
The Club of Queer Trades

BBC Radio production of the G K Chesterton short stories
from archive.org

The Club of Queer Trades is a collection of stories by G. K. Chesterton first published in 1905. Each story in the collection is centered on a person who is making his living by some novel and extraordinary means (a "queer trade", using the word "queer" in the sense of "peculiar"). To gain admittance one must have invented a unique means of earning a living and the subsequent trade being the main source of income.

This BBC Radio production stars David Warner, Martin Freeman and Geoffrey Whitehead.

  1. The Tremendous Adventure of Major Brown (41.9Mb)
  2. The Painfall Fall of a Great Reputation (41.3Mb)
  3. The Awful Reason of the Vicar's Visit (40.6Mb)
  4. The Singular Speculation of the House Agent (41.2Mb)
  5. The Noticeable Conduct of Professor Chad (42.7Mb)
  6. The Eccentric Seclusion of the Old Lady (39.4Mb)

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