The Return of the King
1979 Mind's Eye production of the Lord of the Rings story
Source: Tape Cassette
Actor Role
James Arrington Frodo Baggins, Saruman
Erik Bauersfeld Boromir, Th?oden, Herbmaster
Lou Bliss Samwise Gamgee
Gail Chugg Narrator, Gimli, Gollum, Butterbur
Pat Franklyn Meriadoc Brandybuck, Ioreth
Carl Hague Elrond, Beregond, Additional voices
Karen Hurley ?owyn
Bob Lewis Wild Man, Glorfindel
Matthew Locricchio ?omer
Tom Luce Aragorn, Denethor, Treebeard
Bernard Mayes Gandalf, Tom Bombadil
Mac McCaddon Peregrin Took
Ray Reinhardt Bilbo Baggins
John Vickery Legolas, Gr?ma Wormtongue, Faramir, Mouth of Sauron
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