"Firefighters!" was a 140 Episode, 15 minute daily, syndicated serial-drama, depicting the lives of neighbouring 'Plum Valley City' firefighters. Centered around the life of new firefighter, Tim Collins, & his firefighting comrades, most episodes followed fire-related mysteries, which included the research, interviews, & detective work involved in achieving a solution to the cause of each fire.
Addressing the hazards of fire and the excitement involved in the lives of the unsung hero - your local firefighters - "Firefighters!" is the perfect program to share with your children and your grandchildren.
Many years ago, a friend of mine, a retired firefighter, emphatically stated to me: "I wasn't a FIREMAN! I didn't MAKE fires, I FOUGHT them; I was a FIREFIGHTER!!"
I doubt I will ever forget that statement nor will I ever again use the word FIREMAN. You probably never will again, neither. :)
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- Firefighters #001 Tim Collins First Day (2.3Mb)
- Firefighters #002 False Alarms (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #003 Jimmy Collins Turning in False Alarms (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #004 Jimmy Not Guilty of False Alarms (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #005 Tim Doesn't Get his Appointment (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #006 Fire at Tim's House Put Out (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #007 Tim gets Appointed to Fire Dept. (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #008 Tim Tries to Save a Man (2.3Mb)
- Firefighters #009 Tim Trapped - Fighting for Air (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #010 Chief Cody Orders Men to Rescue Tim (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #011 Tim & Watchman Saved (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #012 How Fire Started (2.2Mb)
- Firefighters #013 Fire traps Woman & Baby (3Mb)
- Firefighters #014 Woman & Baby Saved (2.9Mb)
- Firefighters #015 Tim Tries to Save Arsonists Wife (3Mb)
- Firefighters #016 Tim & Woman Rescued (2.9Mb)
- Firefighters #017 Man Confesses to Starting Fires (2.9Mb)
- Firefighters #018 Tim Lectures at Nth Side School (2.9Mb)
- Firefighters #019 School Fire (2.9Mb)
- Firefighters #020 Tim Joins Engine Company 209 (3Mb)
- Firefighters #021 Searching for Fire on Ship Docks (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #022 Towboat Owner Mad at Firefighters (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #023 Towboat Owner at Fault (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #024 Chief Cody is in Trouble (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #025 Chief Cody Talks w Night Club Owner (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #026 Plans Made to Help Chief Cody (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #027 Chief Cody Threatens to Resign (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #028 Gang of Boys Setting Fires (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #029 Tim Undercover as Bum to Catch Boys (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #030 Trapped Tim Puts Out Fire (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #031 Illusion Maker with Phosphorus (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #032 Chief Cody & Tim attend a Demonstration (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #033 Everyone Escape & Fire is Put Out (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #034 Fire Equipment Display (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #035 New Fire Tugboat (2.5Mb)
- Firefighters #036 Tim Assigned To Fire-Fighting Tug Boat (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #037 Grain Ship Fire (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #038 Grain Ship Fire Put Out by Tug Boat (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #039 Tim goes on Furlough (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #040 Volunteer Fire Dept (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #041Tim & Chief Discuss Vol. Fire Dept (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #042 New Way to Haul Water (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #043 Forest Fire (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #044 Boys Trapped by Forest Fire (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #045 Tim & Kids safe from Fire in Cave (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #046 Forest Fire Under Control (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #047 Forest Fire Out-Cody Offered Job (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #048 Tim attends Fire Fighting School (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #049 Tim & Crew Rescue Cat (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #050 Jimmy Collins Upset (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #051 Problems with Jimmy & Whitey (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #052 Nth Side Junior Fire Fighters (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #053 Jimmy & Whitey are Friends Again (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #054 Unsafe Electric Cords Sold (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #055 Finding unsafe Electrical Cords (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #056 Another Fire from Unsafe Cord (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #057 Unsafe Cord Salesman Found (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #058 Fire Sight-seers Causing Problems (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #059 False Alarms Being Turned In (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #060 False Alarms Continue (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #061 Chief & Tim Try to catch False Alarmers (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #062 Railroad Flats Discussed (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #063 Children trapped in Apartment (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #064 Children are Saved (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #065 Chief Cody Talks about Fire Fighting (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #066 Story of Fire Burning Entire City (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #067 Completion of story of City nearly Destroyed by Fire (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #068 Tim may be Promoted (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #069 Tim wants transfer to Rescue Squad (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #070 Tim Assigned to Fire Prevention Squad (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #071 Production of Fire Prevention Play Begins (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #072 Play not properly Rehearsed (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #073 Chief Cody Saves the Play (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #074 Tim Transfers to Rescue Squad (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #075 Tim's Having Problems With Assignment (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #076 Tim Gets in Boxing Match (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #077 Fire with Man trapped in Vault (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #078 Trying to open Vault (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #079 Vault is filling with Water (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #080 Man rescued from Vault (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #081 Tim accepted by Fellow Rescue Squad Members (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #082 Tim Assigned to go on Fishing Trip (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #083 Tim Learns Diving (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #084 Printing Plates for Counterfeit Money Found (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #085 Cody turns over Printing Plates to Police (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #086 A Fireman is Missing (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #087 Search for Missign Fireman (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #088 Missing Fireman Found (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #089 Firemen Work on Drowning Victim (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #090 Fireman is Cleared of any Printing Plate Connection (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #091 Dealer puts Gas in Apt. Oil Tank (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #092 Furnace Starte, Firement Evacuating Bldg (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #093 Firemen Search for Furnace Shut-Off Valve (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #094 Jimmy In Crawl Space w Rusty Valve (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #095 Jimmy & Tim Get the Valve Shut Off (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #096 Jimmy & Trudy Collect Charity Sale Items (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #097 Jimmy & Trudy Discover Wilcox Mansion Fire (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #098 Jimmy & Trudy Suspected of Arson (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #099 Chief & Tim figure out how fire Started (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #100 Mrs Wilcox Told How Fire Started (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #101 Oil Filled Barge on Fire (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #102 Tugboat tries to move the Barge (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #103 Loose Barge Threatens Waterfront (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #104 Barge Moved Away from Pier (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #105 Barge Fire Put Out (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #106 Again Collecting Charity Sale Items (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #107 Snuff Box Missing (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #108 Mr. Darby Locked in Vault (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #109 Mister Darby Discovered Locked In Vault (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #110 Darby is Freed & Returns Snuff Box (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #111 Chief Investigates Fires (2.6Mb)
- Firefighters #112 Tim Begins to Investigate Fires (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #113 Fires Beginning in Mattresses (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #114 Mattress Recall (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #115 Cotton Seeds in Mattress a Fire Hazard (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #116 Chief Cody on Vacation (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #117 Jim & Jack Attempt a Rescue (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #118 TIm Begins Scaling Tall Bldg (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #119 Tim reaches trapped Woman & Jack (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #120 Tim rescues Jack & the Woman (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #121 Chief Cody Rtrns Monkey Problem Begins (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #122 Trying to catch the Monkeys (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #123 Most of Monkeys Captured (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #124 Suggestion of Use of Snake to Catch other Monkeys (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #125 Snake Use Idea Works (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #126 Tim's Friend Trapped by Fire (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #127 Tim's Friend Saved-Floor may Collapse (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #128 Floor Collapses on Tim (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #129 Tim taps on Pipes for Rescue (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #130 Tim Rescued with a Steam Shovel (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #131 Chief & Tim Leave on Vacation (2.7Mb)
- Firefighters #132 Fire in Baggage Area of Plane (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #133 Airfield Found But Landing Lights Off (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #134 Tim Parachutes to Field-Airpot not open (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #135 Auto Headlights Used to Light Runway (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #136Tim & Chief at Plum Valley for Vacation (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #137 Fire Begins in Town of Plum Valley (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #138 Plum Valley Newspaper on Fire (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #139 Plum Valley Tries to Hire Full-Time Firemen (2.8Mb)
- Firefighters #140 Plum Valley City Council Meeting (2.7Mb)
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