Red Panda Adventures
The Red Panda Adventures is a full-cast audio drama series, written and performed in the style of the classic adventure broadcasts from the golden age of radio. The Red Panda Adventures was written and directed by creator Gregg Taylor, and tells the ongoing story of the masked protector of Depression-era Toronto, who is secretly wealthy young gad-about August Fenwick, and his trusty partner in crime fighting, Kit Baxter a.k.a. The Flying Squirrel. The series covers the "pulp hero" era from the early thirties to the post-war rise of the modern superhero. The series was recorded in Toronto and Hamilton Ontario between 2005 - 2016 and was released through the Decoder Ring Theatre podcast. The characters were also featured in a run of comic book adventures which were published digitally by MonkeyBrain Comics and collected in trade paperback by IDW Publishing. The series is made available on with the permission of the author, who retains ownership.
- Riddle of the Sphinx (31.6Mb)
- Night Patrol (29.7Mb)
- Rabbit Season (35.1Mb)
- The Golden Claw (27.8Mb)
- The Devil's Due (29.7Mb)
- Death Danced at Midnight (32.6Mb)
- Red Panda - Dead or Alive (29.7Mb)
- Curse of Beaton Hall (28.5Mb)
- The Shadow Hunter (32.6Mb)
- The Ghost Ship (29.6Mb)
- Duality (29.9Mb)
- The Deadliest Game (33.6Mb)
- The Hand of Fate (26.5Mb)
- The Sunday Supplement (29.4Mb)
- When Darkness Falls (25.6Mb)
- The Sweet Tooth (29.7Mb)
- Merlin's Tomb (34Mb)
- Secret Origins (29.3Mb)
- The Dream Factory (32.8Mb)
- Monkeyshines (34.2Mb)
- The Big Top (31.3Mb)
- The Black Hand (33.2Mb)
- The Hidden Door (29.3Mb)
- The World Next Door (28.4Mb)
- Brimstone Alley (31.6Mb)
- A Midwinter's Murder (29.6Mb)
- Now The News (31Mb)
- The Opening Gambit (29.5Mb)
- The Callaghan Mob (30.6Mb)
- Tis The Season (32.8Mb)
- The Red Squirrel (35.8Mb)
- The Terrible Two (32.4Mb)
- Barton's Charm (34Mb)
- The Empty Box (34.2Mb)
- The Rat Lord (32.4Mb)
- The Field Trip (33.3Mb)
- The Third Wave (32.5Mb)
- The Mask of Death (31Mb)
- Murder In The Castle (29.8Mb)
- The Gathering Storm (35.9Mb)
- Trial By Terror (34.4Mb)
- The Boy In Blue (29.6Mb)
- The Golden Idol (30.6Mb)
- I Dream of Genies (30.7Mb)
- Jungle of Terror (33.6Mb)
- The Crimson Death (30.7Mb)
- The Endgame (31.4Mb)
- Operation Cold Feet (31.2Mb)
- Nightshade (35.1Mb)
- Flight of the Bumblebee (29.2Mb)
- The Puzzle Master (35.3Mb)
- Just Like Clockwork (26Mb)
- Murder Wears a Mask (28.3Mb)
- Terror Walks the Night (32.1Mb)
- The Secret City (32.1Mb)
- A Dish Best Served Cold (30.9Mb)
- Song of the Siren (28.5Mb)
- Eyes of the Idol (34.2Mb)
- Sins of the Father (34.2Mb)
- The Great Fall (34.2Mb)
- The News for News (32.1Mb)
- The Home Team (30.9Mb)
- The King of Crime (33.2Mb)
- Rocket Science (29Mb)
- Girls Night Out (27.1Mb)
- Barbarian at the Gates (34Mb)
- Sword of the Sun King (30.7Mb)
- Small Wonders (27.3Mb)
- Stop the Presses (32.9Mb)
- The Wild West (35.5Mb)
- All the King's Men (32.6Mb)
- There Will Be Rain Tonight (32.3Mb)
- From the Ashes (32.5Mb)
- The Trojan Horse (30.5Mb)
- City of the Dead (31.4Mb)
- The Milk Run (30.5Mb)
- The Case of the Missing Muse (31.1Mb)
- The Darkness Beyond (29.5Mb)
- Flying Blind (32.7Mb)
- Murder From The Skies (31.6Mb)
- Thunder Valley (29.6Mb)
- Island of the Damned (36.3Mb)
- Voice From Above (34.8Mb)
- The Black Heart (31.9Mb)
- Blue Skies (35.7Mb)
- Thirteen at Table (32.8Mb)
- The Missing Links (35Mb)
- Last Flight of the Valkyrie (31.5Mb)
- The Lost Sheep (28.3Mb)
- The Honoured Dead (32.2Mb)
- The Lab Rats (30.8Mb)
- Two For One (32.3Mb)
- The Doctor Is In (29Mb)
- The Rookie (27.2Mb)
- Power Struggle (31Mb)
- The End of the Beginning (38.4Mb)
- The Phantom (32Mb)
- The Locked Room (34.2Mb)
- Knights Gambit (36.8Mb)
- Naughty and Nice (39.6Mb)
- The Chimera Protocol (41.7Mb)
- Empire of Death (31.9Mb)
- The Conquering Hero (27.7Mb)
- Reign of the Rocketmen (30.2Mb)
- The Unknown Soldier (35.7Mb)
- The Brood (33.7Mb)
- VE Day (32Mb)
- The Gadget (38.4Mb)
- The Ghost (31.7Mb)
- The Mind of Terror (35.5Mb)
- The Chimes at Midnight (36.3Mb)
- The Pentacle (35.1Mb)
- Exit, Stage Left (35.3Mb)
- The Final Problem (39.9Mb)
- Tower of Terror (32.7Mb)
- Twas the Night Before (36Mb)
- Harbinger of Doom (31.8Mb)
- Power of the Mind (35.6Mb)
- The Radio Robberies (27.8Mb)
- Remember When (34.8Mb)
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