
Nightfall 98 Episodes Upgraded

Early 80s Canadian radio horror/sci-fi series
from archive.org

Nightfall was the early 80's Canadian radio series that was also syndicated in the United States. A mixture of Horror, Suspense and Science Fiction the series is worth a listen. There is a very low quality set already out there... but I have remastered as many of these as I could, I have fixed many of the audio problems and labeled them correctly (the set already on here is full of mislabeled episodes).

Until the CBC releases the masters this is about as good as these will sound and I encourage you to enjoy these.

  1. Love and the Lonely One (24Mb)
  2. The Monkey's Paw (24.6Mb)
  3. Welcome to Homerville (25.1Mb)
  4. Hands Off (21.8Mb)
  5. The Telltale Heart (26.6Mb)
  6. Late Special (22.9Mb)
  7. Future Fear (23.3Mb)
  8. How Did You Get My Name? (25.7Mb)
  9. The Body Snatchers (24.1Mb)
  10. The Willoughby Obsession (26.4Mb)
  11. No Admittance/No Exit (24.8Mb)
  12. Wind Chill (24.9Mb)
  13. The Repossession (28.2Mb)
  14. The Stone Ship (26.1Mb)
  15. Special Services (21.7Mb)
  16. Buried Alive (24.4Mb)
  17. Last Visit (25.8Mb)
  18. Ringing the Changes (25Mb)
  19. The Devil's Backbone (25Mb)
  20. The Blood Countess [1] (29Mb)
  21. The Blood Countess [2] (26.7Mb)
  22. Deadly Developments (25.7Mb)
  23. Where Does the News Come From (23.5Mb)
  24. Where Do We Go From Here (25.9Mb)
  25. On Christmas Day in the Morning (25.9Mb)
  26. The Appetite of Mr. Lucraft (30.1Mb)
  27. The Guest of Honour (27Mb)
  28. A Short Wave Good-bye (26.5Mb)
  29. They Bite (25.5Mb)
  30. Dark Side Of The Mind (28.3Mb)
  31. Wildcats (27Mb)
  32. The Room (25.8Mb)
  33. Angel's Kiss (26.6Mb)
  34. The Book of Hell (26.4Mb)
  35. Mkara (24.5Mb)
  36. The Fatal Eggs (24.7Mb)
  37. Breaking Point (27.1Mb)
  38. All-Nighter (27.3Mb)
  39. Carmilla (27.4Mb)
  40. In the Eye of the Beholder (27Mb)
  41. Cemetery Stop (21.9Mb)
  42. Baby Doll (25.7Mb)
  43. Reunion at the Victory Café (24.2Mb)
  44. Gerald (27Mb)
  45. Mindrift (27.3Mb)
  46. Your Fortune in Twenty Words or Less (26.9Mb)
  47. Teddy (25.3Mb)
  48. Child's Play (25.2Mb)
  49. The Club of Dead Men (26.5Mb)
  50. The Thinking Room (24.2Mb)
  51. The Porch Light (23.3Mb)
  52. Volcano (26.8Mb)
  53. The Monkey's Raincoat (26.3Mb)
  54. From My Appointed Place Below (26.1Mb)
  55. The Old Post Road (23.3Mb)
  56. The Debt (26.5Mb)
  57. Harris and the Mare (23.7Mb)
  58. The Jogger (23.9Mb)
  59. Mr. Agostino (27.4Mb)
  60. The Road Ends at the Sea (26.5Mb)
  61. The Maid's Bell (23.8Mb)
  62. A Glimpse of Eternity (27.1Mb)
  63. Beyond the Law (27.2Mb)
  64. The Turn of the Blood (28.2Mb)
  65. Reverse Image (25.9Mb)
  66. Teig O'Kane and the Corpse (23.7Mb)
  67. This One Will Kill You (26.3Mb)
  68. Footsteps (27.6Mb)
  69. Lifeline (27.4Mb)
  70. The Tie That Binds (26.2Mb)
  71. The Dentist (25.2Mb)
  72. Assassin Game (26.1Mb)
  73. Lazarus Rising (25.6Mb)
  74. Young Goodman Brown (27.2Mb)
  75. But, Oh, What Happened to Hutchings! (25.4Mb)
  76. Daddy's Girl (27.4Mb)
  77. The Cruel Husband (27.4Mb)
  78. The Signalman (27.3Mb)
  79. Watching (26.9Mb)
  80. The Strange Odyssey of Lennis Freed (27.3Mb)
  81. Weather Station Four (26Mb)
  82. The Brides of Olivera (25.5Mb)
  83. The Contract (25.5Mb)
  84. Beauty's Beast (24.4Mb)
  85. Angel Of Death (25.4Mb)
  86. Semi-Detached (26Mb)
  87. A Glaze of Perfect Beauty (25.3Mb)
  88. No Quarter (26.6Mb)
  89. The Undertaker (27.2Mb)
  90. Private Collection (26.5Mb)
  91. The Hit (26.7Mb)
  92. Walter's Dog (26.9Mb)
  93. Safe in the Arms of Jesus (26.9Mb)
  94. The Wedding (28.2Mb)
  95. Hypnotized (27.4Mb)
  96. After Sunset (25.1Mb)
  97. Servants of Cerberus (27.4Mb)
  98. Waters Under the Bridge (26.4Mb)

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