The Stan Freberg Show
The Stan Freberg Show was a weekly radio comedy show that ran on the CBS Radio Network for only fifteen episodes in 1957-58. The show, starring comedian Stan Freberg and featuring the vocal talents of Daws Butler, June Foray, and Peter Leeds and the musical direction of Billy May, ran in the 7 p.m. timeslot previously occupied by The Jack Benny Program. The show was produced by Pete Barnum with sound effects by Bill James and Gene Twombly.
Despite its short run, the show managed to develop some running gags and stock jokes, from Freberg's ambivalence toward Madison Avenue (faux advertisements for "Puffed Grass" and "Food", as well as the classic sketch "Gray Flannel Hatful of Teenage Werewolves") to the overwhelmingly popular interviews with a sneaker-wearing Abominable Snowman.
By the thirteenth episode, it was clear that The Stan Freberg Show was suffering from a lack of advertiser interest (perhaps helped by Freberg's werewolf comparisons). CBS canceled the series after fifteen episodes; according to Joe Bevilacqua, it was the last American network radio show to devote itself purely to comedy.
- Musical Sheep (07/14/57) (6.8Mb)
- Barbara Frichie (07/21/57) (6.7Mb)
- Miss Jupiter (07/28/57) (6.6Mb)
- Great Moments In History (08/04/57) (6.5Mb)
- Orville Arrives From The Moon (08/11/57) (10Mb)
- CBS Censor (08/18/57) (6.6Mb)
- The Lone Analyst (08/25/57) (6.6Mb)
- Good Humor Man (09/01/57) (6.6Mb)
- Abominable Snowman Revisited (09/08/57) (6.7Mb)
- Build-It-Yourself Piano (09/15/57) (6.7Mb)
- College Football Report (09/22/57) (6.7Mb)
- Rocket Sled (09/28/57) (6.6Mb)
- All About Werewolves (10/06/57) (6.5Mb)
- Sponsored by Freberg (10/13/57) (6.5Mb)
- Last Show... The Best Of (10/20/57) (6.5Mb)
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