
The Magnificent Montague

1950s radio comedy about a Broadway actor
from archive.org

This upload contains 40 episodes of the Old Time Radio comedy, The Magnificent Montague. The show, which aired from 1950-1951, starred Monty Woolley as a Broadway actor who fell on hard times and had to take a job in radio.

  1. Starring Role in Radio (6.9Mb)
  2. Aunt Agatha (7.4Mb)
  3. To Play Romeo (6.6Mb)
  4. To Shave or Not to Shave (7.2Mb)
  5. Agnes Quits (6.8Mb)
  6. One Thousand Dollar Prize (6.7Mb)
  7. A Child Visits (6.7Mb)
  8. Montague's Father (6.8Mb)
  9. Movie Offer (6.7Mb)
  10. Lost in Hollywood (6.9Mb)
  11. Screen Test (7.2Mb)
  12. Sharing Bungalow (6.8Mb)
  13. Anniversary (6.9Mb)
  14. The New Playwright From Kentucky (12.6Mb)
  15. Measles (6.8Mb)
  16. Honorary Doctorate (12.9Mb)
  17. Gossip Column (6.9Mb)
  18. Diet (6.7Mb)
  19. At The Track (13Mb)
  20. Cuckoo Clock (13Mb)
  21. Gambling (6.8Mb)
  22. Road Show (6.5Mb)
  23. Shakespeare on the Radio (13.2Mb)
  24. Summer Get Away Cottage (6.7Mb)
  25. South Pacific Auditions (6.6Mb)
  26. Baby in the House (6.8Mb)
  27. Big Ed McClune (6.8Mb)
  28. Montague's Surprise Birthday Party (6.3Mb)
  29. School (6.4Mb)
  30. Street Widening (12.9Mb)
  31. Father of the Year (5.8Mb)
  32. Culture in Brooklyn (6.6Mb)
  33. July Fourth (6.6Mb)
  34. Edwin Montague Day (2.6Mb)
  35. Gwendolyn Visits (6.8Mb)
  36. Fifty Dollar Prize (6.8Mb)
  37. Agnes Joins a Cult (6.6Mb)
  38. Lily Gets a Dog (6.8Mb)
  39. Gossip Column (7Mb)
  40. Boo Boo Foo Foo (7.1Mb)

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