
The View of Dzogchen

Lecture on Buddhism from James Low
from archive.org

The beginning: explaining how the dzogchen view fits with the other teachings in buddhism. As you listen you may begin to sense how this right this engagement could be for you. The possibility of ...'freedom is our birthright'...is scented in the air.

Lecture given in Macclesfield, Nov 2003


  1. Part 01 (24.8Mb)
  2. Part 02 (44.4Mb)
  3. Part 03 (49.2Mb)
  4. Part 04 (49.1Mb)
  5. Part 05 (10.2Mb)
  6. Part 06 (8.3Mb)
  7. Part 07 (34.1Mb)
  8. Part 08 (35.7Mb)
  9. Part 09 (2.5Mb)
  10. Part 10 (26.8Mb)
  11. Part 11 (22.4Mb)
  12. Part 12 (21.8Mb)
  13. Part 13 (17.7Mb)
  14. Part 14 (28.8Mb)
  15. Part 15 (20.1Mb)
  16. Part 16 (15.7Mb)
  17. Part 17 (4.7Mb)
  18. Part 18 (46.5Mb)

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