
Tales of Haunting

BBC Radio ghost story drama collection
from archive.org

A collection of twenty-five full cast BBC Radio paranormal dramas from various decades.

  1. 50 Berkeley Square (unknown file size)
  2. A Haunting (20.3Mb)
  3. After Supper Ghost Stories (unknown file size)
  4. Afterward (unknown file size)
  5. Emily's Ghost (unknown file size)
  6. Grahamston (unknown file size)
  7. Haunted Hospital (unknown file size)
  8. I See The Moon (unknown file size)
  9. Knock of the Ban-Sithe (unknown file size)
  10. Man-Size in Marble (unknown file size)
  11. Middlewitch (unknown file size)
  12. Personal Luggage (unknown file size)
  13. The Cold Embrace (unknown file size)
  14. The Demon Lover (unknown file size)
  15. The Door in the Pillow (unknown file size)
  16. The Drover's Path (unknown file size)
  17. The Haunted Hotel (unknown file size)
  18. The House at Tinner's Tor (unknown file size)
  19. The Le Fanu Ballads (unknown file size)
  20. The Lie (unknown file size)
  21. The Maid's Bell (unknown file size)
  22. The Midnight House (unknown file size)
  23. The Parson (unknown file size)
  24. The Understudy (unknown file size)
  25. Trespass (unknown file size)

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