Cultúrlann Irish Lessons
No MP3s found. The
MP3 files used by this podcast appear to be missing. They may have been removed permanently from their source location.
- Basic Greetings (unknown file size)
- Basic Greetings (unknown file size)
- Introducing yourself/Place-names (unknown file size)
- Introducing yourself (unknown file size)
- Revision (unknown file size)
- Weather and colours (unknown file size)
- Weather and colours (unknown file size)
- Revision (unknown file size)
- The family (unknown file size)
- The family (unknown file size)
- Opinions (unknown file size)
- Like and dislikes (unknown file size)
- Revision (unknown file size)
- 'I am going...' (unknown file size)
- 'I am going...' (unknown file size)
- 'I want...' (unknown file size)
- 'I want...' (unknown file size)
- Revision (unknown file size)
- Ordering food and drinks (unknown file size)
- Ordering food and drinks (unknown file size)
- Giving orders (unknown file size)
MP3 files hosted by