
The Metamorphoses

Reading of Ovid's myths and folk tales
from archive.org

The Metamorphoses, by Publius Ovidius Naso (43 BC-AD 17) has,
over the centuries, been the most popular and influential work from our
classical tradition. This extraordinary collection of some 250 Greek and
Roman myths and folk tales has always been a popular favourite and has
decisively shaped European art and literature from the moment it was
completed in AD 8. The stories are particularly vivid when read by David
Horovitch in this new lively verse translation by Ian Johnston.

  1. Invocation (0.6Mb)
  2. Primal Chaos (0.5Mb)
  3. Formation of the Earth (0.7Mb)
  4. Regions of Earth (1.2Mb)
  5. Climates on Earth (1.1Mb)
  6. Distribution of Winds (1.2Mb)
  7. Creation of Life and Prometheus (1Mb)
  8. The Golden Age (1.8Mb)
  9. The Silver Age (1.6Mb)
  10. The Bronze and Iron Ages (1.8Mb)
  11. War of the Giants (1.2Mb)
  12. Jupiter Summons the Gods (3.2Mb)
  13. Lyacon (3.3Mb)
  14. The Flood (4.1Mb)
  15. Deucalion and Pyrrha (3.3Mb)
  16. Triton (4.1Mb)
  17. Creation of New Human Life (4.7Mb)
  18. Creation of Other Life (1.7Mb)
  19. Apollo and Pytho (1.4Mb)
  20. Apollo and Daphne (8Mb)
  21. Inachus and Io (1.8Mb)
  22. Jupiter and Io (8Mb)
  23. Juno, Jupiter and Io (1.9Mb)
  24. Argus and Io (3.2Mb)
  25. Mercury and Argus (1.9Mb)
  26. Syrinx (4.3Mb)
  27. Phaeton and Clymene (1.5Mb)
  28. Palace of the Sun (1.4Mb)
  29. Phaeton and Phoebus (8.9Mb)
  30. Phaeton’s Journey (0.5Mb)
  31. The Earth in Flames (4.2Mb)
  32. Earth Complains (8.9Mb)
  33. Death of Phaeton (2.1Mb)
  34. Phaeton’s Family (1.4Mb)
  35. Daughters of the Sun (2Mb)
  36. Cycnus (1.4Mb)
  37. The Sun (1.8Mb)
  38. Jupiter and Callisto (3Mb)
  39. Diana and Callisto (2Mb)
  40. Juno and Callisto (2.4Mb)
  41. Callisto and Arcas (1.2Mb)
  42. Juno, Tethys and Oceanus (2Mb)
  43. The Raven and the Crow (2.4Mb)
  44. The Crow and Minerva (1.2Mb)
  45. Apollo and Coronis (2.8Mb)
  46. Chiron and Ocyrhoe (1.6Mb)
  47. Mercury and Battus (2.5Mb)
  48. Mercury and Herse (3.5Mb)
  49. Minerva and Envy (3.8Mb)
  50. Mercury and Aglauros (2.5Mb)
  51. Jupiter and Europa (3.5Mb)
  52. Cadmus (3.8Mb)
  53. Cadmus and the Serpent (1.3Mb)
  54. Earth Born Warriors (2Mb)
  55. Actaeon and Diana (4.8Mb)
  56. Actaeon’s Dogs (3.1Mb)
  57. Juno and Semele (4.2Mb)
  58. Birth of Bacchus (0.9Mb)
  59. Jupiter, Juno and Teiresias (4.8Mb)
  60. Narcissus (3.1Mb)
  61. Narcissus and Echo (3.3Mb)
  62. Narcissus in Love (7.5Mb)
  63. Pentheus and Teiresias (1.9Mb)
  64. Pentheus and Bacchus (3.3Mb)
  65. Acoetes (8.4Mb)
  66. Pentheus and Agave (7.5Mb)
  67. The Daughters of Minyas (3.5Mb)
  68. Pyramus and Thisbe (3.3Mb)
  69. Venus and Mars (1.8Mb)
  70. Helios and Leucothoe (3.1Mb)
  71. Clytie (0.5Mb)
  72. Salmacis and Hermaphroditus (3.5Mb)
  73. Juno and Ino (7.3Mb)
  74. The Underworld (1.8Mb)
  75. Juno in the Underworld (1.5Mb)
  76. Juno and Tisiphone (1.5Mb)
  77. Tisiphone and Ino (8.6Mb)
  78. Venus and Ino (1.5Mb)
  79. Ino’s Companions (1.7Mb)
  80. Cadmus and Harmonia (3.1Mb)
  81. Bacchus (1.5Mb)
  82. Perseus and Atlas (3.4Mb)
  83. Atlas is Transformed (1.2Mb)
  84. Perseus and Andromeda (1.7Mb)
  85. Daughters of Phorcys (3.1Mb)
  86. Medusa’s Hair (1.1Mb)
  87. Phineus (2.1Mb)
  88. The Battle in the Hall (8Mb)
  89. Perseus and Medusa’s Head (4Mb)
  90. Proteus and Polydectes (1.8Mb)
  91. Minerva and the Muses (1.9Mb)
  92. Pyreneus and the Muses (1.7Mb)
  93. Pierus’s Daughters (2.1Mb)
  94. Typhoeus and the Gods (1.4Mb)
  95. Calliope’s Story (4Mb)
  96. Sicily (1.2Mb)
  97. Pluto, Venus and Cupid (2Mb)
  98. Pluto and Proserpine (1.8Mb)
  99. Cyane and Pluto (2.2Mb)
  100. Ceres’s Search (1.4Mb)
  101. Ceres and Cyane (1Mb)
  102. Ceres and Sicily (1.2Mb)
  103. Ceres and Arethusa (2Mb)
  104. Ceres and Jupiter (1.8Mb)
  105. Ascalaphus (1.2Mb)
  106. The Sirens (2Mb)
  107. Arethusa and Alpheus (1.3Mb)
  108. Triptolemus and Lyncus (2.7Mb)
  109. Minerva and Arachne (4.6Mb)
  110. Minerva’s Weaving (2.4Mb)
  111. Arachne’s Weaving (1.2Mb)
  112. Niobe and Latona (11.2Mb)
  113. The Lycian Peasants (4.6Mb)
  114. Apollo and Marsyas (1.7Mb)
  115. Pelops (0.5Mb)
  116. Procne and Tereus (4.6Mb)
  117. Tereus and Philomela (9.2Mb)
  118. Procne and Philomela (2.4Mb)
  119. Procne and Itys (2.2Mb)
  120. Tereus and Itys (4.6Mb)
  121. Boreas and Orithyia (2.7Mb)
  122. Calais and Zethes (0.9Mb)
  123. Jason and Medea (1.9Mb)
  124. Jason and the Golden Fleece (4.2Mb)
  125. Medea and Aeson (2.4Mb)
  126. Medea’s Incantation (4.1Mb)
  127. Medea and Aeson (3Mb)
  128. Medea and the Nymphs (0.7Mb)
  129. The Daughters of Pelias (0.9Mb)
  130. Medea Flies Over the Islands (1.6Mb)
  131. Cycnus and Hyrie (6.9Mb)
  132. Medea’s Revenge (0.8Mb)
  133. Medea and Aegeus (2.6Mb)
  134. Medea and Theseus (1.7Mb)
  135. Athens Celebrates Theseus (2.1Mb)
  136. Minos (1.8Mb)
  137. Minos and Aeacus (1.4Mb)
  138. Cephalus and Aeacus (1.6Mb)
  139. The Plague in Aegina (1.9Mb)
  140. The Myrmidons (3.1Mb)
  141. Cephalus and Procris (2.7Mb)
  142. Aurora and Cephalus (4.1Mb)
  143. Lelaps (2.1Mb)
  144. Cephalus, Aura and Procris (1.8Mb)
  145. Nisus and Scylla (1.7Mb)
  146. Scylla and Minos (2Mb)
  147. Scylla and Nisus’s Hair (1.3Mb)
  148. Minos and Scylla (4Mb)
  149. Minos and the Minotaur (0.9Mb)
  150. Daedalus (1.2Mb)
  151. Theseus and Ariadne (1.2Mb)
  152. Daedalus and Icarus (3.7Mb)
  153. Daedalus and Perdix (0.5Mb)
  154. Theseus (1.7Mb)
  155. The Calydonian Boar (2.2Mb)
  156. The Boar Hunt (8.2Mb)
  157. Plexippus and Toxeus (1.3Mb)
  158. Althaea and Meleager (5.8Mb)
  159. Sisters of Meleager (1.2Mb)
  160. Theseus and Achelous (1.2Mb)
  161. The Echinades (1.4Mb)
  162. Achelous and Perimele (2.3Mb)
  163. Philemon and Baucis (0.9Mb)
  164. Erysichthon and Ceres (3.6Mb)
  165. Hunger (1.6Mb)
  166. Hunger and Erysichthon (1.3Mb)
  167. Erysichthon and Maestra (3Mb)
  168. Achelous and Hercules (0.9Mb)
  169. Achelous and Hercules (6.1Mb)
  170. Hercules and Nessus (2.5Mb)
  171. Deianira and Hercules (5.2Mb)
  172. Hercules and Lichas (1.7Mb)
  173. The Death of Hercules (1Mb)
  174. Jupiter and Hercules (2.6Mb)
  175. Alcmene and Iole (2.4Mb)
  176. Galanthis and Lucina (3Mb)
  177. Dryope (0.5Mb)
  178. Iolaus (1.1Mb)
  179. Themis’s Prophecy (6.1Mb)
  180. Jupiter and the Gods (2.5Mb)
  181. Byblis and Caunus (5.2Mb)
  182. Ligdus and Telethusa (1.7Mb)
  183. Io and Telethusa (1Mb)
  184. Iphis (1.1Mb)
  185. Iphis and Ianthe (2.4Mb)
  186. Orpheus and Eurydice (1Mb)
  187. Orpheus in the Underworld (4.6Mb)
  188. Orpheus (1.7Mb)
  189. Orpheus and the Trees (1.6Mb)
  190. Cyparissus (2.6Mb)
  191. Orpheus’s Song (13.3Mb)
  192. Jupiter and Ganymede (1.6Mb)
  193. Apollo and Hyacinthus (3.9Mb)
  194. The Cerastes (1.6Mb)
  195. Propoetus’s Daughters (6Mb)
  196. Pygmalion (0.5Mb)
  197. Cinyras and Myrrha (1Mb)
  198. Adonis (1.4Mb)
  199. Venus and Adonis (3Mb)
  200. Atalanta and Hippomenes (5.6Mb)
  201. The Golden Apples (6.3Mb)
  202. The Death of Orpheus (4.2Mb)
  203. Bacchus and the Maenads (0.9Mb)
  204. Midas and Silenus (3.9Mb)
  205. Midas and Bacchus (1.6Mb)
  206. Midas’s Golden Touch (0.8Mb)
  207. Apollo and Pan (1.8Mb)
  208. Apollo and Midas (13.2Mb)
  209. Apollo and Neptune at Troy (1.4Mb)
  210. Hercules and Laomedon (3Mb)
  211. Peleus and Thetis (3.5Mb)
  212. Peleus and Ceyx (1.9Mb)
  213. Daedalion (2.3Mb)
  214. Diana and Chione (4.2Mb)
  215. Daedalion and Apollo (1.8Mb)
  216. Peleus and Psamathe (3.9Mb)
  217. Ceyx and Alcyone (4.2Mb)
  218. Storm at Sea (6.2Mb)
  219. Alcyone (1.5Mb)
  220. The Cave of Sleep (1.6Mb)
  221. Iris and Sleep (1.6Mb)
  222. Morpheus (1.5Mb)
  223. Morpheus and Alcyone (7.4Mb)
  224. Aesacus and Hesperie (2.6Mb)
  225. The Greeks at Aulis (2.3Mb)
  226. Calchas’s Prophecy (1.3Mb)
  227. The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia (1.4Mb)
  228. The Home of Rumour (3.9Mb)
  229. The Greeks Reach Troy (1Mb)
  230. Cycnus and Achilles (6.3Mb)
  231. Caeneus and Caenis (1.6Mb)
  232. Caenis and Neptune (1.7Mb)
  233. The Centaurs and Lapiths (1Mb)
  234. Theseus and Eurytus (7.4Mb)
  235. Theseus and the Centaurs (3.6Mb)
  236. Cyllarus and Hylonome (2.6Mb)
  237. Caeneus and Latreus (0.5Mb)
  238. Hercules and Nestor (1.6Mb)
  239. Periclymenes (2Mb)
  240. Neptune and Apollo (1.5Mb)
  241. Apollo and Achilles (2.1Mb)
  242. The Arms of Achilles (1.1Mb)
  243. Ajax Makes his Case (8.3Mb)
  244. Ulysses Makes his Case (1.6Mb)
  245. Ajax Kills Himself (1.5Mb)
  246. The War Ends (1Mb)
  247. Troy is Destroyed (0.9Mb)
  248. Astyanax (0.9Mb)
  249. Hecuba (0.9Mb)
  250. Polydorus and Polymestor (1.1Mb)
  251. Achilles and Polyxena (1.6Mb)
  252. Hecuba Laments (3.8Mb)
  253. Hecuba and Polymestor (2.9Mb)
  254. Aurora and Memnon (2.1Mb)
  255. The Memnonides (1.9Mb)
  256. The Voyages of Aeneas (0.5Mb)
  257. The Daughters of Anius (2.5Mb)
  258. Anius’s Wine Bowl (2.1Mb)
  259. Aeneas’s Voyage Continues (1.5Mb)
  260. Aeneas Reaches Sicily (1Mb)
  261. Acis and Galatea (1.1Mb)
  262. Polyphemus in Love (0.9Mb)
  263. Telemus and Polyphemus (0.9Mb)
  264. Polyphemus’s Love Song (8Mb)
  265. Scylla and Glaucus (3.5Mb)
  266. Glaucus and Circe (3.8Mb)
  267. Scylla and Circe (2.9Mb)
  268. Aeneas and Dido (1.5Mb)
  269. Cercopes (1.9Mb)
  270. Aeneas and the Sibyl (1.8Mb)
  271. Aeneas in the Underworld (2.5Mb)
  272. Apollo and the Sybil (2.1Mb)
  273. Achaemenides (1.6Mb)
  274. Ulysses and Aeolus (1.2Mb)
  275. Laestrygonians (1.3Mb)
  276. Circe and Ulysses (4.1Mb)
  277. Picus and Canens (1.1Mb)
  278. Circe and Picus (8Mb)
  279. Canens (1.9Mb)
  280. Caieta (0.5Mb)
  281. Aeneas in Italy (2.8Mb)
  282. Diomedes (2.4Mb)
  283. Turnus Burns the Ships (1.3Mb)
  284. Cybele and the Ships (1Mb)
  285. The Fall of Ardea (1.5Mb)
  286. Aeneas Becomes a God (2.1Mb)
  287. The Kings of Alba (1.3Mb)
  288. Pomona and Vertumnus (5.1Mb)
  289. Iphis and Anaxarete (5.3Mb)
  290. The Sabine War (1.3Mb)
  291. Venus Saves Rome (1.9Mb)
  292. Romulus is Made a God (2.8Mb)
  293. Hersilia (4.7Mb)
  294. Numa (1Mb)
  295. Hercules and Croton (0.8Mb)
  296. Hercules and Myscelus (3Mb)
  297. Pythagorus (1.3Mb)
  298. Vegetarianism (1.3Mb)
  299. Immortality of the Soul (1.9Mb)
  300. Metempsychosis (1.7Mb)
  301. Changes in Nature (2.1Mb)
  302. The Elements (1.9Mb)
  303. Geological Changes (3.2Mb)
  304. Properties of Water (2.6Mb)
  305. Mount Aetna (1.6Mb)
  306. Spontaneous Generation (1.9Mb)
  307. The Phoenix (1.4Mb)
  308. Strange Animals (1.9Mb)
  309. Civilizations (0.5Mb)
  310. Rome’s Destiny (3.5Mb)
  311. Numa As King (1Mb)
  312. Egeria (0.8Mb)
  313. Hippolytus (2.9Mb)
  314. Hippolytus and Diana (1.7Mb)
  315. Tages (0.9Mb)
  316. Romulus’s Spear (0.8Mb)
  317. Cipus (4Mb)
  318. Aesculapius (1.9Mb)
  319. Julius Caesar (2.5Mb)
  320. Omens of Caesar’s Death (2.3Mb)
  321. Jupiter and Venus (1.6Mb)
  322. Achievements of Augustus (2.1Mb)
  323. Venus and Julius Caesar (0.9Mb)
  324. Glory of Augustus (1.1Mb)
  325. Ovid’s Immortality (1.2Mb)

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