comedy about two newly retired men
HR is a radio comedy-drama written by Nigel Williams and produced by Peter Kavanagh. The show ran for five series between 2009 and 2014 and starred Nicholas Le Prevost and Jonathan Pryce. A total of thirty episodes were made for the series.
The show follows lazy human resources officer Sam and trouble-making colleague Peter. From the second series, the pair have retired.
- An Appraisal (26.1Mb)
- An Away-Day (25.7Mb)
- A Commute (25.6Mb)
- A Role-Play (24.8Mb)
- A Leaving Party (25.7Mb)
- A Bus Pass (25.2Mb)
- Gassing (25.5Mb)
- Dogging (25.3Mb)
- Wandering (25.1Mb)
- Surfing (unknown file size)
- Remodelling (25.4Mb)
- Consulting (25.2Mb)
- Naked (unknown file size)
- Disabled (25.9Mb)
- Married (25.6Mb)
- Disinherited (25.5Mb)
- Robbed (25.5Mb)
- Gambled (25.7Mb)
- Money (12.9Mb)
- After Gherkin (25.7Mb)
- Goodbye Uncle Norman (25.5Mb)
- Musical (25.1Mb)
- Lamb Of My Father (25.7Mb)
- The Return Of Martina Guerre (25.5Mb)
- Love Precisely (25.5Mb)
- Wild About Gorillas (25.5Mb)
- Jesus O'Rahilly (25.6Mb)
- Everybody's Doing It (25.4Mb)
- Peter & Sam & Ed & Kate (25.8Mb)
- Til Death Do Us Part (25.4Mb)
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