Open Yale Courses: Death
Open Yale Courses: Death
Open Yale Courses: Death
- Course introduction (42.2Mb)
- The nature of persons: dualism vs. physicalism (38.1Mb)
- Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part I (41.9Mb)
- Introduction to Plato's Phaedo; Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part II (44.9Mb)
- Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part III: Free will and near-death experiences (44Mb)
- Arguments for the existence of the soul, Part IV; Plato, Part I (32.7Mb)
- Plato, Part II: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (42.7Mb)
- Plato, Part III: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.) (45.7Mb)
- Plato, Part IV: Arguments for the immortality of the soul (cont.) (46.1Mb)
- Personal identity, Part I: Identity across space and time and the soul theory (45.6Mb)
- Personal identity, Part II: The body theory and the personality theory (46.3Mb)
- Personal identity, Part III: Objections to the personality theory (47.5Mb)
- Personal identity, Part IV; What matters? (44.7Mb)
- What matters (cont.); The nature of death, Part I (43.3Mb)
- The nature of death (cont.); Believing you will die (40.5Mb)
- Dying alone; The badness of death, Part I (45.6Mb)
- The badness of death, Part II: The deprivation account (47.2Mb)
- The badness of death, Part III; Immortality, Part I (46.3Mb)
- Immortality Part II; The value of life, Part I (44.9Mb)
- The value of life, Part II; Other bad aspects of death, Part I (46.4Mb)
- Other bad aspects of death, Part II (45.6Mb)
- Fear of death (43.8Mb)
- How to live given the certainty of death (42.6Mb)
- Suicide, Part I: The rationality of suicide (41.5Mb)
- Suicide, Part II: Deciding under uncertainty (46Mb)
- Suicide, Part III: The morality of suicide and course conclusion (43.7Mb)
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