Charlotte and Lillian Comedy series about an old woman and her carer
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The Introduction The Photo The Mirror The star Game The Rival Brotherhood Patient The Book The Dog The Car The Jump BBC Radio 4 Extra 20170902 ... and with a new episode
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To subscribe to a personalised Charlotte and Lillian podcast, starting today with
The Introduction and with a new episode every seven days, use the following URL:
(For a different start date, just change the YYMMDD date in the URL; for a different number of days between episodes, change the number
at the end.)
Comedy by Holly Walsh and Kat Sommers about a young charity volunteer and the old lady she has been paired with. With Miriam Margolyes and Helen Monks.
The Introduction (13Mb)
The Photo (13Mb)
The Mirror (13.2Mb)
The star (13.7Mb)
Game (13Mb)
The Rival (12.9Mb)
Brotherhood (13Mb)
Patient (12.9Mb)
The Book (25.6Mb)
The Dog (26.7Mb)
The Car (25.3Mb)
The Jump (25.8Mb)
BBC Radio 4 Extra 20170902 180000 Count Arthur Strongs Radio Show vbr (unknown file size)
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