
Adam & Joe Coke Podcast archive

Series of 2006 podcasts recorded for Coke Music
from adamandjoearchive.org

"We started doing these in September 2006 and after a shaky start, they're got a lot better but after a year and 13 shows we decided to move on. Essentially it was me and Joe playing a selection of some of the best music from unsigned bands who had uploaded their songs to the Coke Music website."

  1. Episode 1 (15.1Mb)
  2. Episode 2 (21.1Mb)
  3. Episode 3 (13.8Mb)
  4. Episode 4 (25.5Mb)
  5. Episode 5 (22.7Mb)
  6. Episode 6 (18.4Mb)
  7. Episode 7 (21.8Mb)
  8. Episode 8 (8.5Mb)
  9. Episode 9 (7.6Mb)
  10. Episode 10 (20Mb)
  11. Episode 11 (15.8Mb)
  12. Episode 12 (14.6Mb)
  13. Episode 13 (11.2Mb)

MP3 files hosted by adamandjoearchive.org.