
Lord Of The Rings Mind's Eye

NPR radio broadcast of the Lord of the Rings books
from archive.org

National Public Radio broadcast a dramatization of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in 1979. It was produced by The Mind's Eye. It was produced by Bob Lewis and adapted for radio by Bernard Mayes.

The radio script of The Lord of the Rings was written by Bernard Mayes. It is notable for including the Tom Bombadil scenes (with the character voiced by Mayes himself), unlike many other adaptations of the book. The broadcasts totaled more than 11 hours. The SF-Worlds review commented that the local Virginia theater players had difficulty pronouncing the names of characters and places, and that the unsophisticated mid-20th century style production would seem "remote" to fans of Peter Jackson's films.

  1. Tape 1 (37.2Mb)
  2. Tape 2 (36.7Mb)
  3. Tape 3 (41Mb)
  4. Tape 4 (39.7Mb)
  5. Tape 5 (40.5Mb)
  6. Tape 6 (56.8Mb)
  7. Tape 7 (54Mb)
  8. Tape 8 (51.4Mb)
  9. Tape 9 (52.5Mb)
  10. Tape 10 (49.3Mb)
  11. Tape 11 (54.4Mb)
  12. Tape 12 (55.1Mb)

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