Whole Nother Story
Comedy about friendship between a man and a woman, with Dave Lamb and Debra Stephenson
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Cassie and Pete would be a great couple, if they weren't so busy being friends.
The first of three series of Amanda Murphy’s comedy-drama series about a friendship between a man and a woman.
Starring Debra Stephenson as Cassie and David Lamb as Pete.
Rebecca ...... Mika Simmons
PJ ...... Brendan Burns
Dad ...... Mike Grady
Mum ...... Anne Reid
Producer: Graham Frost
- Older (13.2Mb)
- Velvet Pants and Padded Bras (12.8Mb)
- Its A Fig Not A Date (12.9Mb)
- I Will Build That Bridge When I Come To It (12.8Mb)
- Old Friends, New Reality (12.6Mb)
- Of Course It Will Be A Disaster (12.7Mb)
- One Pete Too Far (12.1Mb)
- Cassie Don’t! (12.3Mb)
- Regret I have Had A Few (12.8Mb)
- One Pete Too Far (12.5Mb)
- Boyfriends (43.9Mb)
- The Watchers (25.2Mb)
- Girls And Boys (25Mb)
- the Trouble With Cassie (44.7Mb)
- Close But No Cigar (12.8Mb)
- Que Sera Sera (12.8Mb)
MP3 files hosted by archive.org.