
Talking Heads

Monologues written by Alan Bennett
from archive.org

  1. A lady of letters (13.7Mb)
  2. Prison they have it easy (14.8Mb)
  3. I've got two social workers (16.7Mb)
  4. Miss Fozzard Finds Her Feet (18.2Mb)
  5. Well, Mr Dunderdale couldn't get over them (19.5Mb)
  6. House dark when I got in (21.9Mb)
  7. Playing Sandwiches (15.6Mb)
  8. It started spitting this afternoon (15.5Mb)
  9. It was Trickett who gave me the cards (15.4Mb)
  10. Bed Among The Lentils (15Mb)
  11. Once upon a time I had my life planned out (18.8Mb)
  12. I stand up and say (11.2Mb)

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