The Golden Age
Dark comedy set in the BBC during the 1930s. Starring Robert Bathurst.
Head of programmes, John Tharb and his assistant, Mabel Hopcraft struggle to deal with the foibles and fragile egos of radio's biggest stars.
These include perpetually drunk band-leader, Ronaldo and the most boring man in radio, Mallard Tofts.
Tharb's task is not made any easier by having to constantly defer to the whims and wishes of his irascible boss, Lord Reith.
John Tharb ...... Robert Bathurst
Mabel Hopcraft ...... Vicky McClure
Lord Reith ...... Ford Kiernan
Inspector Cawls ...... Peter Egan
Captain Mallard Tofts ...... Malcolm Tierney
Chip Gibney ...... Kevin Bishop
Ronaldo / Dickie Squires ...... Ewan Bailey
Producer: Simon Mayhew-Archer.
- Interesting Talks (44.8Mb)
- Saturday Sports Parade (44.1Mb)
- Minority Appeal (43.8Mb)
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