
My Word!

Long-running BBC panel show about words and wordplay
from archive.org

My Word! was a BBC radio quiz program, which aired from 1956-1988. In the first half of each program, four panelists (always two men, two women) were asked questions about word definitions, origins and derivations, or the source of literary quotations, by the host. In the second half, the two male panelists, Frank Muir and Denis Norden, were given a quotation each. Muir and Norden then made up a comic story, ending with some twisted version (usually involving puns) of the quote. (The story round was omitted if either Muir or Norden were absent.)

More episode information at the Global British Comedy Collaborative: http://www.thegbcc.info/w-cy/My_Word.html

  1. Abecedary (12.5Mb)
  2. Abetting (12.8Mb)
  3. Absquatulate (6.2Mb)
  4. Acardiac (12.7Mb)
  5. Ad hoc (18.6Mb)
  6. Agoraphobia (25.2Mb)
  7. Agoraphobia (11.8Mb)
  8. Agrimoter (12.7Mb)
  9. Allopath (12.4Mb)
  10. Amanuensis (12.3Mb)
  11. Ambivalence (12.7Mb)
  12. Anabolic (12.3Mb)
  13. Anathematize (12.7Mb)
  14. Animadvert (14.5Mb)
  15. Anopheles (11.7Mb)
  16. Antipasto (5.7Mb)
  17. Arachidic (12.4Mb)
  18. Armageddon (11.9Mb)
  19. Aurochs (12.6Mb)
  20. Auscultation (6.3Mb)
  21. Autoplasty (12.7Mb)
  22. Aviate (11.8Mb)
  23. Baldric (12.5Mb)
  24. Batata (6.3Mb)
  25. Bibliophily (12.4Mb)
  26. Bijou (6.2Mb)
  27. Blatherskite (6.2Mb)
  28. Blottesque (11.8Mb)
  29. Bohea (31.1Mb)
  30. Bolus (12.4Mb)
  31. Borsch (6.4Mb)
  32. Brassage (16.1Mb)
  33. Brevicaudate (11.8Mb)
  34. Brouhaha (6.2Mb)
  35. Bumblepuppy (6.2Mb)
  36. Burke (12.7Mb)
  37. Cabalistic (12.4Mb)
  38. Cabless (5.7Mb)
  39. Calumet (11.7Mb)
  40. Camp (6.2Mb)
  41. Caprification (12.3Mb)
  42. Caustic Comments: A Tortoiseshell Cat Having a Fit (12.4Mb)
  43. Cedilla (6.3Mb)
  44. Cellarette (12.6Mb)
  45. Charleyhorse (12.4Mb)
  46. Chauvinism (6.2Mb)
  47. Cicatrice (12.1Mb)
  48. Cinerarium (12.4Mb)
  49. Clone (37.6Mb)
  50. Coloury (23.1Mb)
  51. Compotater (12.8Mb)
  52. Concatenation (12.6Mb)
  53. Conge (6.3Mb)
  54. Corbie (12.7Mb)
  55. Coven (12.7Mb)
  56. Crampon (12.6Mb)
  57. Crosse (12.8Mb)
  58. Cryogeny (11.8Mb)
  59. Dander (11.7Mb)
  60. Decimate (12.7Mb)
  61. Defenestration (11Mb)
  62. Demiurge (5.7Mb)
  63. Desiderata (12.5Mb)
  64. Detritus (6.2Mb)
  65. Dichotomy (11.3Mb)
  66. Dicker (12.8Mb)
  67. Discarnate (11.7Mb)
  68. Dobbin (12.6Mb)
  69. Dressage (12.6Mb)
  70. Dromophobia (12.5Mb)
  71. Drybob (11.7Mb)
  72. Ecdysiast (34Mb)
  73. Ectoplasm (11.7Mb)
  74. Ecumenical (5.7Mb)
  75. Effendi (12.7Mb)
  76. Effulgent (12.6Mb)
  77. Elan (12.8Mb)
  78. Eland (12.7Mb)
  79. Embolism (6.2Mb)
  80. Emeritus (12.7Mb)
  81. Epicurean (12.5Mb)
  82. Equiverous (11.7Mb)
  83. Esoteric (6.2Mb)
  84. Eupeptic (7.9Mb)
  85. Ewer (12.7Mb)
  86. Exotic (12.6Mb)
  87. Expurgefaction (5.7Mb)
  88. Febrifuge (12.5Mb)
  89. Febrile (12.6Mb)
  90. Fenestration (12.4Mb)
  91. Fimbriated (23.1Mb)
  92. Finnan (12.8Mb)
  93. Fizgig (12.5Mb)
  94. Flageolet (12.8Mb)
  95. Flummery (6.2Mb)
  96. Flump (12.7Mb)
  97. Formication (6.2Mb)
  98. Frangipani (5.7Mb)
  99. Frontistery (12.7Mb)
  100. Fuliginous (6.3Mb)
  101. Fumarole (12.4Mb)
  102. Furbelow (12.3Mb)
  103. Fustanella (11.8Mb)
  104. Fustigation (12.7Mb)
  105. Galactophagist (12.7Mb)
  106. Galantine (12.7Mb)
  107. Galateer (11.8Mb)
  108. Gallimaufry (12.4Mb)
  109. Gallivant (6.2Mb)
  110. Gargoyle (7.9Mb)
  111. Gerrymander (12.4Mb)
  112. Gharry (12.6Mb)
  113. Gibus (37.8Mb)
  114. Gingival (12.6Mb)
  115. Gizzard (12.5Mb)
  116. Glabrous (11.7Mb)
  117. Glitch (6.2Mb)
  118. Glossographer (12.7Mb)
  119. Gobbledegook (11.8Mb)
  120. Golden Ass (12.5Mb)
  121. Gromp (12.4Mb)
  122. Gubernatorial (12.2Mb)
  123. Gustation (38.2Mb)
  124. Ha-ha (5.7Mb)
  125. Hagiolatry (12.5Mb)
  126. Halcyon (12.6Mb)
  127. Hallelujah (5.7Mb)
  128. Hapless (11.8Mb)
  129. Hebetude (12.6Mb)
  130. Henna (25.3Mb)
  131. Hepatic (12.5Mb)
  132. Hobbledehoy (12.7Mb)
  133. Homophone (6.2Mb)
  134. Hunting the Common Denominator Strawer (12.3Mb)
  135. Hydrolysis (11.8Mb)
  136. Hydromel (12.6Mb)
  137. Hyetometer (16Mb)
  138. Hypaethral (7.9Mb)
  139. Hyperphysical (38.4Mb)
  140. Hypocoristic (12.4Mb)
  141. Icosahedron (5.7Mb)
  142. Idolum (11.7Mb)
  143. Imbroglio (12.4Mb)
  144. Impromptu remarks: Good morning gentlemen both (12.5Mb)
  145. Incomplete proverbs: A dog's nose and a maid's knee (12.4Mb)
  146. Incubus (12.5Mb)
  147. Incunabula (12.3Mb)
  148. Indigent (12.7Mb)
  149. Irenic (37.9Mb)
  150. Islands of Langerhans (12.4Mb)
  151. Izzard (12.4Mb)
  152. Jabot (12.6Mb)
  153. Jacobus (12.7Mb)
  154. Jacobus (21.8Mb)
  155. Janeite (12.5Mb)
  156. Jejune (12.4Mb)
  157. Jocko (10.4Mb)
  158. Junta (11.8Mb)
  159. Katydid (6.2Mb)
  160. Kepi (12.6Mb)
  161. Kit-cat (6.2Mb)
  162. Krincumkrankum (12.6Mb)
  163. Lallation (12.4Mb)
  164. Licit (35.4Mb)
  165. Limbo (12.3Mb)
  166. Loblolly (6.2Mb)
  167. Lucubration (12.4Mb)
  168. Macabre (6.2Mb)
  169. Macaronic (12.6Mb)
  170. Mahout (12.6Mb)
  171. Majuscule (12.6Mb)
  172. Malversation (12.7Mb)
  173. Mangrove (12.8Mb)
  174. Manitou (12.7Mb)
  175. Marginalia (12.7Mb)
  176. Martello (21.2Mb)
  177. Masque (12.7Mb)
  178. Mattoid (38.1Mb)
  179. Meeting Places (12.5Mb)
  180. Megacephallic (12.7Mb)
  181. Megatonne (12.7Mb)
  182. Meiosis (5.7Mb)
  183. Miasma (12.4Mb)
  184. Microsisem (11.8Mb)
  185. Misericord (12.7Mb)
  186. Misology (7.9Mb)
  187. Mnemonic (5.7Mb)
  188. Moraine (6.6Mb)
  189. Mubblefubbles (12.5Mb)
  190. Mumbo-Jumbo (6.2Mb)
  191. Myriologue (5.8Mb)
  192. Nuncheon (5.7Mb)
  193. Obloquy (12.5Mb)
  194. Odd Man Out: Free gift (12.9Mb)
  195. Odd Man out Snails, Sugar, Frogs, Tails of Puppy Dogs (12.4Mb)
  196. Ostreophagist (25.1Mb)
  197. Oxyopia (12.7Mb)
  198. Palifet (11.7Mb)
  199. Palmiped (11.8Mb)
  200. Panjandrum (5.7Mb)
  201. Pantisocracy (6.2Mb)
  202. Parachronism (12.7Mb)
  203. Patronymic (12.6Mb)
  204. Patty Pan (5.7Mb)
  205. Pedagogy (12.7Mb)
  206. Peripatetic (36.9Mb)
  207. Perjink (12.4Mb)
  208. Personal announcements: I'm Going to Introduce Sex into Romeo & Juliet (12.4Mb)
  209. Pilosity (12.7Mb)
  210. Pinfold (5.6Mb)
  211. Pithecanthrope (11.8Mb)
  212. Pittite (11.7Mb)
  213. Pizzazz (36.9Mb)
  214. Planchet (25Mb)
  215. Plethora (6.2Mb)
  216. Podagra (12.7Mb)
  217. Pogonophobia (6.2Mb)
  218. Pollical (12.4Mb)
  219. Polyhistor (12.7Mb)
  220. Polythalamous (12.7Mb)
  221. Potamology (12.7Mb)
  222. Pragmatic (5.7Mb)
  223. Primogenitor (12.6Mb)
  224. Proletentiousness (36.8Mb)
  225. Pseudologer (11.8Mb)
  226. Pseudoscope (25Mb)
  227. Ptisan (12.3Mb)
  228. Pusillanimous (11.4Mb)
  229. Quincunx (12.4Mb)
  230. Quinsy (5.7Mb)
  231. Rahat Loqum (12.6Mb)
  232. Rapine (11.7Mb)
  233. Recherche (6.2Mb)
  234. Recrudescent (12.7Mb)
  235. Redingote (12.5Mb)
  236. Regional variations (12.7Mb)
  237. Repousse (6.3Mb)
  238. Rife (6.2Mb)
  239. Riviere (38.1Mb)
  240. Romaunt (12.7Mb)
  241. Rose, Tiger Lily, Larkspur and Several Daisies (12.4Mb)
  242. Ruddock (11.8Mb)
  243. Sake (12.7Mb)
  244. Saturnalia (6.2Mb)
  245. Saturnine (12.5Mb)
  246. Sciamachy (6.3Mb)
  247. Scree (8Mb)
  248. Scrimshaw (12.5Mb)
  249. Securiform (12.7Mb)
  250. Sesame (12.7Mb)
  251. Sesquipedalian (12.2Mb)
  252. Sinophobia (11.8Mb)
  253. Snaffle (11.7Mb)
  254. Solatium (12.6Mb)
  255. Songs from the Shows (12.8Mb)
  256. Sparable (12.4Mb)
  257. Spoondrift (12.7Mb)
  258. Spurrier (38Mb)
  259. Sternutation (11.6Mb)
  260. Suable (8.7Mb)
  261. Suasion (11.6Mb)
  262. Supercillious (6.2Mb)
  263. Sycophant (5.7Mb)
  264. Symposium (12.4Mb)
  265. Synoptic (36.8Mb)
  266. Tarantism (38Mb)
  267. Tatterdemalion (12.3Mb)
  268. The Rolling English Road (8Mb)
  269. Three of a Kind: Cuddy, Nirrup, Pronkus (7.8Mb)
  270. Three of a Kind: Pamela, Wendy, Lorna (12.2Mb)
  271. Throe (11.8Mb)
  272. Ticklebrain (My Bard) (12.7Mb)
  273. Tintinnabulation (24.7Mb)
  274. Tippy (37.2Mb)
  275. Titubant (6.2Mb)
  276. Tuff (12.7Mb)
  277. Tufthunter (12.7Mb)
  278. Turpitude (6.2Mb)
  279. Tushery (12.3Mb)
  280. Twas the Night Before Christmas (12.8Mb)
  281. Ufologist (36.9Mb)
  282. Unau (11.7Mb)
  283. Unfavourable Reviews (12.8Mb)
  284. Unlikely Connections (12.7Mb)
  285. Vails (12.7Mb)
  286. Verbal Vagaries: A jovial swain should not complain (12.9Mb)
  287. Verbal Vagaries: Month Silver Spirit Chimney (12.4Mb)
  288. Victorian Vulgarisms (12.5Mb)
  289. Victorine (37.9Mb)
  290. Walloon (37.7Mb)
  291. Widdershins (5.7Mb)
  292. Wiseacre (12.7Mb)
  293. Wombling (5.7Mb)
  294. Wyvern (11.7Mb)
  295. Zombie (11.5Mb)
  296. Zonesthesia (12.3Mb)

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