
Reading the Poetry of Dryden

Read by Paul Scofield
from archive.org

  1. Song: The Zambra Dance (3.7Mb)
  2. Prologue From An Evening's Love (3.5Mb)
  3. Epilogue To The Man Of Mode (3.1Mb)
  4. To The Memory Of Mr. Oldham (3Mb)
  5. Song: I Feel A Flame Within (1.7Mb)
  6. Song: While Alexis Lay Press'd (1.8Mb)
  7. Alexander's Feast, Or, The Power Of Music; An Ode In Honor Of St. Cecilia's Day (11.7Mb)
  8. Absalom And Achitophel, 11.1-229 (Abridged) (18.6Mb)
  9. Absalom And Achitophel, 11.230-End (Abridged) (40.5Mb)

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