
Fibber McGee and Molly

1935-1959 American radio comedy series
from archive.org

This upload contains 1,228 episodes of the Old Time Radio comedy show, Fibber McGee and Molly. Starring the wonderful husband and wife team of Jim and Marian Jordan as the named characters, the show chronicles the life, foibles and follies of Fibber and his understanding -and perhaps long-suffering - wife, Molly. The show was a stalwart of the golden days of radio, airing from 1935-1953 as 30-minute weekly episodes, 1953-1956 as five day-a-week 15-minute episodes, and then every weekend on NBC's Monitor, in five 3-to-5 minute vignettes throughout the day each Saturday and Sunday from 1957-1959.

Full of heart, sincerity and never-ending comedy, the show reflected the sensibilities and values of Jim and Marian, as well as writer Don Quinn. Throughout the 1940s, Fibber McGee and Molly was consistently a top-5 program, frequently sitting number 1 in the ratings. In my opinion, the show was, without a doubt, one of the greatest in all of Old Time Radio.

I believe this collection contains virtually all known circulating episodes. There are 644 (out of 740) of the 30 minute episodes, 548 (out of 580) of the 15 minute episodes, and 36 (out of 238) Monitor episodes (although many of those are incomplete). Also included are 4 special shows, including one episode of the Jordans' prior show, Smackout, an anniversary party for the show, and two later interviews with Jim Jordan from the 1980s.

I have done extensive work trying to track down and confirm all of the episode dates and numbers using various sources. In doing so, I have discovered some errors in versions circulating around the web and have renamed/renumbered them accordingly. I believe that my dates and episode numbers are correct, but any corrections are welcome. The goal is to try to put together the most accurate and complete set as possible so that everyone can enjoy this wonderful program.

  1. Smackout (4.5Mb)
  2. The Motorcycle Cop, The Judge And Fibber (5Mb)
  3. Hot Dogs And A Blowout (6.6Mb)
  4. Out of Gas at 42nd and Broadway (27.6Mb)
  5. Telling Off the Brute About the Tire Boot (27.3Mb)
  6. Toll Bridge Economy (27.3Mb)
  7. My Heart Beats for You (13.7Mb)
  8. Meeting Senator In Washington (13.7Mb)
  9. A Dip In The Ocean (13.5Mb)
  10. Crackshot McGee (27.4Mb)
  11. McGee is Psychic (14Mb)
  12. The McGee's Win 79 Wistful Vista (6.9Mb)
  13. Hanging the Curtains from a Stepladder (13.6Mb)
  14. Anything to Get out of Scrubbing the Back Porch (6.8Mb)
  15. How to Ride a Bicycle (14.2Mb)
  16. The McGee Amateur Show (13.9Mb)
  17. A Courtroom Full of McGees (13.9Mb)
  18. The Halloween Party (14.3Mb)
  19. The Paper Hanger (13.4Mb)
  20. Lighting The Furnace With Gasoline (27.1Mb)
  21. Buying Vegetables At A Roadside Stand (27Mb)
  22. Man On The Street Radio Interviews (26.7Mb)
  23. Christmas Shopping (5.1Mb)
  24. The Bridge Game (27.2Mb)
  25. New Year's Celebration (5.1Mb)
  26. Master Of The Kennel (7Mb)
  27. Running The Wistful Vista Drug Store (27.6Mb)
  28. McGee Tangles With A Tough Chef (27.4Mb)
  29. Crime Expert McGee (27.5Mb)
  30. A Job In Grand Rapids (27.1Mb)
  31. Visiting Fireman (27Mb)
  32. Waiting For The Radio Repairman (27.3Mb)
  33. Encyclopedia Salesman (6.6Mb)
  34. Beware Of Pick Pockets On The Bus (28Mb)
  35. Check Room Attendants (27.4Mb)
  36. Spring Cleaning (27.4Mb)
  37. A Room In The Hospital (27.3Mb)
  38. The Employment Agency (6.2Mb)
  39. In A Trailer Camp (26.9Mb)
  40. Dont You Remember Me (26.8Mb)
  41. Captain Of The Ship (27Mb)
  42. Old Calvalryman McGee (27.4Mb)
  43. The Parachute Jump (27.3Mb)
  44. Solving The Murder Mystery (27.4Mb)
  45. Eighteenth Wedding Anniversary (27.4Mb)
  46. Judge Of Court Of Domestic Relations (27.5Mb)
  47. At A Public Dance Hall (27.4Mb)
  48. At the Racetrack (11.7Mb)
  49. McGee Shops For Clothes (27.6Mb)
  50. The Dude Ranch (27.5Mb)
  51. Managing A Jewelry Store (27.5Mb)
  52. The Bucking Bronco Contest (27.6Mb)
  53. Running The Post Office (27.6Mb)
  54. A Bowl Of Chicken Soup For The Sick Man (27.3Mb)
  55. Beware of Pickpockets On The Bus (27.6Mb)
  56. Telegram To The Sponsor (27.9Mb)
  57. The Hardware Dealer (27.9Mb)
  58. Interviewing Theatrical Talent (27.2Mb)
  59. Presenting The Vaudeville Show (27.4Mb)
  60. Gardening (27.4Mb)
  61. Night Club Owner McGee (27.4Mb)
  62. An Officer of The Bank (27.2Mb)
  63. The Take off for Hollywood (6.5Mb)
  64. Seized By The Indians (26.9Mb)
  65. Private Patrolman McGee (27.1Mb)
  66. McGee School of Dramatics (13.6Mb)
  67. I Know Just The Spot For A Picnic (27.3Mb)
  68. Reaching The Summer Cottage (27.1Mb)
  69. The Human Cannon Ball (5.8Mb)
  70. Getting out of the Hollywood Lease (6.9Mb)
  71. Best Stateroom On The Streamliner (28Mb)
  72. Homecoming Program (13.8Mb)
  73. Grocery Store Manager (27.7Mb)
  74. Down On The Farm (27.5Mb)
  75. Newspaper Circulation Manager (27.6Mb)
  76. Super Hotel Service (27.3Mb)
  77. The Sports Reporter (27.5Mb)
  78. Acting School Principal (27.1Mb)
  79. A Drama in Ancient Rome (7Mb)
  80. Treasure On The McGee Property (27.3Mb)
  81. Supervisor of The State Fair (27.1Mb)
  82. Wistful Vista Auto Show (6.6Mb)
  83. Man On The Street Broadcast (27Mb)
  84. Manager of A Candy Factory (27.1Mb)
  85. Trimming A Store Window (27.6Mb)
  86. Introducing Clark Dennis (27.4Mb)
  87. The Football Ringer (27.4Mb)
  88. Winning The Scandanavian Sweepstakes (27.3Mb)
  89. McGee's School of Santa Clausing (27.6Mb)
  90. Dinner Is Not Served (27.4Mb)
  91. The McGee Matrimonial Agency (27.5Mb)
  92. Detective McGee (27.3Mb)
  93. Heir To An Estate With Oil Wells (27.4Mb)
  94. Travel Bureau Manager (27.3Mb)
  95. Getting The Laundry Done (27Mb)
  96. Real Estate Agent (27.1Mb)
  97. McGee Minds a Baby (13.6Mb)
  98. McGee Builds A Fire Place (4.6Mb)
  99. The Justice of the Peace (Incomplete) (1.6Mb)
  100. The Pawn Broker (Incomplete) (1.2Mb)
  101. Masquerade Party (6.7Mb)
  102. A Christmas Gift For McGee's Nephew (5.1Mb)
  103. Missing Shirt Collar Button (6.7Mb)
  104. Military Advisor For Army Maneuvers (5Mb)
  105. Repairing Window Shade (7Mb)
  106. Freezing Without Coal (7.1Mb)
  107. Rotowanis Club Speech (6.7Mb)
  108. Mouse In The House (6.6Mb)
  109. Fibber's Hamburger Joint (6.8Mb)
  110. Losing Mrs Uppington's Diamond (6.7Mb)
  111. Fibber Going Bald (6.6Mb)
  112. Inherited Yacht (6.6Mb)
  113. Antique Furniture (6.5Mb)
  114. McGee The Mailman (6.5Mb)
  115. Molly Wants A Budget (6.4Mb)
  116. McGee Gets Glasses (6.8Mb)
  117. Zither Lessons & Buried Treasure (6.6Mb)
  118. Fibber Receives a Stork (6.8Mb)
  119. Escaped Convicts (6.7Mb)
  120. McGee The Wrestler (6.8Mb)
  121. Advice Column - Aunt Molly (6.8Mb)
  122. Toothache (6.7Mb)
  123. Fibber's Fish Fry (6.9Mb)
  124. The McGees Elope (6.8Mb)
  125. Newspaper Column (6.5Mb)
  126. Fibber Is Too Sick (6.5Mb)
  127. Killer Canova's Autograph (6.8Mb)
  128. Rummage Sale Bazaar (6.8Mb)
  129. Raking Leaves (6.5Mb)
  130. Halloween Party At Gildersleeve's House (6.6Mb)
  131. Auto Show (6.5Mb)
  132. Hiawatha (6.9Mb)
  133. Traffic Ticket (6.6Mb)
  134. Library Book (6.7Mb)
  135. Finance Company Is After Car (6.6Mb)
  136. Department Store Adjuster (6.7Mb)
  137. Jewelry Store Robbery (6.6Mb)
  138. Package From Uncle Sycamore Arrives (6.8Mb)
  139. Butler Gildersleeves (4.9Mb)
  140. Fibber Builds A Dog House (6.6Mb)
  141. Gone With The Wind (6.7Mb)
  142. Fibber's Car is Stolen (6.7Mb)
  143. Radio Quiz Show (6.7Mb)
  144. Getting Rid Of Old Suit (6.6Mb)
  145. Why Is Everyone So Nice (6.6Mb)
  146. The Lucky Ring (6.6Mb)
  147. Fibber Must Tell The Truth (6.7Mb)
  148. Molly's Chinchilla Coat (6.6Mb)
  149. Cleaning Hall Closet (6.6Mb)
  150. Make A Pal Of Your Wife Week (6.5Mb)
  151. Dog License (6.9Mb)
  152. Property Line Dispute (6.6Mb)
  153. Homecoming (6.6Mb)
  154. Ink Stains On The Carpet (6.6Mb)
  155. How To Hang A Picture (6.5Mb)
  156. Fibber Becomes A Theatrical Director (6.5Mb)
  157. May Festival Play (6.6Mb)
  158. Fibber Turns Hose on Gildy (6.6Mb)
  159. Checker Game Deadlock (6.6Mb)
  160. Circus Comes To Town (6.8Mb)
  161. Spaghetti Dinner (6.9Mb)
  162. Wall Paper (6.7Mb)
  163. Fibber Models A Dress For Molly (6.8Mb)
  164. Preparing To Leave On Vacation (6.5Mb)
  165. Returning From Vacation (6.5Mb)
  166. Fibber Gives Up Cigars (6.7Mb)
  167. Missing Screwdriver (6.7Mb)
  168. Gildersleeve's Diary (6.4Mb)
  169. Notre Dame Vs Army (6.7Mb)
  170. Election Day (6.7Mb)
  171. Fibber's Black Eye (6.7Mb)
  172. Visiting Uncle Dennis (6.5Mb)
  173. Uncle Dennis Visits (6.8Mb)
  174. Five Tons Of Coal (6.6Mb)
  175. Mailing Christmas Packages (6.8Mb)
  176. The Radio Phonograph (6.7Mb)
  177. Fibber Finds Watch (6.8Mb)
  178. Fibber gets a $100.00 bill (6.4Mb)
  179. McGee Takes Piano Lessons (6.3Mb)
  180. Fibber Buys A New Suit (6.5Mb)
  181. Fibber the Watch Salesman (5.9Mb)
  182. Early To Bed (5Mb)
  183. Bottle Collector (6.7Mb)
  184. The McGees Give A Party (6.1Mb)
  185. Quarantined With Measles (5.9Mb)
  186. Fibber Is Drafted (6.7Mb)
  187. Fibber Changes His Name to Ronald (6.7Mb)
  188. Missing Fender (6.4Mb)
  189. Fibber Builds Telescope (6.7Mb)
  190. Fibber Needs Glasses (6.3Mb)
  191. Night Out With the Boys (5.8Mb)
  192. Stuck In Cement (6.7Mb)
  193. Collecting For Armed Forces (6.7Mb)
  194. Fish From An Old Flame (6.8Mb)
  195. Fibber Bakes Molly A Cake (4.8Mb)
  196. Quarrel Over Ladder (6.4Mb)
  197. A Visit To The Photo Studio (7.1Mb)
  198. Amusement Park (6.6Mb)
  199. Leaving For Hollywood (6.6Mb)
  200. Gildy Says Goodbye (5.3Mb)
  201. A Problem With Shorthand (7.1Mb)
  202. Temporary Fire Commissioner (6.9Mb)
  203. Molly's Old Love Letters (7Mb)
  204. New Furniture (7Mb)
  205. Bergen- McCarthy Visit (4.9Mb)
  206. Mayor LaTrivia Won't Leave (7Mb)
  207. Beauty Clay (6.7Mb)
  208. Fibber Grows A Mustache (6.8Mb)
  209. 40 Percent Off (6.7Mb)
  210. Cuts His Own Christmas Tree (6.7Mb)
  211. Christmas Presents (7Mb)
  212. Fixit McGee (5.9Mb)
  213. Night Out (6.9Mb)
  214. Mrs Uppington's Window Part 1 (6.8Mb)
  215. Mrs Uppington's Window Part 2 (6.8Mb)
  216. Blizzard (7Mb)
  217. Molly's Lost Diamond Ring (7Mb)
  218. Valentine Candy (6.9Mb)
  219. Fibber's Home Movie (6.9Mb)
  220. Fibber Buys A Horse (7Mb)
  221. Boomer's Suitcase (6.9Mb)
  222. Building A Footstool (6.7Mb)
  223. Fibber Writes A Song (6.5Mb)
  224. Latherino Soap Contest (6.8Mb)
  225. Scrap Drive (6.5Mb)
  226. Spring Festival Parade (6.6Mb)
  227. Take Me Out To The Ball Game (6.6Mb)
  228. Old Straw Hat (6.6Mb)
  229. Sugar Substitute (6.5Mb)
  230. Spy (5Mb)
  231. Fibber Is Going To Be Rich (6.7Mb)
  232. Uncle Dennis Has Disappeared Part 1 (6.8Mb)
  233. Uncle Dennis Has Disappeared Part 2 (6.9Mb)
  234. Pot Roast For Dinner (6.9Mb)
  235. Mouse In The House (6.6Mb)
  236. Packing For Vacation Locked Trunk (6.8Mb)
  237. Fibber Forgets Camera On Train (5.6Mb)
  238. Otis Cadwalader Is In Town (6.6Mb)
  239. Converting Oil Stove To Coal (4.2Mb)
  240. Family Tree (6.8Mb)
  241. Old Timer On The Lam (6.8Mb)
  242. Duck Hunting (6.1Mb)
  243. Looking for Uppy's Nephew (13.7Mb)
  244. Twenty Thousand Dollars In Sofa (6.8Mb)
  245. Fibber Getting In Condition (6.6Mb)
  246. Gasoline Rationing (6.9Mb)
  247. Women Taking Over (6.7Mb)
  248. Fibber Misplaces Christmas Money (6.8Mb)
  249. Listening To Carols (6.9Mb)
  250. Cutting Old Suit For Molly (6.7Mb)
  251. Billy Mills In Hospital (6.7Mb)
  252. Uppy Joins The WAACs (6.4Mb)
  253. Fibber The Author (6.7Mb)
  254. Cleaning Hall Closet (6.5Mb)
  255. Finding Skilled Workers (6.5Mb)
  256. Poker Game (6.5Mb)
  257. Breakfast In Bed For Molly (6.7Mb)
  258. Fibber's Horoscope (6.6Mb)
  259. Collecting For The Red Cross (6.1Mb)
  260. The Washing Machine (6.6Mb)
  261. Fibber Is Ill (4.5Mb)
  262. Indian Fighter Uncle Sycamore On Radio (3.6Mb)
  263. A Dress For Molly (6.6Mb)
  264. Black Market Meat (4.8Mb)
  265. Numerology (6.6Mb)
  266. Fibber's Barometer Indicates Snow (6.6Mb)
  267. Fibber Steals A Car (6.9Mb)
  268. Is This Trip Necessary (6.9Mb)
  269. Fibbers Thumb Caught In Bowling Ball (6.7Mb)
  270. Fibber Looks Happy (6.9Mb)
  271. Fibber Fixes Doc's Car (6.9Mb)
  272. Camping At Dugans Lake (6.4Mb)
  273. McGees Go To The Movies (6.6Mb)
  274. Renting The Spare Room (6.7Mb)
  275. Commission For Nitney's Daughter (6.8Mb)
  276. Bad Luck With Mirrors (13.6Mb)
  277. Cigar Ashes (13.6Mb)
  278. Cleaning Doc Gambles House (7.3Mb)
  279. Fibber Makes His Own Chili Sauce (6.9Mb)
  280. Paying Water Bill (13.6Mb)
  281. Etiquette (6.6Mb)
  282. Teenys Missing Dog (6.9Mb)
  283. The War Is Not Almost Over (6.9Mb)
  284. Handcuffed (13.6Mb)
  285. Looking For A Christmas Tree (6.7Mb)
  286. A Fresh Start For The New Year (6.6Mb)
  287. Businessman McGee (54.2Mb)
  288. 1943 Income Tax Return (6.1Mb)
  289. Flowers From Ralph (6.4Mb)
  290. Dining Out To Celebrate (6.8Mb)
  291. Diamond Ring At Cut Rate Price (6.7Mb)
  292. Homemade Ice Cream (6.5Mb)
  293. Doctor McGee (5.2Mb)
  294. Bill Smith Old School Chum From Peoria (6.9Mb)
  295. Before A Western Campfire (5.8Mb)
  296. Speech For The Red Cross (6.8Mb)
  297. McGees Hire Beulah (6.6Mb)
  298. Fibber's Old Mandolin (7Mb)
  299. Fibber Has Pneumonia Gildy and Leroy Visit (6.9Mb)
  300. Recovering At Home (7Mb)
  301. Whipping Cream (13.6Mb)
  302. German Spy (6Mb)
  303. Cannery Executive (6.4Mb)
  304. Aunt Sarah's Picture (6.5Mb)
  305. Alice's Boyfriend (6.4Mb)
  306. Policeman's Ball (6.5Mb)
  307. Fibber Wants A Fishing License (6.5Mb)
  308. D-Day (6.9Mb)
  309. Fixing The Porch Swing (6.5Mb)
  310. Getting Ready For Cattle Ranch (6.5Mb)
  311. Fibber Cant Find His Hip Boots (6.8Mb)
  312. Maple Tree Sugar Experiment (6.8Mb)
  313. An Old 4 Dollar Debt (4.3Mb)
  314. Duck Hunting (6.6Mb)
  315. Night School (6.7Mb)
  316. Faking A Broken Rib To Avoid Housecleaning (6.7Mb)
  317. Wallace Wimple Navy Physical Instructor (6.8Mb)
  318. Fibber Presses His Pants (6.8Mb)
  319. Radio Quiz Show (6.7Mb)
  320. Early Christmas Presents (6.7Mb)
  321. McGee Controls His Temper (6.7Mb)
  322. The Diamond Stick Pin (6.6Mb)
  323. Mushrooms (6.6Mb)
  324. Not Enough Hot Water (6.7Mb)
  325. Too Much Energy (6.7Mb)
  326. Sailor Visits For The Night (6.7Mb)
  327. The Cross-Eyed Cat (6.8Mb)
  328. Fibber Tunes the Piano (6.5Mb)
  329. Catching A Train (6.8Mb)
  330. Collecting for Red Cross (6.5Mb)
  331. Golden Wedding Anniversary (6.8Mb)
  332. Visit From An Old Cattleman Friend (6.8Mb)
  333. Fixing The Radio (6.8Mb)
  334. Giving Doc Gambles Clothes Away (6.8Mb)
  335. The Poet (6.9Mb)
  336. No News Is Bad News (6.8Mb)
  337. The Bank Statement (6.6Mb)
  338. Hitching A Ride To The Elks Club (6.5Mb)
  339. Briefcase Bronson (6.5Mb)
  340. Housing Survey (6.9Mb)
  341. The Trunk (6.9Mb)
  342. Seventh War Bond Drive (6.9Mb)
  343. Power Lawn Mower (6.6Mb)
  344. Clean Closet Mrs Carstairs Is Coming (6.6Mb)
  345. McGee The Magician (6.5Mb)
  346. Fibber's Big Deal With Carstai (6.9Mb)
  347. Summer At Dugan's Lake (6.8Mb)
  348. Welcoming LaTrivia Home From War (6.6Mb)
  349. The Used Car (6.8Mb)
  350. No Train Reservations (6.9Mb)
  351. McGee's Cousin Coming To Visit (6.7Mb)
  352. Building House Next Door (6.8Mb)
  353. Fudge (6.8Mb)
  354. Fibber Teaches Molly To Drive (6.7Mb)
  355. Architect McGee (6.8Mb)
  356. McGee Chops Down Old Oak Tree (7Mb)
  357. A Brisk Winter Walk To Dugan's Lake (6.9Mb)
  358. Friend Of The Governor (7Mb)
  359. White Christmas Tree (6.4Mb)
  360. Doc's Gift To McGee (7Mb)
  361. Tall Story Contest (6.7Mb)
  362. Bean Contest (6.6Mb)
  363. Treasure Map (6.7Mb)
  364. Pioneer Day (6.4Mb)
  365. Molly's Card Party (6.4Mb)
  366. Skating At Dugan's Lake (6.6Mb)
  367. Fibber's New Suit (6.6Mb)
  368. Doc Dines With Fibber (6.4Mb)
  369. Missing Fountain Pen (6.4Mb)
  370. Stolen Cars (5Mb)
  371. McGee Flies A Kite (6.7Mb)
  372. Red Cross Drive (5.3Mb)
  373. Bullets Brannigan (6.4Mb)
  374. Car Ignition Key Release (6.5Mb)
  375. McGee The Painter (6.5Mb)
  376. Cousin Salvador (6.5Mb)
  377. Fibber's Health Diet (5Mb)
  378. Barbershop Quartet (6.5Mb)
  379. Catching Old Muley (6.6Mb)
  380. The Political Campaign (6.7Mb)
  381. The Old Ball Game (6.9Mb)
  382. Wedding Anniversary (6.4Mb)
  383. Aviation Show (6.4Mb)
  384. Camping Equipment For Boat Trip (4.9Mb)
  385. Whims (6.6Mb)
  386. Bull Moran (5Mb)
  387. City Water (4.9Mb)
  388. Bon Ton For Laces (6.3Mb)
  389. Miss Tremaine For Dinner (6.5Mb)
  390. McGees Visit Johnsons Wax Headquarters (6.6Mb)
  391. Ronald The Coal Man (6.4Mb)
  392. Fibber Invents A Football Play (6.9Mb)
  393. A Prowler if Following Fifi Tremaine (13.6Mb)
  394. Fibber Fights Bank Over $19 (6.5Mb)
  395. Getting LaTrivia And Doc To Fight Over Fifi (6.4Mb)
  396. Fibber Tans Himself With A Sun Lamp (6.5Mb)
  397. Fixing Broken Toys For Needy Children (6.6Mb)
  398. New Years Eve Party With Fred Waring (6.4Mb)
  399. Fibber Joins Posse (6.4Mb)
  400. Package At The Post Office (6.5Mb)
  401. House Alteration Looking For An Architect (7Mb)
  402. Waiting For A Bus (6.9Mb)
  403. Babsitting With Teeny (6.6Mb)
  404. Fibbers Model Airplane (6.4Mb)
  405. Fibber Collects Doc Gambles Bills (6.7Mb)
  406. Fibber Fixes A Window (6.6Mb)
  407. Fibber Isn't Getting His Mail (6.7Mb)
  408. Mans Untapped Energies (6.7Mb)
  409. Waiting Outside The Drugstore In The Rain (7.1Mb)
  410. Home Power Plant (6.7Mb)
  411. Traffic Citations Safe Driving Campaign (6.6Mb)
  412. Mollys Twisted Ankle (6.6Mb)
  413. 1880 Quarter (6.7Mb)
  414. Street Carnival (6.5Mb)
  415. Thelma Graham Visits Molly (6.5Mb)
  416. Trouble With Grammar (6.5Mb)
  417. Smuggled Irish Tweed (6.5Mb)
  418. Fibber Is Interviewed By A Tax Assessor (6.7Mb)
  419. Shrimps McGee Old Family Recipe (6.5Mb)
  420. Citizenship Test (6.5Mb)
  421. Picnic At Dugans Lake (6.8Mb)
  422. Homer Vickery Pays A Debt (4.1Mb)
  423. Football Game Anniversary (4.1Mb)
  424. Catching Teeny's Cat (5.1Mb)
  425. Missed Car Payment (4.1Mb)
  426. Big Deal At The Farm (6.5Mb)
  427. Fibber Gets Weighed (6.7Mb)
  428. Inflatable Raft From Army Surplus Store (6.5Mb)
  429. The Phone Call (6.5Mb)
  430. Fibber Paints the Kitchen (13.6Mb)
  431. Duck Hunting Trip (6.9Mb)
  432. Gazette Interview (4.1Mb)
  433. Aunt Sarah's Fruitcake (6.5Mb)
  434. Fibber Loses His Key Ring In The Snow (6.4Mb)
  435. Ten Dollar Gift Certificate (6.2Mb)
  436. Magic Act (6.6Mb)
  437. Fibber Invents The Cartable Radio (6.6Mb)
  438. Molly's Pickles Auctioned At Women's Bazaar (6.7Mb)
  439. McGee Loses Laundry Bundle (6.5Mb)
  440. Fibber Makes A New Table Lamp (6.5Mb)
  441. Fibber Finds His Childhood Sled (6.6Mb)
  442. Big Bucks For Horatio Alger Books (6.6Mb)
  443. Fibber Owed $7 (6.7Mb)
  444. Volunteering for Jury Duty (6.7Mb)
  445. Broken Card Table (6.5Mb)
  446. Telegram From George Marshall (6.5Mb)
  447. Molly's Easter Dress Creation (6.4Mb)
  448. Overnight Trip To A Small Hotel (6.5Mb)
  449. Fixing Docs Car (6.5Mb)
  450. New Fire Alarm Box (6.5Mb)
  451. Ceramics (6.5Mb)
  452. Passenger Pigeon Trap (6.4Mb)
  453. Selling the House (3.9Mb)
  454. Going Fishing (4.2Mb)
  455. Baseball Cologne (6.8Mb)
  456. Molly's Toothache (6.7Mb)
  457. McGee's Tune (6.6Mb)
  458. Pressed Pants (6.6Mb)
  459. Giving up Smoking (6.7Mb)
  460. Portable Radio at the Repair Shop (6.5Mb)
  461. Planting a Lawn Six Months Late (6.6Mb)
  462. Voting Day (6.8Mb)
  463. Bowling Night (6.8Mb)
  464. Docs Pheasants For Dinner (6.5Mb)
  465. Street Light Is Burned Out (6.4Mb)
  466. Christmas Shopping (6.7Mb)
  467. The 35 Pound Salmon (6.8Mb)
  468. Taking Packages to the Post Office (6.5Mb)
  469. Country Club Dance (6.5Mb)
  470. Weather Stripping (6.7Mb)
  471. Sleigh Ride (6.7Mb)
  472. Money in the Shoebox (6.6Mb)
  473. The Laundromat (7.1Mb)
  474. Good Listener McGee (6.8Mb)
  475. Molly's Birthday Party (6.6Mb)
  476. Women Drivers (6.4Mb)
  477. Truth About Washington's Birthday (6.6Mb)
  478. The Abandoned Jalopy (6.4Mb)
  479. The Elks Club Mortgage (7Mb)
  480. Doc Gamble Day (4.7Mb)
  481. Fibber Models a Dress for Molly (6.7Mb)
  482. Thousand Pound Inheritance (7Mb)
  483. Kremer's Cash Register (6.8Mb)
  484. McGee's New Pipe (6.7Mb)
  485. The New Fire Truck (7Mb)
  486. Housework Efficiency (6.6Mb)
  487. Do A Good Turn McGee (6.6Mb)
  488. Building A House For Ole (6.7Mb)
  489. Doc Gamble's New Suit (6.8Mb)
  490. McGee Writes A Movie (6.7Mb)
  491. Canoe Ride (4.8Mb)
  492. Fifteenth Anniversary Show (13.6Mb)
  493. McGee's Mustard Slogan (Incomplete) (6.1Mb)
  494. Big Fish Feed (6.9Mb)
  495. Umbrella Stand (6.9Mb)
  496. Making Cloth From Paper (6.8Mb)
  497. Community Chest Bazaar (6.8Mb)
  498. Concert Tickets (6.8Mb)
  499. McGee The Trolley Rider (6.8Mb)
  500. Fixing The Cuckoo Clock (6.5Mb)
  501. Stuck In The Grating (6.5Mb)
  502. The Tax Bill Thanksgiving (6.9Mb)
  503. The Bargain Inner Tube (6.9Mb)
  504. Making Christmas Cards (6.8Mb)
  505. Man Of The Year Swindle (6.9Mb)
  506. Best Christmas Decorations (7Mb)
  507. Trip To Aunt Sarah's (7Mb)
  508. At Aunt Sarah's (6.8Mb)
  509. McGees Help Out At Walt's Malt Shoppe (6.9Mb)
  510. Cutting Firewood (4.1Mb)
  511. Fibber Can't Decide What Kind Of Suit To Buy (6.8Mb)
  512. The Gang Goes For A Sleigh Ride (6.7Mb)
  513. Molly Is Asked To Run For City Council (6.9Mb)
  514. Looking For Lost Tubes Of Radium (6.6Mb)
  515. Dog Bites Mailman (5Mb)
  516. Mayor's Party (3.9Mb)
  517. Olie Is Kidnapped (6.7Mb)
  518. Countess Of Chumley (3.9Mb)
  519. Pruning The Shade Tree (6.9Mb)
  520. Flying Saucer (6.9Mb)
  521. McGee The Census Taker (6.8Mb)
  522. Running The General Store (6.7Mb)
  523. Manhole Cover (5.8Mb)
  524. Elks Club Dance (6.7Mb)
  525. The Fishing Trip (5Mb)
  526. Circus Day (5.5Mb)
  527. Picnic In The Orchard (6.8Mb)
  528. Ranch Foreman (6.9Mb)
  529. The Chicken BarBQue (6.8Mb)
  530. Fibber Goes to Night School (5.2Mb)
  531. Fibbers Stomach Ache (6.9Mb)
  532. The Con Men (6.8Mb)
  533. The Snapshot Contest (5.3Mb)
  534. The Real Estate Deal (5.4Mb)
  535. The Ukelele Course (6.8Mb)
  536. Fibber Needs Glasses (5.7Mb)
  537. The One Hundred Thousand Dollar Stamp (6.7Mb)
  538. Aunt Jennie (3.9Mb)
  539. Parking Meters - Return Razor (6.7Mb)
  540. Dinner At LaTrivias (3.8Mb)
  541. Bank Night At The Bijou (5Mb)
  542. Fibber The Postman (6.7Mb)
  543. Shoveling Snow (5.1Mb)
  544. Fixing Teeny's Sled (3.5Mb)
  545. Circular Mailers (3.8Mb)
  546. City Hall Grass (5.1Mb)
  547. McGee's Belongings (6.3Mb)
  548. Skating Party At Dugan's Lake (4.9Mb)
  549. National Pancake Week (6.7Mb)
  550. The Nasty Letter (6.7Mb)
  551. The Express Company Bandits (6.3Mb)
  552. Trip To Peoria (6.9Mb)
  553. Molly's Checkup (6.5Mb)
  554. Antique Vase (6.8Mb)
  555. Good Deeds (3.9Mb)
  556. Surprise Party_Fibber & Molly Don't Show (6.7Mb)
  557. McGee Declared Well (6.8Mb)
  558. The Gas Bill (6.7Mb)
  559. Grocery Budget (3.8Mb)
  560. Soapbox Derby Racer For Teeny (6.8Mb)
  561. Hitchhiking Bureau (6.8Mb)
  562. McGee The Artist (6.9Mb)
  563. Hole In One (6.6Mb)
  564. Fibber Runs Red Light Turns Himself In (6.8Mb)
  565. Birds Nest In The Mailbox (3.9Mb)
  566. New Fish Bait (6.8Mb)
  567. Businessmen's Symphony (6.9Mb)
  568. Trip To Omaha For Community Chest Rally (6.9Mb)
  569. Community Chest Rally (3.9Mb)
  570. Teeny Needs To Go To The Dentist (6.7Mb)
  571. Fibber Cooks Dinner For Molly's Birthday (6.6Mb)
  572. Young Fireball The McGee's New Dog (7Mb)
  573. Fibber Sells An Old Raccoon Coat (7Mb)
  574. Duck Hunter McGee (7Mb)
  575. Some Like It Hot (7Mb)
  576. Chaperones (6.9Mb)
  577. Floorwalker McGee (7Mb)
  578. Detective McGee (6.8Mb)
  579. Big Pool Match At Elks Club (6.9Mb)
  580. The Spirit of Giving (5.6Mb)
  581. New Years Day Visiting (6.5Mb)
  582. Rumors (6.8Mb)
  583. Rummage Sale (7.2Mb)
  584. Locked Out (6.9Mb)
  585. Playing Cupid (6.9Mb)
  586. Paying The Bills (6.9Mb)
  587. Braiding A Rug (7Mb)
  588. Summoned by the IRS (4Mb)
  589. Pancake Day (4.1Mb)
  590. Fixing The Back Step (9.9Mb)
  591. 20th Anniversary on NBC (9.9Mb)
  592. Statue of Buckshot McGee (6.8Mb)
  593. Running Kremer's Drugstore (6.8Mb)
  594. Heat Wave, Selling Umbrellas (9.7Mb)
  595. The Perilous Horoscope (9.6Mb)
  596. All You Can Eat For A Dollar (6.5Mb)
  597. Traffic Court (unknown file size)
  598. Potted Plant And Pet Show (9.7Mb)
  599. Picnic At Dugan's Lake (9.8Mb)
  600. McGee Tunes The Piano (6.5Mb)
  601. At The Carnival (9.6Mb)
  602. McGee's Annual Checkup (9.4Mb)
  603. McGee Does Singing Commercial (6.7Mb)
  604. McGee The Political Worker (9.7Mb)
  605. The Rich Friend Gert (9.7Mb)
  606. Stock In The Transit Company (6.3Mb)
  607. Post Office Box Key (6.7Mb)
  608. The Giant Grizzley (9.5Mb)
  609. McGee's Fruit Punch (9.7Mb)
  610. The Missing Umbrella (9.7Mb)
  611. Polishing Doc's Car (9.6Mb)
  612. Bowling Team Championship (6.6Mb)
  613. Fibber Buys Molly A New Hat (6.5Mb)
  614. Exchanging Christmas Gift (6.6Mb)
  615. Party For Doc Gamble (6.5Mb)
  616. New Year's Dance At The Country Club (6.5Mb)
  617. Reunion With Fred Nitney (6.7Mb)
  618. Fibber Buys A Puppy (6.6Mb)
  619. Fibber Writes A Book Inside Wistful Vista (6.6Mb)
  620. McGee's Giant Icicle (10.1Mb)
  621. Installing A Wall Safe (9.8Mb)
  622. Courteous McGee (9.8Mb)
  623. McGee Minds Doc's Office (9.9Mb)
  624. McGee The Artist (Rebroadcast of 5_8_51) (6.7Mb)
  625. Breakfast In Bed For Molly (Rebroadcast of 2_6_51) (6.8Mb)
  626. Something Fell Off The Car (Rebroadcast of 4_18_50) (6.7Mb)
  627. Reward For A Noble Deed (6.8Mb)
  628. McGee's Lucky Day (6.9Mb)
  629. Hypnotism (6.9Mb)
  630. Elks Club Vaudeville Show (7.1Mb)
  631. McGee's False Alarm (7Mb)
  632. Fibber Delivers A Cake For Molly (6.7Mb)
  633. The Old Moose Head (6.8Mb)
  634. Fibber Helps Lady at 14th and Oak (5.3Mb)
  635. Ole's Brother John (6.6Mb)
  636. The Old Tax Law (6.8Mb)
  637. Fight With The Neighbor (7.1Mb)
  638. Lost Cat Ad (7.1Mb)
  639. Traffic Safety Campaign (6.6Mb)
  640. Molly's Lunch Date With Al Bennington (6.6Mb)
  641. Ground Observer Corps (6.6Mb)
  642. Fishing Trip (Last 30 Minute Show) (6.6Mb)
  643. Hanging Aunt Sarah's Picture (3.4Mb)
  644. Letter To The Postmaster (3.3Mb)
  645. Buying A Parakeet (3.5Mb)
  646. Teaching The Parakeet To Talk (3.4Mb)
  647. Buying Shampoo At Kremer's Drugstore (3.4Mb)
  648. Awaiting A Phone Call (3.4Mb)
  649. Preparing Executive Club Speed (3.4Mb)
  650. Buying a Suit for Luncheon (3.3Mb)
  651. Biography For Luncheon (3.4Mb)
  652. Fibber Hoarse Molly Gives Speech (3.4Mb)
  653. Ribbon On Finger To Recall What (3.5Mb)
  654. Taking Molly Out Dining And Dancing (3.6Mb)
  655. Luggage Shopping For Trip To See Aunt Sarah (3.5Mb)
  656. Packing For Trip To See Aunt Sarah (3.4Mb)
  657. Further Trip Preparations (3.3Mb)
  658. Fibber Gets Lost On The Train (3.2Mb)
  659. Seeking Aunt Sarah's House (3.5Mb)
  660. Overnight In The Wrong House (3.3Mb)
  661. Who Is FC (3.5Mb)
  662. Trick Or Treating With Teeny (3.6Mb)
  663. Trying To Catch Phantom Burglar (3.5Mb)
  664. Phantom Burglar Nabbed (3.5Mb)
  665. Buying And Installing A Lock (3.4Mb)
  666. Shoe Repair Shop (3.5Mb)
  667. Parakeet's Preference (3.4Mb)
  668. Buying Teeny's Gift At The Bon-Ton (3.4Mb)
  669. Preparation For Duck Hunting (3.4Mb)
  670. Fibber Looks For His Hunting License (3.4Mb)
  671. Buying Food For The Hunting Trip (3.4Mb)
  672. Leaving For Lake Wapahokey (3.4Mb)
  673. Hunting Trip Spoiled By Rain (3.4Mb)
  674. Duck Hunting Is Successful (3.4Mb)
  675. The Happy Hunter Returns Home (3.2Mb)
  676. Fibber Goes To Bed At Seven O'Clock (3.2Mb)
  677. Christmas Fund (3.3Mb)
  678. Phony Ring Investment (3.2Mb)
  679. Selling Doc The Ring (3.4Mb)
  680. Autumn Leaves Drive (3.3Mb)
  681. 56 Years Bad Luck-8 Broken Mirrors (3.4Mb)
  682. Fibber Enters A Photo Contest (3.3Mb)
  683. Candid Camera Fiend (3.3Mb)
  684. Fibber Develops His Own Film (3.3Mb)
  685. Fibber Loses A Photo Worth $75 (3.4Mb)
  686. Fibber Finds The $75 Photo (3.3Mb)
  687. Fibber Gets A Call From Washington (3.3Mb)
  688. Fibber Misses The Return Call (3.3Mb)
  689. Party Line Blocks Call (3.5Mb)
  690. McGee's Call Comes Through (3.4Mb)
  691. The McGees Hire A Cleaning Lady (3.2Mb)
  692. Molly Loses An Earring (3.1Mb)
  693. Christmas Shopping (3.3Mb)
  694. Over $30 For Molly's Womens Club (3.2Mb)
  695. McGees Get A Tax Refund (3.4Mb)
  696. Mailing Aunt Sarah's Gift (3.4Mb)
  697. Haggling Over A Christmas Tree (3.3Mb)
  698. Doc Helps Decorate Christmas Tree (3.3Mb)
  699. Laura The Lopsided Pine Tree (3.4Mb)
  700. Spending Christmas At Home (3.3Mb)
  701. Planning Elks Club New Years Party (3.2Mb)
  702. Exchanging Gifts At The Bon-Ton (3.3Mb)
  703. Fibber Revives His Vaudeville Act (3.4Mb)
  704. Elks Club Extravaganza (3.4Mb)
  705. A Quiet New Year's Day At Home (3.4Mb)
  706. Citizen X Contest Continues (3.4Mb)
  707. Works On Toaster To Forget Contest (3.2Mb)
  708. Everybody Wants To Tail Fibber's Clues (3.3Mb)
  709. Fibber's Cigar Ashes (3.3Mb)
  710. Its Fibber's Birthday (3.5Mb)
  711. Molly Is Citizen X (3.5Mb)
  712. Tight Lipped Mcgee (3.5Mb)
  713. The Three Dollar Lawsuit (3.5Mb)
  714. Going To See South Atlantic (3.4Mb)
  715. Fibber The Plumber (3.4Mb)
  716. Fibber's Bank Statement (3.5Mb)
  717. Redecorating The Servicemen's Center (3.4Mb)
  718. The Boys Go To Work (3.5Mb)
  719. Writing Checks With Teeny's Ink (3.5Mb)
  720. Disposing Of The Christmas Tree (3.5Mb)
  721. McGee's New Dial Phone (3.5Mb)
  722. New Neighbor Frank Ingram (3.4Mb)
  723. House Rental Agent McGee (3.4Mb)
  724. Advertising The House For Rent (3.5Mb)
  725. House Almost Rented (3.3Mb)
  726. What's In The Attic (3.5Mb)
  727. Installing A Light In Fibber's Closet (3.5Mb)
  728. The House Is Finally Rented (3.5Mb)
  729. Molly Is Caught In The Attic (3.3Mb)
  730. Fibber Sleeps Through Two Gun Justice (3.4Mb)
  731. Celebrating Washington's Birthday (3.3Mb)
  732. Tall Tale McGee (3.4Mb)
  733. Eight Year Old Newspaper (3.3Mb)
  734. Fibber's High School Trophy (3.3Mb)
  735. Trouble With The Bon Ton Parking (3.3Mb)
  736. Federal Income Tax Preparation (3.3Mb)
  737. McGee's Lucky Day (3.1Mb)
  738. The McGee Jet Ketchup Gun (3.3Mb)
  739. Ketchup Representative Comes (3.2Mb)
  740. The Envelope Swindle (3.2Mb)
  741. Variety Store Opportunity (6.7Mb)
  742. Fibber McGee, Temporary Manager (3.4Mb)
  743. Business Is Dull (3.5Mb)
  744. Promoting Business (3.4Mb)
  745. Further Business Promotions (3.3Mb)
  746. Fibber Helps Molly With Club Luncheon (3Mb)
  747. Voting For Congressman (2.3Mb)
  748. Buying A Thousand Bricks (2.1Mb)
  749. Building A Barbecue (2.2Mb)
  750. Wimple Helps With Barbecue (2.3Mb)
  751. Sleepwalking McGee (3.2Mb)
  752. Fibber Loses A Coat Button (3.2Mb)
  753. Fibber Exchanges Buttons (3.3Mb)
  754. Turning Fibber In (3.3Mb)
  755. Hiring A Lawyer (3.2Mb)
  756. Jewel Robbery Is Solved (3.3Mb)
  757. Freeway Ride (3.3Mb)
  758. Dyeing 12 Dozen Easter Eggs (3.2Mb)
  759. Indian Scout McGee (3.1Mb)
  760. Fibber Prepares For Hike (3.2Mb)
  761. Nature Hike (3.2Mb)
  762. Forty Thousand Copies Of Partly True (3.1Mb)
  763. Unloading Forty Thousand Magazines (3.3Mb)
  764. Fibbers Old Suit (3.3Mb)
  765. Stung By A Wasp (3.4Mb)
  766. Tennis Player McGee (3.3Mb)
  767. City Orders Oak Tree Cut (3.3Mb)
  768. Cutting Down Old Oak Tree (3.2Mb)
  769. New Shoes (3.3Mb)
  770. McGee's Hiccups (3.1Mb)
  771. An Orchid Plant For Doc (2.5Mb)
  772. Minding Teeny For an Evening (2.5Mb)
  773. Carver's Coffee Slogan Contest (2.5Mb)
  774. McGee Plans to Return to School (2.5Mb)
  775. The Return of Clobber Head Jones (1.6Mb)
  776. Coffeemaker Broken By Flash (2.5Mb)
  777. Sued For Alienating Flash's Affections (2.4Mb)
  778. Fibber on Trial (2.5Mb)
  779. Wimple Saves the Night (6.6Mb)
  780. Repairing the Door Chimes (6.6Mb)
  781. Flash is Back (6.6Mb)
  782. McGee's New Private Phone Book (6.6Mb)
  783. Chemist McGee (6.6Mb)
  784. Garage Afire (6.7Mb)
  785. McGee's Steel Stickum (6.6Mb)
  786. How To Market The Stickum (6.6Mb)
  787. Navel Commander Comes for Demonstration (6.6Mb)
  788. Flight To Washington (6.7Mb)
  789. Stranger Could Be A Spy (6.6Mb)
  790. Trouble En Route to Hull Shipyard (6.6Mb)
  791. Successful Steel Seal Test (6.6Mb)
  792. Hot Tip From Uncle Dennis (6.7Mb)
  793. The 350 Pound Crate (6.6Mb)
  794. Fibber Losing Hair (6.6Mb)
  795. Repairing the Washing Machine (6.7Mb)
  796. Using the New Bar-B-Que (unknown file size)
  797. Installing the Old Porch Swing (unknown file size)
  798. Clearing Out Fire Hazards (6.7Mb)
  799. Annual Art Exhibit (unknown file size)
  800. Chairman of Elks Hobby Show (6.6Mb)
  801. Registering Hobby Entries (6.7Mb)
  802. A Successful Show (6.6Mb)
  803. Molly's Sewing Machine (6.6Mb)
  804. Umpire McGee (6.6Mb)
  805. Counterfeiters in Wistful Vista (6.6Mb)
  806. Boating at Dugan's Lake (6.6Mb)
  807. The Car Wreck Golden Rule (6.6Mb)
  808. Being Truthful in Court (unknown file size)
  809. Stranger Ducked Out of Town (unknown file size)
  810. Bob Stanley's Trial Concludes (6.6Mb)
  811. McGee's New Electric Mower (6.6Mb)
  812. Building A Professional Lemonade Stand (6.6Mb)
  813. Lemonade Stand (6.6Mb)
  814. Mesmerizing Molly (6.6Mb)
  815. Jaywalking is No Thrill (6.6Mb)
  816. Spading the Flower Bed (6.6Mb)
  817. Professor Analyzes Dinosaur Bone (6.6Mb)
  818. Dr. Eichelberger Visits (6.6Mb)
  819. Planning A Theater Party (6.6Mb)
  820. World Premier (6.6Mb)
  821. Visiting Stringbean Wilson (6.6Mb)
  822. Keys Left in Ignition (6.7Mb)
  823. Painting the Bathroom (6.6Mb)
  824. Tea at Whitney's Hilltop Estate (6.6Mb)
  825. Surprise Party For Doc (6.6Mb)
  826. 179th Anniversary of US Post Office (6.6Mb)
  827. Making Peach Preserves (6.6Mb)
  828. Heat Wave (6.6Mb)
  829. McGee Builds Air Conditioner (6.6Mb)
  830. In the Cool of the Evening (6.6Mb)
  831. To The Theater to Cool Off (6.6Mb)
  832. Mysterious Magnolia Manor (6.7Mb)
  833. Actor McGee Hired (6.6Mb)
  834. The Big Star (6.6Mb)
  835. Fibber Rehearses and Ruins Movie (6.6Mb)
  836. Reminiscing With Old Photos (6.6Mb)
  837. McGee Straightens Up the Living Room (6.6Mb)
  838. Checking Safe Deposit Box Holdings (6.6Mb)
  839. Old Newsboys Day (6.6Mb)
  840. Fibber Buys Geiger Counter (6.6Mb)
  841. In Utah Seeking Uranium (6.6Mb)
  842. Old Timer's Old Mine (6.6Mb)
  843. Claim Jumpers (6.6Mb)
  844. Subscribing to Beekeeper's Guide (6.6Mb)
  845. Taking Old TImer to Dinner and Movies (6.6Mb)
  846. Two Cents a Pound Watermelon (6.6Mb)
  847. Molly's New Bedroom Mirror (6.6Mb)
  848. Where Did McGee Park His Car (6.6Mb)
  849. Fibber Wants to Relax (6.6Mb)
  850. Big Fishing Trip (6.6Mb)
  851. Fishing Boat Sinks (6.6Mb)
  852. Executive McGee (6.6Mb)
  853. Fibber Repairs Radio (6.6Mb)
  854. McGee's Twin Rock Falls Trip (6.6Mb)
  855. Gregory the Cat (6.6Mb)
  856. To Err is Human, To Forgive is Feline (6.6Mb)
  857. Molly's Book End (6.6Mb)
  858. Refund for Fibber's Shirt (6.6Mb)
  859. McGee's Fortune (6.6Mb)
  860. Fibber's Joke (6.6Mb)
  861. Molly's Parlimentary Procedure (6.6Mb)
  862. Thirsty McGee (6.6Mb)
  863. Lost Library Book (6.6Mb)
  864. Your Three Minutes Are Up (6.6Mb)
  865. Fibber's Frog Hunting Business (6.7Mb)
  866. Frog Hunting at Dugan's Lake (6.6Mb)
  867. Frogs Escape McGee's Home (6.6Mb)
  868. Fibber Releases Frogs (6.6Mb)
  869. Feed 'Em and Weep (6.6Mb)
  870. Party Whine (6.6Mb)
  871. Golden Gov (6.6Mb)
  872. Prince of a Regent (6.6Mb)
  873. Advice And Content (6.6Mb)
  874. When Do We Eat_ (6.6Mb)
  875. McGee Safeguarding His Health (6.6Mb)
  876. Old Vic (20Mb)
  877. Wedding Belle (19.8Mb)
  878. Great Day In The Morning (11.3Mb)
  879. A Member Of The Family (11.2Mb)
  880. Mr. District Attorney (11.2Mb)
  881. The Way of All Pants (11.6Mb)
  882. A Little Money in My Pocket (11.7Mb)
  883. Skate of Independence (11.4Mb)
  884. Let Them Eat Pancake (11.3Mb)
  885. Shopping Runaround (6.7Mb)
  886. Marital Advice (6.7Mb)
  887. The Face Is Familiar (11.4Mb)
  888. You're Quite A Captain, Kidd (11.3Mb)
  889. The Hard Kernel of Truth (11.6Mb)
  890. The Streets are Paved with Bold (11.4Mb)
  891. Poor Circulation (11.7Mb)
  892. Who's the Boss_ (11.8Mb)
  893. The Street With the New Name (11.3Mb)
  894. Mother Gamble (11.9Mb)
  895. Paper Mister_ (11.3Mb)
  896. Call of the Wild Duck (11.6Mb)
  897. Everything's Ducky (11.6Mb)
  898. It's A Gas! (11.3Mb)
  899. But You Can't Choose Your Relatives (11.4Mb)
  900. Mighty Like A Moose (11.4Mb)
  901. Gerry Rigged (11.2Mb)
  902. Time Is Of The Nonsense (11.4Mb)
  903. Cleanliness Is Next To Impossible (11.3Mb)
  904. Stock In Trade (11.3Mb)
  905. Paper Clipped (11.4Mb)
  906. Kind Of A Brag (11.2Mb)
  907. The Art Of The Deal (11.7Mb)
  908. An Offer He Might Refuse (11.4Mb)
  909. Fibber McGee, Kingmaker (11.2Mb)
  910. Keyed Up (11.4Mb)
  911. How's That For A Topper_ (11.5Mb)
  912. For Which We Are About To Receive (11.6Mb)
  913. Sales Resistance (11.4Mb)
  914. Ribbon Of Darkness (11.5Mb)
  915. A Hard Day's Nightmare (11.5Mb)
  916. Doc to Marry (3.3Mb)
  917. Doc's Secret Trip (3.3Mb)
  918. McGee Avoids Fred Swayze (3.3Mb)
  919. Party for John Cameron Swayze (3.3Mb)
  920. Fibber Nearly Buys Stolen Goods (3.3Mb)
  921. McGee Accidentally Wins Contest (3.3Mb)
  922. McGee's Slogan Too Good (3.3Mb)
  923. Buying Christmas Cards from Kremer (3.3Mb)
  924. The Jiffy Home Fix-It Kit (3.4Mb)
  925. Temporary Sub, Christmas Employee (3.3Mb)
  926. Wimple Assists Fibber's Deliveries (3.3Mb)
  927. No Time for Lunch (3.4Mb)
  928. Wimple Ill, Molly Assists (3.4Mb)
  929. Shopping for a Gift for Teeny (3.3Mb)
  930. Les Trips over Ash Can (3.3Mb)
  931. Fibber's Late Shopping (3.4Mb)
  932. The Patient Little Star (3.4Mb)
  933. Belated Gift to Doc (3.3Mb)
  934. Hole in the Wall (6.6Mb)
  935. Lester Seeks Public Relations Job (6.7Mb)
  936. Pretending to Be Lester's Boss (6.6Mb)
  937. McGee Squares with Friends (3.3Mb)
  938. Dinner and Cards at Toops (3.4Mb)
  939. Getting Basketball Tickets (3.3Mb)
  940. War Surplus Store Auction (3.4Mb)
  941. Advertising Scheme (3.4Mb)
  942. Painting Ads on Balloons (3.4Mb)
  943. Wimple's Surprise Flight (3.3Mb)
  944. Daredevil Dave Subs for Fibber (3.4Mb)
  945. Superiority of Women (3.3Mb)
  946. Weight-Losing Contest (3.3Mb)
  947. A Tough Row to Hoe (3.3Mb)
  948. Trying to Forget Food (3.3Mb)
  949. The Appetite-Killer Pills (3.3Mb)
  950. Weigh-In Day (3.3Mb)
  951. Fibber's Prescription (3.3Mb)
  952. Planning a Sleigh Ride (3.3Mb)
  953. Sleigh Ride and Weiner Roast (3.3Mb)
  954. Marriage Quiz (3.3Mb)
  955. Relocating Aunt Sarah's Tea Set (3.3Mb)
  956. McGee Donates a Portrait to Teeny's School (13.2Mb)
  957. McGee's Old C.O. Visits (13.1Mb)
  958. McGee Misses a Quiz Show Question (13.2Mb)
  959. The Mystery of the Missing Garbage Can, Part 1 (13.2Mb)
  960. The Mystery of the Missing Garbage Can, Part 2 (13.3Mb)
  961. The Mystery is Solved (13.2Mb)
  962. McGee Impersonates Doc to Get License Plates (13.2Mb)
  963. McGee is Worried About Making a Speech (13.2Mb)
  964. McGee's Speech is Interrupted (13.2Mb)
  965. McGee Gets a New Chair on Trial (13.2Mb)
  966. The McGee's Anniversary (13.2Mb)
  967. Molly Gives McGee's Sweater Away (13.1Mb)
  968. Disposing of the Old Phonograph Records (13.2Mb)
  969. Molly Shops for a Hat (13.2Mb)
  970. McGee Arranges to Paint a House (13.2Mb)
  971. The House Gets Painted, But... (13.1Mb)
  972. McGee is a Radio Show Guest (13.2Mb)
  973. McGee is Appointed to the Library Committee (13.3Mb)
  974. McGee Rehearses Teeny for a School Play (13.2Mb)
  975. Waffle-Weave Shirt (13.2Mb)
  976. Molly Finds a Valentine Card in McGee's Coat (13.2Mb)
  977. The Big Library Move (13.2Mb)
  978. McGee Buys a Lighter (13.2Mb)
  979. The Big Trial (13.2Mb)
  980. The Evidence (13.3Mb)
  981. The Witnesses and Arguments (13.3Mb)
  982. The Decision (13.3Mb)
  983. McGee Has to Break a $10 Bill (13.3Mb)
  984. McGee, the People Watcher (13.3Mb)
  985. McGee Finds an Old Stock Certificate (13.2Mb)
  986. McGee Wins in a Raffle (13.3Mb)
  987. The Car Issue is Settled (13.3Mb)
  988. McGee is Appointed Elks Committee Head (13.3Mb)
  989. The Deposit is Ready. But Not Counted (13.3Mb)
  990. Bringing the Cents to the Bank (13.2Mb)
  991. Molly Gets the Wrong Gift (13.2Mb)
  992. The Dalmatian (13.2Mb)
  993. The Stage is Full (13.1Mb)
  994. McGee is Jinxed (13.2Mb)
  995. McGee Buys a New Hat (13.1Mb)
  996. Molly Tries to Increase McGee's Sales Resistance (13.4Mb)
  997. McGee Utters a Joke (13.3Mb)
  998. McGee Helps Doc Catch a Plane (13.3Mb)
  999. McGee Drives a Cab (13.3Mb)
  1000. McGee Meets a Texas Oil Man (13.3Mb)
  1001. McGee Tries to Avoid the Elks (13.3Mb)
  1002. The Owl and the Pussycat (13.4Mb)
  1003. Little Boy Lost (13.3Mb)
  1004. McGee Looks for his Raincoat (13.3Mb)
  1005. McGee Discovers a Talent (13.3Mb)
  1006. At the Recording Session (13.2Mb)
  1007. Les's Career is Over (13.2Mb)
  1008. The Mystery Movie (13.2Mb)
  1009. The Shopping Crush (13.2Mb)
  1010. McGee Thinks Parking Meters are Coming (13.2Mb)
  1011. Someone Keeps Phoning and McGee is Frustrated (13.2Mb)
  1012. McGee Gets a Pedometer (13.2Mb)
  1013. McGee Finds an Old Unopened Letter (13.2Mb)
  1014. Molly Insists the Window Be Washed (20th Anniversary Show) (13.2Mb)
  1015. Molly Gets Tired of Doc's and McGee's Insults (13.2Mb)
  1016. The McGees Offer to Baby Sit for Teeny (13.2Mb)
  1017. The First Day of Sitting with Brother Michael (13.2Mb)
  1018. McGee Judges a Beauty Contest (13.2Mb)
  1019. The Noise Abatement Committee (13.2Mb)
  1020. Doc and McGee Vie in a Golf Match (13.2Mb)
  1021. The Golf Match Continues (13.2Mb)
  1022. The Golf Match Finally Concludes (13.3Mb)
  1023. Teeny's Mystery Ladies Society (6.6Mb)
  1024. Wistful Vista 9312 (6.6Mb)
  1025. Preparing Christmas Cards Early (6.6Mb)
  1026. Fibber Helps the Plumber (6.6Mb)
  1027. Doc's New Car (6.7Mb)
  1028. McGee's Letter to Congress (6.6Mb)
  1029. Jury Duty for Molly (6.6Mb)
  1030. McGee's Bank Statement (6.6Mb)
  1031. Fibber's 1000 Business Cards (6.6Mb)
  1032. Can't Recall a Tune Title (6.6Mb)
  1033. Molly's Purse (6.6Mb)
  1034. McGee's Chili Recipe (6.7Mb)
  1035. Fix-It Day (6.7Mb)
  1036. Plans to Run Walt's Malt Shop (6.7Mb)
  1037. McGee and Doc Arrested (6.7Mb)
  1038. Running Walt's Malt Shop (6.7Mb)
  1039. McGee's Corset (6.7Mb)
  1040. McGee's Bee Swarm (6.7Mb)
  1041. Busy Bees Bug the McGees (6.7Mb)
  1042. Beeman McGee (6.7Mb)
  1043. The Play (6.7Mb)
  1044. McGee's New Job (6.7Mb)
  1045. Whitney's Garden Party (6.7Mb)
  1046. Lost Boy at the Bon Ton (6.7Mb)
  1047. Haircut at Joe's (6.7Mb)
  1048. Lawn Party at Toops' (6.7Mb)
  1049. McGee's Activity Guide (6.7Mb)
  1050. The 6th Grade Exam (6.6Mb)
  1051. A Dime's Worth (6.7Mb)
  1052. Night Clubbing (6.7Mb)
  1053. The Strange Gopher (6.7Mb)
  1054. Happy's Birthday (6.7Mb)
  1055. Fibber Finds Stock Certificates (6.7Mb)
  1056. The Mysterious Knocking (6.7Mb)
  1057. Catching the Woodpecker (6.6Mb)
  1058. Old Timer, the Two Timer (6.6Mb)
  1059. McGee Pawns Molly's Coat (6.6Mb)
  1060. McGee's Smashed Parked Car (6.7Mb)
  1061. Big League Baseball Fibs (6.7Mb)
  1062. Surprise for Molly (6.7Mb)
  1063. McGee's Guaranteed Gasoline Saver (6.7Mb)
  1064. Iron Moose Given to Elks Club (6.6Mb)
  1065. Repairing Venetian Blinds (6.6Mb)
  1066. Charity League Dinner Dance (6.6Mb)
  1067. Fibber's Joke (Rebroadcast of 09-13-54) (6.5Mb)
  1068. Charity Fund Ideas (6.5Mb)
  1069. Public Lecture for a Week of Chowder (6.5Mb)
  1070. Lecture Preparations (6.5Mb)
  1071. Exotic Clam Chowder (6.6Mb)
  1072. Molly's Book End (Rebroadcast of 09-08-54) (6.6Mb)
  1073. Breaking in Fibber's New Shoes (2.7Mb)
  1074. Pickup McGee (2.7Mb)
  1075. The Average Couple (6.7Mb)
  1076. The Five Dollar Loan (6.7Mb)
  1077. Paperboy McGee (Rebroadcast of 11-01-54) (6.6Mb)
  1078. The Free Passes (13.3Mb)
  1079. The Burglar (13.2Mb)
  1080. McGee Fixes the Heater and the Old Timer Writes a Song (13.3Mb)
  1081. Identifying the Stranger (Rebroadcast of 10_20_54) (13.3Mb)
  1082. McGee's Water is Turned Off (Rebroadcast of 9_15_54) (13.3Mb)
  1083. McGee Waits at the Beauty Shop (13.2Mb)
  1084. The Monster at the Milton House (13.3Mb)
  1085. A Mysterious Phone Call at Midnight (13.3Mb)
  1086. Switching the Tires (13.3Mb)
  1087. Molly Buys a New Coat (13.3Mb)
  1088. McGee Straightens Out His Key Ring (13.3Mb)
  1089. A Surprise Package from Aunt Sarah (13.2Mb)
  1090. Dr. McGee, Diagnostician (13.2Mb)
  1091. Trouble with the Law (13.3Mb)
  1092. McGee Tries to Lower Wimple's Tax Bill (13.3Mb)
  1093. At the Auto Show (13.4Mb)
  1094. A Fire in the Fireplace (13.3Mb)
  1095. Hunting for Hunting License (Rebroadcast of 11_11_53) (6.7Mb)
  1096. Buying Groceries for Trip (Rebroadcast of 11_12_53) (6.7Mb)
  1097. Trip to Lake Wapahokey (Rebroadcast of 11_13_53) (6.7Mb)
  1098. Raining at Lake Wapahokey (Rebroadcast of 11_16_53) (6.7Mb)
  1099. Duck Hunting Finally (Rebroadcast of 11_17_53) (6.7Mb)
  1100. Hunter McGee Returns Home (Rebroadcast of 11_18_53) (6.7Mb)
  1101. McGee Can't Sleep (Rebroadcast of 11_19_53) (13.2Mb)
  1102. Sewing Collar Button On (6.7Mb)
  1103. Liars Award (6.7Mb)
  1104. McGee Can't Remember (6.7Mb)
  1105. Peanut Machine Problem (6.7Mb)
  1106. Thanksgiving Dinner (Incomplete) (1Mb)
  1107. McGee Safeguards His Health (Rebroadcast of 10_4_1954) (3.4Mb)
  1108. Secret Project X-R-5 (6.7Mb)
  1109. Hiding Cigars (6.7Mb)
  1110. Giving up Cigars (6.7Mb)
  1111. Mrs Compost Comes (6.7Mb)
  1112. Feeding The Dog (Rebroadcast of 9_26_54) (3.3Mb)
  1113. Mysterious Letter (6.7Mb)
  1114. Who Is Mary Strongheart (6.7Mb)
  1115. Molly's Tea Party (6.7Mb)
  1116. Writing a Second Book (6.7Mb)
  1117. The Gas War (Rebroadcast of 11_7_54) (6.7Mb)
  1118. A Gift for Doc Gamble (6.7Mb)
  1119. McGee Incorporated (6.7Mb)
  1120. Investment Woes (6.7Mb)
  1121. Profits to Charity (6.7Mb)
  1122. Repairing The Vaccum Cleaner (Rebroadcast of 11_28_54) (6.7Mb)
  1123. Three Feet of Snow (6.7Mb)
  1124. McGee Hides (6.7Mb)
  1125. Outdoor Christmas Lights (13.4Mb)
  1126. The Forgotten Card (10.9Mb)
  1127. The Patient Little Star (Rebroadcast of 12_23_1954) (11Mb)
  1128. A Drill For Christmas (10.8Mb)
  1129. Leftover Turkey (10.9Mb)
  1130. The Bank Robbery (10.9Mb)
  1131. Planning For New Year's Eve (10.8Mb)
  1132. Going Bowling (Rebroadcast of 9_27_54) (11Mb)
  1133. The Light Bill (11.2Mb)
  1134. Dinner At Pierre's (10.8Mb)
  1135. The Strategy Of Married Life (Rebroadcast of 10_19_54) (11Mb)
  1136. The Fur Coat (11.1Mb)
  1137. The Lawyers (11Mb)
  1138. Molly Buys A Coffee Table (10.7Mb)
  1139. Disposing Of The Coffee Table (11Mb)
  1140. Teeny Loses A Skate (Rebroadcast of 10_14_54) (11Mb)
  1141. The Furnace (11Mb)
  1142. Making A Sick Call (11.1Mb)
  1143. The Electronic Brain (11Mb)
  1144. The Shoemaker (10.7Mb)
  1145. A Telegram From Aunt Sarah (Rebroadcast of 1_25_55) (10.8Mb)
  1146. Molly Loses Her Wedding Ring (10.8Mb)
  1147. Claiming The Moon (11.1Mb)
  1148. No Moon After All (11.1Mb)
  1149. The Reward (11.1Mb)
  1150. Cappy Visits (Rebroadcast of 1_27_55) (13.2Mb)
  1151. The Elevator (13.3Mb)
  1152. The New Phone System (13.3Mb)
  1153. The Cat Fight (Rebroadcast of 9_6_54) (13.3Mb)
  1154. The Cat Fight, Continued (Rebroadcast of 9_7_54) (13.2Mb)
  1155. McGee Helps With the Shopping (13.2Mb)
  1156. Molly Has A Toothache (13.2Mb)
  1157. Digs up a Drum (13.3Mb)
  1158. Chinese Restaurant (13.2Mb)
  1159. The Soap-Carving Contest (13.3Mb)
  1160. The Gold Broach (Rebroadcast of 2_9_55) (13.3Mb)
  1161. Ducking An Old Friend (13.3Mb)
  1162. Dinner With Cliff Parker (13.3Mb)
  1163. The Skeet Shoot (13.4Mb)
  1164. Deputy Sheriff, McGee (13.3Mb)
  1165. The Valentine (Rebroadcast of 2_23_55) (13.3Mb)
  1166. McGee Tries To Read A Story (13.3Mb)
  1167. Doc Gamble Looks For A New Office (13.3Mb)
  1168. Parking the Car (13.3Mb)
  1169. Tree For Aunt Catherine (13.2Mb)
  1170. The New Bandsaw (Rebroadcast of 3_16_55) (13.2Mb)
  1171. Molly's Beauty Shop Appointment (13.2Mb)
  1172. Mr. Wimple is Going to Chicago (13.2Mb)
  1173. A Sendoff For Mr. Wimple (13.2Mb)
  1174. McGee Gets A Haircut (Rebroadcast of 6_2_55) (13.2Mb)
  1175. Dress Mix-Up at Cleaners (Rebroadcast of 5_31_55) (13.2Mb)
  1176. McGee And Wimple Look At A New Car (13.2Mb)
  1177. Garbage Disposal (13.2Mb)
  1178. The Found License Plate (13.3Mb)
  1179. Out Of Postage Stamps (13.3Mb)
  1180. Dinner And the Phony Fiver (Rebroadcast of 3_20_55) (13.3Mb)
  1181. A Painting For the Elks (13.3Mb)
  1182. McGee Stops the Freeway (13.3Mb)
  1183. McGee Diverts the Freeway (13.4Mb)
  1184. McGee Organizes the Women's Brigade (13.3Mb)
  1185. The Spotted Dog (Rebroadcast of 3_17_55) (13.3Mb)
  1186. The Genuine Australian Boomerang (13.3Mb)
  1187. What Has Three Arms, One Leg, No Head, And Jingles_ (13.3Mb)
  1188. McGee Shops For A Classic Book (13.3Mb)
  1189. Wrong Number, Please (Rebroadcast of 4_13_55) (13.3Mb)
  1190. Final Show (Rebroadcast of 4_14_55) (13.2Mb)
  1191. Painting a Fly (Monitor - Partial) (0.7Mb)
  1192. Lifeguard Memories (Monitor - Partial) (0.9Mb)
  1193. Restaurant_ First and Last Day (Monitor - Partial) (0.7Mb)
  1194. Labeling Plants In The Yard (Monitor - Partial) (1Mb)
  1195. First Meeting in Cribs (Monitor - Partial) (0.7Mb)
  1196. Storm Windows and Tree Shaker (Monitor_ Partial) (2Mb)
  1197. Duck Hunting with Molly (Monitor - Partial) (1.7Mb)
  1198. If McGee Had A Different Job (Monitor - Complete) (3.2Mb)
  1199. Homework (Monitor - Partial) (0.7Mb)
  1200. Where Should McGee Have Lived (Monitor - Complete) (3.4Mb)
  1201. Publicity Seeker (Monitor - Complete) (3.3Mb)
  1202. Fibber Takes a Correspondence Course in Law (Monitor - Complete) (3.5Mb)
  1203. The IRS Audits McGee (Monitor - Complete) (3.9Mb)
  1204. Molly's Trip to Peoria (Monitor - Complete) (3.1Mb)
  1205. Football Game (Monitor - Partial) (1.8Mb)
  1206. Thanksgiving At The McGees (Monitor - Partial) (2.4Mb)
  1207. Going Bowling (Monitor - Complete) (3.2Mb)
  1208. Birthday_ Breakfast in Bed (Monitor - Partial) (1.7Mb)
  1209. Uncle Elrod (Monitor - Partial) (2.9Mb)
  1210. Taking A Memory Course (Monitor - Complete) (3.4Mb)
  1211. National Prosperity Week (Monitor - Complete) (3.2Mb)
  1212. Renewing Marriage Vows (Monitor - Complete) (2.8Mb)
  1213. Taking an Efficiency Course (Monitor - Complete) (3.6Mb)
  1214. Florida_ Homesick (Monitor - Partial) (1.1Mb)
  1215. Contest Fever (Monitor - Complete) (3.2Mb)
  1216. It's YMCA Week (Monitor - Partial) (2.7Mb)
  1217. Valentine From Old Girlfriend (Monitor - Partial) (0.8Mb)
  1218. Armed Forces - Fibber McGee, War Hero (Monitor - Partial) (3.1Mb)
  1219. New Car Shopping (Monitor - Partial) (3.2Mb)
  1220. It's National Dog Week (Monitor - Complete) (3.1Mb)
  1221. Fibber Builds a Hi Fi Set (Monitor - Complete) (3Mb)
  1222. Letter Writing (Monitor - Complete) (3.3Mb)
  1223. Poet McGee (Monitor - Complete) (3.1Mb)
  1224. An Autumn Drive (Monitor - Complete) (3Mb)
  1225. Blizzard (Monitor - Partial) (0.8Mb)
  1226. Luther Burbank's Birthday And Girl Scout Week (Monitor - Partial) (4Mb)
  1227. AFRTS Christmas Program Featuring Jim Jordan (3.2Mb)
  1228. Old Time Radio Show Interviews Jim Jordan (6Mb)

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