Orbiter X BBC science fiction serial from 1959 by B D Chapman (14 30min episodes)
from archive.org
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01 The First Step to the Stars 02 Conflict in Space 03 The Master Plan 04 Flight to the Moon 05 Inside the Moon Station 06 Breakaway 07 Price of Survival 08 Marooned in Space 09 Operation Salvage 10 Return to Woomera 11 A Flight Against Time 12 Building the Space Station 13 The Net Closes 14 The Final Round and with a new episode
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To subscribe to a personalised Orbiter X podcast, starting today with
The First Step to the Stars and with a new episode every seven days, use the following URL:
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at the end.)
BBC science fiction serial written by B D Chapman and broadcast in 14 episodes in 1959. A bold new venture by the British space programme falls prey to a malignant power - can our square-jawed heroes escape deadly peril and save the day?
01 The First Step to the Stars (26.1Mb)
02 Conflict in Space (24.8Mb)
03 The Master Plan (25.1Mb)
04 Flight to the Moon (24.4Mb)
05 Inside the Moon Station (25Mb)
06 Breakaway (25.4Mb)
07 Price of Survival (26Mb)
08 Marooned in Space (25.9Mb)
09 Operation Salvage (25.9Mb)
10 Return to Woomera (25.9Mb)
11 A Flight Against Time (25.2Mb)
12 Building the Space Station (24.9Mb)
13 The Net Closes (25Mb)
14 The Final Round (25.1Mb)
MP3 files hosted by archive.org .