Tales from the Crypt American radio horror series from 2000
from archive.org
To subscribe to a personalised Tales from the Crypt podcast, starting today with
Island of Death A Little Stranger This Trick'll Kill You Tight Grip Zombie! Fare Tonight, With Increasi... Carrion Death By the Fright of the Silver... and with a new episode
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, use the following URL:
To subscribe to a personalised Tales from the Crypt podcast, starting today with
Island of Death and with a new episode every seven days, use the following URL:
(For a different start date, just change the YYMMDD date in the URL; for a different number of days between episodes, change the number
at the end.)
Tales from the Crypt is an American radio series spun off from the HBO series of the same name based on the 1950s EC Comics, which ran for eight episodes in 2000.
Island of Death (8.8Mb)
A Little Stranger (8.6Mb)
This Trick'll Kill You (7.9Mb)
Tight Grip (10.4Mb)
Zombie! (10.5Mb)
Fare Tonight, With Increasing Clottiness (8.2Mb)
Carrion Death (9.5Mb)
By the Fright of the Silvery Moon (8.3Mb)
MP3 files hosted by archive.org .