The Cinnamon Bear
The Cinnamon Bear is the classic story of Judy and Jimmy Barton who search for the family's Silver Star which goes on top of their Christmas tree. They discover the star has disappeared from the attic. Then they meet The Cinnamon Bear, and fly to Maybeland in his Soda Pop Airplane in pursuit of the Crazy Quilt Dragon, whom they believe took the ornament. They meet a host of characters, including Crazy Quilt Dragon, The Wintergreen Witch, Fe Fo the Giant, and even Santa Claus.
Each amazing adventure is a cliffhanger. Several times they recover the star, only to lose it again. Eventually the star is found for good and they return home just in time for Christmas.
This classic story was written by Glan Heisch, inspired by the stuffed bear of his boyhood, for his daughter, Catherine. Radio historians differ on the year of the first broadcast. Some say 1937, others say 1943. It would seem that it was "heard" several years before it was transcribed for broadcast. Airplay would start just after Thanksgiving and run until Christmas Eve.
From the Old Time Radio Researchers Group. See "Notes" Section below for more information on the OTRR.
- Cinnamon Bear Intro (4.1Mb)
- Cinnamon Bear Writers Glanville & Elizabeth Heisch (2.7Mb)
- Paddy O'Cinnamon (6.8Mb)
- Weary Willie (6.9Mb)
- Crazy Quilt Dragon (6.8Mb)
- The Inkaboos (6.9Mb)
- Wesley, The Wailing Whale (6.9Mb)
- Samuel Seal (6.8Mb)
- Presto, The Magician (6.9Mb)
- Candy Pirates (6.8Mb)
- Roly-Poly Policeman (6.8Mb)
- Professor Whiz (6.8Mb)
- Fee Foo, The Gentle Giant (6.8Mb)
- Rhyming Rabbit (6.9Mb)
- The Wintergreen Witch (6.8Mb)
- Queen Melissa (6.8Mb)
- Snapper Stick, The Crocodile (6.8Mb)
- Oliver Ostrich (6.8Mb)
- Muddlers (6.8Mb)
- Cocklebur Cowboys (6.8Mb)
- Wooden Indian (6.9Mb)
- Flying Hat (6.9Mb)
- Snowman (6.9Mb)
- Santa Claus (6.9Mb)
- The Bad Dolls (6.8Mb)
- The Parade (6.8Mb)
- Captain Tintop (6.8Mb)
- North Pole (6.8Mb)
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