Frank Muir Goes Into...
Radio comedy series starring Frank Muir, and featuring Alfred Marks
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Radio comedy series starring former BBC head of comedy Frank Muir.
Each week Frank Muir picks a topic and investigates the humour of the subject with the help of Alfred Marks.
- The Law (13.6Mb)
- Medicine (13.5Mb)
- The Theatre (13.5Mb)
- Advertising (13.5Mb)
- The Church (13.5Mb)
- The Office (13.5Mb)
- Government (13.4Mb)
- The Home (11.2Mb)
- Marriage (11.2Mb)
- Class (21.9Mb)
- Food (22.2Mb)
- Air Travel (13.3Mb)
- The Environment (13.3Mb)
- The Army (13.3Mb)
- The Navy (13.4Mb)
- Teaching (13.1Mb)
- Public School (12.9Mb)
- University (13Mb)
- Languages (13.7Mb)
- Mathematics (13.4Mb)
- Science (13.2Mb)
- English (13.1Mb)
- Festivities (Christmas Special) (25.1Mb)
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