ago) (0.8Mb)
  2868. War of 1812 (Fought for naught) (0.9Mb)
  2869. Warren Beatty (Rat bouncer) (0.8Mb)
  2870. Warren Delano (FDR's grandfather was a drug dealer) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2871. Warren Delano (FDR's grandfather was a drug dealer) (Version 2) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  2872. Warren Felty (Saved same person three times) (0.9Mb)
  2873. Warren Harding (Five nervous breakdowns) (Version 2) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2874. Warren Harding (Nervous breakdown at age 24 and corn flakes) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2875. Washington, DC area Sniper (truck driver who caught him) (0.9Mb)
  2876. Watergate (Tried to break in five times) (0.9Mb)
  2877. Waylon Jennings (Gave up seat on doomed plane) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2878. Wedding dress (Made from WW2 parachute) (0.9Mb)
  2879. Wedding pictures (Found in old building) (1Mb)
  2880. Werner Voss (WW1 German fighter pilot a Jew) (1994) (0.9Mb)
  2881. Wernher von Braun (Man In Space movie) (0.8Mb)
  2882. West Nile Virus (New threat) (0.8Mb)
  2883. Western Union (Did not want the Telephone) (0.8Mb)
  2884. Westisde Baptist Church (Church choir was late) (0.9Mb)
  2885. Whistler's Mother (Painting No One Wanted) (0.9Mb)
  2886. Whistler's Mother Painting (partial painting on back) (0.9Mb)
  2887. Whistling Language (Canary Islands) (0.9Mb)
  2888. Whitcomb Judson (Invented the zipper) (0.8Mb)
  2889. White Elephant (Burdensome gift) (0.9Mb)
  2890. White Rose (Toronto cab driver and mother) (0.9Mb)
  2891. Who really invented the computer (0.9Mb)
  2892. Why The End of Dinosaurs (Various theories) (0.9Mb)
  2893. Wicks Organ Company (Origin) (0.9Mb)
  2894. Wilbur Wright (Became an Invalid) (Version 2) (0.9Mb)
  2895. Wilbur Wright (Became an invalid) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2896. Wild Bill Hickok (Assassination) (0.9Mb)
  2897. Wild Bill Hickok (His father and Underground Railroad) (0.8Mb)
  2898. Wild Bill Hickok (Life story) (0.9Mb)
  2899. Wild Bill Hickok (Trial and bullet) (0.8Mb)
  2900. Wild Bill Hickok (no hero) (0.9Mb)
  2901. Wild Turkey story (Bank terrorist) (0.9Mb)
  2902. Wiley Post (Desert monster) (0.9Mb)
  2903. Will Clark (dog brought him baseball gloves) (JR) (0.8Mb)
  2904. Will Mayo (Civil War enrollment board) (0.9Mb)
  2905. Will Mayo (Mayo Clinic and gallstones) (0.9Mb)
  2906. Will Mayo (vet doctor led to Mayo Clinic) (0.9Mb)
  2907. Will Rogers (Almost died) (0.7Mb)
  2908. Will Rogers (Incorrigible boy) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2909. Will Rogers (Incorrigible boy) (0.9Mb)
  2910. Will Rogers (Runaway steer) (0.9Mb)
  2911. Will and John Kellogg (creation of breakfast cereals and hard crust bread) (0.8Mb)
  2912. Willard Hotel Washington, DC (waiter killed) (0.8Mb)
  2913. Willard Huntington Wright (Detective novels) (0.7Mb)
  2914. Willard Scott (hospital Santa) (0.9Mb)
  2915. William Bligh & Fletcher Christian (Mutiny on the Bounty) (1Mb)
  2916. William Bligh (second mutiny) (0.9Mb)
  2917. William Bligh (survived mutiny on small boat) (1Mb)
  2918. William Bodey (Prospector and Bodie, CA) (0.9Mb)
  2919. William Booth (Childhood and Salvation Army) (0.9Mb)
  2920. William Booth (His father in law and Salvation Army) (0.9Mb)
  2921. William Butler Yates (Poet and artist father) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2922. William Butler Yates (Poet and artist father) (0.9Mb)
  2923. William Coolidge (Dog Mountain Climber) (0.9Mb)
  2924. William Coolidge (His mountain climbing dog) (1Mb)
  2925. William E. Miller (disobeyed orders, Congressional Medal of Honor) (0.9Mb)
  2926. William Eaton (hostages and Libya 175 years ago) (1989) (0.9Mb)
  2927. William Ellis Corey (wife Laura divorced him in six months in Nevada) (0.9Mb)
  2928. William Eno (Father of traffic safety) (0.9Mb)
  2929. William Faulkner (Failures before becoming author) (0.9Mb)
  2930. William Gilbert (kidnapped as child) (0.8Mb)
  2931. William Gilbert (no lawyer and tone deaf) (0.9Mb)
  2932. William Gray (Invented the Pay Phone) (0.7Mb)
  2933. William H. Taft (Hated being President) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2934. William H. Taft (Hated being President) (1Mb)
  2935. William H. Taft (His wife and stroke) (0.8Mb)
  2936. William H. Taft (Overweight) (0.9Mb)
  2937. William H. Taft (Teddy Roosevelt, Lost Friendship and funeral) (0.9Mb)
  2938. William Halsey (Navy war games 1921) (0.9Mb)
  2939. William Hammond (Surgeon General during Civil War) (0.9Mb)
  2940. William Harrison (Log Cabin Booze bottle) (0.8Mb)
  2941. William Harrison (Only president for 31 days and died) (0.7Mb)
  2942. William Kogut (prisoner who made bomb with playing cards) (0.9Mb)
  2943. William McKinley (Bullet could have been found if X-ray was used) (0.9Mb)
  2944. William McKinley (Lucky Carnation) (0.9Mb)
  2945. William McKinley (Wife Ida & Epilepsy) (0.9Mb)
  2946. William Murphy (Murphy Bed) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2947. William Penn (Quakers) (noisy) (0.9Mb)
  2948. William Pitt (Chronic Gout) (0.9Mb)
  2949. William Ralston (Modest Man) (0.9Mb)
  2950. William Randolph Hearst (Damsel in Distress) (1988) (0.9Mb)
  2951. William Shakespeare (His father John) (0.9Mb)
  2952. William Shakespeare (Tended horses) (0.9Mb)
  2953. William Shakespere (Actor before playright) (0.9Mb)
  2954. William Shakespere (songwriter) (0.9Mb)
  2955. William Shakespere Statue (Fundraiser and John Wilkes Booth) (0.9Mb)
  2956. William Thornton (Designed US Capitol building) (0.9Mb)
  2957. William Tyndale (Bible smuggler) (0.8Mb)
  2958. William the Conqueror (Last battle) (0.7Mb)
  2959. Willie Mays (Pulling Up Pants) (0.9Mb)
  2960. Willie Nelson and Patsy Cline (Crazy, a Juke Box favorite) (0.8Mb)
  2961. Wilma Rudolph (Olympic runner) (1992) (0.9Mb)
  2962. Wilmer Stultz (Aviator and alcoholic) (1Mb)
  2963. Winchester Mystery House (160 rooms on 6 acres) (0.9Mb)
  2964. Wind Warping (21st century applications) (0.9Mb)
  2965. Winnie Ruth Judd (trunk murderess, kept escaping from mental institution) (1.7Mb)
  2966. Winston Churchill (Always in Debt) (0.9Mb)
  2967. Winston Churchill (Cancelled meeting saved his life) (0.9Mb)
  2968. Winston Churchill (Eight year old and flogging) (0.9Mb)
  2969. Winston Churchill (Fall from bridge) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2970. Winston Churchill (Fall from bridge) (0.9Mb)
  2971. Winston Churchill (Famous Portrait) (0.9Mb)
  2972. Winston Churchill (Gold Watch) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2973. Winston Churchill (His mother and his birth) (0.9Mb)
  2974. Winston Churchill (Hit by taxi in NYC) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2975. Winston Churchill (Hit by taxi in NYC) (0.9Mb)
  2976. Winston Churchill (Marriage proposal) (0.7Mb)
  2977. Winston Churchill (Paintings under fake name) (0.9Mb)
  2978. Winston Churchill (Poor Student) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  2979. Winston Churchill (Wall Street Crash) (NO ENDING) (0.9Mb)
  2980. Winter Came Twice In A Year (Iceland volcano 1783 and Alaska) (0.9Mb)
  2981. Wizard of Oz (Tribute to baby Dorothy) (0.7Mb)
  2982. Wolf (saved human in snowstorm) (0.7Mb)
  2983. Wolf story (Wolf mother saying goodbye) (0.8Mb)
  2984. Wolfgang Mozart (as 8 year old) (0.8Mb)
  2985. Wolfgang Mozart (billiards player) (0.9Mb)
  2986. Wolfgang Mozart (funeral for his pet starling) (0.9Mb)
  2987. Wolfgang Mozart (in Potters Field and Dog) (0.9Mb)
  2988. Wolfgang Mozart (love triangle and early death) (0.8Mb)
  2989. Wolfgang Mozart (sacred music outside of church at age 14) (0.9Mb)
  2990. Woman impregnanted by bullet (Civil War) (1990) (0.9Mb)
  2991. Women's Sufferage (Amendment won by one vote) (0.9Mb)
  2992. Woodrow Wilson (His wife had sheep at White House WW1) (JR) (0.9Mb)
  2993. Woodrow Wilson (could not read) (0.9Mb)
  2994. Woody Allen (Wanted to play sports in school) (Version 1) (0.9Mb)
  2995. Woody Allen (Wanted to play sports in school) (Version 2) (JR) (0.7Mb)
  2996. Woody English (Recorded Taps for funerals) (0.8Mb)
  2997. Woody Woodpecker (Origin) (0.9Mb)
  2998. World Trade Center 1993 Bombing (Light from Timex Watch) (0.9Mb)
  2999. World War I (How it started) (0.8Mb)
  3000. World War I Vets (Demonstrated to get benefits 1932) (1998) (0.9Mb)
  3001. World War II (American involvement before Pearl Harbor) (0.7Mb)
  3002. World War II (Last Mission) (0.7Mb)
  3003. World War II (US Involvement before Pearl Harbor attacks) (0.8Mb)
  3004. Wrestling on TV in bars (Origin) (0.9Mb)
  3005. Wright Brothers (British spied on their efforts) (0.7Mb)
  3006. Wright Brothers (Developed the airplane and not automobile) (0.9Mb)
  3007. Wright Brothers (High school dropouts) (0.9Mb)
  3008. Wright Brothers (How they delt with reporters in 1904) (0.8Mb)
  3009. Wright Brothers (Their father and toy) (0.8Mb)
  3010. Wrong Lottery Ticket (person lost out on $10 million payout) (0.9Mb)
  3011. Wyoming (Early days and Equal Rights) (0.8Mb)
  3012. Xavier Cugat (JR) (Accomplishments) (0.7Mb)
  3013. Y.A. Tittle (Helped person who ended his football career) (0.9Mb)
  3014. Yankee Doodle (Originally a British war song) (0.9Mb)
  3015. Yankees (Origin of term from Dutch settlers) (0.8Mb)
  3016. Yellowstone Park Tree (carving survived fire of 1988) (0.9Mb)
  3017. Yes! We Have No Bananas (Origin) (0.9Mb)
  3018. Yesler Way (Original Skid Road Seattle, WA) (0.9Mb)
  3019. Yuan T. Lee (Taiwanese boy who loved baseball, later Nobel prize) (0.8Mb)
  3020. Yul Brynner (Teenage drug problem) (0.9Mb)
  3021. Zachary Taylor (His daughter and Jefferson Davis) (0.9Mb)
  3022. Zachary Taylor (Never voted) (0.9Mb)
  3023. Zane Grey (Dentist that went fishing) (0.9Mb)
  3024. Zane Grey (Gang leader as kid) (0.9Mb)
  3025. Zerna Sharp (Dick and Jane) (0.7Mb)
  3026. Zion First National Bank (Bricks sent via the mail) (JR) (0.7Mb)

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