
The Wheel of Time

A reading of the Robert Jordan high fantasy novels
from archive.org

The Wheel of Time is a series of high fantasy novels written by American author James Oliver Rigney Jr., under his pen name of Robert Jordan. Originally planned as a six-book series, The Wheel of Time spanned fourteen volumes, in addition to a prequel novel and two companion books. Jordan began writing the first volume, The Eye of the World, in 1984, and it was published in January 1990.

The series draws on numerous elements of both European and Asian mythology, most notably the cyclical nature of time found in Buddhism and Hinduism, the metaphysical concepts of balance and duality, and a respect for nature found in Taoism. Additionally, its creation story has similarities to Christianity's "Creator" (Light) and Shai'tan, "The Dark One" (Shaitan is an Arabic word that, in Islamic contexts, is used as a name for the Devil or the Satan). It was also partly inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace (1869).

  1. Chapter 1: The Hook (32.8Mb)
  2. Chapter 2: A Wish Fulfilled (30.7Mb)
  3. Chapter 3: Practice (51.1Mb)
  4. Chapter 4: Leaving the Tower (37.3Mb)
  5. Chapter 5: The Human Heart (48.3Mb)
  6. Chapter 6: Surprises (33.2Mb)
  7. Chapter 7: The Itch (21.5Mb)
  8. Chapter 8: Shreds of Serenity (27Mb)
  9. Chapter 9: It Begins (30.9Mb)
  10. Chapter 10: It Finishes (17.9Mb)
  11. Chapter 11: Just Before Dawn (21.2Mb)
  12. Chapter 12: Entering Home (unknown file size)
  13. Chapter 13: Business in the City (unknown file size)
  14. Chapter 14: Changes (39.4Mb)
  15. Chapter 15: Into Canluum (unknown file size)
  16. Chapter 16: The Deeps (26.2Mb)
  17. Chapter 17: An Arrival (33.1Mb)
  18. Chapter 18: A Narrow Passage (24.5Mb)
  19. Chapter 19: Pond Water (23.2Mb)
  20. Chapter 20: Breakfast in Mana (18.1Mb)
  21. Chapter 21: Some Tricks of the Power (25.8Mb)
  22. Chapter 22: Keeping Custom (30.8Mb)
  23. Chapter 23: The Evening Star (21.9Mb)
  24. Chapter 24: Making Use of Invisibility (18.5Mb)
  25. Chapter 25: An Answer (28.2Mb)
  26. Chapter 26: When To Surrender (24.8Mb)
  27. Epilogue (14.1Mb)
  28. Prologue: Dragonmount (16.9Mb)
  29. Chapter 1: An Empty Road (37.5Mb)
  30. Chapter 2: Strangers (26.4Mb)
  31. Chapter 3: The Peddler (28.2Mb)
  32. Chapter 4: The Gleeman (32.5Mb)
  33. Chapter 5: Winternight (36.3Mb)
  34. Chapter 6: The Westwood (17.2Mb)
  35. Chapter 7: Out of the Woods (29.8Mb)
  36. Chapter 8: A Place of Safety (32.9Mb)
  37. Chapter 9: Tellings of the Wheel (38.6Mb)
  38. Chapter 10: Leavetaking (unknown file size)
  39. Chapter 11: The Road to Taren Ferry (18.4Mb)
  40. Chapter 12: Across the Taren (28Mb)
  41. Chapter 13: Choices (38.2Mb)
  42. Chapter 14: The Stag and Lion (32.8Mb)
  43. Chapter 15: Strangers and Friends (49.6Mb)
  44. Chapter 16: The Wisdom (23.8Mb)
  45. Chapter 17: Watchers and Hunters (unknown file size)
  46. Chapter 18: The Caemlyn Road (30.9Mb)
  47. Chapter 19: Shadows Waiting (39.9Mb)
  48. Chapter 20: Dust on the Wind (41.6Mb)
  49. Chapter 21: Listen to the Wind (28.5Mb)
  50. Chapter 22: A Path Chosen (12.5Mb)
  51. Chapter 23: Wolfbrother (34.6Mb)
  52. Chapter 24: Flight Down the Arinelle (29.5Mb)
  53. Chapter 25: The Travelling People (35.8Mb)
  54. Chapter 26: Whitebridge (48.5Mb)
  55. Chapter 27: Shelter from the Storm (27.2Mb)
  56. Chapter 28: Footprints in Air (17.8Mb)
  57. Chapter 29: Eyes Without Pity (33.9Mb)
  58. Chapter 30: Children of the Shadow (35.8Mb)
  59. Chapter 31: Play for Your Supper (23.3Mb)
  60. Chapter 32: Four Kings in Shadow (41.5Mb)
  61. Chapter 33: The Dark Waits (55Mb)
  62. Chapter 34: The Last Village (30.9Mb)
  63. Chapter 35: Caemlyn (28.7Mb)
  64. Chapter 36: Web of the Pattern (33.2Mb)
  65. Chapter 37: The Long Chase (unknown file size)
  66. Chapter 38: Rescue (33.3Mb)
  67. Chapter 39: Weaving of the Web (23.7Mb)
  68. Chapter 40: The Web Tightens (52.9Mb)
  69. Chapter 41: Old Friends and New Threats (31.7Mb)
  70. Chapter 42: Rememberance of Dreams (28.1Mb)
  71. Chapter 43: Decisions and Apparitions (unknown file size)
  72. Chapter 44: The Dark Along the Ways (28.9Mb)
  73. Chapter 45: What Follows in Shadow (unknown file size)
  74. Chapter 46: Fal Dara (39.3Mb)
  75. Chapter 47: More Tales of the Wheel (29.8Mb)
  76. Chapter 48: The Blight (25.8Mb)
  77. Chapter 49: The Dark One Stirs (unknown file size)
  78. Chapter 50: Meetings at the Eye (25.7Mb)
  79. Chapter 51: Against the Shadow (21Mb)
  80. Chapter 52: There is Neither Beginning Nor End (22.9Mb)
  81. Chapter 53: The Wheel Turns (unknown file size)
  82. Prologue: In the Shadow (32.5Mb)
  83. Chapter 1: The Flame of Tar Valon (23.8Mb)
  84. Chapter 2: The Welcome (24.9Mb)
  85. Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies (unknown file size)
  86. Chapter 4: Summoned (36.8Mb)
  87. Chapter 5: The Shadow in Sheinar (44.9Mb)
  88. Chapter 6: Dark Prophecy (40.1Mb)
  89. Chapter 7: Blood Calls Blood (39Mb)
  90. Chapter 8: The Dragon Reborn (54.2Mb)
  91. Chapter 9: Leavetakings (44.3Mb)
  92. Chapter 10: The Hunt Begins (47.4Mb)
  93. Chapter 11: Glimmers of the Pattern (25.8Mb)
  94. Chapter 12: Woven in the Pattern (33.6Mb)
  95. Chapter 13: From Stone to Stone (19.4Mb)
  96. Chapter 14: Wolf Brother (20.7Mb)
  97. Chapter 15: Kinslayer (28Mb)
  98. Chapter 16: In the Mirror of Darkness (37.7Mb)
  99. Chapter 17: Choices (19.5Mb)
  100. Chapter 18: To the White Tower (26.9Mb)
  101. Chapter 19: Beneath the Dagger (32.1Mb)
  102. Chapter 20: Saidin (15.7Mb)
  103. Chapter 21: The Nine Rings (25Mb)
  104. Chapter 22: Watchers (30.2Mb)
  105. Chapter 23: The Testing (44.7Mb)
  106. Chapter 24: New Friends and Old Enemies (25Mb)
  107. Chapter 25: Cairhien (25.7Mb)
  108. Chapter 26: Discord (28.1Mb)
  109. Chapter 27: The Shadow in the Night (28.8Mb)
  110. Chapter 28: A New Thread in the Pattern (16.4Mb)
  111. Chapter 29: Seanchan (unknown file size)
  112. Chapter 30: Daes Dae'mar (24.5Mb)
  113. Chapter 31: On the Scent (27Mb)
  114. Chapter 32: Dangerous Words (22.9Mb)
  115. Chapter 33: A Message From the Dark (32.6Mb)
  116. Chapter 34: The Wheel Weaves (34Mb)
  117. Chapter 35: Stedding Tsofu (27Mb)
  118. Chapter 36: Among the Elders (20.3Mb)
  119. Chapter 37: What Might Be (27.6Mb)
  120. Chapter 38: Practice (27.4Mb)
  121. Chapter 39: Flight From the White Tower (29.6Mb)
  122. Chapter 40: Damane (37.6Mb)
  123. Chapter 41: Disagreements (21.1Mb)
  124. Chapter 42: Falme (24.6Mb)
  125. Chapter 43: A Plan (18.1Mb)
  126. Chapter 44: Five Will Ride Forth (21.3Mb)
  127. Chapter 45: Blademaster (44.2Mb)
  128. Chapter 46: To Come Out of the Shadow (29.6Mb)
  129. Chapter 47: The Grave Is No Bar to My Call (24.3Mb)
  130. Chapter 48: First Claiming (unknown file size)
  131. Chapter 49: What Was Meant To Be (14.7Mb)
  132. Chapter 50: After (2.3Mb)
  133. Prologue: Fortress of the Light (42.2Mb)
  134. Chapter 1: Waiting (23.3Mb)
  135. Chapter 2: Saidin (26.8Mb)
  136. Chapter 3: News from the Plain (20.6Mb)
  137. Chapter 4: Shadows Sleeping (18.4Mb)
  138. Chapter 5: Nightmares Walking (unknown file size)
  139. Chapter 6: The Hunt Begins (30.7Mb)
  140. Chapter 7: The Way Out of the Mountains (11.3Mb)
  141. Chapter 8: Jarra (31Mb)
  142. Chapter 9: Wolf Dreams (16.8Mb)
  143. Chapter 10: Secrets (30.8Mb)
  144. Chapter 11: Tar Valon (22.8Mb)
  145. Chapter 12: The Amyrlin Seat (11.9Mb)
  146. Chapter 13: Punishments (24.8Mb)
  147. Chapter 14: The Bite of the Thorns (15Mb)
  148. Chapter 15: The Gray Man (17.1Mb)
  149. Chapter 16: Hunters Three (unknown file size)
  150. Chapter 17: The Red Sister (unknown file size)
  151. Chapter 18: Healing (unknown file size)
  152. Chapter 19: Awakening (16Mb)
  153. Chapter 20: Visitaions (27.6Mb)
  154. Chapter 21: A World of Dreams (16Mb)
  155. Chapter 22: The Price of the Ring (49.5Mb)
  156. Chapter 23: Sealed (17.9Mb)
  157. Chapter 24: Scouting and Discoveries (28.7Mb)
  158. Chapter 25: Questions (22.8Mb)
  159. Chapter 26: Behind a Lock (15.3Mb)
  160. Chapter 27: Tel'aran'rhiod (31.5Mb)
  161. Chapter 28: A Way Out (14.3Mb)
  162. Chapter 29: A Trap to Spring (19Mb)
  163. Chapter 30: The First Toss (21.5Mb)
  164. Chapter 31: The Woman of Tanchico (14.9Mb)
  165. Chapter 32: The First Ship (32.7Mb)
  166. Chapter 33: Within the Weave (25Mb)
  167. Chapter 34: A Different Dance (23.5Mb)
  168. Chapter 35: The Falcon (18.3Mb)
  169. Chapter 36: Daughter of the Night (28.8Mb)
  170. Chapter 37: Fires in Cairhien (21.8Mb)
  171. Chapter 38: Maidens of the Spear (22Mb)
  172. Chapter 39: Threads in the Pattern (43.6Mb)
  173. Chapter 40: A Hero in the Night (31.8Mb)
  174. Chapter 41: A Hunters Oath (16.9Mb)
  175. Chapter 42: Easing the Badger (31Mb)
  176. Chapter 43: Shadow Brothers (17.4Mb)
  177. Chapter 44: Hunted (27.6Mb)
  178. Chapter 45: Caemlyn (unknown file size)
  179. Chapter 46: A Message Out of the Shadow (22.4Mb)
  180. Chapter 47: To Race the Shadow (15.9Mb)
  181. Chapter 48: Following the Craft (34.4Mb)
  182. Chapter 49: A Storm in Tear (41.2Mb)
  183. Chapter 50: The Hammer (33.1Mb)
  184. Chapter 51: Bait for the Net (20.1Mb)
  185. Chapter 52: In Search of a Remedy (14.3Mb)
  186. Chapter 53: A Flow of Spirit (17.3Mb)
  187. Chapter 54: Into the Stone (39.4Mb)
  188. Chapter 55: What Is Written in Prophecy (41.5Mb)
  189. Chapter 56: People of the Dragon (unknown file size)
  190. Chapter 01: Seeds of Shadow (87.9Mb)
  191. Chapter 02: Whirlpools in the Pattern (82.5Mb)
  192. Chapter 03: Reflection (40.6Mb)
  193. Chapter 04: Strings (14.9Mb)
  194. Chapter 05: Questioners (22.7Mb)
  195. Chapter 06: Doorways (42.5Mb)
  196. Chapter 07: Playing With Fire (35.5Mb)
  197. Chapter 08: Hard Heads (33.9Mb)
  198. Chapter 09: Decisions (35.5Mb)
  199. Chapter 10: The Stone Stands (31.2Mb)
  200. Chapter 11: What Lies Hidden (45Mb)
  201. Chapter 12: Tanchico or the Tower (20.7Mb)
  202. Chapter 13: Rumors (unknown file size)
  203. Chapter 14: Customs of Mayene (unknown file size)
  204. Chapter 15: Into the Doorway (27.8Mb)
  205. Chapter 16: Leavetakings (31.8Mb)
  206. Chapter 17: Deceptions (50.9Mb)
  207. Chapter 18: Into the Ways (24.8Mb)
  208. Chapter 19: The Wavedancer (32.4Mb)
  209. Chapter 20: Winds Rising (38.2Mb)
  210. Chapter 21: Into the Heart (33.2Mb)
  211. Chapter 22: Out of the Stone (unknown file size)
  212. Chapter 23: Beyond the Stone (56.8Mb)
  213. Chapter 24: Rhuidean (unknown file size)
  214. Chapter 25: The Road to the Spear (41.8Mb)
  215. Chapter 26: The Dedicated (50.9Mb)
  216. Chapter 27: Within the Ways (27.9Mb)
  217. Chapter 28: To the Tower of Ghenjei (26.5Mb)
  218. Chapter 29: Homecoming (34.6Mb)
  219. Chapter 30: Beyond the Oak (25.8Mb)
  220. Chapter 31: Assurances (46.4Mb)
  221. Chapter 32: Questions to Be Asked (34.3Mb)
  222. Chapter 33: A New Weave in the Pattern (51Mb)
  223. Chapter 34: He Who Comes With the Dawn (49.9Mb)
  224. Chapter 35: Sharp Lessons (31.7Mb)
  225. Chapter 36: Misdirections (31.8Mb)
  226. Chapter 37: Imre Stand (49.6Mb)
  227. Chapter 38: Hidden Faces (unknown file size)
  228. Chapter 39: A Cup of Wine (44.1Mb)
  229. Chapter 40: Hunter of Trollocs (32.7Mb)
  230. Chapter 41: Among the Tuatha'an (22.7Mb)
  231. Chapter 42: A Missing Leaf (38Mb)
  232. Chapter 43: Care for the Living (22.4Mb)
  233. Chapter 44: The Breaking Storm (31.1Mb)
  234. Chapter 45: The Tinker's Sword (43.5Mb)
  235. Chapter 46: Veils (47.6Mb)
  236. Chapter 47: The Truth of a Viewing (61.5Mb)
  237. Chapter 48: An Offer Refused (33.6Mb)
  238. Chapter 49: Cold Rocks Hold (36.4Mb)
  239. Chapter 50: Traps (42Mb)
  240. Chapter 51: Revelations in Tanchico (39.8Mb)
  241. Chapter 52: Need (50.4Mb)
  242. Chapter 53: The Price of a Departure (48.2Mb)
  243. Chapter 54: Into the Palace (52.2Mb)
  244. Chapter 55: Into the Deep (18.8Mb)
  245. Chapter 56: Goldeneyes (52.3Mb)
  246. Chapter 57: A Breaking in the Three-Fold Land (52.1Mb)
  247. Chapter 58: The Traps of Rhuidean (41.4Mb)
  248. Prologue: The First Sparks Fall (56.4Mb)
  249. Chapter 1: Fanning the Sparks (79.1Mb)
  250. Chapter 2: Rhuidean (54.8Mb)
  251. Chapter 3: Pale Shadows (38.6Mb)
  252. Chapter 4: Twilight (28.6Mb)
  253. Chapter 5: Among the Wise Ones (46.8Mb)
  254. Chapter 6: Gateways (50Mb)
  255. Chapter 7: A Departure (25.3Mb)
  256. Chapter 8: Over the Border (18.9Mb)
  257. Chapter 9: A Signal (35.9Mb)
  258. Chapter 10: Figs and Mice (31.3Mb)
  259. Chapter 11: The Nine Horse Hitch (26.2Mb)
  260. Chapter 12: An Old Pipe (15.2Mb)
  261. Chapter 13: A Small Room in Sienda (29.4Mb)
  262. Chapter 14: Meetings (29.1Mb)
  263. Chapter 15: What Can Be Learned in Dreams (45.2Mb)
  264. Chapter 16: An Unexpected Offer (32.9Mb)
  265. Chapter 17: Heading West (26Mb)
  266. Chapter 18: A Hound of Darkness (22Mb)
  267. Chapter 19: Memories (52.3Mb)
  268. Chapter 20: Jangai Pass (22.3Mb)
  269. Chapter 21: The Gift of a Blade (25Mb)
  270. Chapter 22: Birdcalls by Night (30.2Mb)
  271. Chapter 23: The Fifth, I Give You (20.9Mb)
  272. Chapter 24: A Message Sent (22.6Mb)
  273. Chapter 25: Dreams of Galad (22.5Mb)
  274. Chapter 26: Sallie Daera (28.7Mb)
  275. Chapter 27: The Practice of Diffidence (37.1Mb)
  276. Chapter 28: Trapped (31.5Mb)
  277. Chapter 29: Memories of Saldaea (13.2Mb)
  278. Chapter 30: A Wager (22.7Mb)
  279. Chapter 31: The Far Snows (unknown file size)
  280. Chapter 32: A Short Spear (29.5Mb)
  281. Chapter 33: A Question of Crimson (26.8Mb)
  282. Chapter 34: A Silver Arrow (36.7Mb)
  283. Chapter 35: Ripped Away (unknown file size)
  284. Chapter 36: A New Name (34.8Mb)
  285. Chapter 37: Performances in Samara (24.3Mb)
  286. Chapter 38: An Old Aquaintance (15.6Mb)
  287. Chapter 39: Encounters in Samara (40Mb)
  288. Chapter 40: The Wheel Weaves (41.7Mb)
  289. Chapter 41: The Craft of Kin Tovere (23.9Mb)
  290. Chapter 42: Before the Arrow (34.6Mb)
  291. Chapter 43: This Place, This Day (39.7Mb)
  292. Chapter 44: The Lesser Sadness (48.7Mb)
  293. Chapter 45: After the Storm (36.3Mb)
  294. Chapter 46: Other Battles, Other Weapons (45.9Mb)
  295. Chapter 47: The Price of a Ship (48.8Mb)
  296. Chapter 48: Leavetakings (27.2Mb)
  297. Chapter 49: To Boannda (63.9Mb)
  298. Chapter 50: To Teach, and Learn (56.3Mb)
  299. Chapter 51: News Comes to Cairhien (59Mb)
  300. Chapter 52: Choices (45.4Mb)
  301. Chapter 53: Fading Words (28.6Mb)
  302. Chapter 54: To Caemlyn (56.4Mb)
  303. Chapter 55: The Threads Burn (52.9Mb)
  304. Chapter 56: Glowing Embers (19.8Mb)
  305. Prologue: The First Message (65.7Mb)
  306. Prologue: The First Message (48.7Mb)
  307. Prologue: The First Message (35.8Mb)
  308. Prologue: The First Message (28.2Mb)
  309. Chapter 01: Lion on the Hill (39.1Mb)
  310. Chapter 02: A New Arrival (34.1Mb)
  311. Chapter 03: A Woman's Eyes (38.1Mb)
  312. Chapter 04: A Sense of Humor (45.3Mb)
  313. Chapter 05: A Different Dance (69.2Mb)
  314. Chapter 06: Threads Woven of Shadow (54.8Mb)
  315. Chapter 07: A Matter of Thought (67.1Mb)
  316. Chapter 08: The Storm Gathers (55Mb)
  317. Chapter 09: Plans (47.6Mb)
  318. Chapter 10: A Saying in the Borderlands (48Mb)
  319. Chapter 11: Lessons and Teachers (33Mb)
  320. Chapter 12: Questions and Answers (49.2Mb)
  321. Chapter 13: Under the Dust (44.3Mb)
  322. Chapter 14: Dreams and Nightmares (unknown file size)
  323. Chapter 15: A Pile of Sand (48Mb)
  324. Chapter 16: Tellings of the Wheel (37.6Mb)
  325. Chapter 17: The Wheel of a Life (34.3Mb)
  326. Chapter 18: A Taste of Solitude (44.7Mb)
  327. Chapter 19: Matters of Toh (31.1Mb)
  328. Chapter 20: From the Stedding (31.9Mb)
  329. Chapter 21: To Shadar Logoth (33.3Mb)
  330. Chapter 22: Heading South (35.4Mb)
  331. Chapter 23: To Understand a Message (12.1Mb)
  332. Chapter 24: An Embassy (26.1Mb)
  333. Chapter 25: Like Lightning and Rain (42.2Mb)
  334. Chapter 26: Connecting Lines (31.3Mb)
  335. Chapter 27: Gifts (53.6Mb)
  336. Chapter 28: Letters (unknown file size)
  337. Chapter 29: Fire and Spirit (28.1Mb)
  338. Chapter 30: To Heal Again (51.6Mb)
  339. Chapter 31: Red Wax (33.1Mb)
  340. Chapter 32: Summoned in Haste (unknown file size)
  341. Chapter 33: Courage to Strengthen (unknown file size)
  342. Chapter 34: Journey to Salidar (18Mb)
  343. Chapter 35: In the Hall of the Sitters (22.3Mb)
  344. Chapter 36: The Amyrlin Is Raised (31.3Mb)
  345. Chapter 37: When Battle Begins (31.3Mb)
  346. Chapter 38: A Sudden Chill (26.5Mb)
  347. Chapter 39: Possibilities (32.7Mb)
  348. Chapter 40: Unexpected Laughter (27.9Mb)
  349. Chapter 41: A Threat (43.3Mb)
  350. Chapter 42: The Black Tower (29.4Mb)
  351. Chapter 43: The Crown of Roses (18.8Mb)
  352. Chapter 44: The Color of Trust (33.3Mb)
  353. Chapter 45: A Bitter Thought (31.8Mb)
  354. Chapter 46: Beyond the Gate (51.2Mb)
  355. Chapter 47: The Wandering Woman (34.4Mb)
  356. Chapter 48: Leaning on the Knife (unknown file size)
  357. Chapter 49: The Mirror of Mists (56.1Mb)
  358. Chapter 50: Thorns (39.8Mb)
  359. Chapter 51: The Taking (16.3Mb)
  360. Chapter 52: Weaves of the Power (unknown file size)
  361. Chapter 53: The Feast of Lights (46.1Mb)
  362. Chapter 54: The Sending (51.2Mb)
  363. Chapter 55: Dumai's Wells (53Mb)
  364. Epilogue: The Answer (unknown file size)
  365. Prologue: Lightnings (40.2Mb)
  366. Prologue: Lightnings (45.1Mb)
  367. Prologue: Lightnings (31.9Mb)
  368. Chapter 1: High Chasaline (36.8Mb)
  369. Chapter 2: The Butcher's Yard (58.9Mb)
  370. Chapter 3: Hill of the Golden Dawn (39.2Mb)
  371. Chapter 4: Into Cairhien (31Mb)
  372. Chapter 5: A Broken Crown (34.1Mb)
  373. Chapter 6: Old Fear, and New Fear (27.7Mb)
  374. Chapter 7: Pitfalls and Tripwires (unknown file size)
  375. Chapter 8: The Figurehead (unknown file size)
  376. Chapter 9: A Pair of Silverpike (45.2Mb)
  377. Chapter 10: Unseen Eyes (48.3Mb)
  378. Chapter 11: An Oath (44.8Mb)
  379. Chapter 12: A Morning of Victory (75.3Mb)
  380. Chapter 13: The Bowl of the Winds (43.9Mb)
  381. Chapter 14: White Plumes (37.2Mb)
  382. Chapter 15: Insects (21.8Mb)
  383. Chapter 16: A Touch on the Cheek (33Mb)
  384. Chapter 17: The Triumph of Logic (40.8Mb)
  385. Chapter 18: As the Plow Breaks the Earth (36.8Mb)
  386. Chapter 19: Diamonds and Stars (34.6Mb)
  387. Chapter 20: Patterns Within Patterns (28.1Mb)
  388. Chapter 21: Swovan Night (33.9Mb)
  389. Chapter 22: Small Sacrifices (36.8Mb)
  390. Chapter 23: Next Door to a Weaver (42.9Mb)
  391. Chapter 24: The Kin (20.3Mb)
  392. Chapter 25: Mindtrap (22.6Mb)
  393. Chapter 26: The Irrevocable Words (52Mb)
  394. Chapter 27: To Be Alone (unknown file size)
  395. Chapter 28: Bread and Cheese (39Mb)
  396. Chapter 29: The Festival of Birds (29.2Mb)
  397. Chapter 30: The First Cup (27.6Mb)
  398. Chapter 31: Mashiara (43.5Mb)
  399. Chapter 32: Sealed to the Flame (39.9Mb)
  400. Chapter 33: A Bath (28.3Mb)
  401. Chapter 34: Ta'veren (33Mb)
  402. Chapter 35: Into the Woods (unknown file size)
  403. Chapter 36: Blades (47.8Mb)
  404. Chapter 37: A Note from the Palace (21.7Mb)
  405. Chapter 38: Six Stories (49.4Mb)
  406. Chapter 39: Promises to Keep (46.7Mb)
  407. Chapter 40: Spears (37.7Mb)
  408. Chapter 41: A Crown of Swords (69.3Mb)
  409. Prologue: Deceptive Appearances (74.1Mb)
  410. Chapter 1: To Keep the Bargain (53.4Mb)
  411. Chapter 2: Unweaving (44.5Mb)
  412. Chapter 3: A Pleasant Ride (30Mb)
  413. Chapter 4: A Quiet Place (32.9Mb)
  414. Chapter 5: The Breaking Storm (47.9Mb)
  415. Chapter 6: Threads (55.2Mb)
  416. Chapter 7: A Goatpen (37.5Mb)
  417. Chapter 8: A Simple Country Woman (60.7Mb)
  418. Chapter 9: Tangles (45Mb)
  419. Chapter 10: Changes (53.3Mb)
  420. Chapter 11: Questions and an Oath (39.3Mb)
  421. Chapter 12: New Alliances (49.3Mb)
  422. Chapter 13: Floating Like Snow (27.7Mb)
  423. Chapter 14: Message from the M'Hael (33Mb)
  424. Chapter 15: Stronger than Written Law (37.7Mb)
  425. Chapter 16: Unexplained Absences (47.2Mb)
  426. Chapter 17: Out on the Ice (34.9Mb)
  427. Chapter 18: A Peculiar Calling (23.2Mb)
  428. Chapter 19: The Law (40.3Mb)
  429. Chapter 20: Into Andor (unknown file size)
  430. Chapter 21: Answering the Summons (33.5Mb)
  431. Chapter 22: Gathering Clouds (31.7Mb)
  432. Chapter 23: Fog of War, Storm of Battle (48.5Mb)
  433. Chapter 24: A Time for Iron (72.9Mb)
  434. Chapter 25: An Unwelcome Return (unknown file size)
  435. Chapter 26: The Extra Bit (43.3Mb)
  436. Chapter 27: The Bargain (53.7Mb)
  437. Chapter 28: Crimsonthorn (33.3Mb)
  438. Chapter 29: A Cup of Sleep (39.8Mb)
  439. Chapter 30: Beginnings (34.6Mb)
  440. Chapter 31: After (3.4Mb)
  441. Prologue: Snow (91.2Mb)
  442. Prologue: Snow (62.7Mb)
  443. Chapter 01: Leaving the Prophet (23.8Mb)
  444. Chapter 02: Taken (31.1Mb)
  445. Chapter 03: Customs (25.8Mb)
  446. Chapter 04: Offers (unknown file size)
  447. Chapter 05: Flags (24Mb)
  448. Chapter 06: The Scent of Madness (41Mb)
  449. Chapter 07: The Streets of Caemlyn (35.2Mb)
  450. Chapter 08: Sea Folk and Kin (39.9Mb)
  451. Chapter 09: A Cup of Tea (26.7Mb)
  452. Chapter 10: A Plan Succeeds (unknown file size)
  453. Chapter 11: Ideas of Importance (56Mb)
  454. Chapter 12: A Lily in Winter (unknown file size)
  455. Chapter 13: Wonderful News (unknown file size)
  456. Chapter 14: What a Veil Hides (20.6Mb)
  457. Chapter 15: In Need of a Bellfounder (25.7Mb)
  458. Chapter 16: An Unexpected Encounter (32.2Mb)
  459. Chapter 17: Pink Ribbons (36.8Mb)
  460. Chapter 18: An Offer (32.6Mb)
  461. Chapter 19: Three Women (34.4Mb)
  462. Chapter 20: Questions of Treason (26.7Mb)
  463. Chapter 21: A Matter of Property (24.8Mb)
  464. Chapter 22: Out of Thin Air (38.4Mb)
  465. Chapter 23: To Lose the Sun (36.3Mb)
  466. Chapter 24: Among the Councels (27.1Mb)
  467. Chapter 25: Bonds (33Mb)
  468. Chapter 26: Expectation (34.7Mb)
  469. Chapter 27: To Surprise Queens and Kings (40Mb)
  470. Chapter 28: News in a Cloth Sack (36.5Mb)
  471. Chapter 29: Another Plan (35.1Mb)
  472. Chapter 30: Cold, Fat Raindrops (20.9Mb)
  473. Chapter 31: What the Aelfinn Said (27.5Mb)
  474. Chapter 32: A Portion of Wisdom (29.9Mb)
  475. Chapter 33: Blue Carp Street (unknown file size)
  476. Chapter 34: The Hummingbird's Secret (20.6Mb)
  477. Chapter 35: With the Choedan Kal (unknown file size)
  478. Prologue: Glimmers of the Pattern (34.7Mb)
  479. Prologue: Glimmers of the Pattern (52.3Mb)
  480. Prologue: Glimmers of the Pattern (57.3Mb)
  481. Chapter 1: Time to Be Gone (38.8Mb)
  482. Chapter 2: Two Captains (30.8Mb)
  483. Chapter 3: A Fan of Colors (49.6Mb)
  484. Chapter 4: The Tale of a Doll (31.4Mb)
  485. Chapter 5: The Forging of a Hammer (45.3Mb)
  486. Chapter 6: The Scent of a Dream (28.3Mb)
  487. Chapter 7: Blacksmith's Puzzle (29.9Mb)
  488. Chapter 8: Whirlpools of Color (39.8Mb)
  489. Chapter 9: Traps (67.4Mb)
  490. Chapter 10: A Blazing Beacon (39.7Mb)
  491. Chapter 11: Talk of Debts (39.1Mb)
  492. Chapter 12: A Bargain (37.3Mb)
  493. Chapter 13: High Seats (39Mb)
  494. Chapter 14: What Wise Ones Know (51.1Mb)
  495. Chapter 15: Gathering Darkness (70.4Mb)
  496. Chapter 16: The Subject of Negotiations (42.5Mb)
  497. Chapter 17: Secrets (59.3Mb)
  498. Chapter 18: A Chat with Siuan (41.7Mb)
  499. Chapter 19: Surprises (58.1Mb)
  500. Chapter 20: In the Night (46.1Mb)
  501. Chapter 21: A Mark (47.2Mb)
  502. Chapter 22: One Answer (14.1Mb)
  503. Chapter 23: Ornaments (38.5Mb)
  504. Chapter 24: A Strengthening Storm (36.1Mb)
  505. Chapter 25: When to Wear Jewels (21.4Mb)
  506. Chapter 26: In So Harbor (27.8Mb)
  507. Chapter 27: What Must Be Done (34.4Mb)
  508. Chapter 28: A Cluster of Rosebuds (52.6Mb)
  509. Chapter 29: Something Flickers (42.6Mb)
  510. Chapter 30: What the Oath Rod Can Do (64.3Mb)
  511. Epilogue: An Answer (2.2Mb)
  512. Prologue: Embers Falling on Dry Grass (49.8Mb)
  513. Prologue: Embers Falling on Dry Grass (84.2Mb)
  514. Prologue: Embers Falling on Dry Grass (77.3Mb)
  515. Chapter 1: When Last Sounds (43.4Mb)
  516. Chapter 2: The Dark One's Touch (52.7Mb)
  517. Chapter 3: At the Gardens (22.2Mb)
  518. Chapter 4: A Deal (34.8Mb)
  519. Chapter 5: Something...Strange (39.3Mb)
  520. Chapter 6: A Stave and a Razor (36.2Mb)
  521. Chapter 7: A Cold Medallion (26.5Mb)
  522. Chapter 8: Dragons' Eggs (58Mb)
  523. Chapter 9: A Short Path (34.2Mb)
  524. Chapter 10: A Village in Shiota (45.7Mb)
  525. Chapter 11: A Hell in Madarin (59Mb)
  526. Chapter 12: A Manufactory (47.6Mb)
  527. Chapter 13: Siege (30.3Mb)
  528. Chapter 14: Wet Things (unknown file size)
  529. Chapter 15: A Different Skill (unknown file size)
  530. Chapter 16: The New Follower (35Mb)
  531. Chapter 17: A Bronze Bear (48.2Mb)
  532. Chapter 18: News for the Dragon (35.6Mb)
  533. Chapter 19: Vows (43.3Mb)
  534. Chapter 20: The Golden Crane (58.5Mb)
  535. Chapter 21: Within the Stone (62.7Mb)
  536. Chapter 22: To Make an Anchor Weep (36.4Mb)
  537. Chapter 23: Call to a Sitting (54.7Mb)
  538. Chapter 24: Honey in the Tea (86.1Mb)
  539. Chapter 25: Attending Elaida (41.1Mb)
  540. Chapter 26: As If the World Were Fog (69Mb)
  541. Chapter 27: A Plain Wooden Box (unknown file size)
  542. Chapter 28: In Malden (38.2Mb)
  543. Chapter 29: The Last Knot (51.9Mb)
  544. Chapter 30: Outside the Gates (38.8Mb)
  545. Chapter 31: The House on Full Moon Street (41.2Mb)
  546. Chapter 32: To Keep the Bargain (36.6Mb)
  547. Chapter 33: Nine Out of Ten (28.4Mb)
  548. Chapter 34: A Cup of Kaf (17.8Mb)
  549. Chapter 35: The Importance of Dyelin (36.7Mb)
  550. Chapter 36: Under an Oak (28.8Mb)
  551. Chapter 37: Prince of the Ravens (29Mb)
  552. Epilogue: Remember the Old Saying (25.8Mb)
  553. Foreword (unknown file size)
  554. Prologue: What the Storm Means (61Mb)
  555. Chapter 1: Tears from Steel (30.1Mb)
  556. Chapter 2: The Nature of Pain (32.3Mb)
  557. Chapter 3: The Ways of Honor (20.5Mb)
  558. Chapter 4: Nightfall (8.8Mb)
  559. Chapter 5: A Tale of Blood (28Mb)
  560. Chapter 6: When Iron Melts (15.8Mb)
  561. Chapter 7: The Plan for Arad Doman (28.3Mb)
  562. Chapter 8: Clean Shirts (35.1Mb)
  563. Chapter 9: Leaving Malden (24.3Mb)
  564. Chapter 10: The Last of the Tabac (21.6Mb)
  565. Chapter 11: The Death of Adrin (20.8Mb)
  566. Chapter 12: Unexpected Encounters (39.3Mb)
  567. Chapter 13: An Offer and a Departure (unknown file size)
  568. Chapter 14: A Box Opens (12.6Mb)
  569. Chapter 15: A Place to Begin (unknown file size)
  570. Chapter 16: In the White Tower (48Mb)
  571. Chapter 17: Questions of Control (17.7Mb)
  572. Chapter 18: A Message in Haste (15.5Mb)
  573. Chapter 19: Gambits (32.4Mb)
  574. Chapter 20: On a Broken Road (23.7Mb)
  575. Chapter 21: Embers and Ash (24.8Mb)
  576. Chapter 22: The Last That Could Be Done (34.8Mb)
  577. Chapter 23: A Warp in the Air (9.1Mb)
  578. Chapter 24: A New Commitment (28.5Mb)
  579. Chapter 25: In Darkness (11.9Mb)
  580. Chapter 26: A Crack in the Stone (25.8Mb)
  581. Chapter 27: The Tipsy Gelding (37.1Mb)
  582. Chapter 28: Night in Hinderstap (38.3Mb)
  583. Chapter 29: Into Bandar Ebon (26.4Mb)
  584. Chapter 30: Old Advice (19.4Mb)
  585. Chapter 31: A Promise to Lews Therin (37Mb)
  586. Chapter 32: Rivers of Shadow (42.1Mb)
  587. Chapter 33: A Conversation with the Dragon (17.4Mb)
  588. Chapter 34: Legends (24.2Mb)
  589. Chapter 35: A Halo of Blackness (25Mb)
  590. Chapter 36: The Death of Tuon (21.8Mb)
  591. Chapter 37: A Force of Light (36.6Mb)
  592. Chapter 38: News in Tel'aran'rhiod (31.6Mb)
  593. Chapter 39: A Visit from Verin Sedai (36.5Mb)
  594. Chapter 40: The Tower Shakes (28.4Mb)
  595. Chapter 41: A Fount of Power (35.4Mb)
  596. Chapter 42: Before the Stone of Tear (17.5Mb)
  597. Chapter 43: Sealed to the Flame (36.1Mb)
  598. Chapter 44: Secrets Unknown (33.1Mb)
  599. Chapter 45: The Tower Stands (21.2Mb)
  600. Chapter 46: To Be Forged Again (26.2Mb)
  601. Chapter 47: The One He Lost (24.6Mb)
  602. Chapter 48: Reading the Commentary (12.7Mb)
  603. Chapter 49: Just Another Man (10.6Mb)
  604. Chapter 50: Veins of Gold (9.9Mb)
  605. Epilogue: Bathed in Light (10.1Mb)
  606. Prologue: Distinctions (21.7Mb)
  607. Prologue: Distinctions (19.2Mb)
  608. Prologue: Distinctions (22.3Mb)
  609. Prologue: Distinctions (19.7Mb)
  610. Chapter 1: Apples First (15.3Mb)
  611. Chapter 2: Questions of Leadership (unknown file size)
  612. Chapter 3: The Amyrlin's Anger (28.3Mb)
  613. Chapter 4: The Pattern Groans (unknown file size)
  614. Chapter 5: Writings (34.3Mb)
  615. Chapter 6: Questioning Intentions (24.7Mb)
  616. Chapter 7: Lighter than a Feather (17.5Mb)
  617. Chapter 8: The Seven-Striped Lass (30.6Mb)
  618. Chapter 9: Blood in the Air (13.8Mb)
  619. Chapter 10: After the Taint (unknown file size)
  620. Chapter 11: An Unexpected Letter (22.2Mb)
  621. Chapter 12: An Empty Ink Bottle (10Mb)
  622. Chapter 13: For What Has Been Wrought (16.1Mb)
  623. Chapter 14: A Vow (28.4Mb)
  624. Chapter 15: Use a Pebble (28.7Mb)
  625. Chapter 16: Shanna'har (28.8Mb)
  626. Chapter 17: Partings, and a Meeting (32Mb)
  627. Chapter 18: The Strength of this Place (35.8Mb)
  628. Chapter 19: Talk of Dragons (33.3Mb)
  629. Chapter 20: A Choice (unknown file size)
  630. Chapter 21: An Open Gate (34.9Mb)
  631. Chapter 22: The End of a Legend (28.3Mb)
  632. Chapter 22: The End of a Legend (28.2Mb)
  633. Chapter 23: Foxheads (39.8Mb)
  634. Chapter 24: To Make a Stand (30.6Mb)
  635. Chapter 25: Return to Bandar Eban (18.8Mb)
  636. Chapter 26: Parley (28.8Mb)
  637. Chapter 27: A Call to Stand (21.4Mb)
  638. Chapter 28: Oddities (29.4Mb)
  639. Chapter 29: A Terrible Feeling (35.1Mb)
  640. Chapter 30: Men Dream Here (27.4Mb)
  641. Chapter 31: Into the Void (19.9Mb)
  642. Chapter 32: A Storm of Light (29.5Mb)
  643. Chapter 33: A Good Soup (35.8Mb)
  644. Chapter 34: Judgement (34.3Mb)
  645. Chapter 35: The Right Thing (21.1Mb)
  646. Chapter 36: An Invitation (26.2Mb)
  647. Chapter 37: Darkness in the Tower (32Mb)
  648. Chapter 38: Wounds (28.9Mb)
  649. Chapter 39: In the Three-fold Land (12.7Mb)
  650. Chapter 40: A Making (34.5Mb)
  651. Chapter 41: An Unexpected Ally (21.9Mb)
  652. Chapter 42: Stronger than Blood (13.9Mb)
  653. Chapter 43: Some Tea (15.3Mb)
  654. Chapter 44: A Backhanded Request (22.2Mb)
  655. Chapter 45: A Reunion (25.8Mb)
  656. Chapter 46: Working Leather (28.7Mb)
  657. Chapter 47: A Teaching Chamber (39.7Mb)
  658. Chapter 48: Near Avendesora (22.8Mb)
  659. Chapter 49: Court of the Sun (24.9Mb)
  660. Chapter 50: Choosing Enemies (17.6Mb)
  661. Chapter 51: A Testing (22.3Mb)
  662. Chapter 52: Boots (28.2Mb)
  663. Chapter 53: Gateways (41.3Mb)
  664. Chapter 54: The Light of the World (unknown file size)
  665. Chapter 55: The One Left Behind (16.4Mb)
  666. Chapter 56: Something Wrong (13.7Mb)
  667. Chapter 57: A Rabbit for Supper (15Mb)
  668. Epilogue: And After (30.8Mb)
  669. Prologue: By Grace and Banners Fallen (unknown file size)
  670. Prologue: By Grace and Banners Fallen (37Mb)
  671. Prologue: By Grace and Banners Fallen (unknown file size)
  672. Chapter 1: Eastward the Wind Blew (38.4Mb)
  673. Chapter 2: The Choice of an Ajah (30.4Mb)
  674. Chapter 3: A Dangerous Place (28.4Mb)
  675. Chapter 4: Advantages to a Bond (28.8Mb)
  676. Chapter 5: To Require a Boon (43.1Mb)
  677. Chapter 6: A Knack (34.7Mb)
  678. Chapter 7: Into the Thick of It (26.8Mb)
  679. Chapter 8: That Smoldering City (15.3Mb)
  680. Chapter 9: To Die Well (34.2Mb)
  681. Chapter 10: The Use of Dragons (22Mb)
  682. Chapter 11: Just Another Sellsword (33.4Mb)
  683. Chapter 12: A Shard of a Moment (19.5Mb)
  684. Chapter 13: What Must Be Done (unknown file size)
  685. Chapter 14: Doses of Forkroot (30.4Mb)
  686. Chapter 15: Your Neck in a Cord (36.9Mb)
  687. Chapter 16: A Silence Like Screaming (28.6Mb)
  688. Chapter 17: Older, More Weathered (18Mb)
  689. Chapter 18: To Feel Wasted (35.6Mb)
  690. Chapter 19: The Choice of a Patch (22.3Mb)
  691. Chapter 20: Into Thakan'dar (26.6Mb)
  692. Chapter 21: Not a Mistake to Ignore (18.7Mb)
  693. Chapter 22: The Wyld (27.8Mb)
  694. Chapter 23: At the Edge of Time (28.5Mb)
  695. Chapter 24: To Ignore the Omens (unknown file size)
  696. Chapter 25: Quick Fragments (30Mb)
  697. Chapter 26: Considerations (unknown file size)
  698. Chapter 27: Friendly Fire (21.5Mb)
  699. Chapter 28: Too Many Men (17.6Mb)
  700. Chapter 29 - The Loss of a Hill (28.7Mb)
  701. Chapter 30 - The Way of the Predator (20.4Mb)
  702. Chapter 31: A Tempest of Water (26.9Mb)
  703. Chapter 32: A Yellow Flower-Spider (26.6Mb)
  704. Chapter 33: The Prince's Tabac (40.6Mb)
  705. Chapter 34: Drifting (17.7Mb)
  706. Chapter 35: A Practiced Grin (17.7Mb)
  707. Chapter 36: Unchangeable Things (21Mb)
  708. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 1) (unknown file size)
  709. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 2) (48.1Mb)
  710. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 3) (52.5Mb)
  711. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 4) (24.5Mb)
  712. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 5) (42.2Mb)
  713. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 6) (45.8Mb)
  714. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 7) (17Mb)
  715. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 8) (39.5Mb)
  716. Chapter 37: The Last Battle (Part 9) (47.4Mb)
  717. Chapter 38: The Place That Was Not (6.5Mb)
  718. Chapter 39: Those Who Fight (14.5Mb)
  719. Chapter 40: Wolfbrother (17Mb)
  720. Chapter 41: A Smile (9.2Mb)
  721. Chapter 42: Impossibilities (16Mb)
  722. Chapter 43: A Field of Glass (14.2Mb)
  723. Chapter 44: Two Craftsmen (unknown file size)
  724. Chapter 45: Tendrils of Mist (15.9Mb)
  725. Chapter 46: To Awaken (14Mb)
  726. Chapter 47: Watching the Flow Writhe (8.4Mb)
  727. Chapter 48: A Brilliant Lance (4.3Mb)
  728. Chapter 49: Light and Shadow (8.8Mb)
  729. Epilogue: To See the Answer (34.3Mb)

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