
! The Internet Archive is currently offline. Subscribers to this podcast will not be able to download episodes that are hosted there while that remains the case. Follow the Archive's social media announcements for more information.

Hardcore Game of Thrones archive

Parody series by Alex Berg and Jason Greene
from archive.org

Complete run of Hardcore Game of Thrones - Shadow of the Dragon, a Game of Thrones parody of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History created by Alex Berg and Jason Greene.

Formerly hosted on Howl and Stitcher, but both platforms have since closed.

!No MP3s found. The MP3 files used by this podcast appear to be missing. They may have been removed permanently from their source location.

  1. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. I (unknown file size)
  2. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. II (unknown file size)
  3. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. III (unknown file size)
  4. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. IV (unknown file size)
  5. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. V (unknown file size)
  6. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. VI (unknown file size)
  7. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. VII (unknown file size)
  8. Shadow Of The Dragon Pt. VIII (unknown file size)

MP3 files hosted by archive.org.